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Chapter 8 Who Calls Uncle

Ye Feng drove the unmanned tank very close to the building, and then scanned the location of the Angsazi Kingdom mecha robot. In a room behind the building, Ye Feng immediately adjusted the muzzle, set the shell delay fuse, locked the target and fired.

The cannon directly hit the Ansazu mecha robot.

Ye Feng called two other mecha robots to enter the building to check. After the two mecha robots confirmed that the building was safe, Ye Feng drove the unmanned tank back to its previous position and ordered the troops to continue moving forward.

Although the offensive slowed down, it went smoothly and did not encounter much resistance along the way. Ye Feng's team quickly advanced to the center of the town. The final problem faced by Ye Feng's team was to occupy the town center police station. This police station has three floors.

Tall and very strong.

From the windows on each floor of the police station, different light and heavy weapons were shooting out, making it difficult to distinguish the opponent's troop deployment. Suppressed by the opponent's strong firepower, several mecha robots in Ye Feng's team had been damaged to varying degrees, but finally

If there are only some bullet marks on the mecha shell or the weapon system is hit, some weapons cannot be fired remotely.

Ye Feng used remote sensing equipment to scan the building, and after a while a three-dimensional map of the police station appeared on the screen. Ye Feng discovered that the police station faced them horizontally, and there was a side door on the side to enter the police station.

So Ye Feng ordered another unmanned tank and seven mecha robots to fire violently in front of the police station to suppress the enemy. In order to confuse the enemy, he covered the remaining nine mecha robots and approached the police station from the side, waiting for an opportunity to attack the police from the side door.


Ye Feng fired violently at the front window of the police station, and at the same time launched two smoke grenades to paralyze the enemy, making the enemy think they were preparing for a frontal attack, attracting the opponent's main force to defend the front.

The other nine mecha robots first used the building cover to approach the police station. When Ye Feng and the others exchanged fierce fire, they rushed towards the side door of the police station at full speed. Six of the mecha robots rushed into the side door, and the fingers of the other three mecha robots turned into

Hook and climb vertically to the roof of the police station.

The mecha robots on the top floor of the Angsazi Kingdom were firing fiercely towards Ye Feng's unmanned tanks to suppress them. They did not notice the mecha robots climbing up from behind. The mecha robots deployed by the Angsazi Country on the roof were killed by the mechas of Ye Feng's team.

A robot's head exploded.

The mecha robot with its head shot was lying on the ground like a pile of parts, and one mecha robot had its oil spilled all over the floor. Three mecha robots attacked from the stairs on the top of the building, and six mecha robots attacked from the bottom.

The attack, coupled with the fierce attack from Ye Feng's team outside, quickly eliminated the enemies in the police station.

It turns out that the Angsa Kingdom used some prisoners and asked them to help in the defense on the condition of pardoning their crimes. The weapons used by these people were all illegal weapons collected by the police station, so they were various. This is why there are non-unified systems with different weights.

The situation in which weapons are fired.

Ye Feng's team briefly rested at the police station, and each team reported the battle damage. The damage was to the drone team, which crashed a drone. The wing of another drone from the other team that came with it was damaged.

, but can still continue flying.

Ye Feng left another team of five mecha robots, an unmanned tank and four drones to stay at the police station for defense.

He took other mecha robots and drones to support the fourth team and assisted the fourth team in clearing the enemies in the northwest of the town. The enemy forces were limited and were attacked from multiple directions at the same time.

Without support, they were quickly defeated one by one.

Ye Feng and the others quickly wiped out the enemies in the northwest of the town, and assisted the first and second teams to wipe out the enemies in the northeast of the town. The remaining remnants of the Angsa Country protected the command and control vehicle and broke out to the west of the town. As a result, they were killed in advance.

The three squadrons ambushing in the west were all caught red-handed.

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when Ye Feng and the others finished cleaning the battlefield. The troops rested on the spot and ate self-heating military rations.

Zhao Ziqing took a piece of stewed beef brisket and made a glass of orange juice and handed it to Ye Feng, saying, "By the way, I got a piece of your favorite stewed beef brisket for you."

Ye Feng smiled at Zhao Ziqing and said, "Thank you!"

Zhao Ziqing said happily: "You're welcome!" and sat down next to Ye Feng and ate her own self-heating military rations.

