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Chapter 4 Combat Missions

The rear transport plane released six recovery drones. The recovery drone suspended a mechanical claw. The recovery drone flew to the front left of Ye Feng's team, grabbed the damaged equipment of both the enemy and ourselves, and flew back to the transport aircraft. The equipment was repaired or dismantled.

Will continue to use or utilize it after solving it.

The transport plane is a big thing with more than 2,000 tons. The energy core is two micro-nuclear fusion reactors of less than ten tons. The two reactors plus the outer protection device total less than fifty tons.

The nuclear fusion reactor was a technology conquered by the ancient Wa Kingdom ten years ago. After six or seven years of miniaturization, it began to be equipped with the army two years ago.

The power device is an electromagnetic aerospace dual-purpose jet engine. When flying in the atmosphere, the electromagnetic heating combustion chamber expands air to provide power. When flying out of the atmosphere, hydrogen and oxygen in electrolyzed water are injected into the combustion chamber to provide power.

A transport aircraft of more than 2,000 tons only needs to carry three to four hundred tons of energy, power unit and water to fly nearly one million kilometers with a full load of more than 2,000 tons. It can also fly out of the Panding star to reach the space station or the base on Changwei.


After watching the recycling of drones and equipment, Ye Feng took a short break. During the break, Ye Feng took a closer look at the urban construction of the Angsa Country. The urban construction of the Angsa Country was very backward and was a full generation behind the Guwa Country.

Nowadays, many large cities in the ancient Wa country have realized fourth-generation buildings and fourth-generation road networks. Urban roads are all underground and completely unmanned. The ground and the tops of buildings are all covered with greenery or parks and squares.

The residence is a building with hundreds of floors, but each house has a three-dimensional independent villa with its own courtyard. This is a staggered building method that can ensure that each household has sufficient light and has a green belt.

The architectural style of Saziguo is still the same as it was decades ago or nearly a hundred years ago.

It didn't take long for each team to receive the order to continue moving forward. Ye Feng's team moved forward together with the other teams.

The teams had just moved forward when a gunshot was heard from the front right, and a drone from the team on the right crashed.

Each unmanned tank has a reconnaissance radar, which can locate the location based on the sound of guns and artillery in the country. Three radars can accurately locate the location of the country. This location information will soon be displayed on the screen information of nearby teams.

, the screen immediately displayed the warning message of the Angsa sniper rifle on the right front, and also marked the specific location of the Angsa sniper.

The 3D map showed that this was a townhouse, with about seven or eight buildings. The sniper position was in the room on the third floor of the third top floor from the north facing the road. Ye Feng immediately adjusted the muzzle and fired. There were also two teams of unmanned people nearby.

The tank fired at the target. Ye Feng just aimed the muzzle roughly at the target and pressed the fire button to fire.

In this way, the firing speed is very fast and there is no need to aim too accurately, because the cannon will automatically locate and calibrate the target position after it is ejected from the chamber. Three shells entered from the third floor window almost at the same time, and then three loud noises were heard before being marked.

The room on the third floor facing the road and the room behind it collapsed in the villa where the sniper was located.

The next two shells were delayed by 0.2 seconds, and the shells destroyed about three rooms vertically. The explosion did not cause excessive damage to other neighboring buildings or rooms. This is because of the smart ammunition system used by the shells.

This intelligent system will intelligently delay detonation according to the use environment, and can even detonate the corresponding amount of gunpowder according to the situation. Otherwise, a 155mm grenade will level at least three villas.

The three shells exploded one after another in depth to prevent the opponent from escaping and to track inward.

This attack was on a remote-controlled weapons station in the Angsa country, with an anti-materiel sniper rifle on it. The sniper rifle was an old model weapon, and many of the old weapons were installed on new platforms to use their residual heat. The troops were on the alert again, step by step.

Waiting for supplies, etc.

After the supplies were completed, the troops continued to move forward. As time passed, Ye Feng's team cleared dozens of buildings and handed them over to the next shift at shift time.

After the handover is completed, there is a squadron meeting lasting from half an hour to an hour. Generally, today's results will be summarized and tomorrow's tasks will be arranged. Today's summary mainly talks about the problem of Ye Feng's team moving too fast away from friendly forces. Ye Feng spoke at the meeting and admitted that the offensive has been relatively smooth recently.

Some carelessness caused the team to go deep alone and conduct in-depth self-examination.

The squadron leader concluded: "Recently, every unit has shown signs of arrogance. You must know that arrogance will lead to defeat. The successful attack during this period may be because the enemy is paralyzed and careless about our strategy. When each team returns, let me take care of it.


