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Chapter 156: Looking for a way out

Xiahou Chunyan listened to Ximen's analysis, and he agreed. At the same time, he also added:

"In addition to what you said, I also observed carefully. I found a special phenomenon on the ice bed under the glacier. Look..."

Xiahou Chunyan suddenly took Ximen Yourong's hand and walked downstream. Then he took Ximen Yourong and squatted down together, pointing to somewhere under the ice bed and continued:

"Look carefully, the location of the ice..."

"Uh, Prince Xiahou..."

Ximen Yourong twitched the hand held by Xiahou Chunyan slightly in embarrassment. She was not willing to be in such close contact with him.

Xiahou Chunyan looked at Ximen Yourong's somewhat stiff smile and felt the twitching of her hand, and then he realized that he had gone too far unconsciously.

So, he let go of her hand and apologized sincerely:

"Sorry, I didn't mean anything else. I might have been a little impatient, so I unconsciously..."

"It doesn't matter." Ximen Yourong smiled lightly: "What did Prince Xiahou just want to say?"

When Xiahou Chunyan saw that Ximen Yourong didn't care much about what he had just transgressed, he felt unspeakably uncomfortable in his heart. But he secretly suppressed the bad feeling and pretended to be nonchalant and turned the topic back to what he had just said.

Special phenomena under the ice bed.

"You see, the reason why the water under the ice is flowing is because the frozen side continues to melt into water. But the magic is that when the ice melts, it will continue to form ice...the ice melts into water, and then freezes again.

Ice, this is the reason why glaciers are endless. Moreover, they say water flows downwards, but the water here goes against the trend and goes upwards."

"The water goes up against the trend, which further proves that the outlet of the ice water here is the deep pool and the leading spring." Naturally, Ximen Yourong also saw the phenomenon of the ice water flowing back.

"That's right, although we can't explain why this is the case. But it may have a lot to do with the two heavens of ice and fire separated by this palm. However, the endless life created by the collision of ice and fire can be regarded as a kind of heaven.

A gift!”

Ximen Yourong listened and looked at the water flowing upstream under the ice. It was indeed as Xiahou Chunyan said, the ice kept turning into water, but the ice kept forming. It seemed that it was really endless and eternal.

Endless source!

However, the various doubts they solved could not solve their immediate troubles.

Ximen Yourong, who was thinking about leaving here, said worriedly:

"I originally expected to try to find the exit based on the direction of the glacier. But if my guess is correct, the exits of the glacier are only deep pools and Longtou Spring, which means that we may not be able to count on these two exits. We can only continue to

I can’t get out if I’m trapped here!”

"If we can't get out, we will definitely die. So... are you afraid?"

Xiahou Chunyan looked at Ximen Yourong with hidden affection. If they really had no choice but to die here, to him, it would not be the worst.

But when it came to death, Ximen Yourong said calmly and unwilling to give up:

"If I were alone, death wouldn't be so scary to me! But I care about something, so I have to fight against death!"

"What you are worried about is Emperor Dongling!"

There was no hint of displeasure in Xiahou Chunyan's tone, but the jealousy in his heart made his eyes flash with possessiveness unconsciously!

Ximen Yourong didn't look at him at this time, so naturally he didn't notice anything strange about him.

However, she had no intention of continuing to discuss the topic of death or immortality. She was more anxious not to waste time staying here.

So, she turned around and looked at the hot cave and said without hesitation:

"Since ice caves can be walked through, the caves here are not hopeless."

Xiahou Chunyan understood what she meant as soon as he heard it, but he objected slightly:

"But we don't know if there will be any danger if we go inside. Even if there is no danger, we don't know how long it will take. What's more, if we get lost and can't get back here, without food or water, we won't be able to hold on for long."

Xiahou Chunyan's words made Ximen Yourong slightly confused, and she asked:

"Don't we have nothing to fill our stomachs here? If we wait here, no one will come to save us, nor will there be a way for us to get out automatically."

"I think at least here..."

Xiahou Chunyan wanted to say that at least there was water to drink here, but he felt that using this reason to prevent Ximen Yourong from exploring the road seemed suspicious and unreasonable. After a change of mind, Xiahou Chunyan changed his mind and said:

"You're right. Waiting here will mean death. We can't survive long just drinking water... Then let's go explore the road according to your wishes."

Xiahou Chunyan said, he smiled and took the initiative to lead the way. Ximen Yourong looked at Xiahou Chunyan's figure. She didn't think much about it, but she accidentally saw the maroon color on Xiahou Chunyan's boots, and she looked at it.

After looking around, I didn't find anything brownish-red, but where did Xiahou Chunyan step on it to get the stained color?

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

Xiahou Chunyan noticed that Ximen Yourong didn't follow him, so he turned back to look at her who was standing still and asked.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Although she had doubts in her heart, Ximen Yourong did not delve into it. She quickly walked over to Xiahou Chunyan and went inside.

Xiahou Chunyan did not follow Ximen Yourong immediately. He calmly lowered his head and looked at his shoes. Then he probably understood the reason why Ximen Yourong was staring at his feet just now.

