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Chapter 29 Helplessly Serving Your Husband in the Morning

Ximen Yourong's body shrank tighter and tighter and began to tremble, which made Dongling Yuanyong's originally cold heart soften inexplicably.

But because he felt sympathy for Ximen Yourong, he became angry again, so much so that when he pulled up the quilt to cover her, he was filled with anger.

After Ximen Yourong was covered by the soft quilt, her curls did not relax. She was still cold!

However, she seemed to feel that there was a comfortable source of heat around her, and she walked towards the source of heat in a daze.


There was an icy object on his body, which made Dongling Yuanyong curse in a low voice. At the same time, his hand was also ready to throw away the icy object ~ Ximen Yourong!


"Mom, You Rong Leng, hold me... don't leave me!"

Once again, Dongling Yuanyong's preparatory movements were frozen again. Not to mention, his push away action didn't last long, and he hugged her tightly instead.

Not to mention, he actually clasped one of her cold hands tightly and secretly transferred the heat source to her body by luck.

Soon, Ximen Yourong's frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed and opened, and her body that had just been tense due to the cold softened, and she sighed comfortably!

Dongling Yuanyong knew that she was no longer cold. He lowered his head and looked at her face with a faint smile. There was a teardrop trembling in the corners of her eyes and the bridge of her nose.

He didn't know what the magic power of those tears was, but Dongling Yuanyong was fascinated by it. It wasn't until Ximen Yourong tilted his head that the tears fell down to her other cheek and turned into a water mark, then he took back his distracted words.

Thoughts, but his thumb still wiped away her wet tears...!

When the sky dawned, Dongling Yuanyong instinctively opened his eyes, but he did not turn over immediately like usual because the weight coming from his chest made him stupefied.

Then, the soft body in his arms made him realize what was going on.

After closing his eyes, when he opened them again, he suddenly turned sideways and pushed away Ximen Yourong's head lying on his chest, and then he twitched the arm holding her body violently, causing Ximen Yourong to passively roll over.

After a while, he was lying on his back again.

At this time, Dongling Yuanyong had already sat up and was preparing to get up in the morning, but his eyes accidentally looked into Ximen Yourong's underwear, which was lying faintly open.

But what caught his eye was not her delicate, snow-white naked skin, but a thin yellow rope hanging around her neck.

Following the rope down to her chest, he could see that she was wearing something.

He shouldn't be curious at all about what she was wearing, but strangely, he felt that the royal-colored rope looked familiar. Moreover, it was obviously something she had been wearing for a long time.

But how could she have a yellow object that only the royal family can use?

By some strange coincidence, Dongling Yuanyong approached Ximen Yourong's chest and stretched out his hand to pull out what she was wearing.

However, just as he put his hands on the clothes on Ximen Yourong's chest, her eyes suddenly opened, and he happened to look into her bright eyes...!

Ximen Yourong blinked. It seemed that she was not completely awake yet, but the weight of the hand on her chest made her wake up quickly enough.

As her eyes showed a hint of panic, she rolled over and climbed up, raised her hands to cover her chest, stepped back, looked at Dongling Yuanyong cautiously, opened her mouth and said:

"Your Majesty, how could you...?"

"What does the queen want to say?"

Dongling Yuanyong squinted his eyes to hide a little displeasure. Looking at her actions just like hiding from the god of plague, if the bed hadn't been so big, she might have hid even further.

Ximen Yourong's mind was spinning. After she was stunned for a moment, her memory quickly became smoother.

However, she didn't understand why Dongling Yuanyong and she were lying together with only single clothes on... She raised her head and looked around, and then looked at Dongling Yuanyong. This was her bedroom, but he was sleeping on her bed.


Dongling Yuanyong seemed to see her doubts. His long arm suddenly stretched and pulled. He turned over and pressed on Ximen Yourong. Then before Ximen Yourong could react, he maliciously approached her lips and said in a low voice.


"Queen, do you know your guilt?"

Ximen Yourong blinked his bright eyes and replied:


"What crime?"

"I took off my makeup rashly last night before His Majesty came, and then I had the audacity to fall asleep uncontrollably in front of Your Majesty, so that I was unable to listen to His Majesty's teachings."

These were the facts she remembered, and they were also the source of her doubts. Logically speaking, he should have left after she fell asleep, but he still stayed.

If he stayed to consummate his marriage with her, she thought the possibility was slim. She knew that he would never touch her body.

At least he didn't touch her last night, because there was nothing strange about her body. However, it was not completely strange. She felt warm, which was almost impossible for her to fall asleep on a cold night.

She is afraid of cold, so during the cold night season, even if she sleeps all night, her hands and feet are usually cold.

But now her whole body was warm, and the hot body pressing against her made it easy for her to guess where the heat source she had absorbed all night came from.

Dongling Yuanyong looked at her blushing face, but her calm tone began to inexplicably make him unhappy.

Because he was unhappy, and because he hated her overly calm temperament, he deliberately moved closer to her lips with cold eyes, so close that they were almost lip to lip.

When he saw Ximen Yourong, he still refused to dodge. He simply pressed his lips to her soft lips and said:

"Since the queen knows what's going on, then the queen should know that we haven't married yet, so why don't we complete this beautiful thing now?"

