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Chapter 76 Betting on Her Willingness

Dongling Yuanyong heard her mention Xue'er and saw her frowning. He immediately understood her heart better. He smiled and said:

"Xue'er is what others call a demon fox. You let Xue'er bite you to prove that you can't control Xue'er. This may help you get rid of the slander of rumors, but you didn't do it perfectly, you know?"

Ximen Yourong looked at him with confused eyes, she didn't fully understand what he said.

Dongling Yuanyong knew her doubts, he nodded her head with a little affection and continued:

"You are very smart, but not rigorous enough. Since you want to use Xue'er to plan all attacks, you should think that Xue'er will never survive."

"Why? It's just a wild beast. Those people also know that Xue'er is just an ordinary fox. What they really want is to use Xue'er to slander me. They don't care about Xue'er's life or death at all!"

Because he said that Xue'er "absolutely cannot live", Ximen Yourong's tone had a clear uplift, and her cold expression also let Dongling Yuanyong know that she was angry.

But he was not in a hurry to appease her, he only asked:

"Do you think that if Xue'er hurts you and you take the opportunity to send Xue'er away, everything will calm down?"

"If you hadn't ordered Xue'er to be poisoned, the result would be that Ruo Zun and I are fine now, and Xue'er will be fine too!"

She turned slightly and looked away to avoid his gaze. He was not annoyed, but sighed softly and said:

"You yourself said that others used Xue'er to hurt you, so why didn't you think that since they could use Xue'er once, they wouldn't use Xue'er twice or three times?"

While Dongling Yuanyong was speaking, he had already stretched out his hand to straighten her body so that she faced him.

Ximen Yourong looked at him again. She thought about the meaning of his words, and then she vaguely understood something, but she still couldn't let go and said:

"But you clearly know my feelings for Xue'er, so you can't think of other ways to keep her alive, and you have to sacrifice her to solve the problem?"

When she said this, Ximen Yourong's eyes heated up. She felt sorry for Xue'er and complained that his method didn't consider her feelings at all!

"What about you? Why don't you think of other ways to solve the problem and have to gamble with your own life? Do you know that you almost died? You were seriously injured like that. If Xueer didn't die, others would say that you were killed by it.

You are so badly injured that you are still reluctant to kill it. In this way, the relationship between you and the "demon fox" will not be completely separated. If you don't hurt it, it will be hurt. I will never allow your sacrifice to go to waste, so Xue'er must die!"

Although Ximen Yourong was not poisoned before he ordered Xueer to be poisoned. But when he thought of the scenes in which she was seriously injured and had a fever that almost killed her due to the cold poison attack, he did not regret at all the order to sacrifice Xueer.

To complete her plan.

Ximen Yourong felt his fearful mood, and her heart suddenly swelled. He seemed to be afraid that she would die!

At the same time, she suddenly realized that she might have misunderstood him. She opened her red lips and asked almost definitely:

"The night I got poisoned...you saved me, right?"

It was him, that's right! She had previously thought that he didn't care about her life or death. But it turned out not to be the case. He came that night, so she could get through the pain of poisonous hair safely. It turned out that she was not alone that night!

Dongling Yuanyong did not answer her question directly, but he took her into his arms, hugged her tightly and said proudly and domineeringly:

"Your life, your body, and your freedom belong to me from now on. Without my permission, you are not allowed to die, get hurt, or leave. Do you understand!?"

Ximen Yourong's eyes were moist, and all his "not allowed" were full of a man's absolute possessiveness over a woman. This sounded so touching, but Ximen Yourong panicked. She was silent and could not give him anything.


Dongling Yuanyong couldn't hear her voice, so he pushed her away gently and lifted her face up to look at:

"Why don't you answer?" He wanted everything about her to belong to him.

"I am the Queen and your Majesty's servant. I will do whatever your Majesty wants me to do!"

This was the answer she gave him, but when he heard it, he frowned and darkened his face.

She is the queen and his, but her heart is unwilling to make a promise to him after all!

Ximen Yourong noticed his loss, and she moved into his arms with some guilt, rarely taking the initiative to wrap her arms around his waist.

"You...!" Dongling Yuanyong was a little surprised. She had never taken the initiative to approach him!

"Your Majesty, I... need some time!"

He declared that he wanted to have so much of her, how could she not feel it in her heart? Because of their opposing identities, she never thought at the beginning that she could occupy his heart?

She never thought that she would fall in love with an emperor who should not fall in love! However, she could not help but love him, and she was so afraid of loving him!

Therefore, she did not dare to accept his dominance so quickly, let alone give him everything she had!

Dongling Yuanyong knew that she was not reassured by his sincerity, but that she was afraid. He held her face and said indulgently:

"As long as you are with me, I promise you a lifetime!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongling Yuanyong put his hands away. He lowered his head and gave her a hot and affectionate kiss. He wanted to tell her that his heart was true and she could take it away completely...!

