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Chapter 149: Poison Source from Xiahou Kingdom

After returning to the village from the mountain, Balu quickly brought the tap water that Ximen Yourong needed from several villagers' homes, which was the remaining tap water from the day of the sacrifice.

Ximen Yourong spent some effort to verify, but the remaining faucet water in the villagers' homes was as clean as the faucet water they brought back from the mountains.

However, not only did this not confuse Ximen Yourong, but it gave her more confirmation that her suspicions were probably correct.

In order to draw a conclusion as quickly as possible, she immediately prepared a new prescription for the villagers to take.

Fortunately, although her new prescription cannot ultimately detoxify, it can greatly alleviate the pain of severely poisoned people and significantly suppress the spread of toxins.

Some people who were only slightly poisoned took the new medicine and gradually recovered their physical strength, as if they were all well.

This result made the villagers very excited, and they even knelt down and worshiped Ximen Yourong.

Although Ximen Yourong understood that it was the gratitude of the villagers, she still felt that it was a bit noisy, which was why she did not want to reveal her identity at first.

What she hoped was that after silently helping Yizhou prepare a prescription to save the people, she could then quietly return to the imperial city.

But she didn't expect to stay in Yizhou for so long before she could confirm some clues about the source of the poison.

Over time, there is no cure for the "epidemic virus" once and for all, and the people of Yizhou are looking forward to her appearance every day. If she does not show up, it will only make Yizhou more chaotic.

What's more, since she has been absent from the palace for many days, all the civil and military officials and people in the imperial city may have known about it.

In this way, even if she concealed her identity in Yizhou, there was no point in concealing it. She might as well face this disaster with all the people as a queen and a doctor!

This temporarily solved the urgent need. Ximen Yourong allowed herself to take a break, but it was not a break. With such a little free time, she had to seize the time to write two letters.

One of the letters was to Dongling Yuanyong. One of the conditions for him to allow her to come to Yizhou was to write to him, even if she didn't stay for a long time.

But so far, she has not written a letter to him. Firstly, she really has no free time. Secondly, facing the suffering of the people in Yizhou, how can she think about the love between her children?

She originally wanted to write something more on the letter paper, but in the end she just wrote: Be well!

When he was finishing writing, Dongling Yuanhao happened to come in. He saw her unsealed letter, but he didn't ask any questions. He just got straight to the point and got down to business:

"Sister-in-law, are you sure that the poison in the villagers of Longquan Village has been cured?"

Because he saw that the vitality of the villagers had recovered a lot and the people's morale was stable, especially when he felt that Ximen Yourong was calmer. Therefore, Dongling Yuanhao thought that Ximen Yourong already knew what poison was in the villagers.

However, Simon Yourong answered him:

"I still don't know what kind of poison was used by the mastermind who harmed the people in Yizhou, but what I can confirm now is that Longquanzhuang and the downstream town were both poisoned by the same poison."

Her words made Dongling Yuanhao puzzled: "But the symptoms of the surname in the downstream town are obviously different from those in Longquanzhuang. Didn't you, Princess Royal, also think that it was caused by different poisons at first?"

"Yes, I did think so at first. However, after going to Longtou Spring, I overturned my previous thoughts."

"Why is this?"

"According to Wuhen's detailed investigation, I roughly deduced how the mastermind poisoned the people without anyone noticing. Because of Yizhou's special town structure, the four water diversions became the most popular places for those who poisoned people.

A convenient place. They first poisoned the lowermost diversion port, and then went to the upper diversion port to continue using the same method. That's why the poisoned people spread from downstream to upwards."

"But how did they slowly poison the people, creating the illusion of an epidemic that everyone thought at first? Also, since they are all the same poison, why didn't the poisoning slowly appear in Longquanzhuang, but almost all people died overnight?

What about people suffering from poisonous hair?”

This is what Dongling Yuanhao finds unreasonable. They were both poisoned by the same poison, so there is no reason why the symptoms would be so different.

"Because when they poisoned the downstream towns, they used staged poisoning until the people gradually showed symptoms. Because it was not a sudden attack, people naturally could not think of poisoning at first, but only thought it was an epidemic. As for Longquanzhuang,

That’s because the amount of poison was used in one step, so the villagers in Longquanzhuang suffered from acute poisoning or even death.”

After listening to Ximen Yourong's words, Dongling Yuanhao could already understand what it meant, but he still said in confusion:

"According to the emperor's sister-in-law, the epidemic is caused by those people who use the water source to deliberately poison the people downstream. But why haven't there been any problems with the water in Yizhou so far? It has been so long since the water in the downstream was found, so I can understand why it can't be found out.

But what about Longquan Village? When we arrived, it was only a day or two before the villagers were exposed to the poison, and we went to Longtou Spring almost immediately to check. The most important thing is, didn’t you also drink the leading water that the villagers drank on the day of the sacrifice?

Has it been confirmed that it is clean? For this reason, I am not sure that Longtou Spring has been poisoned."

Dongling Yuanhao's suspicion is very reasonable, and many people may have the same suspicion. But Ximen Yourong looked at Dongling Yuanhao firmly and said:

"You have forgotten that Wuhen came down from the peak to Longtou Spring by following other people's traces. Doesn't that prove that someone climbed over the peak and went down to Longtou Spring to avoid the sight of the villagers? If not for doing something secretly, who would

Why don’t you put so much effort into doing this?”

