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Chapter Forty-one

Ximen Yourong, who was walking happily, didn't care at all whether the people in "Longtai Palace" were sweet as Jun Qing and Concubine, it had nothing to do with her anyway.

However, she didn't care, but Xiang Qing whispered worried about her:

"Miss, why did you come out as soon as Concubine You came? Did His Majesty chase the old ones away when he saw the new ones?"

"I am the superfluous one. It is what I should do when I see my interests and leave." Ximen Yourong said calmly.

"I used to think that His Majesty wouldn't treat the young lady anyway, so I didn't expect that the young lady would be favored by His Majesty. But now I always feel that the situation is a little different."

"what is the difference?"

"I think His Majesty is starting to take a liking to the young lady. Maybe he will really dote on the young lady in the future."

Xiang Qing recalled Dongling Yuanyong's faintly anxious concern for Ximen Yourong last night, and she really felt a little hopeful.

Ximen Yourong chuckled lightly, not to mention whether Xiang Qing's whims were possible, even if they were, she hoped not to happen.

She doesn't care who Dongling Yuanyong favors or doesn't favor! In this palace, Dongling Yuanyong can belong to any woman, but it will never belong to her.

Even if one day, for the first time, he was willing to give her a little "pampering", she wouldn't want it!

Don't say this is an emperor's house, even if it's an ordinary people's house, she doesn't want to share a man with other women.

It's not a lifelong marriage, she doesn't want...!

Xiang Qing saw that Ximen Yourong didn't want to talk about whether he was favored or not, so she changed the question again:

"Miss, I just vaguely heard at the door that Concubine You gave His Majesty deer antler soup, and His Majesty wanted to drink it. But isn't the deer antler tonic for yang energy? If Your Majesty drinks it, wouldn't it be...?"

Xiang Qing already knows what the effect of "fire" means to men. If Dongling Yuanyong really drinks the deer antler soup, it will definitely stimulate the "fire" that is about to start in his body, and it will be difficult for him to restrain it.

The "impulse"!

It just so happened that You Kouyi was by Dongling Yuanyong's side again. If he couldn't restrain himself, it would be natural for You Kouyi to be favored!

Ximen Yourong looked fine, and she had no control over whether Dongling Yuanyong drank the deer antler soup or not.

Anyway, drinking from him won't cause any serious harm to his body. At most, he just can't help but let go of his desires.

Ximen Yourong was originally worried that Dongling Yuanyong would be damaged by the "fire". But it was confirmed that he was practicing the "burning soul" internal skill, and seeing that his complexion was as normal, she actually had nothing to worry about.

The reason why Dongling Yuanyong was not disturbed by the "flame" all night last night was because he kept giving her luck to drive away the cold. Her cold poison and his "burning soul" formed a mutually beneficial balance, so

They could spend the whole night in peace and quiet.

As for whether he really drank You Kouyi's deer antler soup... Certain flashing images floated through Ximen Yourong's mind. She suddenly stopped and shook her head to drive away those images...


"Miss, what's wrong?" Xiang Qing looked at Ximen Yourong in confusion.

"It's okay, let's go."

Yes, it's okay! Anyway, Dongling Yuanyong won't suffer any pain. Maybe he can still have a brilliant and good time.

Moreover, it is none of her business how intimate he wants to be with any woman, so why should she be bored?

Ximen Yourong calmed down the inexplicable boredom, and returned to her "cold palace" to live her life.

However, Dongling Yuanyong, who she thought would be fine, was not as fine as she thought, because he dug a hole himself, jumped down, and drank a bowl of deer antler soup prepared by You Kouyi.

As a result, he drank the hot soup, and within two seconds he felt a strong, uncontrollable flame rising in his Dantian, as if it were on fire.

He knew very well what the fire felt like. Although he secretly boosted his energy to suppress the heat in his Dantian, You Kouyi's presence still affected him, and he had to find an excuse to send You Kouyi away.

Later, when he almost wanted to strip himself naked and jump into the ice water to cool off, the ice pear soup brought by Ximen Yourong accidentally fell into his eyes, and he took a mouthful of it without even thinking...

Miraculously, after drinking that bowl of ice pear soup, the heat in his body gradually dropped, and his mouth could produce fluid, which immediately relieved his dry mouth and tongue.

Eunuch Cao couldn't understand Dongling Yuanyong's strange behavior. He stepped forward and asked with concern:

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

I drank the velvet antler soup and the ice pear soup, which was a blessing for everyone. However, Dongling Yuanyong’s handsome face was tangled up in a ball. He was concentrating on thinking for a while, and then he was so angry that his teeth were itching. It was really puzzling.


Dongling Yuanyong had no intention of responding to Eunuch Cao's concern at this time. He looked at the bowl with only a few small pieces of snow pear left, and ordered:

"Eunuch Cao, imperial physician Xuan Ai will come over immediately."

As soon as he heard that he was going to be announced as an imperial doctor, Eunuch Cao immediately became nervous:

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Or is there something wrong with the soup just now?"

"Yes, there is something wrong with the soup!"

"What, this, this, this... Your Majesty, do you have any discomfort, stomachache, headache...?"

"I'm fine, please hurry up, Doctor Xuan Ai!"

Dongling Yuanyong swung his clothes, and he sat firmly on the chair and stared at the bowl Ximen Yourong gave him.

He has practiced medicine with the old doctor for more than ten years. Although he has not studied medicine, he is used to seeing the old doctor playing tricks with medicine. He is almost certain that the ice pear soup Ximen Yourong sent is more than just a bowl of sweet and sour food.

