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Chapter 52 He is jealous of a fox

Looking at Ximen Yourong's pale face that could make people angry, Dongling Yuanyong frowned:

"Can't you see I'm angry?"

"Saw it."

Ximen Yourong opened his eyes wide without blinking. He was angry. What could she do?

"Then what?" He was sure that she would say something that would annoy him again!

"Then, I don't know what your Majesty is angry about!"

"You..." As expected, he was really angry. Dongling Yuanyong suppressed his anger secretly and said, "Why don't you answer your question?"

"What words?"

"I asked what you were angry about, why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm not angry or anything, I'm just tired and don't want to talk."

"to be honest!"

Dongling Yuanyong still couldn't restrain himself from approaching her face and glaring at her angrily. He didn't believe her words.

"Why did Your Majesty deliberately push me to face the storm that I didn't have to face?"

He insisted on listening, she said, and she also wanted to know why her heart felt uncomfortable? She shouldn't feel uncomfortable because he was using her, at most she could just be careful about being hurt like she did in the beginning!

But...she felt that something was changing, a change that she might not be able to control, so she was even more afraid!

Dongling Yuanyong looked at her eyes that finally looked different. He was silent for a while and asked:

“What are the storms you could have avoided facing?”

"Your Majesty knows what the storm is about." She said in a cold tone.

"Ximen Yourong, from the moment you were selected by Dongling's ancestors to become the widowed queen, do you think there are any troubles you shouldn't face?"

Dongling Yuanyong was also aroused by her cold disrespect and mocked her mercilessly.

He could tell from her eyes that she had guessed that he was using her to contain Youshi's power.

However, he will not change his mind. Since she is his queen, no matter what he intends to do to her, she must be someone he can use. Otherwise, what is the use of keeping her?

Dongling Yuanyong came to such a conclusion, and in the next moment, there was another voice in his heart asking himself: Is her existence really only of use value to you?

Ximen Yourong was speechless, because he was right, she had no choice in her fate. She had forgotten her own situation, so what right did she have to be angry with him for using her?

However, she couldn't help but wonder:

"Your Majesty, while showing high standard of courtesy to Concubine You for everyone to see, is unwilling to get close to Concubine You. Why is this?"

It is human nature for a woman who enters the harem life, especially a proud girl like You Kouyi, to only want to win the emperor's heart.

Dongling Yuanyong should know that what You Kouyi wants more than just a gorgeous shell, what she wants most is Dongling Yuanyong's favor.

But Dongling Yuanyong knew that he would not "talk heart-to-heart" with You Kouyi, but he retorted to Ximen Yourong intentionally or unintentionally:

"Who said I don't want to get close to Concubine You? The days are long, isn't it?"

"In this case, I don't want to compete with Concubine You for power and favor. Why would Your Majesty deliberately trigger Concubine You's hatred towards me? Isn't it enough if I just want one party to be at peace?"

Ximen Yourong was not angry, she was just emphasizing that she did not expect his favor.

But it sounded inexplicably harsh to Dongling Yuanyong, so he blurted out coldly:

"Don't you think you are the person least qualified to enjoy peace here?"

Since she doesn't care about being favored by him, why should he ask her to care about him?

Dongling Yuanyong's words were actually filled with unwillingness, but after hearing this, Ximen Yourong immediately laughed at herself for being ridiculous. She even forgot that she was not suitable to reveal her true nature in front of him.

As soon as her mind cleared up, she calmed down and said:

"Your Majesty is right, I shouldn't be self-righteous and want to be alone. My position should be used by Your Majesty, otherwise... I won't even be qualified to live!"

Ximen Yourong originally wanted to say something more tactful, but the words she blurted out were filled with obvious ridicule. She was mocking herself and also mocking his ruthlessness!

Dongling Yuanyong looked at the slight wetness in her eyes, and his heart trembled. He wanted to say something, but Ximen Yourong changed the topic before him:

"It's getting late, Your Majesty, do you need me to help you change clothes and rest?"

"Well..." It might be good for both of them to stop the unpleasant topic at this time!

Ximen Yourong silently took care of Dongling Yuanyong, then silently walked to the bench where she usually likes to lie down and lay down with her clothes on.

"Xue'er", who had been waiting for her for a long time, saw her lying down, and immediately ran into Ximen Yourong's arms, purred, laid his head on her chest and closed his eyes comfortably...!

However, an absolutely unfriendly air flow made the keen "Xue'er" open her eyes again and look up at Dongling Yuanyong with a dark face.

Dongling Yuanyong knew that Ximen Yourong lay down on the bench without saying a word, and she obviously wanted to sleep separately from him.

She didn't want to sleep in the same bed with him, and he didn't tolerate it at first, but the moment he saw the fluffy fox crawling into her arms, he suddenly felt like his precious things had been robbed by others.

This would make him look at the annoying fox with big eyes and small eyes, and its defensive air flow made him more sure that he definitely didn't like this beast.