"This...this really doesn't make sense, but there is no poison in the water...!"

"No, it's not that it's not poisonous, it just evaporates."

"Ah... volatilization?" This was beyond Dongling Yuanhao's understanding.

"There is a natural poison that can hurt people invisible. It's called Hidden Evil Stone. It's a kind of ore. This kind of ore will only emit toxicity when it comes into contact with water, but the poison can only last for twelve hours. As long as people

During these twelve hours, if you drink water contaminated with the poison of the "hidden evil stone", the human body will accumulate the toxin, but as long as the toxin is in trace amounts, people will not have immediate discomfort. But if it accumulates over a period of time

, when the toxin reaches an explosive level, a person's weakness and discomfort will gradually manifest. If a sufficient amount of the poison is taken at once, the effects will be immediate like the villagers of Longquanzhuang."

Ximen Yourong had a cold face. She was not only worried about whether the people could recover, she was also worried about what the poisoners wanted to do. Will they stop poisoning?

The purpose of the poisoner was obviously not to kill all the people in Yizhou, otherwise they would not have poisoned them for so long without killing anyone.

Thinking about it, the other party must have deliberately left enough time to give the people of Yizhou a chance to survive, provided that the people of Yizhou could get an effective antidote.

Looking at Ximen Yourong's eyebrows that were obviously gathered together, Dongling Yuanhao vaguely felt that the situation was still not optimistic! He guessed and asked

"Sister-in-law, is the poison of this "hidden evil stone" difficult to eradicate?"

Ximen Yourong sighed unconsciously: "At least I don't have a prescription to eradicate it now. Moreover, the "hidden evil stone" is a unique ore to the west of Xiahou Kingdom, and we do not have it in Dacheng Kingdom."

Ximen Yourong had only heard her master, Grandma Youkong, mention the poison "Hidden Evil Stone" casually once or twice, and it was a poison that was rare and far away from ordinary people, so she didn't think of the "Hidden Evil Stone" at first.

If she hadn't been roughly certain that the poisoner must have killed the people through the water, she wouldn't have thought of the strange source of poison like the "Hidden Evil Stone".

Coupled with the fact that the "hidden evil stone" becomes poisonous when exposed to water and evaporates over time, she is even more certain that the "hidden evil stone", a natural poison unique to the Xiahou Kingdom, has indeed come from thousands of miles away to their Dacheng country to harm their people.

But she suddenly mentioned Xiahou Kingdom, which really made Dongling Yuanhao surprised and said:

"How could this be related to the unique poison of Xiahou State? Could it be that Xiahou State... No, this is impossible, there is no reason. Xiahou State has no reason to kill our people secretly."

Dongling Yuanhao's newly born hypothesis was immediately overturned by him because it was too unreasonable.

"The Hidden Evil Stone only comes from the Xiahou Kingdom, but those who use the Hidden Evil Stone are not necessarily from the Xiahou Kingdom. What we need to find out is where is the poisoner now, and what does he want to do next?"

"Does the Queen's Wife think that the person who poisoned her is still not ready to stop?"

"He hasn't achieved his goal yet, so why would he stop?"

After Ximen Yourong reminded him, Dongling Yuanhao understood. Ximen Yourong was right. They had been paying attention to the life and death of the people in Yizhou, but they had neglected to guard against the mastermind who was still in the dark.

After thinking for a while, Dongling Yuanhao stopped questioning. He lost his seriousness and put on his usual bright and handsome smile and said:

"Sister-in-law, I can't help you with the detoxification, but leave it to me to prevent Yizhou from being harmed again. Let's divide the work and help Yizhou out of his misery as soon as possible, so that we can return to the imperial city as soon as possible. Lest my emperor

Brother, I think you are going to be lovesick."

Ximen Yourong didn't respond to his last joke. She just picked up the letter with the word "An Hao" written on it and sealed it. Then she picked up another letter that had been prepared and handed it to her at the same time.

Dongling Yuanhao explained:

"You have these two letters sent to the imperial city overnight. One of them must be delivered to Prince Xiahou in person. I need Prince Xiahou's help."

When he heard that there was a letter addressed to Xiahou Chunyan, Dongling Yuanhao immediately guessed that it must be related to the "Hidden Evil Stone", so he didn't ask any more questions.

But he took the two letters and looked at the one that only had the word "well" and even the cover was blank. He looked at Ximen Yourong in disbelief and asked:

"Sister-in-law, is this letter for my brother?"

"Yeah." Ximen Yourong responded calmly.

"You... just use the word "well". Isn't the portion too light? Will my brother be satisfied with it?"

"Speak concisely and to the point, Your Majesty will understand!"

Looking at Ximen Yourong's unchanging expression of indifference, Dongling Yuanhao would definitely joke a few more times in peacetime.

But now, let alone Ximen Yourong, who is not interested in this irrelevant joke, even he himself is not very interested in making fun of anything.

However, looking at the letter that was a bit too concise and concise, Dongling Yuanhao extremely doubted that after his brother read the letter, he would be so depressed that he wanted to come to Yizhou immediately to teach his wife who was too indifferent!?

This chapter has been completed!
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