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Chapter 148 Your perverted eyes can...

The county lieutenant said: "Lu Wenshi, I usually treat you well, but now that things have come to this, you actually returned the kindness and retaliated against me to frame me."

The county lieutenant said to the officer next to him: "Arrest him and put him on death row, awaiting trial. If you dare to resist, you will be punished on the spot."

The officer glanced at the county captain and then at the clerk, then immediately stepped forward with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Upon seeing this, the clerk immediately struggled back and shouted incoherently: "It wasn't me, it was you who harmed me. It was you, it must be you. Help, help, please find the county doctor to save me."

As he struggled to retreat, the Chinese clerk accidentally tripped and fell to the ground. At the same time as he fell, he coincidentally caught a policeman's short spear.

The police officer accidentally took action and shouted in panic: "Lu Wenshi, why are you trying to steal my weapon?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but curse when he saw this: "I'll go, these people are just like giant pandas having a feast."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "How do you say this?"

Ye Feng replied calmly: "In addition to bamboo shoots, they are still bamboo shoots. I falsely accused the clerk before changing the dressing, and now I falsely accuse him of stealing the sword. Do you think it will be damaged or not?"


Qiu Laoer said with sudden realization: "Damage."

At this time, the county captain looked over coldly and glared at the two of them.

Qiu Laoer was so frightened that he hid behind Ye Feng and whispered: "What a loss."

At this time, the official who was holding the hilt of the sword immediately drew out his sword and prepared to stab the clerk.

The clerk didn't know anything about martial arts. When he saw the opponent stabbing him with a sword, he subconsciously covered his face with his arms and screamed in fear.

To outsiders, it looks like a clerk holding a short spear and shouting, trying to fight the official.

Seeing that the officer's long sword was about to thrust out, the clerk was about to die. A sweet shout came: "Stop."

The sound was made in a strange way. Although it was not loud, it was extremely penetrating. Guan Cha couldn't help but be startled.

At this time, I saw Yue Maiden escorting two people in from outside the inn.

The two men were still bleeding from their mouths, and the clothes on their chests were dyed red with blood. Their faces were bruised and swollen, and they had obviously suffered a lot.

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The county lieutenant was startled when he saw the two of them, but he quickly recovered his composure.

The virgin girl Yue glanced at the county captain and said coldly: "Are you going to explain yourself or force me to do it?"

Everyone looked at this beautiful woman, but they felt a bit cold in their bones, and even some people almost shuddered involuntarily.

The county captain smiled and said, "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise it would be a pity for such a beautiful woman to die here."

Ye Feng said dissatisfied: "What? Stop pretending? Show your cards? No wonder you didn't give it to them directly when you took my medicine. You put it into your arms first. It turned out that you were going to transfer it."

When the clerk heard this, he immediately nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, he must have transferred the contract. Why don't you arrest the county captain quickly?"

When the clerk saw that no one was taking action, he looked at the police officers around him, and all of them looked at him with unkind eyes.

The county captain smiled contemptuously and said: "These are my cronies. Since you are all eager to die, then I will help you. Do it and leave no one behind."

As soon as Ye Feng heard the move, he wanted to step forward to protect Yue Virgin, but when he looked at Yue Virgin, Yue Virgin smiled contemptuously.

Ye Feng saw that Yue Laoer wanted to take action, so he pulled Yue Laoer to sit aside. Ye Feng also shouted: "The waiter is serving the food." This move confused other people present.

At this time, the officer saw Ye Feng sitting there and swung his sword to stab Ye Feng.

At this moment, Yue Maiden floated over and stabbed the back of Guan Cha's hand with a sword. Guan Cha's hand was so painful that he let go of the sword and dropped it.

The virgin girl Yue glanced at everyone and said, "Come together."

Upon seeing this, the county lieutenant shouted: "Go ahead, take her down."

After saying that, several policemen rushed forward, and the virgin girl moved gracefully and passed through several policemen like a phantom.

When most people didn't see Yue Virgin's figure clearly, several policemen fell to the ground at the same time.

Seeing this, the county captain couldn't help but frown. The virgin girl slowly walked towards the county captain.

The county captain stood calmly and seemed to have no intention of taking action.

But at the same time that Yue Maiden attacked the county captain, the landlady rushed out and blocked Yue Maiden's long sword with the kitchen knife in her hand. The two were separated at the first touch.

Both sides couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time: "Mahayana realm?"


At this time, the owner of the store, the chef and the waiter rushed out with long swords and surrounded the virgin girl.

When Qiu Laoer saw this, he couldn't help but said: "I'll go, it's really a black shop." Then he boasted: "I must be right. Fortunately, I am smart and have seen through everything."

Ye Feng teased: "Come on, your squinting eyes can see through nothing but clothes."

Yue Maiden's eyes lit up when she looked at the boss's wife and the knife in her hands, and asked: "Who are you, Nie Zheng?"

The landlady smiled coquettishly and said, "Hey, this little girl is a bit knowledgeable. She can actually see where my kung fu comes from."

In Ye Feng's parallel universe, Nie Zheng was one of the top ten masters in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

He once came to South Korea alone, broke into the Korean Prime Minister's Palace alone, and killed Han Prime Minister Xia Lei who was protected by hundreds of guards. In the end, he killed dozens of guards in total.

In order not to harm his family, Nie Zheng peeled off his face, gouged out his eyes, cut open his belly and took out his intestines, and died. The Koreans published Nie Zheng's body in the city and offered a reward of a thousand gold, but no one could identify it.

who is he.

In this parallel universe, Nie Zheng killed the Prime Minister of Jin, but was recognized, but his family was rescued and disappeared.

Qiu Laoer saw the confrontation between Yue Wengsheng and the proprietress, and asked at a loss: "Brother Feng, there are a lot of people across the way, why don't you go over and help out?"


