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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Ximen Yourong was in such a bad state that he couldn't allow Dongling Yuanyong to ask or think more. He ordered Xiang Qing to leave the bathroom, and then he grabbed his coat and jumped into the tub.

Xiang Qing shook her head and disobeyed his order, but she had no choice but to disobey him because Wuhen suddenly appeared and knocked her out and carried her out.

Without the annoying Xiang Qing, Dongling Yuanyong held Ximen Yourong's waist with one hand, and placed his luck close to her heart with his other hand to inject yang energy into her...!

I don’t know how long it took, but Ximen Yourong’s body finally stopped twitching, and her frown relaxed.

It can also be seen from her softened face that her discomfort has been suppressed.

Ximen Yourong was relieved, but Dongling Yuanyong, who had been thinking about her luck, felt that his body was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because Ximen Yourong's body was no longer cold, and the hot water in the bathtub didn't get cold as quickly as usual.

The temperature of the hot water was actually just right, not too scalding anyway. But Dongling Yuanyong felt extremely hot, and his entire chest felt as uncomfortable as being roasted by fire.

Just as Ximen Yourong's pain had stabilized, he slowly gathered his inner strength to stop his luck and hit Ximen Yourong.

Seeing Ximen Yourong lying softly in his arms, although she was not awake yet, her face returned to color and she looked like she usually slept.

Her shallow breath hit Dongling Yuanyong's chest. It was nothing, but Dongling Yuanyong's already hot body was extremely sensitive and numb. It felt like... a man having feelings for a woman.

Just like the desire of the body!

However, even though Ximen Yourong was almost naked and clinging to him at this moment, he knew rationally that his original intention was definitely not to have any sexual desire for her.

Frowning, Dongling Yuanyong couldn't figure out what was wrong with him for a moment, but one thing he realized was that if he didn't leave the tub while soaking in hot water, his body might catch fire.

After hugging Ximen Yourong and leaving the bathtub, Dongling Yuanyong pulled off Ximen Yourong's soaked single clothes. Then he stretched out his long hand and pulled out a cloak from the wooden frame and wrapped her body tightly.

He carried her out of the bathroom.

After settling Ximen Yourong on the bed, Dongling Yuanyong quickly put on the clothes prepared by Eunuch Cao and rushed out. Eunuch Cao was stunned by his eager figure as he rushed out.

Dongling Yuanyong only wore thin clothes and stood still in the wind. Eunuch Cao didn't know why. He quickly took a mink fur cloak and stepped forward to put it on Dongling Yuanyong, but Dongling Yuanyong refused:

"Need not."

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Eunuch Cao was stunned that night and didn't understand what happened.

On a very cold day, Dongling Yuanyong was actually sweating now. No wonder he wasn't cold.

Dongling Yuanyong closed his eyes and secretly adjusted his breathing. With the cold winter night clearing away the restless heat in his body, his breathing slowly calmed down.

Then, he opened his eyes and looked at Eunuch Cao and asked:

"Master, is he not in the palace again?"

"Yes, Wuhen has gone to look for him. I'm afraid the old doctor ghost didn't stay in the palace earlier, or even left the imperial city long ago!"

Dongling Yuanyong made a shallow call and remained silent. He knew that Old Doctor Ghost liked to be carefree by nature. Although he followed him from the border to the imperial city of Dacheng, Old Doctor Ghost began to feel bored after staying in the palace for a long time.

Some time ago, even if the old ghost doctor lived in the palace, he was always invisible. It was really not that easy to find him.

Ximen Yourong suddenly encountered an abnormal situation today. Dongling Yuanyong originally thought about asking the old ghost doctor to come and take a look at Ximen Yourong's body, but since the old ghost doctor had left, he didn't think much about it.

Eunuch Cao knew that the reason Dongling Yuanyong was looking for the old medical ghost must be related to Ximen, so he asked:

"Your Majesty, do you want another Dr. Xuanai to come and show it to the Queen?"

"No need for now, she won't die..."

"Your Majesty, it's not good, the Queen..."

The palace maid who stayed in the dormitory to look after Ximen Yourong ran over in a panic and knelt on the ground to report.

But before she could finish her words, Dongling Yuanyong ordered Eunuch Cao:

"Send the message to Doctor Ai immediately!"

After giving the order, he stepped past the palace maid and hurried to the bedroom.

Eunuch Cao looked at his eager figure, and while he furrowed his brows, he also ordered his subordinates to hurry up and fetch Dr. Ai.

The cold wind howled in the cold night. Just now, Eunuch Cao felt that the sound of the wind was bone-chilling, but now he felt like a spring breeze blowing through the willows. He didn't know if it was because of the smell of the palace.

Strange reason...!

Dongling Yuanyong returned to Ximen Yourong. She did not wake up, but she seemed to be curled up and shivering from the cold, and her face was twisted in pain again.

At this moment, if he ignores her life and death, she may lose half of her life tonight.

Seeing her tears falling out of pain, Dongling Yuanyong didn't know whether it was distress or sympathy. In short, he naturally turned over to the bed and hugged her to sit up, then clasped her cold hands and slowly breathed her...


Throughout the night, until almost dawn, Ximen Yourong struggled over and over again before finally settling down.

