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Chapter 99 The Neighbor Has a Child

Jiang Chuan said with a somewhat gloomy expression: "Later, my eldest cousin was seriously injured. The doctor thought he would not survive. Unexpectedly, my eldest cousin miraculously survived."

"However, I left the army because of this and came back as a lieutenant. Later, because of my strong ability in doing things, I was promoted to pavilion chief not long after."

Ye Feng asked in a casual manner: "How many people are there in your eldest brother's family?"

Jiang Chuan said: "Four people, his parents and his wife."

Ye Feng asked strangely: "Does your eldest brother have no heirs?"

Jiang Chuan looked a little embarrassed and defended: "It should be because my eldest cousin is too strong. How could it be possible otherwise with my eldest cousin's body~" Jiang Chuan didn't say anything else. He didn't know whether it was because he lacked confidence or because he didn't want to discuss this issue.


Ye Feng was about to ask some serious questions, and then, seemingly casually, he secretly observed Jiang Chuan and asked, "How is the relationship between the couple?"

Jiang Chuan thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "Their relationship is not bad."

Ye Feng narrowed his eyes, recovered in an instant without Jiang Chuan noticing, and then asked with a smile: "Didn't you say that your eldest cousin is afraid of his wife?"

Jiang Chuan smiled and said, "That's because he rushes home every time he finishes business, so we keep teasing him about being afraid of his wife."

Ye Feng thought for a while and asked, "Do you rarely go to your eldest cousin's house?"

Jiang Chuan said sadly: "Since my eldest cousin was injured, although he is very happy on the surface, I feel that he has changed a lot, and he is somewhat reluctant to communicate with others in depth. I asked him several times and he said it was okay, and he also talked with me.

I'm a little distant."

Ye Feng did not ask further, and thought to himself: "Did the injury hurt his life? So he developed some psychological abnormalities and performed some abnormal behaviors?"

"But if this is true, generally this kind of person should become a completely withdrawn person, and will not be superficially happy with others." Ye Feng was a little confused, only thinking that this matter was strange, and it was difficult to draw a conclusion.

Just as they were thinking about it, Jiang Chuan's son Edo ran out to inform them that the meal was ready.

Jiangchuan asked Edo to call grandma for dinner.

Edo shouted: "Grandma, it's time to eat." After calling grandma several times, Jiangchuan's mother didn't respond.

Edo shouted again: "Yu Ji, it's time to eat." Yu Ji is the name of Jiang Chuan's mother.

When Jiangchuan heard his son calling his mother by her first name, he stepped forward and kicked Edo more than two meters away.

At this moment, Wang Duosu, a neighbor of Jiangchuan's family, ran in from outside the courtyard. He happened to see Edo being kicked, and immediately stepped forward and helped Edo up with heartache.

Wang Duosu said: "What's going on? The child is still young, why are you doing such a heavy hand?"

As Wang Duosu spoke, he raised his eyes and saw Jiang Chuan. He seemed to remember something again and asked hurriedly: "Is sister-in-law at home?"

Jiang Chuan didn't react and replied smoothly: "Inside."

Wang Duosu immediately rushed into the house and shouted: "Sister-in-law, come with me."

Ye Feng was dumbfounded and said to himself: "What's going on? Is Lao Wang next door so rampant in this era?"

Jia Shuangbai said blankly: "What's the matter?"

Wang Duosu was in a hurry, so he spoke more vaguely and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm in a hurry."

Ye Feng was even more dumbfounded and thought: "This is too blatant. No matter how anxious you are, you can't come when someone else's husband is at home."

Ye Feng took a peek at Jiangchuan and saw Jiangchuan looking at Wang Duosu with a dark expression on his face.

Ye Feng smoothed things over and said, "Tell me what's going on first."

Wang Duosu stammered: "My wife has given birth."

Ye Feng snorted and said, "Let me just say, there must be some emergency at home."

Ye Feng took the opportunity to comb his hair with his hands to hide his embarrassment.

