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Chapter 166: The forces colluding in the dark

Previously, many people died suddenly in Yizhou, and for some reason there were rumors that because the mother of the country was the daughter of the evil Ximen clan, she also carried the seeds of evil in her body.

Therefore, not only can she not bring good luck to Yizhou, but she will also make it even more difficult for Yizhou!

In addition, there are also sworn rumors that the queen's antidote prescription was only intended to be tested on the people of Yizhou. The prescription seemed to be effective, but in fact it not only failed to save people, but also killed them!

Because of this, Ximen Yourong, who was originally guarding Longquanzhuang, was forcibly excluded by the villagers, and everyone even said all kinds of unpleasant things in private!

But the villagers of Longquanzhuang did not expect that Ximen Yourong not only ignored their ignorance, but respected their wishes and left Longquanzhuang voluntarily.

After leaving Longquanzhuang, she was still running around non-stop, bent on finding the most effective prescription to solve the people's problems.

Now, her new prescription has finally brought boundless hope to the suffering people.

What is even more unexpected is that Ximen Yourong's method of taking the medicine is not to cook it out bowl by bowl, but to soak the medicine package in the leading spring to make the water not only water, but also medicine!

Since everyone is chronically poisoned through water, detoxifying through water is definitely the most gentle and effective way!

Therefore, as long as the water from Longtou Spring is turned into an antidote, the people of Yizhou will be taking the antidote with their daily water.

The most important thing is that the water from Longtou Spring is diverted through newly built bamboo canals to various diversion points downstream. The reservoirs at each diversion point are also soaked with medical packets, which can further enhance the medicinal effect of the water.

In order to ensure that the water source is no longer tampered with, every reservoir is guarded.

Therefore, the water that people in Yizhou use and drink every day has detoxifying properties.

In just a short period of time, the people of Yizhou have obviously regained a lot of vitality, and more and more people are able to work normally.

All this was attributed to Ximen Yourong. Everyone wanted to worship and kneel down to thank her for her kindness, but she was still in a coma!

Dongling Yuanhao saw that the villagers headed by the old patriarch were deeply grateful to Ximen Yourong, and he felt relieved. At least Ximen Yourong's sacrifice of almost losing his life was very valuable.

As for the people who had misunderstood Ximen Yourong indiscriminately before, they naturally would not care about it. After all, the people were just trying to survive!

After comforting the old patriarch who kept blaming himself, Dongling Yuanhao was about to go down the mountain, but a voice came: "Prince Hao...!"

It was Chu Hengye who called out to Dongling Yuanhao. He turned back and looked at Chu Hengye who had already walked over: "Is something wrong?"

"There is something that I feel it is necessary to investigate."

"about what?"

"I believe that the slander against the Queen some time ago did not come from the people of Yizhou, but someone took advantage of the people of Yizhou when they were most vulnerable to arouse their anger to attack the Queen, and even...!" Chu Heng

Ye seems to be considering other possibilities!

"Even what?"

"I even want the queen's life!" Chu Hengye concluded boldly: "I was the first to come to Yizhou with the queen. Even if I don't fully understand everything about the situation here, I always feel that Yizhou was raped for the first time.

There is a difference between poison and being poisoned for the second time.”

"Difference? You mean...?"

Although Dongling Yuanhao didn't fully understand Chu Hengye's words for a while, he vaguely felt that some truth was about to come out.

"I think there are more than one forces destroying the tranquility of Yizhou."

"We all know that the "Holy Poison Sect" of Xiahou Kingdom is also involved, naturally in more than one place, but we still don't know who within Dacheng Kingdom is involved!"

"No, the forces I am talking about do not include the "Holy Poison Sect". What I am saying is that our Dacheng has more than one force targeting the Queen. In other words, with the "Holy Poison Sect", there are three

The forces of destruction.”

"what have you found?"

Dongling Yuanhao was shocked. He did not expect that there were more than one destructive forces in Dacheng.

"There is no concrete evidence yet. But Prince Hao, doesn't he think that the two turmoils in Yizhou are both related and unrelated?"

"Go on!" Dongling Yuanhao is willing to hear the details!

"The first wave of turmoil in Yizhou was caused by someone deliberately creating widespread fear, so everyone would naturally think that the second wave of poison was closely related to the first. However, I feel that another group of people took advantage of the second wave of turmoil.

This turmoil was specifically directed at the Queen. Moreover, if you think about it more deeply, the two groups may have unintentionally joined together because they each wanted what they wanted."

The reason why Chu Hengye saw it so carefully and deeply was because he felt that at the beginning, the people of Yizhou regarded Ximen Yourong as a life-saving straw. Her noble reputation became more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people day by day!

But just when everything seemed to be getting better, Ximen Yourong's image suddenly fell from the clouds to the ground.

It would be too far-fetched to say that this contrast is caused by nature. They all know that the only reasonable explanation is that some people don't want to see Ximen Yourong win the hearts of the people!

However, Chu Hengye didn't see the strangeness clearly from the beginning. He only came to the conclusion just mentioned after combining what happened before and after.