The further they walked inside, the heat in the cave was obviously getting higher and higher. Even Ximen Yourong, who was afraid of cold but not hot, felt that her skin was being burned a little, and she began to feel faintly uncomfortable inside!

However, Xiahou Chunyan seemed to have suffered even more than she did. He felt like it was difficult to breathe, and his body and mind were being roasted by fire, as if he wanted to return to the ice cave immediately to release his body heat.

Ximen Yourong saw that he was not walking smoothly as she was in pain, so she stopped and asked:

"Prince Xiahou, can you continue to move forward?"

This cave is very big, and the terrain can only go up, and it seems to be bottomless. If you continue to walk, Ximen Yourong doesn't know what the result will be.

Xiahou Chunyan took a few deep breaths, then looked at Ximen Yourong and forced a smile:

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I tried to explore the way here when you were unconscious, but I found that the farther inside, the higher the temperature will be. Even if there is a way out, I'm afraid we will be roasted and faint before we get to the end.

That’s why I didn’t agree with going here just now.”

Through the natural fluorescent stone in the cave, Ximen Yourong could see the brown-red soil on the ground. She also heard Xiahou Chunyan say that he came to explore the road, so she understood why his boots were stained with brown color.

Looking at Xiahou Chunyan's already red face, his discomfort was so real that Ximen Yourong took his hand and felt his pulse with concern.

After a while, she said: "You have soaked in hot springs with excessive red powder, and the Yang fire in your body can easily be induced. If it gets hotter in front of you, you will faint at any time... It seems that we can only

Let’s go back to the ice cave first and then figure out how to have both ends.”

"But, we are all here, maybe there will be a turning point if we go a little further...!"

"If you faint, I can neither drag you nor carry you. Then there will be even more trouble."

Ximen Yourong faced the passable road ahead, and she faintly felt a gentle breeze blowing. She reached out and pulled out a piece of hair and held it up in the air. As expected, the hair started to float slightly.

Xiahou Chunyan's eyebrows flashed, and he could see that Ximen's movements were testing the direction of the wind, but he pretended not to understand and remained silent.

"It's windy here..." Ximen Yourong seemed to be murmuring and thinking about something.

"The passage is so deep and bottomless, maybe it's just a fluctuation in the air."

"No, this wind has a smell!"


"Yes! The smell of white mulberry flowers."

"White mulberry? But there is no grass growing here, how can there be any white mulberry?"

"It is indeed impossible to have white mulberry flowers here, because white mulberry flowers only grow on the cliffs of the western sun and bloom during the western sun season. Once they bloom, the fragrance of the flowers can float in the air with the wind and linger for a long time."

Ximen Yourong subconsciously looked up at the top of her head. It was obvious that there was nothing but the uneven rock wall, but a glimmer of hope had already arisen in her heart!

"I...still...don't understand what you mean?"

Xiahou Chunyan's breathing began to come out, and he looked as if he was about to faint, so that he could not speak coherently.

Ximen Yourong on the side noticed something strange about him, she stepped forward to hold his hand and said:

"Let's go back to the ice cave first!"

Xiahou Chunyan did not object, because if he continued walking, he was really not sure that he would not faint.

After they returned to the ice cave, Xiahou Chunyan's discomfort quickly eased. So he walked towards Ximen Yourong who was staying opposite and said:

"What should we do now? Even if there is a road on both sides for us to get out of here. But you can't stand the cold of the ice cave, and I can't stand the heat here."

"It's impossible for us to go through the whirlpool on the other side of the ice cave against the trend. Water can't go through it. The only option is to go through "fire"."

"Are you so sure that there must be an exit from this cave?"

"Don't you ever have to try it again?"

Ximen Yourong seemed to be planning to take a gamble, but the scent of white mulberry flowers she just smelled made her even more certain that they were not far outside.

Moreover, she guessed that if they could walk through the cave, the outside would probably be the location of Longtou Spring.

In addition, being trapped in this wonderful underground gave her a vague idea of ​​a method that could detoxify the people at the same time, but only if her prescription could detoxify.

Xiahou Chunyan understood Ximen Yourong's decision to risk his own life, but he still couldn't help but question:

"If you can't wear water, how can you go through fire?"

"It's naturally dangerous to cross through forcefully, but if you take me with me through the cold, we have a great chance of escaping!"

"You have a cold?" Xiahou Chunyan frowned: "Why is your body so different in the cold climate?"

He had seen with his own eyes that the cold air emitted from her body could quickly absorb heat when she had a chill, but no matter how much heat she absorbed, it could not stop her cold air.

"Prince Xiahou, don't worry about how special my body is, and we don't have time to waste. I'm just worried that our physical strength is approaching the limit. Therefore, before we exhaust our physical strength, we must pass through the cave as soon as possible.

The hottest section. I have a hunch that as long as we pass through that section of road that is difficult for us to cross, we should not be far from the outside."

Although Xiahou Chunyan was very curious and very concerned about the abnormalities in Ximen Yourong's body, Ximen Yourong deliberately avoided telling him the answer, so he was too ignorant to ask further questions. At the same time, he secretly admired Ximen Yourong's delicacy and calmness!

This chapter has been completed!
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