Jiang Chuan's expression also softened a lot, and he thought for a moment: "What did he just say? He was so angry that he didn't pay attention."

But he responded and said: "Brother Ye Feng is right."

Jia Shuangbai immediately followed Wang Duosu to his house to help deliver the baby.

Jiang Chuan looked at the direction in which Jia Shuangbai was running, thought for a while and said to Ye Feng: "Brother, you eat first, I'll go there to help." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Ye Feng muttered to himself in confusion: "How can you help someone else's wife give birth to a baby? If you want to help, you should do it before she gets pregnant, right?"

Ye Feng turned around and asked Yang Yiying and Edo: "Are you going to help?"

Yang Yiying stood up and said, "I'm going to see if there's anything I can do to help. Brother, please stay at home with Mr. Ye." After that, he turned and left.

Yang Yiying's reason was that there were no adults present at home, and she was afraid that someone would gossip when she was at home with a man of the opposite sex.

Ye Feng and Edo said: "Let's eat."

The evening food was prepared with bean soup and pickles. There were no iron pots at this time, so there was no cooking.

Guwa had seasonings such as soy sauce and salt very early on, so pickles were more commonly eaten during this period.

However, the seasonings of pickles in some areas are relatively strong, for example, snakes, insects, rats, and ants are mashed into sauces, etc.

Edo was more active and was growing up, so he was already very hungry. As soon as the meal was served, the two of them immediately lowered their heads and started eating.

There were two of them, one was a grown-up child, and the other had a huge appetite. After a while, there was no scrap left, but the two of them still had more to say.

Ye Feng felt a little embarrassed looking at the empty pottery on the stove.

In fact, Ye Feng wanted to save some when eating. But every time he finished the food in his earthenware bowl, he wanted to eat a little more.

I was just lucky, thinking that maybe their family had a small appetite?

So I filled a little more, and I wanted to eat it again. I thought maybe I could have a meal at a neighbor’s house?

So I added a little more, repeating this process until it was all gone.

A pottery pot is a pottery tripod-like cooking utensil, usually with three legs.

Only wealthy families use bronze tripods, and people with different titles use bronze tripods with different specifications.

The King of Chu once sent someone to ask the King of Zhou how big his tripod was, and later the term "questing to conquer the Central Plains" came into being.

There were also pottery cauldrons during this period. Pottery cauldrons generally had no legs and looked a bit like a casserole.

There were hanging rings on both sides of the copper cauldron or later the iron cauldron. Generally, the army used cauldrons for cooking. Drawing fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, and breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat refers to this type of cooking utensil for cooking food.

Jiangchuan and his wife rushed to their neighbor Wang Duosu's home. Jia Shuangbai entered the delivery room to help, while Jiangchuan and Wang Duosu stood outside waiting.

During this period, it is forbidden for men to enter the delivery room, even husbands.

"Book of Rites. Nei Principles" records that the husband must live in a separate room before a woman gives birth, and cannot live in the same room as the wife until three months after giving birth.

Mainly because people had some superstitious views on childbirth during this period. During this period, people believed that childbirth was unclean. The mother bleeds a lot, so the mother is also unclean, so it is not suitable to have close contact with family members.

Jiang Chuan asked Wang Duosu: "Has your family prepared wooden bows and scarves?"

Wang Duosu thought for a moment and said, "Ready."

Jiang Chuan said as if he was a stranger: "You have to take it out and prepare it first. If it's a boy, hang the wooden bow on the left side of the door. If it's a girl, hang the scarf on the right side of the door."

Wang Duosu didn't know what to do, so when he heard what Jiang Chuan said, he immediately ran to look for it.

"Book of Rites. Shooting Meaning" explains the meaning of the symbol of giving birth to a boy: "Therefore, when a boy is born, the mulberry arc reaches the sky and shoots out to the four directions of heaven and earth. The four directions of heaven and earth are all the things of a man."

