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Chapter 80: The Root of His Most Pain

The three words "Don't go" that Ximen Yourong blurted out shocked not only herself, but even Dongling Yuanyong's heart shrank!

The two of them were silent as they looked at each other. There was panic in her eyes, but there was indescribable joy in his eyes...!

Dongling Yuanyong's hand lightly touched her face, and then he placed a kiss on her forehead and then hugged her tightly and lay comfortably.

"Your Majesty, I...!"

Ximen Yourong felt that she should say something, but Dongling Yuanyong smoothed her hair and whispered in her ear:

"Don't worry, I won't leave, let alone look for You Kouyi!" Because the woman he wants is already in his arms!

His words were like a promise, giving Ximen Yourong a reason to feel at ease, and her face lying on his chest also smiled sweetly.

From now on, her life may not always be perfect, but tonight, being embraced and cared for by him like this, she wants nothing more!

As the emperor rested and fell asleep, Lengyue Palace seemed even quieter at night, and the entire palace seemed to be covered in a peaceful atmosphere, except for one palace that had a strange surge in silence!

However, I don’t know whether that strangeness was hidden by the night, or because the person who set off the undercurrent was too elusive...!

In front of the bronze mirror, You Kouyi lowered her head slightly, grabbing a handful of hair and combing it smoothly, her eyebrows were tightened, and her expression looked thoughtful and uneasy.

She didn't know if it was because she was too immersed in her own thoughts, but there was another face in the mirror that she didn't even know about.

However, what appeared in the mirror was a face whose entire face could not be seen, because he was wearing a metal mask that almost covered his entire face.

The only thing people could see was his pair of cold eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed on You Kouyi's face. Perhaps his cold gaze was getting stronger and stronger, and it was difficult for You Kouyi not to feel it.

When she raised her eyes to look at the masked face in the mirror, she just paused. Then she calmly put down her comb, then slowly turned around and stood up, facing the visitor and said calmly:

"You came!"

"Because you summoned me!" There was a bit of ridicule in the cold tone!

Because of the coldness he exuded, You Kouyi felt a twinge in her heart, but she chose to ignore it and smiled:

"Are you still willing to listen to my call because your anger is gone?"

"I've never been angry with you, so how can I calm down?"

His tone was still sarcastic, but You Kouyi could tell that this time he was mocking himself.

You Kouyi moved closer to him. She first looked at his mask, then raised her hands to take it off. But the man who was a head taller than her turned his head to avoid her touch, and took a step back to remind him.


"Your Majesty, please be careful!"

"I'd like to see you!"

"Have you forgotten what you said?"

Feeling another stab in her heart, You Kouyi endured it and took a step forward, looked up at him and whispered:

"Ye, let me see you!"

Hearing the name "Ye" that belongs exclusively to her, the man froze, knowing that he could not refuse her request after all.

You Kouyi also knew her influence on him, so she raised her hand and successfully took off his mask.

When the mask left his face, his head turned to the right.

Looking sideways, he saw a handsome face that was cold yet warm, strong yet soft.

But when You Kouyi gently straightened his face, there was a mark on his right face. No, to be precise, it was a tattoo, which covered half of his right side to his temple.

Looking at the picture directly, it is a picture of an evil beast that is so ferocious that it makes people frightened.

But You Kouyi seemed to have been familiar with his tattoos for a long time, so not only was she not afraid at all, but she raised her hand and gently touched the right side of his face. Finally, she even stood on tiptoes and kissed his right cheek...!

Just before her lips were about to leave, the man suddenly grabbed the back of her head and kissed her fiercely, blocking her hateful red lips that he was most familiar with!

As if like dry wood and a raging fire, You Kouyi forgot where she was, let alone her status as a noble concubine. She accepted the man's demands with abandon.

The man who hugged her tightly was the man who truly moved her heart. This was not the first time that they had been this close.

It's a pity that their intimacy never broke through the last line of defense. It's not that the man doesn't want it, but that You Kouyi wants to stick to her innocence!

She can give him her heart, but she can't give her body because he is not the man who can satisfy her ultimate ambition!

To her, her innocent body is not a virtue that a woman can be proud of, but a stepping stone for her to reach the top.

When she made up her mind to be the most noble woman in Da Chengguo, no matter which man she had in mind, her innocent body could only be dedicated to her own ambition!

In other words, her first time as a woman can only belong to Dongling Yuanyong, because Dongling Yuanyong is the only channel for her to reach the top!

She may be in love with the man she is actually willing to have skin-to-skin contact with, and he is also the owner of "Fate Gate" ~ The Night King.

But his background was completely different from hers, and he was destined not to be the one who could stand upright with her in the sun.