Dongling Yuanyong, who had relieved her pain, finally felt tired after relaxing. Looking at Ximen Yourong, whose face was rosy again, he wondered if it was his turn to look pale now.

Ximen Yourong had only been married to this woman for two days, and he hadn't used her to do anything. Instead, he had worked hard for her for two nights.

Thinking of this, Dongling Yuanyong was so angry that he shook her hand and pushed her aside.

But as soon as Ximen Yourong left the warm bed, she shivered instinctively, and she turned back to him and hid tightly in his arms, murmuring delicately:

"It's so cold, hug me...!"

"Damn, I really want to strangle you to death!"

Dongling Yuanyong whispered angrily through his teeth, but his strong arms tightened around her thin body uncontrollably.

Looking at her satisfied smile, she slightly dispersed. She only shouted coldness, not pain. He could feel at ease... feel at ease? She wouldn't hurt him to death, so why should he feel at ease?

But wasn't it just because she screamed in pain all night that he took the trouble to keep her luck away? Doesn't this prove that he might... feel sorry for her?!

However, Dongling Yuanyong was not so willing to accept the strangeness in his heart.

He saved her because he didn't want her to die so quickly, and he didn't feel sorry for her. She had to let him make the most of her life to stop him from wasting so much time on her.

Although his mind was a little confused, Dongling Yuanyong still closed his eyes and planned to take a light sleep.

However, what he thought was a light sleep lasted much longer than he expected. When he opened his eyes again, it was already bright outside.

The strange thing is that Ximen Yourong is still sleeping soundly in his arms. It's understandable that he overslept after being tired all night, but how come she, a person who only enjoys herself, can't wake up?

Could it be that there is still something wrong with her body?

Dongling Yuanyong pushed her away gently. He grabbed her wrist and checked her pulse, but found nothing unusual. Although the temperature of her fingers was not warm, it was considered normal compared to last night.

Just when Dongling Yuanyong was about to turn over and get out of bed, Ximen Yourong turned sideways and shrank her body to lean against him. As if she was dead, her inner clothes were also loosened, revealing a scene that made people look away!

It was not that Dongling Yuanyong had never seen a woman's body before, but for some reason, Ximen Yourong's nudity made his Dantian tighten, and the familiar lustful thoughts surged up again.

He was afraid that he would lose control, so he quickly got out of bed and angrily covered Ximen Yourong with the quilt until he couldn't even see his head.

But when he was about to leave after putting on his clothes, he stopped again, because Ximen Yourong was still motionless even though she was covered like that. He was subconsciously afraid that she would suffocate to death, so he went back and pulled back the quilt to let her sleep.

Head exposed.

Inadvertently taking a few more glances at Ximen Yourong's sleeping face, Dongling Yuanyong was actually a little fascinated...!

Just when he almost forgot that he should leave, the faint sound of voices outside made him look away from Ximen Yourong's face.

When he opened the door, the first reaction of the servants headed by Eunuch Cao waiting outside was to kneel down and worship, and he walked out without saying a word.

Eunuch Cao stood up and looked at him worriedly behind him. Dongling Yuanyong had never slept until noon before getting up, and it was even rarer to sleep so soundly, so Eunuch Cao was secretly surprised!

Dongling Yuanyong suddenly remembered something. He turned back to Eunuch Cao and asked:

"Did anyone come here just now?"

"It is Concubine You who came to greet the Queen. She has come twice, but Your Majesty and the Queen are not up, so..."

"It's because the widow and the queen are sleeping so much that Concubine You has to rush back and forth."

Dongling Yuanyong smiled and said: "Eunuch Cao, ask the warehouse to prepare a gift list and send it to Concubine You's palace. Don't throw anything at random."

"Old slave obeys the order."

After receiving the order, Eunuch Cao looked at Dr. Ai, who had stayed up all night and half a day pitifully, and then asked Dongling Yuanyong:

"Your Majesty, Doctor Ai has been waiting here since last night. Does the Queen's body still need medical treatment?"

Dongling Yuanyong was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Imperial Physician Ai huddled in a corner to take shelter from the wind. He also remembered that last night he seemed to have hurriedly issued the order to pass on the imperial physician.

But later, after he figured out how to make Ximen Yourong feel less uncomfortable, he completely forgot to declare the imperial doctor's order.

Looking at the gray-haired Doctor Ai, he felt a little guilty, but the pride of the emperor made him say stiffly:

"Thank you, Dr. Ai, for your hard work. The queen is fine. She is just a little tired and does not need medical treatment. You should go back and have a good rest as soon as possible. Don't freeze!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongling Yuanyong walked away proudly. No one knew the real reason why he slept until noon.

Everyone thought that his wedding to Ximen Yourong was too much, even Eunuch Cao thought so!

The bitter Doctor Ai looked at Dongling Yuanyong's figure floating away, his old eyes flashing with sad tears.

With his old bones and half of his feet, he was ready to fall into the soil. He was waiting hard for the emperor's call on the cold night, because he was afraid that the empress really had some emergency and needed his help.

But at the end of the day, it was just the emperor and the empress who had been having sex for a long time. He had been practicing medicine for decades, and he had never seen a man and a woman having sex together, and a doctor had to be waiting for him in case of emergency.

This chapter has been completed!
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