The squadron leader paused and then said: "Let's arrange tomorrow's mission. The intelligence shows that there is a small village called Wells between our group and a group on the south side. The town does not have a hundred or so houses. Here

There is a squadron of troops from the Angsa Kingdom stationed in several nearby farms."

"If we ignore this enemy, it will pose a greater threat to our logistics. The column ordered our two brigades to send troops to eliminate this enemy. The two brigades finally decided to send two squadrons each to flank this enemy. Our squadron will be the main attack tomorrow. Chapter 1

The 345th Squadron of the 2nd Squadron will be temporarily transferred over to supplement our squadron."

The squadron leader looked around at everyone and then said: "You little bastards, don't get too happy too early, don't be careless. This enemy is the elite of the enemy. Give me a hard beating tomorrow, keep your spirits up and don't let other squadrons laugh at you."


"Tomorrow, the third team, the fourth team, and the fifth team will lead the 3, 4, and 5 teams of the second squadron respectively, and they will assemble at three locations from due north to two kilometers northwest of the town."

"The first team, the second team and a machine gun team first took over the 756 heights one kilometer northeast of the town. Because the enemy has insufficient troops, there should be no troops to guard it."

"After taking this place, the first team will be on site to protect the cannon team. The cannon team will have a preview of the key building locations in the town and be ready to provide fire support to the team attacking the town. The second team will circle towards the town.

To the west, the main purpose is to prevent the enemy from escaping to our rear."

"The artillery team, drone team, support team and I followed the first and second teams and the machine gun team and arrived at the foot of the northeastern mountain of Highland 765. After arriving, the drone team immediately conducted fire reconnaissance of the town. After the artillery team arrived

Deploy immediately. After the drone team has scouted the enemy's fire points, the cannon team and the artillery team will provide two basic artillery fire preparations for the attacking team. The main goal is to clear the fire points in the northeast and due north directions of the town."

"After that, the third and fifth squads and the third and fifth squadrons of the second squadron respectively penetrated into the center of the town from the northwest and north directions of the town. The fourth squadron and the fourth squadron of the second squadron attacked the northwest of the town.

After the third and fifth teams arrive at the center of the town, if they encounter no major resistance, the center of the town will be guarded by the third and fifth teams of the second squadron. The third and fifth teams of this squadron will

Confront the fourth team and clear out the enemies in the northwest of the town."

"The two squadrons of the second brigade will enter the town from the south and southwest of the town, and we will meet in the center of the town. After the rendezvous, the first squadron will clear out the enemies in the northeast of the town, and the second squadron deployed in the east will attack the small town.

The town advances to provide support for the first squad. The second squad will also send people to clear out the enemies in the southeast of the town. After the third, fourth and fifth squads clear out the enemies in the northwest of the town, they will join the clearing of the enemies in the northeast of the town.


"There are only a dozen or so houses in the northwest of the town and the buildings are relatively sparse. The enemy should not deploy many troops. The fifth team will assist the first and second teams after completing the clearing mission."

"We will report to the war room at 8 a.m. tomorrow and leave at 10 a.m. Do each team have any questions about the mission?"

"Aren't the enemies in the west of the town clear to kill?" Wang Junyu, captain of the third team, asked.

"We have deployed an ambush circle in the west. The reason for not attacking the west is to allow them to flee westward," the squadron leader replied.

"What kind of ambush circle are we planning? We just give them a surprise attack and that's it." Wang Junyu, the captain of the third team, said with a smile.

"You kid, don't fool me," the squadron leader said, "War requires the use of brains. We can't kill ten thousand enemies and lose eight thousand at our own expense."

The squadron leader continued, "Apart from these idiots, do anyone else have any problems?"

Everyone laughed. Wang Junyu, the captain of the third team, smiled and blushed, and raised his head again as if it didn't matter.

"What should we do if we find that the enemy has more than one squadron?" Yu Bo, the always calm captain of the first squadron, asked.

The squadron leader replied: "The remaining troops of the 2nd Squadron operating with us will be on standby three kilometers northeast of the town. Once the attack is blocked, the 2nd Squadron will go into battle to assist us in the attack. If the enemy's resistance is strong, we will be responsible for

The three squadrons in the west cloth pocket will also be transferred to change the ambush battle into an annihilation battle. In short, this enemy group is dead, it depends on how they choose to die." The squadron leader looked at everyone again and saw that there was no problem, and disbanded.

He walked out of the meeting.

Ye Feng and several members of the team arrived at the dining car after the meeting. The dining car is automated and looks like a large truck in its marching state. When unfolded, the outer walls of both sides of the dining car are opened from bottom to top and will unfold several sections.

This chapter has been completed!
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