"Your Majesty clearly won't touch me, so why would you deliberately tease me?"

Ximen Yourong took a shallow breath, and her clear eyes looked at Dongling Yuanyong, as if she had no emotion and no ripples.

Dongling Yuanyong slightly left her lips and sneered:

"The Queen is so beautiful and delicious. Isn't it just to be with the Queen that I stay here to be in harmony with the Queen? Why do you think I won't touch you?"

"My last name is Ximen!"

"But you are also my queen." When she mentioned "Ximen", Dongling Yuanyong's eyes turned cold.

"I am just a queen that your majesty has to accept. I know that your majesty will never regard me as your real first wife. I will not ask for it, and I dare not ask for it. I only ask that your majesty can trust me and live in peace."

I will never be greedy for wishes or anything else."

"A good person is never greedy! So did you deliberately avoid the crowd last night to let yourself fall asleep?"

If she dares to say "yes", he... he... will definitely strangle her to death... But why does he care so much about her indifference? Is it possible that he still wants her to be obsessed with him?

Hearing him mention "slumber", Ximen Yourong said:

"Your Majesty misunderstood. I don't understand why I fell asleep last night. I wonder if it's because I haven't had a good rest these past few days. In addition, yesterday was the most formal ceremony. I was too tense and as soon as I relaxed...


As Ximen Yourong said, she turned to apologize: "I'm sorry for causing displeasure to His Majesty!"

The words "I'm sorry" sounded strange to Dongling Yuanyong, and his indifference towards her also faded away.

Looking at her innocent face, Dongling Yuanyong secretly wondered if Ximen Yourong didn't even know about the sleeping pill she had taken last night?

If she really didn't know, it can only prove that she was drugged.

Someone gave the queen a sleeping pill on her wedding day. What was the purpose?

His eyes darkened, Dongling Yuanyong turned over and left Ximen Yourong, sitting up with his feet on the ground and his back to her, silent.

Ximen Yourong finally let out the breath that was pressed in her chest. When he pressed too hard against her body just now, she was actually very nervous. She was afraid that he would really treat her like a couple.

Fortunately, her bet was right, he would not touch her! If she had just rejected him openly, it might have aroused his real anger.

Not only would she not be able to escape unscathed, but it might also give him an excuse to not make things easier for her.

"Queen, why are you still lying down?"

Dongling Yuanyong suddenly looked back at Ximen Yourong, who was almost lost in thought.

Ximen Yourong was stunned at first, but she still sat up sideways and looked at him with some confusion and asked:

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"As a married woman, when your husband gets up in the morning, does the queen still want someone to tell you clearly what you should do?"

Ximen Yourong was still stunned, but fortunately she reacted quickly. He was asking her to do what a wife should do - serve her husband, dress and wash him!

Since he didn't want to cause trouble, Ximen Yourong of course obeyed and got out of bed barefoot, picked up Dongling Yuanyong's boots, knelt in front of him and helped him put them on.

Then, she stood up and took down the coat Dongling Yuanyong wore for yesterday's wedding from the wooden stand on the side with great effort, and came to him to help him put it on.

But Dongling Yuanyong said:

"The wedding is over. Does the queen think that I should still wear red when I go out today?"

Ximen Yourong was a little speechless. She didn't have any other clothes of his here. If he didn't wear the coat he wore yesterday, what should he wear?

Feeling helpless, Ximen Yourong silently put down the coat he was not wearing and asked for instructions:

"Then... whatever your Majesty wants to wear, I'll ask Eunuch Cao to send it to you."

Dongling Yuanyong looked at her body that started to tremble slightly again, and then looked at her bare feet still on the cold ground. His cheeks bulged slightly, and then he ordered:

"Someone is coming!"

Soon, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and then four palace maids stood on both sides and walked in in an orderly manner. They all held neatly folded clothes in their hands. At a glance, they knew that they were the clothes Dongling Yuanyong was going to wear.


Four palace maids lined up in a row and knelt half a meter away from Dongling Yuanyong with their heads lowered.

Dongling Yuanyong remained silent without giving any instructions. At this time, Ximen Yourong could hardly pretend to be stupid.

She saw that the first palace maid on the left was holding a single garment in her hand, so she had no choice but to go to Dongling Yuanyong and reach out to untie his single garment.

However, when she took off his undress, she saw several large and small scars on the front and back of his exposed upper body.

Those old and new scars that overlapped looked like arrow wounds or knife wounds, and judging from the few scars, he must have been seriously injured.

Perhaps out of sympathy, Ximen Yourong looked at Dongling Yuanyong's wounds and she felt a little uncomfortable...!

After a long time, she finally reluctantly helped him dress from the inside out. In the end, only a thick cloak was left. She picked it up and faced the tall man with some embarrassment.

When he was just getting dressed, he reluctantly reached out and let her take care of it, but she didn't know how to help him put the cloak on him because he was so tall.

Moreover, she could feel that he was deliberately trying to embarrass her, otherwise he should have asked the palace maid who had long been proficient in serving him to help him put it on, instead of forcing her to do it!

This chapter has been completed!
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