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Chapter 152: A Good Stick Is Really a Magical Stick

Bian Zhuangzi looked at Ye Feng's copper stick and couldn't help but praise it: "It's a good stick. It's really a magic stick."

Ye Feng said angrily: "You are a magic stick, your whole family is a magic stick, and your ancestors have been magic sticks for eighteen generations."

Bian Zhuangzi thought that Ye Feng was not good at praising others, so he smiled and said, "It's not that good."

Ye Feng said to himself, dumbfounded, "It's as if I'm praising you."

Although both sides talked, their hands did not relax.

Ye Feng felt that this person was more difficult to deal with than Feng Shiyu before. This person was stronger than Feng Shiyu, and his speed control and skill use were also better.

Ye Feng fought with him for more than ten rounds and was only defensive. But Ye Feng did not panic, because he had a secret weapon that made him invincible, but he could not die.

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Seeing that the situation was not going well, Qiu Laoer had already hid in the crowd and secretly observed the fight between the two.

Bian Zhuangzi saw that although Ye Feng was defeated in his moves, he could still deal with it calmly, so he appreciated Ye Feng a little.

Bian Zhuangzi wanted to test Ye Feng's abilities, so he tightened his grip and increased his offensive.

Ye Feng concentrated his attention on Bian Zhuangzi's sword, and suddenly found that everything around him seemed to have slowed down.

There were several clanging sounds of metal hitting each other. Ye Feng successfully received several of Bian Zhuangzi's sword attacks and even returned a stick.

Bian Zhuangzi was stunned for a moment, but quickly returned to normal and easily dodged Ye Feng's stick. Then, with his fighting spirit high, the attack of the bronze sword in his hand increased a bit.

Now Ye Feng became a little difficult to resist. Bian Zhuangzi stabbed Ye Feng's right shoulder with his sword. Ye Feng immediately blocked it to the right with a copper stick, but Bian Zhuangzi's sword strangely changed its direction and stabbed Ye Feng's left shoulder.

Ye Feng had no way to avoid it, and when he was about to stab his shoulder, Bian Zhuangzi moved the tip of his sword to the left, so that Ye Feng would only receive a little external injury, but not his muscles or bones.

But Ye Feng raised his left arm to block Bian Zhuangzi's sword. While Bian Zhuangzi was stunned, he hit Bian Zhuangzi's right hand with a copper stick.

Bian Zhuangzi hurriedly moved back to block Ye Feng's copper stick with his sword, only to hear the sound of Bian Zhuangzi's sword trembling continuously.

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The two sides retreated and stood apart. Bian Zhuangzi looked at Ye Feng's scratched clothes. The skin inside didn't seem to have any damage. He looked at his sword again and couldn't believe his eyes.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Ye Feng was not stabbed by him but his body recovered very quickly.

At this time, Qiu Laoer saw Ye Feng's bravery and stood up again and said: "Brother Ye, teach this coward a lesson and let him know how powerful you are."

When Bian Zhuangzi heard what Qiu Laoer said, he immediately got angry and roared and attacked Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was about to speak, but seeing the fierceness of the opponent's sword, he could only concentrate on dealing with it.

Ye Feng endured the pain and sighed secretly: "He is worthy of being one of the top ten masters of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period. His swordsmanship is really great. He stabbed me several times after just a dozen moves."

After ten moves, Ye Feng had several holes in his clothes. Fortunately, Ye Feng was invulnerable or he would have become a hornet's nest long ago.

However, Ye Feng felt that his body seemed to be recovering much faster than before. He almost recovered as soon as he was stabbed.

Bian Zhuangzi saw that Ye Feng could not penetrate anywhere on his body, so he stabbed Ye Feng's lower body with his sword.

Ye Feng was shocked when he saw it. Ye Feng didn't know whether his calf could recover automatically.

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If he is stabbed, although he is not the first eunuch in China, he is immortal and has a high chance of being the last eunuch in China.

For a great eunuch who has lived for more than two thousand years, this life is worse than death. It is so cruel to think about it. Ye Feng's expression changed and he immediately covered his crotch with his hands and shouted: "Crotch-covering stick."