Ye Feng was about to eat the stewed beef brisket when he saw Wang Meng looking at him. He raised the stewed beef brisket in his hand and asked, "Do you want to eat it?"

Wang Meng saw Zhao Ziqing looking at him with cold eyes, which made him tremble with fright, and immediately said: "No, no need, I, I don't like to eat beef brisket, I will get it myself." He ran away as if running for his life.

Ye Feng felt something strange and looked back at Zhao Ziqing, but Zhao Ziqing looked at him with a smile. Ye Feng thought to himself: "What's wrong with this kid today? Why does it look like he's seeing a ghost when he sees Zhao Ziqing?"

A thought suddenly flashed in Ye Feng's mind: "Did this kid do something evil to Wang Junfeng and feel sorry for Zhao Ziqing?" Ye Feng quickly shook his head and tried to get rid of this terrible thought.

Zhao Ziqing saw Ye Feng's appearance and asked, "Brother Ye, what's wrong? Is the food not to your liking?"

As if he was afraid that others would know what he was thinking, Ye Feng hurriedly replied: "No, it's delicious." After that, he started to eat big mouthfuls.

Zhao Ziqing saw Ye Feng eating, which made her smile.

The rest of the team also sat nearby, eating together and talking about the battle just now. Wang Junfeng shouted excitedly: "I shot down two enemy planes today."

Wang Meng, who came back with the meal, said abruptly: "And you are the only uncle in the audience."

Li Haoran asked: "What do you mean?"

Wang Meng smiled and shouted: "Help, help me, sister, help me."

Everyone immediately understood what their uncle meant and burst into laughter.

Wang Junfeng blushed and said, "Who called me sister to save me?"

Wang Meng said: "Then who saved you?"

Everyone burst into laughter again. Wang Junfeng's face turned redder and he continued: "We are a group and it is normal for us to help each other. Didn't you ask Yifan to help you?" Yifan was another drone pilot.

Wang Meng said: "I didn't call my sister to save me."

"It's not you, who shouted that?"

"We use the elimination method, it's not Wang Junfeng who shouted."

"You directly eliminated the correct answer, and we also eliminated the hammer."

Several people were making jokes about Wang Junfeng...

Each team returned to the base at seven o'clock in the evening. Although everyone was not very hungry, in order to avoid starving at night, everyone decided to have dinner.

Wang Meng was reading a novel recently and was confused about a question, so he took the opportunity to ask: "Brother Feng, is there no possible world where the gravity of the sun can suck people away from the Panding Star?"

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said, "You haven't studied astronomy in school, haven't you studied the law of universal gravitation in physics?"

Wang Meng said awkwardly: "My family comes from a military family. Since I was a child, my family has taught me not to take anything from others, so I returned everything the teacher taught me intact. It is our fine tradition not to take things from others."


Ye Feng teased: "You mean that I just take other people's things and not return them? I give other people's things to you without permission? That's inappropriate and goes against your fine traditions."

Wang Meng smiled apologetically and said: "No. Don't talk so harshly about scholars. That's called borrowing. If he lends it to you, you lend it to me again, and I will help you return it. How do you like it?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh and said: "You are using all your brain to quibble. If you used it to study, do you still need to ask me now?"

Wang Meng continued to smile apologetically and said: "Just tell me about it. Teaching and learning are mutually beneficial, so why don't I help you review it?"

Ye Feng had no choice but to continue: "The universal gravitation is equal to the gravitational constant multiplied by the product of the masses of the two objects, and then divided by the square of their distance. You don't need to understand too much about the specifics, we can just calculate some simple ratios. You can check a few online

Data, the radius of the sun, the radius of Panding star and the average distance from Panding star to the sun."

Wang Meng searched these data on his mobile phone. Wang Meng said: "The radius of Panding Star is 6378 kilometers, the radius of the sun is 696300 kilometers, and the average distance between the sun and Panding Star is 149597870 kilometers."

Ye Feng nodded and said: "Suppose the mass of a person is A kilogram, the mass of Panding star is B kilogram, and the mass of the sun is C kilogram."

Wang Meng said: "Brother Feng, how about I check the mass of Panding Star and the mass of the sun for you?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "No, we don't need it in our calculation process."

This chapter has been completed!
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