Wang Duosu found Mugong and Peijin and returned to Jiangchuan, and the two continued to wait.

At this time, Jiang Chuan put on an air of a master and said: "The naming ceremony of the child will be in three months. When your father names your son, I told your father that the name cannot be named after the sun, moon and country.


Wang Duosu, a new father, didn't understand these etiquettes, so he humbly listened to the instructions, nodded his head, and thanked Jiang Chuan for his advice.

In fact, Wang Duosu's father is still on his way here. If he heard Jiang Chuan's "nonsense", he would definitely slap him.

How would an old man who had lived for half a century tell these things? When Natural King Duosu told his father these things, he was slapped on the back of the head by his father.

Jiangchuan, on the other hand, has had enough of "experienced people" teaching "newcomers".

"Bai Hu Tong. Names" records: "What is the name of March? Heaven's way changes for a while, and things change. In the third month of life, the eyes can also cough and laugh, and answer questions to others. Therefore, it is known and named."

Some scholars explain that this is a manifestation of the ancients' recognition of the physiological functions and psychological development of babies. It is reasonable to hold "ceremonies with multiple educational significance" for babies when they have just acquired cognitive abilities.

According to the "Book of Rites. Nei Principles", when naming a son, you cannot use the name of the sun and the moon, the name of the country, or the name of a hidden illness. The son of a scholar-official cannot have the same name as the prince.

The two waited outside for a long time when suddenly the sound of a baby crying came from inside the house.

Jiang Chuan punched his left palm with his right hand and said, "It's born."

Not long after, the neighbor's mother-in-law took out a tightly wrapped baby and said happily: "Congratulations to Wang Duosu, I'm happy to give you a big fat boy."

There were no stable women in this period. As a specialized profession, stable women should have first been formed in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Therefore, experienced women were all temporary women who served as stable women.

Wang Duosu looked at the child and excitedly asked the neighbor's mother-in-law who brought the child out: "Hey, this child is so cute. What is his name?"

Jiang Chuan slapped Wang Duosu on the back of the head and cursed with a smile: "You must be so happy that you are stupid."

When Jiangchuan and his wife came back with Yang Yiying after working late at night, Ye Feng and Edo had already gone to bed. Jiangchuan and his wife were hungry and tired, and were ready to eat.

Jiang Chuan looked at the empty Tao Ke on the stove and asked: "You stingy girl, you don't know how to cook more bean soup when guests come to the house? The guests are not full, which makes us hungry again."

Jiang Chuan raised his voice and continued: "If this spreads out, how can I hang out in this area in the future? What will others think of me, Jiang Chuan?"

Jia Shuangbai said aggrievedly: "I cooked a lot, but I ate them all."

Jiang Chuan said angrily: "If you eat them all, it means you didn't do enough. You must make more for breakfast tomorrow. Don't embarrass me again."

The next morning, before it was bright, Ye Feng got up to exercise.

Ye Feng's living habits have not changed. He still goes to bed early and gets up early, and goes for a morning jog.

Yesterday, Ye Feng noticed that there was a mountain of two to three hundred meters nearby. Ye Feng ran to the foot of the mountain and started climbing.

Ye Feng was going to climb up to take a look at the nearby terrain and watch the sunrise.

Ye Feng lived in the Dawan District of Hui City for a period of time. There was a Banzhangling Park there, with a hill about 100 meters high. Ye Feng would climb it very early in the morning to watch the sunrise.

Ye Feng came to the foot of the mountain. This mountain was "original". Unlike the later Park Mountains, which had stone steps built to make it easy to climb up, it took Ye Feng almost twenty minutes to climb to the top.

Yongcheng is located at the western end of the Guanzhong Plain. Ye Feng looks eastward to the endless plain area.

There seems to be a city in the distance, which should be Yongcheng. Yongcheng is built next to the water, and it feels very large.

The white clouds in the sky slowly turned from black to deep red, and then slowly turned into bright colors.

This chapter has been completed!
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