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Chapter 91 The Queen's Medical Skills Are So Superb

Just when the female doctor had no distractions and focused all her efforts on treating Xiahou Chunyan, there was a message outside that Dongling Yuanyong had arrived, causing everyone to greet him at the door.

Only the female doctor didn't look back and continued her acupuncture action as if she didn't hear any sound.

Dongling Yuanyong entered the room without waiting for anyone else to say anything. He first raised his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite.

For a time, there was no more noise in the room due to the arrival of Dongling Yuanyong, but it became even quieter.

Everyone, including Dongling Yuanyong, tensed up and watched the female doctor perform the acupuncture...!

After a long time, when the female doctor pulled out the silver needle that had been stuck in Xiahou Chunyan's chest in an orderly manner, everyone thought it was over.

However, the female doctor finally picked up a thicker and longer silver needle and looked at it. Then she suddenly raised her arm high and stabbed it hard into the center of Xiahou Chunyan's heart. No one had time to react. The silver needle

It had penetrated deeply into Xiahou Chunyan's heart, leaving only half an inch of the needle exposed outside Xiahou Chunyan's body.

This scene frightened everyone in the room, but almost instantly, the female doctor stood up and pressed Xiahou Chunyan's chest with one hand, and simultaneously pulled out the silver needle with the other hand...a jet of dark black blood spurted out directly.

The bed curtain above your head!

Soon, the rapidity of the blood column weakened, and finally only a thin stream of blood slowly emerged from Xiahou Chunyan's bleeding heart.

It wasn't until she saw that the bleeding blood was no longer black that the female doctor's hand on Xiahou Chunyan's chest was slowly released, causing Xiahou Chunyan, who was in a coma, to snort slightly.

When everyone looked at Xiahou Chunyan again, his complexion was obviously much better and his breathing became more relaxed.

The female doctor checked Xiahou Chunyan's pulse again, and then she let out a shallow breath as if she was relieved.

Her soft call was not heard by others, but Dongling Yuanyong heard it, because half of his attention was on her, and he knew that she successfully rescued Xiahou Chunyan!

The female doctor finally checked Xiahou Chunyan's pulse, then turned to face everyone and said:

"Prince Xiahou is no longer in danger. However, there are still residual poisons in his body, and he still needs to be bled every three days. After three consecutive bloodlettings, his poison will be removed. The rest only needs to be taken to slowly eliminate the poison.


"Really...really? Can my royal brother really survive?" King Xiaoyun was so happy that he almost jumped up!

"Yes, he can survive..."

"Wow, that's great, that's great...you are really an amazing doctor!"

King Xiaoyun's face, which had been dazed just now, suddenly became bright. In his excitement, he grabbed the female doctor's hands at an inappropriate time and looked at her facelessly.

The female doctor first instinctively wanted to avoid King Xiaoyun's unconscious approach, but before she could say anything, King Xiaoyun was probably too excited. Just grabbing the female doctor's hand was not enough to express his happiness, so he simply hugged her.

The female doctor was jumping up and down and wanted to express her gratitude.

However, he didn't have a chance to say anything as the dark-faced Dongling Yuanyong reminded him:

"King Xiaoyun, shouldn't you first confirm whether your imperial brother is okay?"

Only then did King Xiaoyun let go of the female doctor and focus on Xiahou Chunyan.

The female doctor looked at Dongling Yuanyong through the translucent gauze, but she did not speak. Instead, she looked past him and wrote a prescription and gave it to Doctor Ai:

"This is a prescription that can purify the remaining poison in Prince Xiahou's body. Decoction it over an open fire and take it once in the morning and evening for seven consecutive days. I will change the prescription after seven days!"

Dr. Ai took the prescription respectfully and looked at it. He kept nodding his head and sighed secretly. He has been practicing medicine for decades, but his medical skills are not as good as that of a young woman!

However, Doctor Ai did not feel the least bit unhappy because he was inferior to a girl. On the contrary, he felt indescribable joy in his heart.

Doctor Ai looked at the female doctor with a smile, and then looked at Dongling Yuanyong, who was looking at the female doctor almost without blinking. Doctor Ai smiled faintly, and then asked the female doctor "humbly" for advice.


"May I ask the female doctor if you have any good prescriptions for recuperating internal injuries?"

The female doctor remained silent, and Dr. Ai couldn't see her expression, but he could feel her doubts, so he smiled and said:

"That's right, our Majesty, regardless of his own safety, excessively mobilized his inner strength to buy the life-or-death time for Prince Xiahou, but he himself...!"

"Mr. Ai, you talk too much!" Dongling Yuan Yong glared at Dr. Ai coldly.

"I am your Majesty's imperial physician. Your Majesty was injured. I was afraid that my prescription was not good enough, so I asked this female doctor for advice..." Dr. Ai said and turned to Eunuch Cao and asked seriously: "Cao

Father-in-law, didn’t you give His Majesty the decoction according to my recipe? Why does His Majesty’s face look even worse?”

In fact, Dongling Yuanyong did feel slightly unwell, but it was not that serious. It was just that Doctor Ai exaggerated intentionally.

Not only Doctor Ai, but also Eunuch Cao also cooperated and said with a worried look:

"It was fried, but His Majesty refused to take it, so it fell down!" There was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Doctor Ai said "Alas" with a look of shame on his face, but he automatically ignored Dongling Yuanyong's cold eyes and looked directly at the female doctor, cupping her hands and saying:

"Doctors, you have also seen that I have failed in my duty. My prescription cannot satisfy His Majesty. I also ask the doctors to spare no effort to give you good prescriptions to help His Majesty recover as soon as possible. Maybe your prescription can help His Majesty "cure his wounds." He also said

Not sure, after all, the people prescribing the prescriptions are different!”

