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Chapter 144 Brother Feng, You Are Really Smart

This made Ye Feng, who was standing aside, feel a chill. Ye Feng immediately took a step back and kept a distance from Qiu Laoer to show that he would not join in the same trend with him.

Ye Feng followed Qiu Laoer's tone and gloated: "I usually ask you to study more, but you tend to herd cows. You still don't understand cows."

"I'm looking for cowpox in cows. Cowpox is an acute infection of cattle caused by the bovine smallpox virus and can be transmitted to humans through contact."


"Vaccinium virus is a virus that causes mild lesions of cowpox in cattle. Humans infected with the virus only experience mild discomfort and develop resistance to the vaccinia virus."

"Since the vaccinia virus has the same antigenic properties as the variola virus that causes human smallpox, people who are vaccinated with vaccinia can also acquire immunity against the smallpox virus at the same time."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "What is immunity?"

Ye Feng was careless for a moment and used some terms that did not exist in this era, so he explained: "To put it simply, as long as people infected with cowpox will not be infected by smallpox."

"Or to put it another way, this can also be said to be a kind of fighting fire with fire. So you should be able to understand it."

Qiu Laoer suddenly realized this and hurriedly stepped forward to touch and rub Milky's breasts.

Ye Feng hurriedly grabbed Qiu Laoer and said: "Second brother, eh, Brother Qiu, please let this cow go. I saw that this cow is not infected with the cowpox virus."

Qiu Laoer stood up, wiped the milk on his face in front of everyone's surprised eyes, and said with an embarrassed smile: "I'm going to wash my face. I heard that washing your face with milk can be good for your skin."

After that, he pulled Ye Feng to the next cow and said, "Brother Feng, let's see if this cow has milk disease."

Ye Feng corrected him and said, "It's the cowpox virus." After that, he squatted down and observed carefully.

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Ye Feng saw several soybean-sized pimples near the cow. Ye Feng stood up excitedly and shouted, "This cow has cowpox."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Qiu Lao Er squatted down to get closer. Ye Feng hurriedly grabbed Qiu Lao Er and said, "Brother Qiu, please let go of this cow and let me do it. Bah, I mean, let me vaccinate you with cowpox."


Qiu Laoer stood up and looked at Ye Feng doubtfully and asked: "Do we still need to plant? How long will it take? Can we plant it in a pot? We can take it with us on the road."

Ye Feng ignored Qiu Laoer and turned back to the back hall where the boss's wife ran away before and shouted: "Boss, please get your copper needle quickly."

The landlady ran out of the back hall panting and said: "Sir, don't worry, we are here."

Qiu Laoer said puzzledly: "Brother Feng, how can this landlady still have innocence after she's already married? Why don't you ask the county lieutenant to catch some virgins for you?"

The virgin girl walked up to Ye Feng with a slightly red face and asked, "Are virgins still needed to treat smallpox?"

Ye Feng patted his head and said: "Children are really meant to be pricked."

Qiu Laoer said with a wicked smile: "Brother Feng, you are really smart."

At this time, the landlady ran up to her and stretched out her hand, only to see three copper needles placed on her palm.

This first site is:

Qiu Laoer continued awkwardly: "My needle is a bit thick and I need to sharpen it."

Ye Feng took the copper needle.

When everyone saw this, a few people who had mistaken ideas couldn't help but blush, but a few of them looked at Qiu Laoer who had led them into the ditch bitterly, saying that they were "victims" in this matter.

The virgin girl's originally reddish face became even more rosy, like a blooming peach blossom. Even though she was wearing a veil, her beauty could not be blocked, and Ye Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

The virgin Yue said slightly angrily: "Look at what I am doing. Do something quickly. It is important to cure the disease and save people."

Ye Feng swallowed his saliva and immediately leaned over and squatted down. The virgin girl turned her face to one side and showed a smile.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly stood up again and happened to see this scene. Yue Maiden was stunned for a moment, then walked to the back of the crowd with her head lowered, and touched her rosy cheeks with both hands when no one was paying attention.

Ye Feng looked puzzled and said to himself: "This woman is really moody."

Ye Feng shook his head and said to the landlady: "Are there any small bottles or clean utensils? Please bring another oil lamp."

The landlady found a small pottery bottle that had been filled with wine, about a pound, and took a fish oil lamp and handed it to Ye Feng.


The ancient Wa people began to use oil lamps very early. At the beginning, the oil in the lamps was extracted from animal fat.

In ancient times, people discovered that when meat was heated, liquid would seep out from it. This was probably the ancestors' most primitive understanding of fat.

Since the beginning of written records, oil was first called "fat" or "ointment".

"Explanation of Names" records: "Wearing horns is called fat, and without horns is called ointment." That is to say, what is extracted from animals with horns is called fat, and what is extracted from animals without horns is called ointment.

We now call solidified fat and melted oil. The word "grease" is basically no longer used, but now we still have a common idiom that still retains these two words, which is minzhimingan.

There is a sentence in "Chu Ci" that "orchid anoints bright candles, and Huarong prepares some", which shows that there were oil lamps at least in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

"Historical Records: This Chronicle of Qin Shihuang" records: "The underground palace of the Qin Mausoleum uses mermaid paste as a candle to save those who are immortal for a long time."

According to Sima Qian's account in "Historical Records", the oil lamp built by Qin Shihuang in the imperial mausoleum will last for thousands of years, and the material used was shark oil.

At that time, the fuel for oil lamps was mainly animal fat, which restricted the use of most people and was destined to be enjoyed by only a few people.