However, such a secret communication is so passionate and risky... But can she afford to take this risk!?

You Kouyi, who was almost lost in lust, suddenly woke up. She pushed the Night King away with all her strength and escaped from the bed where they lay down at some point.

The Night King, who was rejected by her again, also sat up. He looked at You Kouyi who was quickly adjusting her clothes with her back to him and asked coldly:

"What am I to you?"

She once said that she loved him, but she also said that her love for him could not be seen in the light. Therefore, he was willing to hide in the darkness and live only for her!

She also said that she had ambitions that were not inferior to those of men, so he did everything he could to support her, even if it meant making him infamous in order to achieve her!

You Kouyi understood the disappointment and pain in his words. She turned around and looked at him. Her heart felt guilty, but she forced herself to say coldly:

"Ye, I once said that you are the only man who makes my heart beat, but you may also be the man I will eventually abandon without having any choice... So far, my love for you has not changed, and there is a possibility that I will abandon you completely one day.


"Ha~ I know! What's funny is that I still care about your pitiful charity...!"


"Kuoyi, do you know that my shameless face is not my saddest fate. What makes me really sad is falling in love with you. Your eyes that are so far away, so love-like and so contemptuous are what makes me the most painful.


"Between you and me, you are not the only one who suffers. Falling in love with you and having to use you or even abandon you also tortures my conscience!"

You Kouyi wanted to shout loudly, but she could only suppress her trembling voice and scold him. She scolded him and herself!

The Night King looked at her tears falling, and he instinctively reached out to catch them. Her tears were wiped away, but his hands were reluctant to leave her face. He said sadly:

"As long as you are false to me, I won't be in such pain!"

She never hypocritically conceals her purpose of using him. Just because she is never hypocritical in front of him, her love for him is not hypocritical either.

Just for her unhypocritical "love", he chose to ignore all other sources of pain for him!

If she only wants to use him but doesn't love him, the most he can do is suffer the pain of not being able to love her.

However, she wants to use him, but she loves him at the same time, which makes him always dream about whether one day she will be willing to give up everything just to be with him... However, the glory and power at the peak are what she has in her heart.

The ultimate goal, he is just an accident in the process of realizing her ambition!

When she told him that she was going to enter the palace and become another man's woman, he was heartbroken, but he didn't say a word to save her!

Because he knew that was the first step for her to abandon him. He knew that this step would come sooner or later, and he had no choice but to accept it!

However, the moment he saw her dressed in rich clothes and marrying someone else's wife, he realized that the psychological preparation he had made was useless. He was so painful that he almost died... He wanted to have everything about her and become his upright wife.

A man is a distant dream.

On the day she got married in Youfu, he went to find her, but she told him that he could no longer appear in front of her at will unless she summoned him!

So, he left the show with pain, and he silently waited for her "call". Nearly half a year had passed!

The frustrating thing is that he waited for so long not because she wanted to see him, but because she encountered difficulties and she needed his help!

However, knowing this, he still risked his life to come to her.

You Kouyi knew the Night King's mood at this time, and she wanted to comfort him, but every time she comforted him, it seemed that she might hurt him in the end.

The most heartbreaking thing in the world is not being able to love him. Since she can't give him what he wants, she shouldn't pretend to emphasize that she cares about his feelings.

He was right, her indifference hurt him the most, because what she took advantage of was not so much the "enemies" he controlled, but rather what she took advantage of was his heart that loved her!

In all her plans, Yukoyi only considered her own gains and losses. Only when facing the Night King did her plans inevitably involve guilt and intolerance.

However, she had already come this far in order to get the phoenix crown, and she had no way out. Therefore, she was determined to retreat to the end and said to the Night King:

"Ye, You Kouyi, who used to be able to see you as he pleased, is no longer here. The one who sees you today is Concubine You... Concubine You can only belong to Dongling Yuanyong...!"

"That's enough! The moment you pushed me away, I knew who you were protecting, so you don't have to stress who you belong to, I know it all!"

The Night King's uncontrollable heartache made him sneer. The innocence she had always insisted on might have been dedicated to the emperor who could realize her peak ambition, but he was not qualified to have her even once!

You Kouyi smiled arrogantly, and she said coldly:

"In this case, this topic ends here! I didn't want to discuss this before taking the risk of bringing you here!"

Tonight, no one in the entire palace knew that the emperor and empress had reconciled, but this was not what You Kouyi cared about!

What she cares about is that Ximen Yuyong will not fail, and her road to seizing the Feng throne will only get longer.

The most troublesome thing is that maybe her path to the Phoenix throne has become out of reach, and Dongling Yuanyong is moving away from her... No, in fact, he has never really been close to her?

This chapter has been completed!
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