The female doctor seemed not to have heard Dr. Ai's request. She only said:

"I will come again in three days to bleed Prince Xiahou. For the rest, you only need to give Prince Xiahou the blood according to the prescription and slowly purify the blood..." After the female doctor explained, she said goodbye and left the palace.

Doctor Ai was not embarrassed because the female doctor ignored his "please". Instead, he watched the female doctor leave with a smile. No, it should be said that he watched Ximen Yourong leave.

He never expected that their young queen of Dachengguo would be a doctor with such superb medical skills...!

The originally gloomy and tense atmosphere in the palace became active again because of the sudden appearance of a female doctor who saved Xiahou Chunyan.

As long as Xiahou Chunyan can recover, the peaceful relationship between Xiahou and Dacheng will not be greatly affected.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to cure Xiahou Chunyan first, and at the same time, we must also find out who wants Xiahou Chunyan's life.

However, as far as Dongling Yuanyong is concerned, what is more urgent for him is to return to the palace quickly, because he can't wait to see the woman who gave him a surprise.

But when he finished his work and came to Lengyue Palace, it was already mid-afternoon. As soon as he entered the palace, he saw Ximen Yourong lying on the bench by the window, seemingly asleep.

While guarding her, Xiang Qing, who was picking something unknown, saw Dongling Yuanyong coming in. She stood up and was about to salute.

Dongling Yuanyong signaled her not to make a sound, he squatted down gently and looked at Ximen Yourong who was breathing slowly and slowly.

"Your Majesty, I just fell asleep and may not wake up for a while." Xiang Qing said softly.

"You go down first." Dongling Yuanyong didn't care much about Xiang Qing's words.

"Your Majesty, after drinking this, I will go down."

"What's this?"

Dongling Yuanyong looked at the soup cup that Xiang Qing handed to him and asked in a low voice.

"The empress made this stew herself. Before she went to bed, she told your majesty to drink it while it's hot when he comes."

Xiang Qing opened the lid of the soup, and a bitter medicinal smell floated into Dongling Yuanyong's nose. He frowned, but before he could refuse, Xiang Qing said first:

"The empress said that Your Majesty has gone too far in wasting Doctor Ai's thoughts. It will be even more outrageous if Your Majesty wastes her thoughts again!"

Dongling Yuanyong didn't understand what Xiang Qing meant for a while, but he took the soup cup in Xiang Qing's hand and looked at it, thought about it again, and then he started to smile.

It turns out that she didn't ask him to drink medicine for no reason, but she took Doctor Ai's words to heart.

He used his inner strength to stabilize Xiahou Chunyan's heart, because the inner strength was a little intimidating, causing him to feel a little uncomfortable.

However, the internal skill he practices is Soul Burning. A slight counterattack like this is actually harmless to him, but he hasn't had time to adjust his internal strength properly, so he only looks a little weak.

In fact, he really didn't need any decoction, but if she prepared it for him, how could he be willing to waste it?

To his surprise, the decoction he thought would be unpleasant to drink turned out to be easier on the stomach than he imagined.

Xiang Qing raised her eyebrows when she saw him finishing a cup of soup in one gulp. She probably guessed something, she smiled and whispered:

"In order to make your majesty drink it smoothly, the queen took great pains to select the "sweet pistil" to remove the bitterness and deodorize it. The queen was still picking it just now, but the queen must have been too distracted by the medical treatment, so she fell asleep after a while."

Dongling Yuanyong looked at the basket of small black things on the desk, which was probably the "sweet pistil" that Xiang Qing mentioned.

She worked so hard for him, and his heart was filled with some indescribable emotion...!

After night fell, Ximen Yourong, who had been sleeping for a long time before faintly waking up, squinted her eyes and woke up. She vaguely felt that she was sleeping on the bed.

When she moved slightly to turn sideways, she realized that there was a big hand on her waist. It turned out that she was not the only one sleeping on the bed.

Naturally, the only person who could sleep with her was Dongling Yuanyong. She gently climbed up and sat up and looked at him who was still sleeping soundly. This was not the first time she saw him sleeping soundly.

Looking at his sleeping face in the past, she simply thought he looked good-looking, but ignored that he was not as relaxed as she imagined when he fell asleep.

His brows were furrowed more obviously than when he was awake, and his hands outside the quilt were always clenched into fists. He seemed to be cautious about even breathing, as if he might jump up at any moment.

Although she didn't know what he was carrying in his heart, no matter what it was, it would definitely make her feel distressed!

Ximen Yourong stretched out her hand and gently felt Dongling Yuanyong's pulse. She wanted to know if his internal injuries were getting better?

I don't know if he drank the decoction she prepared obediently or had a good sleep, but his complexion looked much better and his pulse was normal.

Seeing how deeply he slept, it can be seen that he must not have slept well last night. It was probably because Xiahou Chunyan was out of danger today, so he felt relieved, otherwise he would not be able to sleep at this time!

Ximen Yourong didn't want to wake him up, so she gently prepared to step over his body and get out of bed. Who knew that one of her feet reached the other side of his body, but before she even lifted one foot, she was suddenly pulled by someone and her whole body was shaken.

The man fell down directly!

Then, when she raised her head, those eyes that were originally closed were looking at her with deep affection...!

This chapter has been completed!
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