He originally wanted to find time to meet Dongling Yuanyong and tell his guess, but now everyone knows that Dongling Yuanyong will not meet anyone unless necessary.

However, telling Dongling Yuanhao seems to be the same, because Dongling Yuanhao is more likely to see Dongling Yuanyong than others.

Therefore, Chu Hengye simply reported the strange phenomenon he noticed to Dongling Yuanhao.

In this way, if it is true that there are two groups of people colluding secretly in Dacheng itself as he said, at least their precautions will not be completely passive, and they will try to avoid harm to the greatest extent!

It has to be said that after Dongling Yuanhao listened to Chu Hengye's analysis, he also realized that they did not know everything. He thought in silence for a while, and then said:

"General Chu, your thoughts are indeed worthy of caution. Others, including His Majesty and I, have not thought of this powerful relationship. If the truth behind it is really as you said, then there are more than one or two "ghosts" we have to guard against.


"Whether my conclusion is correct or not, it is a fact that the queen's safety is threatened. It will not go wrong if we take precautions. It would be better if we can take precautions in a targeted manner!"

Chu Hengye's words sounded like he was dedicated and conscientious, but Dongling Yuanhao had inexplicable suspicions. He always felt that Chu Hengye's attitude towards Ximen Yourong was beyond something.

Looking at Chu Hengye, he wanted to ask something, but in the end he stopped being suspicious and said instead:

"I will go down the mountain to see Your Majesty now."

Dongling Yuanhao was about to turn around as he spoke, but Chu Hengye suddenly called out to him again:

"Prince Hao...!"

Seeing Dongling Yuanhao turning around to wait for his next words, Chu Hengye did not hesitate and asked directly: "Is the Queen safe?"

Dongling Yuanhao finally frowned: "General Chu, I originally thought it was me who was overthinking it, but why do I always feel that your concern for my wife is over the line?"

Chu Hengye was stunned. He didn't expect Dongling Yuanhao to speak so directly. Because of Dongling Yuanhao's straightforward suspicion, Chu Hengye was about to explain something in a hurry, but another charming voice came:

"Brother Yuanhao...!"

Looking towards where the sound came from, it turned out to be Dong Lingyan who had appeared at some point.

"Yan'er, when did you come?" Dongling Yuanhao asked casually with a smile.

"I just arrived."

"Why, it's not enough for you, a beloved princess, to chase her husband from the imperial city to Yizhou. In Yizhou, you have to guard your husband-to-be every step of the way. Are you afraid that he will run away?"

"That's right, I'm just afraid that he will run away, so I have to keep an eye on him personally to prevent him from running away." Dong Lingyan admitted half-jokingly.

"Tsk tsk... Who would have thought that Princess Yan, who is least worried about getting married in our royal family, would be so eager to find her husband. But..." Dongling Yuanhao looked at Chu Hengye with a face full of joking: "Chu Hengye

The general is also a rare talent. It is reasonable for our Yan'er to take a fancy to him. But General Chu, you must treat our Yan'er well. If Yan'er is wronged by you, I will be the first to come.

I’m here to settle a score with you!”

Chu Hengye was a little embarrassed: "Thanks to the princess's high opinion, I dare not let the princess be wronged!"

"You said in front of brother Yuan Hao that you don't dare to let me be wronged. It's not like you're going to make me feel wronged everywhere when no one cares."

Dong Lingyan raised her mouth and made a small report, but Chu Hengye remained silent and did not refute anything, as if he acquiesced to her accusation.

"What, he really bullied you?" Dongling Yuanhao frowned and looked at Chu Hengye who was speechless.

"No, I've been here for so many days and I haven't had more than ten good conversations with him. It's rare that he's willing to talk to me. He's either letting me do what I want or asking me not to get in his way. In short, he's never looked at me once.


What Dong Lingyan said was indeed true. Chu Hengye had never treated her well so far, and she had long been filled with grievances.

Dongling Yuanhao saw that although Donglingyan was a bit deliberately coquettish, her grievances were also very real.

For this reason, he looked at Chu Hengye and asked:

"General Chu, is what Yan'er said true?"

Chu Hengye was as calm as water, and he said calmly:

"Because I am too busy with official duties and dare not slack off, it is true that I have not been attentive and considerate to the princess. However, I have people to protect the safety of the princess. Please rest assured, Prince Hao."

"What I want is not that you let someone protect me, I just want to be with you..."

Donglingyan bit her lip and did not finish her words, her grievances were revealed again. Dongling Yuanhao probably guessed what was going on at this time. Based on his understanding of Donglingyan, although she was not like other women,

She is reserved, but she is not such an inconsiderate girl.

On the contrary, Dong Lingyan is simple and kind-hearted, often thinks what others think, and rarely makes trouble without reason.

However, she also has a small flaw, that is, when the person she likes does not give her the attention she wants, she will occasionally behave very willfully. Therefore, she will try her best to pester you until you pay attention to her!

Dongling Yuanhao has experienced this since she was a child. But because she has no malice, and she is indeed very lovable, people who have been pestered by her cannot actually hate her!

This chapter has been completed!
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