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Chapter 145: The Death Crisis at Longquan Village

The reason why the old man became excited when he heard Dongling Yuanhao's name was because finally a significant person came to the imperial city and gave them the power to survive in fear.

Dongling Yuanhao helped the old man up, and then looked at the villagers kneeling on the ground. He was secretly angry at their rude attitude just now, but now he suddenly felt deeply the people's last resort.

So, instead of Ximen Yourong, he stood completely in front of her and said to everyone:

"Dear fellow villagers, Yizhou is only three hundred miles away from the Imperial City. If Yizhou cannot be safe, how can the Imperial City be safe? Therefore, it is baseless for you to suspect that Your Majesty and the Queen will care whether you live or die. Otherwise, what will happen to Your Majesty?

Will you appoint me, the king, to come to you personally to advance and retreat with you?"

While listening, the old man suppressed his physical discomfort and explained with a trembling voice:

"Prince Hao, you don't know something. We didn't mean to be disrespectful to Your Majesty and the Queen. It was actually caused by people's fear. The entire Yizhou fell into the breath of death as if it was cursed by heaven. Especially our Longquan Village, overnight

Not only did everyone get sick, but people also died. The doctors who came here couldn’t give us a good prescription to make us feel at ease. We wholeheartedly hoped that the empress with superb medical skills would take pity on us in Yizhou, but... alas, how could we not

Do you know how valuable the Queen is? How dare we even dream of getting the Queen’s protection unless we have no choice but to do so..."

When the old man said this, he was out of breath and could not stand firmly, and his face became darker and darker. In a blink of an eye, he staggered and fainted. Fortunately, someone helped him lie down in time, so that he would not die.

He fell headlong to the ground.

Ximen Yourong immediately stepped forward to check the old man's pulse, and then she quickly gave an injection to stabilize the old man's heart pulse...

After a few twists and turns, the old man's breath gradually became smoother and his eyes slowly opened. He seemed to think for a moment before reacting. Then he seemed to understand who saved him. He looked at Ximen Yourong and said gratefully in a weak voice.


"Doctor, I just yelled at you because I didn't know what to do... It was not malicious, please...!"

"There's no need to say anything, old man, I won't take it to heart. Besides..."

Ximen Yourong was determined. She suddenly stood up straight and raised her hands to pull out the short hairpin that held her bun in place. Her black and smooth hair fell loosely...

Although she was dressed in men's clothing, her delicate facial features always showed softness, and she didn't look very masculine. But everyone was in dire straits, and no one had any extra thoughts to pay attention to whether she had masculinity.

Now her hair is loose, and everyone knows at a glance that she is actually a girl.

However, no one paid much attention to whether she was a boy or a girl. Everyone was just a little surprised.

Dongling Yuanhao on the side looked at Ximen Yourong's actions. He guessed what she wanted. He stepped forward and called out in a low voice:

"Sister-in-law, you should not..."

"It's okay." Ximen Yourong glanced at Dongling Yuanhao, then got closer to the crowd and said succinctly:

"If meeting the queen can make you feel more at ease, then you have met her! I... am Ximen Yourong!"

It has been seven days since we arrived in Yizhou. During these seven days, Ximen Yourong didn't even have much time to sleep, let alone a moment of idleness.

But after coming to Yizhou, she hid her identity and devoted herself to treating people and developing prescriptions, and it was easy to have close contact with people every day.

Naturally, she could hear all kinds of complaints from the people, and also see their helpless fears. But this was the first time such a chaotic situation like today was happening.

Everyone's expectations, but also their disappointment, about wanting her to come to Yizhou to bring confidence to the people's complaints also deeply touched her heart.

She originally thought that as long as she devoted herself to finding out what kind of poison the people of Yizhou were poisoned, she would be able to prepare an antidote as soon as possible.

In this way, she could at least save everyone from their illness first and prevent Yizhou from falling into endless despair.

But she had just prepared a prescription that could suppress the pain of the poisoned people, and a more special poisoning phenomenon occurred in Longquanzhuang.

Moreover, there were many people who died before it was too late to seek medical treatment. She only focused on finding the source of the poison and helping Longquanzhuang out of trouble, but she ignored that the people's spiritual needs were as important as their physical needs for good remedies.

Therefore, after hearing the angry complaints from the villagers, she decided to disclose her identity, even if it would bring her trouble and even danger!

However, I don't know if her confession was too sudden, or if everyone couldn't believe it, there was silence for a while, except for the heavy breathing of people who were feeling unwell from time to time.

In this regard, Dongling Yuanhao took the lead to break the silence and proved:

"This is indeed my emperor's sister-in-law! After learning about such a disaster in Yizhou, my emperor's sister-in-law responded to the prayers of the people of Yizhou and came immediately. Therefore, except for the special disease in Longquanzhuang, other places,

My sister-in-law has prepared a prescription that can alleviate the urgent need to relieve the pain of people suffering from poison. I believe you all know this, but no one knows that the doctor who prepared the prescription is actually the current Empress."

When Dongling Yuanhao said this, there was no need for Ximen Yourong to say anything else, and Longquan Village began to boil again. However, this time the boiling was exciting.