Just soup.

When the old doctor Ai came to Longtai Hall, Dongling Yuanyong immediately asked him to check what was in the remaining ice pear soup!

Doctor Ai checked and tasted it again, and he said regretfully:

"Your Majesty, the soup is good, but a little lacking."

Doctor Ai said as he ate the last piece of pear in the bowl.

Dongling Yuanyong saw Doctor Ai greedily licking his fingers. He almost wanted to throw Doctor Ai out. He said angrily:

"I didn't ask you to drink soup. I just want to know if there is any medicine mixed in this soup?"

If Ximen Yourong dared to drug him behind his back, he would definitely not spare her, even if the drug was harmless!

"Your Majesty, there is no medicine in this soup! If there is any medicine, it is just a little bit of "buckwheat mustard seeds" mixed with frost-covered plum blossoms to create a medicinal juice."

"Effectiveness of the medicine?"

"The so-called medicinal effect is to clear fire with fire, and clear the stomach without fire. It is a prescription that ordinary people use at home. It is a cheap and practical good thing! However, the juice of this "buckwheat mustard seed" is so sour that it can make your teeth fall off.

, and the taste is very unpleasant. Who is so capable of using "buckwheat mustard seeds" to make such an ice soup with moderate sweetness and sourness and full of aroma? It is really delicious and practical. This is the first time in my life that I have eaten it.

The medicine seems to be a delicacy in the world, but it is missing..."

"Mr. Ai, if you don't have enough food, there is a cup of deer antler soup there. Can I give it to you as well?"

Dongling Yuanyong stared at Imperial Physician Ai with a dead smile. If it wasn't for his age, Dongling Yuanyong would have really wanted to chop him into pieces!

Doctor Ai took a look at the deer antler soup. He actually got closer and smelled it. As a result, his old face wrinkled and he said:

"Oh, I would like to thank Your Majesty for the reward, but my internal organs are almost at the age of rest. It would be too wasteful to give such a good tonic soup to me. It would be better for Your Majesty to enjoy it!"

Doctor Ai politely declined, but in his heart he didn't like it very much. He didn't know how much deer antlers were put into the soup to stew it. It's not the way to replenish yang energy.

Dongling Yuanyong narrowed his eyes slightly. Doctor Ai was not afraid of wasting the deer antler soup. He simply disliked it.

However, he didn't have that much time to spend with the old man. He stretched out his wrist and said:

"I feel a little unwell. Please check my pulse to see what's going on."

Doctor Ai didn't dare to neglect. He sat down and concentrated on checking Dongling Yuanyong's pulse. He thought it would be fine. But after a while, he stared at Dongling Yuanyong's face carefully, looking up and down.

An incredible look on his face.

Because Doctor Ai's expression was wrong, Dongling Yuanyong asked:

"Why, is there really something wrong with my body?"

"This... shouldn't be!" Doctor Ai answered the question inappropriately.

"What shouldn't be done?" Dongling Yuanyong frowned.

"Your Majesty and the Queen have been inseparable for the past two days. Even if there is any fire, it is time to balance it. Why is the yang energy in your Majesty's body so strong? It is so different from ordinary people."

"Mr. Ai, is this... Your Majesty in serious trouble?"

As soon as Eunuch Cao heard the unclear diagnosis from Dr. Ai, he looked closer at Dr. Ai, fearing that Dr. Ai might actually come up with something even worse.

"Well, Your Majesty is not in serious trouble, just a little troubled."

"What's the trouble?"

"Your Majesty, Yang Fire attacks the heart, that... just needs to be balanced again. Eunuch Cao doesn't have to worry too much."

"How to balance it? Do you need to make some prescriptions to adjust it?"

"There is no need for Fangzi. As long as Your Majesty is properly together with the Queen and the Imperial Concubine, it will be balanced."

"What's the truth?" Eunuch Cao didn't understand Doctor Ai's "prescription" for a while.

"Your Majesty's yang energy is strong, strong, too strong... Eunuch Cao still doesn't understand?" Dr. Ai tried hard to explain.

Eunuch Cao rolled his eyes, and then suddenly realized:

"Oh... it's good to be strong, it's good to be strong. Your Majesty should have reached the age of being a father long ago."

"Eunuch Cao, don't be careless. No matter how anxious we are to see the birth of the prince, we should not replenish your majesty's body randomly. For example, this and this... soup with too much deer antlers is not suitable for feeding your majesty, otherwise it will be easy for your majesty.

It is extremely undesirable to waste your energy excessively on women."

"Yes, yes... what Dr. Ai said is absolutely true. If deer antler is not suitable for your majesty to eat, then you won't eat deer antlers. But how can your majesty have excessive yang energy? In the past, your majesty was not close to women and I didn't see any excess yang energy in your majesty."

In such a situation, His Majesty has been with the Queen these past two days... logically, this problem should not have arisen, right?"

"That's not surprising. Your Majesty used to avoid being flirtatious with women, but now that she is close to you, the yang fire accumulated in Your Majesty's body is out of control... No wonder Your Majesty didn't get up until after noon in the Queen's Palace today. It turns out that's the case

What a situation!" Doctor Ai suddenly realized.

"Isn't that true? I also said that Your Majesty has never gotten up so late before. It's because the yang energy in Your Majesty's body is causing mischief. Although I can't blame Your Majesty, it's just the hard work of the Queen..."


An angry bang on the table cut off the conversation between Eunuch Cao and Doctor Ai. Only then did the two ignorant old men realize that they were plucking the tiger's head...!

This chapter has been completed!
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