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Chapter 44 She Didn't Know Her Husband Was Injured

After Longtai Palace became quiet, Dongling Yuanyong, who was supposed to be sleeping, opened his eyes, and he quickly got out of bed and stood up.

Eunuch Cao and Doctor Ai also looked different from the worried expressions on their faces before. They looked at him calmly and made no move to step forward to help him.

However, Eunuch Cao thought he needed something, so he asked:

"What orders does your Majesty have?"

"Is the news that I was seriously injured known to everyone in the palace?"

"Not only inside the palace, but also outside the palace, the news has spread. Just now, Prime Minister You came with hundreds of officials. The old slave said that His Majesty has no fear for his life and has sent them back safely." Eunuch Cao looked at him.

Dongling Yuanyong answered.

"So, everyone who is supposed to come has come?"

Eunuch Cao looked at Dongling Yuanyong's frowning and dissatisfied look, and he asked doubtfully:

"Your Majesty, do you think there is anything wrong?"

"No! You go down!"

Dongling Yuanyong had a cold and unhappy face, but he was not unhappy because of the injuries on his body. In fact, the injuries on his body were intentional, so the "weakness" he just felt in front of everyone was an illusion. In fact, the injury was harmful to him.

It doesn't hurt to say it.

Although Eunuch Cao couldn't guess the reason for Dongling Yuanyong's dissatisfaction, he wisely withdrew from Doctor Ai.

After it was completely quiet, Dongling Yuanyong sat in front of the desk and picked up the book. But he just opened the book, and his heart felt depressed for no reason, and then the book was thrown away by him.

Only he himself knew what he was upset about. Everyone inside and outside the palace came when they heard that he was seriously injured. Only Ximen Yourong, his queen, did not even show her shadow!

Although he did not perform this scene for Ximen Yourong to see, she is his queen after all, and she should be concerned about him even if he scratches his skin, not to mention he is "seriously injured", "seriously injured", how dare she be so indifferent?


In fact, it can be said that he "suffered" this injury because of You Kouyi! After the emperor and empress shared a room for three days, he could not avoid having to deal with You Kouyi.

However, let alone the fact that he has no male-female thoughts about You Kouyi, even because of You's background, he will definitely not favor You Kouyi for the time being.

Therefore, through military exercises, he allowed himself to be "injured", and after returning to the palace, he also let You Kouyi see his "weakness" with her own eyes. As a result, he could legitimately avoid the harem temporarily without him making any excuses.


Dongling Yuanyong never liked to have too much involvement with women. Even when he occasionally got close to women, it was just a way of venting.

However, the women who were lucky enough to serve him in the past were all ordinary women, but now among the women in his harem, except for Ximen Yourong, who did not have to be taboo, You Kouyi was not a woman he could openly ignore.

What's more, You Kouyi didn't make any mistakes. If he didn't have a reasonable excuse to avoid You Kouyi, he wouldn't be able to explain to You Kouyi, or even the entire You family!

However, Dongling Yuanyong arranged a perfect reason for himself to avoid Youkoyi, but Youkoyi was now unbearably angry because of his perfect reason.

In the past few days, her rationality allowed her to show her "property and generosity" to everyone, just to wait and see how Dongling Yuanyong would treat her three days after the emperor and empress shared a room.

However, at the moment, it seems that her chance to be favored will be postponed for the time being. She does not regret this, but it will make her uneasy. It feels like someone is forcefully blocking her way forward, which makes her very uncomfortable.


After returning to Xiangyun Palace, Manzhi, who was familiar with her temperament, sent the other serving maids out, then looked at You Kouyi, who was cold and cold, and said:

"Mother, it is said that Your Majesty left the city overnight last night, but His Majesty was injured during a military exercise the next day. Is this... could it be a coincidence?"

"By chance? Ha!" You Kouyi sneered!

"Your Majesty, do you also think there is something fishy about Your Majesty's injury?"

"Whether it is strange or not, accidental or inevitable, it is a fact that His Majesty was injured! There is no doubt that I will not be able to gain His Majesty's favor immediately after the Emperor and Empress complete the marriage!"

"However, Your Majesty has been having a close relationship with Ximen Yourong for two nights in a row. Our Xiangyun Palace was already heavily outnumbered by the Lengyue Palace. Now that Your Majesty is injured, he doesn't know when he will be able to come to our Xiangyun Palace. Wouldn't this make the Empress even more vulnerable?

Ximen Yourong steals more limelight?"

Although Manzhi thought wholeheartedly about You Kouyi, she thought too superficially. You Kouyi didn't care whether Dongling Yuanyong could come to Xiangyun Palace now, what she cared about was whether Dongling Yuanyong wanted to come to Xiangyun Palace?

If he has the intention to come, she can wait even if it is a little late! But if he has no intention of coming, then it is not a question of whether she can wait!

I don’t know why, but You Kouyi feels inexplicably suspicious in her heart!

Dongling Yuanyong treated her with high standards of courtesy, but she always felt that his courtesy was cold.

On the contrary, Ximen Yourong seemed to live in the most miserable palace, and the cost of food and clothing was extremely poor for a queen.

But they were also newlyweds, but Ximen Yourong had the most time with Dongling Yuanyong, which made her have to think deeply about the difference and contrast!

That feeling was not because Ximen Yourong took advantage of the ancestral rules and had Dongling Yuanyong's time, but because she realized that those times were probably left to Ximen Yourong voluntarily by Dongling Yuanyong!