When Bian Zhuangzi saw that Ye Feng attached so much importance to the crotch, it must be because it was his weakness, he shouted: "Dingdang sword."

At this time, the virgin Yue beside her shouted nervously: "Drag, he's so fast that he can't use his fast sword to break his fast sword."

After hearing this, Bian Zhuangzi couldn't help but be secretly surprised, and said to himself: "This little girl actually saw my flaw and came up with countermeasures within a dozen moves. It seems that she is at least as good as me."

In fact, Yue Shengchun had already figured out at least three tricks to defeat his swordsmanship within ten of them. However, they were not suitable for Ye Feng to use.

Because Yue Mai's swordsmanship is faster than Bian Zhuangzi's, she has many options to defeat Bian Zhuangzi's swordsmanship.

However, Ye Feng's attack speed is slower than Bian Zhuangzi's, so it is slower for Yue Sheng to come up with a solution for Ye Feng.

Many people think that the best way is to use speed to defeat the opponent. This is true, but if you can be faster than the opponent, it means that you are better than the opponent. Since you are better than the opponent, you can win no matter how you fight.

What should you do if you are already slower than your opponent?

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Of course, if the opponent's strength gap is extremely different, any method will be useless, but if the difference is not too big, then the best way is to fight slowly and quickly.

Tangle the opponent's weapons or fists so that the opponent cannot successfully use the next move.

This is like a person reciting an article, and if you interrupt him, you can affect the speed of his recitation.

If you interfere with his moves, he will make random mistakes. Once he makes a mistake, it may be a flaw that can defeat him.

Ye Feng immediately understood. Bian Zhuangzi's sword thrust forward, and Ye Feng's stick moved back against the opponent's sword. Bian Zhuangzi's sword retreated, and Ye Feng's stick followed suit.

Because Ye Feng's stick was at his side, Bian Zhuangzi changed his sword stance and was blocked or interfered with, so he had to "detour" to use his next move.

Even because the obstacle was insurmountable, Bian Zhuangzi could only use other moves. This invisibly "slowed down" Bian Zhuangzi's swordsmanship.

Meanwhile, Qiu Laoer was beside him and scolded Bian Zhuangzi about his past defeats, which also distracted Bian Zhuangzi a lot, causing the strength of the sword to weaken and his speed to slow down.

Bian Zhuangzi became furious because his swordsmanship was restricted and he was ignored by the people next to him.

Bian Zhuangzi was so angry that he stabbed forward with his sword, and shouted "Retreat" when he stabbed him. He thrust out three swords in a row, and said "Retreat, retreat, retreat" three times in a row.

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With an idea, Ye Feng jumped up slightly, clamped Bian Zhuangzi's sword in the air with his legs, and at the same time swung the copper stick towards Bian Zhuangzi's shoulder.

Bian Zhuangzi did not expect that Ye Feng would make such a strange move. It took some strength to not pull back the sword, so he had to turn sideways to avoid Ye Feng's copper stick.

In the end, the situation was reversed and Ye Feng held Bian Zhuangzi's sword between his arms. Bian Zhuangzi held the sword in one hand and dodged left and right to avoid Ye Feng's stick.

For a while, Ye Feng could not defeat Bian Zhuangzi. Ye Feng felt that it was almost done, so he stopped and retreated.

Then he said: "Your Excellency has great skills, I admire you. If we continue to fight, there will be no winner, and it's getting late. Why don't we go to a restaurant to have the evening meal first?"

Bian Zhuangzi was defeated by the move just now, and it would be difficult for Bian Zhuangzi to win if he continued to fight.

But Ye Feng's ability to say this naturally gave him a step up, so Bian Zhuangzi was very grateful to Ye Feng for his acceptance.

If he loses or cannot beat Ye Feng, and is scolded by Qiu Laoer again, he will be even more speechless and face the loss of face.

In fact, Ye Feng also knew that Bian Zhuangzi's impulse just now was caused by Qiu Laoer's interference.