After the kiss ended, Ximen Yourong panted slightly and leaned against his warm chest. Neither of them spoke quietly. Her mind was hot and her heart was sweet... It turned out that she heard her beloved man promise "for the rest of my life"

"These three words are so weighty!

"Rong'er, what are you thinking about?"

Dongling Yuanyong broke the silence between them, and he enjoyed the time!

She may not be so sure about her feelings yet, but he knows that he has taken root in her heart. This is a good start!

Ximen Yourong heard the word "Rong'er" whispered from his mouth again, and she replied with a sweet smile:

"I was thinking that His Majesty's cold gaze that wanted to kill me seemed like just yesterday, but now...!" She raised her head and looked into his bottomless eyes: "The way His Majesty looked at me told me that even if I died,

It is definitely not His Majesty’s hand!”

"Is that all you see?" He loves her all over the place, doesn't he?

Ximen Yourong smiled faintly. She did not answer his question and asked:

"Is the "Proud Fairy" in front of the ancestor Ximen's grave arranged by His Majesty?"

She is now a "lucky" queen because the "Proud Fairy" plant that grew in front of Ximen's ancestor's grave made her "lucky"!

Dongling Yuanyong was surprised but not surprised that she would mention the matter of "Ao Fairy". He did not deny it, but asked for credit in a funny way and said:

"I have tried my best to protect you, but is your heart moved?"

It was indeed his arrangement for "Fairy Ao" to appear in front of Ximen's ancestor's grave. She had been demonized, so he had to purify her of bad words!

Therefore, when she resolved and repelled the slander of others, he also took advantage of the opportunity to use the "power" of Dongling ancestors and Ximen ancestors to consolidate her phoenix position!

"Fairy Ao" is the highest holy flower in the hearts of the people of Dacheng, and it is also a symbol of righteousness! So he chose to plant a "Fairy Ao" in front of Ximen's ancestor's grave to let the people know about it.

The prophecy that the daughter of the clan will bring blessings to the people naturally became popular among the people!

Although Ximen Yourong knew it well, hearing him admit it so easily made her feel doubly heavy. She looked at him and asked:

"Your Majesty hates Ximen, but why do you want to give Ximen a halo that he shouldn't have?"

The tragic death of his mother and the fifteen years of hardship and humiliation he endured were all caused by her father.

Even if it is understandable that he wants to erase all traces of Ximenshi, why is he willing to personally rekindle Ximenshi's halo? Is it just for her?

Dongling Yuanyong just smiled at her question and said frankly:

"Your ancestor Ximen made unparalleled contributions to the founding of Dacheng, and then remained loyal to the Dongling clan for more than a hundred years. These are facts that cannot be erased. Therefore, it is true that I hate the Ximen clan led by your father, but I will not

Eradicate the loyalty and merit that you Simons had!"

Ximen Yourong listened to his words quietly and looked into his eyes intently. She finally understood that it turned out that the Ximen clan's cemetery could continue to be preserved intact, all because of his profound righteousness.

This man was more talented than she imagined, and his mind was incredibly broad. No wonder...no wonder she fell in love with him so easily!

"Rong'er, what's wrong with you...?" She was obviously smiling, but she was crying!

Ximen Yourong shook his head gently: "I'm fine."

"Then why are you crying?" He wiped her tears!

"I misunderstood Your Majesty... I'm sorry!"

She originally thought that he would despicably force her to separate from her nephew through the advice of the ministers, but it turned out that she had a villainous heart!

"What's the misunderstanding?" Dongling Yuanyong raised her lips. She cried for him and laughed for him. He was satisfied!

"If the bottle is safe, right?"

She definitely looked at him without daring to assert herself. In this world, as long as he didn't want Ruozun's life, she would have the confidence to protect Ruozun!

Dongling Yuanyong paused for a moment, then he took her hand and gently held her body, saying frankly:

"I do taboo the existence of Ximen Ruozun, but because of you, he is safe!"

"Is Your Majesty so confident that I am safe for Your Majesty?"

She understood what he meant. He was telling her that he would no longer be taboo about her surname, and he would also not be taboo about Ruozun's existence!

Dongling Yuanyong listened to her somewhat provocative question, he confidently nodded her forehead and said:

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

He was indeed taboo about her origin, so he initially thought of her as just a usable "chess piece". Until he fell in love with her, she was still just a "chess piece"!

However, now she is no longer a "chess piece" to him, but the woman he loves!

Ximen Yourong never thought about whether he was going against the will or not, but because he had a joking tone, she asked jokingly:

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid of looking down on me?"

"I'm not looking down on you, I just believe in myself!"

"...?" There was confusion in her eyes!

"I believe that one day, your body and mind will be willing to be with me, and I will be the most important person in your life!"

"Why does Your Majesty believe what you believe?"

"Here...!" He pointed to his heart: "You already own it!"

His affectionate and confident eyes brought out Ximen Yourong's most beautiful smile, because he was betting his heart on her willingness!

This chapter has been completed!
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