In the prime minister's house, Wang Boduan and Wang Kui were sitting in the hall.
There was silence in the hall, and you could hear the drop of a needle. After nearly half a stick of incense had passed, Wang Boduan said, "You mean, Bian Heng went to the meeting hall today and almost killed people from the three religions?"
Even though Wang Boduan was used to seeing the world, his breathing could not help but become rapid at this moment.
What a ridiculous idea it is to eliminate all three religions in one pot? How ambitious? How crazy?
Wang Boduan suddenly felt that compared with this man behind the scenes, he seemed to be nothing. It turned out that there was such a strange person in this world, and Wang Boduan really wanted to meet him.
The three orthodox traditions are much older than the Dajing Dynasty, and can be traced back to the time when hundreds of schools of thought contended in ancient times.
Since the establishment of the Taoist orthodoxy, dynasties have changed, and the three schools have stood proudly. It can be said that they are deeply rooted. Who would think of disturbing the foundation of the three religions?
All he, Wang Boduan, wants is the world of the Great Jing Dynasty.
It turns out that compared to others, his Wang Boduan's ambition is so insignificant? This world is too crazy.
"The news that came back is indeed true. I heard that they also triggered an unknown force, and the key lies in the bronze statue in Hongyuan!" Wang Kui said.
When Wang Boduan heard this, his eyes suddenly shone with sharp light: "It's a bronze statue again? What secret does this bronze statue hide? I haven't seen it once, so why can't I see anything?"
"I heard that Hang Tianyi seems to know something!" Wang Kui said.
Wang Boduan frowned: "Are you involved with Hang Tianyi again? The play in Hongyuan back then, until now, has a beginning and no end. This Hang Tianyi..."
"Send someone to find out the details of Hang Tianyi. I'm talking about everything before he became Liu Hongzhi's adopted son!" Wang Boduan said.
Wang Kui checked Hang Tianyi's details not only once, but there were no flaws at all. At this time, Wang Boduan ordered him to do it, and he had to follow it.
To be honest, Wang Gui wanted to find out something from Hang Tianyi more than anyone else.
After Wang Kui left, Wang Boduan meditated for a long time alone in the hall. He then opened the underground passage and came to the place where the old man was observing the stars.
"You're here again!" The old man didn't reply to him. He used the light to pay close attention to the sheepskin.
Something on the roll.
Wang Boduan said: "I also want to tell Hang Tianyi's fortune!"
"No matter how you calculate it, the result is the same. The secret is like this. Unless someone can hide it, there will be traces once it changes!" the old man said.
Wang Boduan snorted: "You can count on me, but where does all this nonsense come from?"
The old man knew Wang Boduan's temper. He just looked gentle and elegant, but he was more upset and angry than anyone else.
But the old man really admired Wang Boduan. His ability to withstand in front of outsiders was truly unparalleled by ordinary people.
The old man began to deduce, and Hang Tianyi's appearance appeared in the bronze mirror again.
"Mr. Prime Minister, do you see any difference between this and last time?" the old man said.
Before Wang Boduan could answer, the old man's eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "That's not right!"
"What's wrong?" Wang Boduan asked.
The old man said: "There seems to be some big cause and effect involved in him!"
After the words fell, the old man began to deduce quickly, but at this time, a counterattack force hit him invisibly, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.
The bronze mirror hanging in the air also fell down, and cracks actually appeared on the mirror surface.
Wang Boduan didn't know much about astrology, but when he saw the bronze mirror was damaged, he knew something bad had happened.
"The cause and effect behind him is too big, I can't see it!" The old man coughed up blood continuously, and his hair turned a lot white in an instant. It was obvious that the backlash he suffered was extremely severe.
Wang Boduan was irritable in front of the old man, but he could also see that the old man had tried his best.
"You mean, the calculation last time was inaccurate?" Wang Boduan felt endless anger in his heart.
The old man shook his head: "It's not inaccurate. I said that the secrets that can be seen are no longer secrets. Maybe it is precisely because we saw his fate that the secrets have changed and the secrets are unpredictable!"
For some reason, Wang Boduan felt chilled after hearing this, and he snorted: "It's just a pretense!"
"No, this is definitely not a show-off. The prime minister listened to the old man's advice and said, if you don't want to change it, don't move it!" The old man's pale face was full of sincerity.
His gray hair has not stopped yet, and after nearly half a cup of tea, it has turned completely white.
Wang Boduan knew that spying on the secrets of heaven would lead to backlash. It was precisely because of this that the old man had made himself into a human being and a ghost over the years.
But Wang Boduan has never seen the old man like this.
"Are you...are you okay? You can't die. Once you die, there will be less fun in this world!" Wang Boduan said.
Over the years, he has hidden many things in his heart.
In his heart, the old man is a place where he can talk and vent, no, or a tool for venting.
The old man coughed a few times, stood up reluctantly, and said, "Don't worry, the old man will not die so easily. How could a person who knows fortune telling not be prepared?"
Wang Boduan was doubtful. He couldn't see what the old man could do to stabilize him, but if the old man was really going to die, he didn't seem to be able to stop him.
As night falls, everything remains the same in Hongyuan. It seems that no one is grieving for those who died, and no one cares how many people died there during the day.
Hang Tianyi thought to himself, if everyone in the world was like this group of academicians, there would not be so much trouble.
It's a pity that those who are interested have already taken action. He doesn't need to go out to Hongyuan to know that Kyoto City has already exploded.
Now his task is in Hongyuan to deal with those things, and his little brother Liu Ying is here.
Speaking of this little brother, I haven’t seen him for a while.
Just as Hang Tianyi was thinking about this, a white figure slowly descended from the void.
Hang Tianyi's door was open. When he looked back, he saw Gongsun Shengxue entering and standing about three feet in front of the door.
"I knew you would come!" Hang Tianyi said.
Gongsun Shengxue said: "But there are some things that you can't guess!"
"Tell me about it!" Hang Tianyi had a look of interest in his eyes.
Gongsun Shengxue's expression became solemn: "Urgent order, Your Majesty summons you!"
"Summoned by His Majesty?" Hang Tianyi was stunned for a moment. Indeed, as Gongsun Shengxue said, he had guessed some things, but some things were unexpected.
Gongsun Shengxue nodded: "So you will accompany me to the palace tonight!"
"Going into the palace with you?" Hang Tianyi was stunned again.