Ye Feng began to see Yue Virgin and the landlady both exclaiming about the Mahayana Realm, and couldn't help but worry about Yue Virgin.

But when she saw that Yue Virgin regained her composure quickly and could not conceal the excitement in her eyes, she knew that Yue Virgin was sure to defeat her opponent, so she felt relieved.

Ye Feng said to Qiu Laoer calmly: "Don't worry, go to Yandou, there will be a good show later, let's eat and watch."

Qiu Laoer reluctantly ran to the kitchen to find salt beans. Salt beans are soybeans boiled in salt water. There were no melon seeds at this time.

Sunflower originated in the Americas. The aborigines of the Americas have eaten sunflower seeds for more than 5,000 years. They were introduced to the ancient Wa country during the Daguang Dynasty.

Yue Maiden's eyes were shining brightly and she said: "Are you sister Nie Zheng, Nie Yinniang?"

The landlady laughed and said: "You are a smart little girl, I will keep your body intact later."

The virgin Yue smiled slightly and stopped talking nonsense with Nie Yinniang. Instead, she concentrated on it, and her eyes became cold at the same time.

Even those present felt a faint chill.

Nie Yinniang's face suddenly changed and she said: "Water belongs to Yin, but you actually have the water attribute? How is this possible? You are obviously in the Mahayana realm?"


Qiu Laoer asked: "Why does this thing have water properties?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer and said, "You forgot what Sister Yue Nu said two days ago so quickly?"

Ye Feng saw that Qiu Laoer seemed to have no impression and explained helplessly: "The Tao realm is divided into five equal realms, namely metal, wood, water, fire and earth. Among them, metal is good at attacking, wood is good at attacking wind, water is good at yin, fire is good at yang, and earth is good at attacking.

Be good at guarding.”

Qiu Laoer said with an ooh, "Then the Yue girl is in the Tao realm?"

Ye Feng collapsed and said: "Is your mind still quite fresh? Do you only have seven seconds of memory? Didn't you hear Nie Yin's mother say that the Yue girl sister is in the Mahayana realm?"

Qiu Laoer smiled awkwardly and said, "If it's not Nie Yin, his mother's name is Nie Yinniang."

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer again and said, "You will remember it clearly when you meet such a slutty woman."

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Nie Yinniang and the innkeeper couldn't help but glared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng pretended not to see the other party's anger and continued to tease: "Hey, I really hit the mark. Look at the expressions of the two guys next to you, they must be having an affair with this Nie Yin."

At this time, the innkeeper couldn't help but look at the waiter, chef and others. The three people immediately shook their heads and waved their hands.

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Especially the fair-skinned boy was so thin-skinned that his face turned red with embarrassment.

Ye Feng took the opportunity and said, "You look red in the face, is there something wrong in your heart?"

At this time, Qiu Laoer said with some disappointment: "It seems that the serious boss lady is such a person. It's a pity."

The words of Ye Feng and Qiu Laoer made the innkeeper and his wife furious. Ye Feng smiled slightly and ate a few salt beans.

Qiu Laoer asked in a low voice: "Brother Feng, how do you know about this landlady? I saw you chatting at the counter for a long time that day, but you don't know how?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes at Qiu Laoer and said, "I know you, I'm talking nonsense."

Qiu Laoer asked in confusion: "Why is this?"

Ye Feng said calmly: "The way to use soldiers is to attack the heart first. When they get angry, they violate the taboo of martial arts. But this shows that Nie Yinniang has little practical experience."

Ye Feng and the others stopped talking, and several people on the field began to besiege Yue Maiden again. However, this time several people had their own thoughts, which led to some problems in cooperation.

However, although this Nie Yinniang lacked experience on the spot, she had inherited the true skills from her brother Nie Zheng, and her moves were extremely powerful.


The fierce offensive forced Yue Maiden to resolve many times, and her movements were not as graceful as before. The key was that the opponent had other helpers, which made Yue Maiden a little helpless.

When Ye Feng saw this, he cursed: "The peppercorns are drying in front of the neighbor's house."

Qiu Laoer asked: "How do you say this?"

Ye Feng said: "I can't bear the spicy thing next door, so I want to go up and help."

After saying that, Ye Feng put down the bowl and chopsticks, picked up his copper stick, weighed it, brushed a few stick flowers and shouted: "My wife steals from the man, come here and let us draw and draw."

After hearing this, the innkeeper gave up his attack on Yue Maiden and turned towards Ye Feng. At the same time, he cursed: "Little beast, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will cut you into pieces."

Yue Maiden saw Ye Feng joining the battle group and warned: "Be careful, he is in the Yingyi realm."

Ye Feng did not reply, but used all his strength to hit the innkeeper with a stick.

At the same time, he joked: "You are just a blooper. I think you are a fool. How else could your wife be in a relationship with someone else?"

Qiu Laoer next to him asked cooperatively: "Brother Feng, how can you say this?"

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Ye Feng smiled slightly and said: "The noodles that have been cooked out of the pot will not be hard anymore."

Qiu Laoer asked doubtfully: "What does it mean?"

At this moment, the innkeeper raised his two swords to face Ye Feng's copper stick. There was a loud bang, and everyone present except Yue Shengsheng and Nie Yinniang were shocked.

The innkeeper hesitated for a moment, which gave Yue Mai an opportunity, and a string of sword flowers killed several people.

Seeing this, Nie Yinniang took advantage of Yue Shengchun's sword before she could retract it, and quickly attacked Yue Shengchun with her sword.

Ye Feng couldn't help but sweat for Yue Virgin, but when he saw Yue Virgin's elegant figure, he took a few steps back and barely managed to avoid Nie Yinniang's attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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