Some of the more luxurious ones even add spices to the oil, which creates a delicate fragrance when burning, covering up the unpleasant smell emitted by burning oil.


The inn prepared oil lamps because it was needed to receive guests.

Ye Feng lit the oil lamp with a fire stick. This scene shocked others, because the stick was only invented during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when fire sickles were still used.

Huozhezi is made of saltpetre, sulfur, rosin, camphor, etc. It was made by Ye Feng when he was in the Qin Dynasty.

He originally wanted to make matches, but gave up because he could not synthesize antimony sulfide and potassium chloride.

Qiu Laoer said in surprise: "Hey, brother Feng, what is this? It's very convenient to use this as a fire starter."

Ye Feng was careless and took out the fire seal in front of everyone, so he lied and said, "This is a spell. I learned it from an alchemist before."

As he spoke, Ye Feng roasted the copper needle on the fire, then pricked the cowpox with the copper needle and introduced the juice into the pottery bottle.

Qiu Laoer said: "This alchemist seems to have some abilities. If there is a chance, Brother Feng will introduce him to me and let me get to know him."

Ye Feng said calmly: "He was shot to death with an arrow." Ye Feng thought of the alchemist from the county government of Qin State.

Qiu Laoer said regretfully: "It's a pity, it's a pity."


During the conversation, Ye Feng collected only half of the bottle of cowpox juice. The light yellow liquid looked a little uncomfortable.

Ye Feng took the bottle and oil lamp to a table and sat down. After putting the things away, he said, "Who's going to be first?"

Everyone looked at each other, no one dared to step forward.

Ye Feng glanced at Qiu Lao'er, who pretended to look at the table next to him, as if he were doing archeology, carefully looking at every texture.

Just as Ye Feng was about to say something to encourage everyone, Yue Feng sat down in front of her and stretched out her right hand in a gesture to let him take his pulse.

Ye Feng smiled and said, "I'm not taking your pulse, I'm giving you a needle. Let's prick your arm."

Ye Feng said, roasting the copper needle with fire, and then continued to explain to Yue Maiden: "I will use the copper needle to prick your skin a little, and then inoculate the cowpox virus into you."

"After planting, you may have some mild fever and other symptoms, but don't worry it will be fine soon."

Seeing this, the county captain hurriedly said: "Little brother, is it possible to inoculate people with cowpox like yours? Don't kill people. It would be a pity for such a beautiful girl."

The clerk who had previously received Ye Feng and the others said in a strange tone: "Don't lose your life if you can't cure smallpox. I've never heard of vaccination with cowpox."

"I've heard that there are people who are cultivating Gu far to the south of Chu State. Those are all tricks to gain wealth and kill people."

There are historical records from Zuo Zhuan in the first year of Zhaogong: "Flying grains are also poisonous insects." "When grains accumulate for a long time, they become flying poisonous insects, which are called poisonous insects."

Flying insects transformed from chaff are different from rice bran: flying insects can fly, but rice bran cannot fly.

Kong Yingda's Commentary on the Thirteen Classics records: "Those who use poison to treat people without making them aware of it are now called poisonous poisons."

Just as Ye Feng was about to argue, Yue Virgin said calmly: "I believe you, just go for it." After saying that, he pulled up his sleeve slightly, revealing a snow-white jade arm.

Seeing the flawless snow-white skin, Ye Feng was a little confused as to how to apply the needle. It seemed that wherever the needle punctured, it was destroying a beautiful work of art.

Yue Maiden glanced at Ye Feng, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly as if she was smiling.

Then he reached out and took the copper needle from Ye Feng's hand, and poked a needle hole in his arm. The blood immediately flowed out of the needle hole and condensed into a drop of blood, which dripped on the table.

Ye Feng calmed down and poured some cowpox juice on the wound of the virgin girl, and stirred it with a copper needle to let the cowpox enter the wound.

In order to prevent the wound from being infected with other viruses, Ye Feng took out a clean silk scarf and bandaged Yue Virgin's arm. The silk scarf was used to cover Yue Virgin's face.

The virgin girl nodded slightly to express her gratitude, then stood aside.

Ye Feng glanced at everyone but no one dared to come forward. Ye Feng said: "There is a record in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "Put a hundred insects into an urn, and after years of opening it, there will be one insect that eats all the insects. This is called Gu.


The meaning of this sentence is that the person who makes the voodoo catches a hundred worms and puts them into a container. The big worms of these 100 eat the small ones. The last big worm that lives in the container is called a voodoo.

Ye Feng continued: "Gu was originally a medicine specially used to treat poisonous sores, but it was later used to harm people. So my kind of acne can also be used to save people."

Ye Feng looked at Qiu Laoer, pointed to the seat in front of him and said with a smile: "Please invite the next victim."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "What book is "Compendium of Materia Medica"? Who wrote it? Why have I never heard of it?"

The corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: "I accidentally revealed Da Guangchao's book. How can I get rid of this?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes and figured it out from his heart. He smiled and said, "My master robot wrote it."

At this point, Ye Feng suddenly felt like someone was staring at him with unkind eyes from behind. Ye Feng turned around and saw only the county lieutenant and the clerk. The county lieutenant had a curious look on his face, while the clerk's face was solemn.

Ye Feng thought he had an illusion and didn't care. Ye Feng secretly pulled Qiu Laoer and sat in front of him.


Qiu Laoer pondered for a moment and said: "I have never heard of Ji Qiren. His surname is Ji. Could it be that he is a descendant of the Zhou Dynasty royal family? I wonder who the master is?"

This chapter has been completed!
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