If the two sides competed calmly, Ye Feng would only get beaten. Although the other party might not be able to kill him, it would be difficult for him to win.

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A few people entered a restaurant. Qiu Laoer was a little aggrieved because Ye Feng failed to defeat Bian Zhuangzi.

But he couldn't beat him himself, and there was nothing he could do if Ye Feng didn't take action.

Ye Feng was invited to sit in the upper seat on the west side. Qiu Laoer immediately sat down on the south side without hesitation. Bian Zhuangzi shook his head and sat on the north side. Yue Shengchun and Nie Yinniang had no choice but to follow Qiu Laoer and sit on the south side.

According to Ling Tingkan's "Explanations of the Book of Rites", this kind of indoor banquet is oriented to the east.

The second is to sit in a north-south position, that is, the left-hand side of the throne. The third is to sit in a south-to-north position, that is, to the right-hand side of the throne.

The most humble position is the one facing east and west. Please refer to the seating arrangement at the Hongmen Banquet in "Historical Records of Xiang Yu".

If it is a ceremonial event in the hall, the seat should be "south-facing", that is, sitting north and facing south. And the west-facing seat is often more honorable than the east-facing seat.

For example, the seats in the hall in "Etiquette: Drinking Ceremony in the Countryside", the guests' seats are between the doors and windows, and the guests sit facing south.

The deputy guest (deputy guest) sits in front of the west table, facing east. The host sits in front of the east table, facing west. In fact, the seats of the guest and the host are more noble than the seat of the guest.

Another example is the seats in the central hall of "Da She Yi". The guests sitting facing south, the princes sitting facing west, and the princes sitting facing north are all more noble than the officials sitting facing east.

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The fujian mentioned earlier is a window between the room and the hall, which is called a "fujian".

In ancient times, "window" specifically refers to the skylight opened on the roof, while the window opened on the wall is called "furnace". It is recorded in the book that the Qin Dynasty mostly used kitchen windows, but windows were rare.

Before they sat down, the food Ye Feng and the others ordered was taken away by the store because Qiu Laoer left.

Ye Feng shook his head and said to himself: "In the past, when I went to eat in parallel universes, I suffered the disadvantage of being single. The last time I went to eat alone, my things in the bathroom were taken away."

Ye Feng had to order food again. At this time, there were not many types of dishes in remote restaurants.

And what you can eat depends on what the store can buy that day, especially meat, and some places may even not sell meat.

This is mainly because the demand is low, and meat is a high-end consumer. A pot of meat and a pot of wine cost forty or fifty one-tael cloth coins to buy.

The restaurant owner bought some mutton today, so Ye Feng ordered a pot of mutton, two pieces of millet porridge, three pickles and a pot of wine.qqxsnew

Ye Feng often ordered porridge and pickles not because Ye Feng liked to eat these, but because he was very poor in material resources and only had these most of the time.

Although some ancient books record that there were many types of food during this period, many were not widely grown due to low yields, and most of them were supplied to dignitaries.

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The poor mainly grow crops with high yields to make a living, so most of the food supplies on the market are based on these.

Bian Zhuangzi asked: "I wonder who this brother Ye studied under?"

This sentence made Ye Feng not know how to answer. His current skills were given by robots.

But I forgot to ask the robot's name at the time, but thinking about it, the robot probably didn't have a name either.

So Ye Feng replied casually: "Robot."

Bian Zhuangzi repeated: "Ji Qiren, Ji Qiren. Oh, I have admired you for a long time." He said secretly: "I have never heard of this."

Qiu Laoer said from the side: "Sacrificial vessels, I have admired my name for a long time, I have admired my name for a long time."

Ye Feng repeated: "It sounds like a machine."

Qiu Laoer said awkwardly: "Oh, Ji Qiren, I have admired my name for a long time, I have admired my name for a long time."

Ye Feng was confused when he heard this, and said to himself: "Why is there really someone with this name here? Is it the same name?"

The original text comes from Yuta&Read Novel.app

Ye Feng asked weakly: "Have you really heard of it? This will not end well."

This chapter has been completed!
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