On the other hand, Dongling Yuanyong seems to be deliberately distancing himself from her... Is this because she is overthinking it?

With her mind focused on thinking, You Kouyi suddenly remembered something, her eyes flashed and she asked Manzhi:

"We were at Longtai Palace just now, why didn't the Queen appear?"

Manzhi smiled coldly and proudly and said:

"It was my slave who secretly intercepted the message, so Lengyue Palace probably doesn't know that His Majesty is injured at this moment!"

"Superficial, who allows you to make your own decisions...?"

You Kouyi reprimanded him dissatisfiedly, Manzhi probably wanted to create an image of Ximen Yourong not caring about Dongling Yuanyong, but the effect of this approach was too weak, and it would not hit Ximen Yourong hard!

But then thinking about it, You Kouyi felt that it was not completely undesirable. Her eyes sank and she said again:

"Forget it, now that the matter is over, I should personally inform the Queen that Her Majesty is injured, lest the Queen find out later that she has lost her way as a wife."

Manzhi didn't understand Youkoyi's purpose, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions. She just said "yes" and followed Youkoyi's instructions!

When she arrived at Lengyue Palace, You Kouyi was allowed to enter the palace directly. When she entered, she did not see Ximen Yourong sitting on the throne waiting for her to kneel down. Instead, she saw Ximen Yourong sitting by the fire without any pretense.

Playing with her little nephew.

Seeing You Kouyi, she greeted with a smile:

"Concubine You, come and sit down quickly..." She said and then told the palace maid standing on the side: "Qiao'er, go and get the flower brew I made to make tea for the concubine."

The palace maid named Qiaoer took the order and went forward. You Kouyi also gave a simple salute under Ximen Yourong's informal greeting and took her seat opposite Ximen Yourong.

She asked Manzhi to bring the gift she gave to Ximen Yourong and put it on the table. Then she looked at Ximen Yourong and said with a soft smile:

"Empress, I didn't find a suitable opportunity to pay my respects in the past two days, which is really wrong. I originally wanted to come earlier today, but who knew that I was so panicked when I heard the news that Your Majesty was injured and had to go first?

After a trip to Longtai Palace, I wasted my time and came here, please don’t take offense, please!”

"Your Majesty is injured? What does this mean?" Ximen Yourong paused while pouring tea.

"Is your Majesty not aware that Your Majesty was stabbed because he personally went into battle to lead troops in a military exercise?" You Kouyi pretended to be surprised!

"If the noble concubine didn't mention it, I really wouldn't know about it."

Ximen Yourong calmly resumed the action of adding tea, as if she didn't care much about Dongling Yuanyong's well-being.

In fact, when she heard that Dongling Yuanyong was injured, she panicked because she thought that Dongling Yuanyong was not able to withstand the power of the "flame" and suffered internal injuries.

But when she heard that he had an external injury, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Her calm attitude made You Kouyi inquire:

"Aren't you worried about Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty's injury is a big deal, but no one from Lengyue Palace came to notify you, so there must be nothing I can do for your Majesty. Moreover, the imperial concubine came to me only after visiting the Longtai Palace. Now that the imperial concubine's complexion is stable, mentioning that your majesty is injured is not a big deal.

Don’t worry so much. After all, your Majesty is probably fine."

You Kouyi was secretly shocked by Ximen Yourong's calmness. She thought that Ximen Yourong would be so anxious when he learned that Dongling Yuanyong was injured. After all, Ximen Yourong is also the mother of a country, no matter what, she at least

You should also have the attitude that a wife should have!

However, Ximen Yourong's attitude is no different from that of staying aloof. Considering her situation as the "daughter of a guilty minister", doesn't she want to do her best to express her duty while the heat is hot?

Although You Kouyi could not see clearly at the moment and could not figure out Ximen Yourong, she would not rashly let herself reveal inappropriate inquiries. She smiled calmly and generously:

"The Queen is still calm and careful, unlike my concubine who became confused when she heard that Your Majesty was injured and almost frightened herself. From now on, I should be more like the Queen."

"Your Majesty is humble, and you and I are His Majesty's bedfellows. However, I have not been taught by your Majesty's family since I was a child, and I am not as gentle and considerate as a more kind woman. Therefore, I think it is a good thing for Your Majesty to have a noble concubine by your side who knows the warmth and warmth."

Ximen Yourong didn't know how much of You Kouyi's calmness was real and how much of it was fake.

However, she was at least certain that if You Kouyi just came to visit, she wouldn't think too much about it.

However, she brought the news that Dongling Yuanyong was injured. This proved that You Kouyi's visit today was not just to say hello.

However, since You Kouyi could come to her and "accidentally" reveal the serious matter of Dongling Yuanyong's injury to her, it proves that everyone outside should know about it.

Although she is happy to hide in this remote Lengyue Palace, she doesn't care about anything new happening around her on weekdays.

But that doesn't mean that she can't hear news from the outside. The big thing in the palace today is that Dongling Yuanyong was injured. If some insignificant news can usually get into Lengyue Palace, then she won't listen to such an important thing today.

Less than.

In other words, the news that Dongling Yuanyong was injured was deliberately blocked from flowing into Lengyue Palace!

Oh, she didn't know that her husband was injured, and she didn't know what trouble this storm would bring to her!

This chapter has been completed!
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