In addition, the old man just now was revived by Ximen Yourong's acupuncture technique in front of everyone. Therefore, her identity was immediately recognized, and the anger and fear accumulated in everyone's hearts disappeared.

Everyone obeyed the command and stopped causing trouble.

Ximen Yourong and Dongling Yuanhao finally had space to talk with peace of mind.

After instructing other doctors to temporarily take care of the poisoned villagers, Ximen Yourong did not allow himself to stop and rest. Instead, he discussed with Dongling Yuanhao worriedly:

"Yuan Hao, I'm afraid something big is going to happen in Longquan Village. I don't have the confidence to control the "epidemic" here for the time being. I..."

"Is it because the poison in Longquan Village is different?" Dongling Yuanhao probably guessed something.

"Well! The poison they were poisoned by seems to be related to the poison of other people in Yizhou, but it is actually a different poison. That's why no one was spared in Longquan Village overnight, and even many people died."

"In addition to being fast and deadly, is the poison poisoned by the villagers of Longquanzhuang any different from the poison poisoned by the people in other places?"

"I am 80% sure that I can give a cure for the poisons in other places, but I have no clue about the poisons in Longquanzhuang, and..." Ximen Yourong frowned, and the worry on his face was obvious.

"Are there any more troublesome questions?"

"Well! The poison in the villagers' bodies is eroding their hearts. If I can't come up with a prescription to help them detoxify within seven days, the villagers here..."

What Ximen Yourong didn't say was self-evident. Dongling Yuanhao also became worried invisibly, and at the same time, he felt angry in his heart. When he was about to curse something, Chu Hengye hurriedly walked in and knelt down.


"The Empress, Prince Hao, and everyone in Longquanzhuang have followed the Empress's instructions to arrange for people with serious, medium and minor illnesses to be concentrated and treated nearby. It was too late to treat the dead villagers, so I also sent people to assist the families of each household to bury the deceased."

Ximen Yourong rubbed one of her temples. She closed her eyes and said "hmm", then opened her eyes and told Chu Hengye:

"The villagers have only calmed down temporarily. I'm afraid they will become uneasy again in two days. You must seriously ask the soldiers below not to behave excessively towards the villagers, let alone to injure the civilians. Otherwise, I will never

Don’t be lenient!”

"I understand, I have already explained it, please rest assured, my queen."

Ximen Yourong emphasized that Chu Hengye knew the reason. When they first arrived in Yizhou, Yizhou was much more chaotic than they imagined, and the people were even more dissatisfied.

The reason is that instead of appeasing the people, the government suppressed them forcefully. Many people were treated badly as long as they complained or resisted, and many were beaten and injured.

After Ximen Yourong learned about this situation, she asked Chu Hengye to come forward as the inspector of the imperial city and kill the prefect of Yizhou to appease the people.

Of course, she not only issued the killing order because the governor of Yizhou did not treat the people well, but mainly because the governor of Yizhou concealed the incident in Yizhou until he could no longer cover it up.

Reported to the Imperial City, this caused the disaster in Yizhou to get out of hand.

Dongling Yuanhao had just arrived, and he didn't know exactly what had happened in Yizhou before. But judging from Ximen Yourong's tired look, he guessed that she must have been worried a lot.

But I'm afraid she is more worried about how to control the epidemic in Longquanzhuang.

Thinking of the more dangerous situation next, Dongling Yuanhao asked:

"Sister-in-law, the situation that induces regional poisoning is nothing more than the poison entering through the mouth, which means that the villagers must have eaten something at the same time, or used something at the same time to cause them to be poisoned together."

"You are right, but as soon as I came to Yizhou, I made a careful inspection of the people's daily food and drink, but the results found no problems. Facts have also proved that the source of poison in Yizhou is indeed not in the food! Let alone through breathing

Poisoned by something."

"What facts prove it?"

Dongling Yuanhao asked again, but Chu Hengye answered him on behalf of Ximen Yourong:

"What I mean is that if there is a problem with eating or breathing, then those of us who have just arrived in Yizhou will not be affected until now."

When Chu Hengye said this, Dongling Yuanhao reacted immediately, but after thinking for a moment, he pointed out:

"We are well aware of the disaster in Yizhou. It should be man-made. Since it is man-made, it means that the people who poisoned the people of Yizhou have already made arrangements. They can completely poison the people without knowing it.

When the people began to feel unwell, Yizhou would be confused for a period of time, and when the government's attention was conveyed to the imperial city, during this period, the source of the poisoning had long since dissipated and could not be traced. This was probably the time when the emperor's sister-in-law came to Yizhou.

Queen Zhou has no way of finding out where the poison came from."

Dongling Yuanhao's explanation is not unreasonable. Looking at it from the beginning, it has been at least several months since the people of Yizhou were poisoned.

It's just that it took nearly half a month for the situation to become uncontrollable. In other words, as Dongling Yuanhui said, the people who created the Yizhou "epidemic" disaster had enough time to destroy everything to prove that it was man-made.

evidence of!

Therefore, now they are in a difficult situation where they are not poisoned, but only the people are complaining!

This chapter has been completed!
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