With her eyes closed, Ximen Yourong felt "Xue'er"'s uneasiness. When she opened her eyes, she found that Dongling Yuanyong was also glaring at her with a stinky face.

"Does your Majesty have any other instructions?"

She didn't want to talk about unpleasant things anymore, and she was also sleepy. Especially with the fire nearby and "Xue'er" in her arms, it was not difficult for her to have a good sleep.

She might have been better off if there hadn't been that moody god occupying her bed.

"Get this beast out of here."

Dongling Yuanyong pointed at "Xue'er", but the order was tolerant of Ximen.

"It is very well-behaved and will not disturb His Majesty."

Ximen Yourong sat up and hugged "Xue'er" with both hands. Without "Xue'er", her sleep quality would be compromised.

"It's an eyesore!"

"Then I'll take it to sleep in the side hall..."


"I'm afraid of the cold!"

"Go to bed if you feel cold." With him here, could she still be cold?

"My bed is small, and His Majesty is injured. Your Majesty will feel uncomfortable if I sleep next to him!"

"You don't know how many nights I slept with you injured? Now you don't think it's far-fetched to use this as an excuse."

Ximen Yourong listened to his unhappy remarks, and she immediately thought of the few days she spent with him in the "Longtai Palace".

During those days, at night, she was almost always forced to fall asleep by him.

She had to admit that it was the happiest enjoyment to hide in his arms and fall asleep after he had driven away the cold for her, because she could sleep very contentedly in his arms.

However, after leaving the "Dragon Tai Palace", that satisfaction turned into a burden deep in her heart. She was afraid that she would fall into an abyss that she could not get out of...!

This is why she doesn't want to sleep next to him now, so no matter what he wants to do, she said decisively:

"Anyway, Your Majesty won't let me sleep in the side hall, so I'll sleep here tonight. I promise not to let Xue'er disturb Your Majesty...!"

Before she even had time to scream, the "Xue'er" in her arms was instantly lifted up and thrown high by Dongling Yuanyong, and then fell far away in the corner.

As Xueer fell, its pitiful "wow" cry made Ximen Yourong frightened:


Not to mention worrying about "Xue'er", Ximen Yourong himself was pulled into Dongling Yuanyong's arms and fell asleep on the bench together. Due to the limitations of space, their bodies were so close that it was impossible to even turn around.

"Since the Queen likes to sleep on this bench so much, if you feel sorry for me, there is nothing wrong with staying here with the Queen for just one night."

Humph! His queen is really good. She would rather sleep with a beast than hug him...hug him? Is he jealous of a fox now?

"Your Majesty, let me go. Xue'er's injury hasn't healed yet. How could you be so harsh on her?"

"Shut up! I'm not hurt. Why don't you feel a little nervous?"

As soon as Dongling Yuanyong's words came out of his mouth, he secretly regretted it and gritted his teeth. It turned out that he was really jealous. He couldn't tolerate anything else in her arms, not even a fox!

Ximen Yourong was also touched by his words, but she avoided his eyes and did not respond to him. Instead, she changed the subject and said:

"Let me get up first, and I'll just take a look at Xue'er's wound!"

What he just pulled was Xueer's injured front leg, and he threw it so hard that he didn't even know if it was okay.

"You feel sorry for my injury. Could it be that in your eyes, I am worse than a beast?"

Dongling Yuanyong simply stopped hiding her and yelled at Ximen Yourong angrily. Ximen Yourong was blinded by his roar. Was he really looking for her to pay attention to her?

However, when it came to his injury, although she knew it was no longer serious, after all, he was still recovering. He was sleeping with his wound pressed, so she would subconsciously care about whether he felt uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, it's better...go to bed and sleep!"

"Not going."

Dongling Yuanyong refused to listen to her, and Ximen Yourong ignored him. She stood up from his arms and glanced at Xue'er who was driven away in the corner. It seemed that it just didn't dare to approach, and there was nothing wrong with it.

So, she walked to the bed and lay down facing inside. Soon, her body fell into the arms that were no longer unfamiliar to her. She didn't refuse his approach, but she didn't say anything!

Dongling Yuanyong was also silent, but his warm hand naturally held her cold hand, and then began to drive away the cold for her luck...!

He guessed that her compromise was actually for his sake. She was worried that sleeping on a narrow bench would affect his wounds, so she took the initiative to lie down on the bed.

For this reason, the satisfied smile spread unconsciously on Dongling Yuanyong's face.

Ximen Yourong once again accepted his offer. At the same time, she couldn't understand what was going on between them.

He obviously just wants to use her, but is it normal that he treats her with more and more doting and domineering words and deeds?

She was the same, her reason made her refuse to get close to him, but her heart walked towards him uncontrollably.

Why is this happening, she has only known him for a few days? She doesn't even know Dongling Yuanyong, so how did her alienation and guarding against him turn into lying together so intimately?

This chapter has been completed!
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