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Chapter 158 Making a Wooden Addition and Subtraction Calculator

Song Guozi Wei asked: "How to know the angle?"

Ye Feng explained: "The sun is much larger than Panding Star, and the light rays coming from it are all parallel. The angle we create when we stand a pole on the ground creates a shadow because Panding Star is round."

"The angle difference between the two pole shadows formed by the two points of the Panding Star is the included angle." This is an analytical geometry problem, and Ye Feng is not very good at giving lectures to others.

Ye Feng looked at the confused two people, thought for a while and said: "For example, if the sun happens to illuminate a certain point of Panding Star vertically, we take this point and then choose another point."

"There is no pole shadow where the sun shines vertically, because the sunlight is parallel, so the angle of the pole shadow at another point is the angle between these two points and the center of the earth."

Ye Feng drew a circle again on the ground. The light ray was parallel to one point and the extension line of the center of the earth, and the angle formed by another point and the extension line of the center of the earth was equal to the angle between the two points and the center of the earth.

After drawing it so intuitively, the two of them immediately understood.

Ye Feng continued: "The distance between these two cities is 1,200 miles, and the angle is 4.5 degrees, which is one-eightyth of 360 degrees, so the circumference of Panding Star is 96,000 miles.


Ye Feng wrote down ninety-six thousand miles, and then the following is equal to two times the pie and then times the radius.

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Ye Feng continued: "Then divide ninety-six thousand miles by two and then divide it by Pai. If Pai divides it by 3.14, it equals the radius of Panding Star, which is about 15,286.6 miles."

The two of them were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths and asked for a long time: "Who is this sect?"

Ye Feng patted his head again and said to himself: "There is no pi at this time."

Ye Feng didn't want to reveal too much, so he said vaguely: "If you divide the circumference into infinite equal parts, and connect these points, you can finally get infinite triangles."

"The length of the base of the triangle is infinitely close to the circumference of the circle. This value divided by the diameter of the circle is a fixed value of a little over three points and one four. So we use this value to calculate the circumference of the circle."

The two people nodded in understanding, and then bowed deeply to Ye Feng.

The two of them said, "Thank you, Brother Ye Xian, for your generous teachings. The two of us have benefited a lot. Please accept my respects."

Lu Guozishen said: "I didn't expect that Brother Ye Xian would study the art of celestial phenomena so profoundly at such a young age. I admire him."

Seeing the two of them bowing, Ye Feng immediately bowed in return, and then said casually: "I understand a little, I understand a little. But I seem to be on the wrong team. I am a professional, and astronomy is not my best thing."

After finishing his pretense, Ye Feng hid his merit and fame and turned around to walk towards the crowd of workers. Ye Feng secretly said: "It's so cool to run away after just pretending."

This article was first published & the website is:. Tower~Read,

Zishen of the state of Lu and Ziwei of the state of song stayed where they were. They couldn't help but secretly thought: "Aren't you good at this? What do we call this?"

Ye Feng arrived at the carpenters' side, and they were competing to see who could make more exquisite woodware.

Ye Feng became interested in this and gave his name. Then a servant took out carpentry tools and lumber and placed it on Ye Feng's desk.

Ye Feng thought about it and planned to make a mechanical calculator. The purpose of using wood was because wood is not easy to preserve and will not be passed down to future generations.

At this time, Zi Shen of Lu State and Zi Wei of Song State came over to watch Ye Feng's carpentry skills.

The two of them couldn't help but feel relieved when Ye Feng told him that astronomy was not his best thing.

Thinking about it, the two of them achieved some achievements when they were nearly fifty years old. This Ye Feng has such accomplishments at such a young age, but he is not the best at it. I wonder what magical skill Ye Feng is best at.

Ye Feng plans to make a simple mechanical addition and subtraction calculator. In fact, it is easy to make as long as you understand the principles.

The calculation of the addition of mechanical calculators is the way of superposition counting of gears. For example, to calculate two plus three, one is first adjusted to two, and the other is adjusted to three.

Use a gear to connect the two gears. Rotating the number three gear will drive the number two gear forward three spaces, and the number two will increase to five.

This article was first published & the website is:. Tower~Read,

If there is a carry, such as calculating five plus six, the number five gear is a one digit. When the gear rotates with the number six gear and increases to the number nine, and continues forward to the number zero, a lever will be touched.

When this lever is touched, the tens gear behind the number five gear will be moved one space.

The ones digit gear will be rotated by the number six addend gear and continue to be driven to the position of number one, and finally it will become the result of the tens digit displaying one and the ones digit displaying one.

The addend gear is on the top, the addend gear is on the bottom, and their tens and hundreds digits are to the left in turn. Only the units gears of the addend and multiplier are in contact and can transmit each other.

Mechanical calculators use the nine's complement calculation method to calculate subtraction through addition.

The subtraction gear flips, so that one becomes nine, two becomes eight, three becomes seven, four becomes five, five becomes five, six becomes four, seven becomes three, eight becomes two, and nine becomes one.

For example, the calculation method of nine minus two is to subtract one from the subtracted tens digit. Because the number two gear flips the direction of the gear, the number of gears inside becomes eight, so nine minus two becomes the operation of nine plus eight.


Using the above addition method to rotate the gear, the final value is seventeen, but because the previous tens digit was subtracted by one, the result is seven.

If the ones digit is a decimal minus a large number, it is calculated in the same way, for example, twelve minus nine, and the tens digit is subtracted by one first. Because the number nine gear, the gear inside is flipped into gear one, so the addend's ones digit number two is added to one, and the result

That's three.

Of course, later generations of mechanical computers were more complex and could not only calculate multiplication and division, but also had fault tolerance and zeroing functions, etc.

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But on the one hand, Ye Feng wanted to save trouble, and on the other hand, he wanted to avoid causing panic, so it was too advanced to be demonstrated in this era.

It took Ye Feng half a day to complete this wooden mechanical addition and subtraction calculator.

Ye Feng was easily immersed in doing things and easily ignored his surroundings. When he finished installing the last component and raised his head with a sigh, he was shocked to see that he was surrounded by people quietly surrounding him.

The people next to him saw how incredible this arithmetic unit was when he was debugging it, so many people slowly gathered around.

Ye Feng was just about to present the wooden mechanical addition and subtraction calculator to the person in charge.

As a result, he was stopped by a man who said excitedly: "Brother, can you show me this thing?"

Ye Feng was originally afraid that he would break it and didn't want to show it to him.

The man saw Ye Feng's hesitation and said: "Lu Ban is a carpenter in the Lu Kingdom. I have never heard of this artifact. I really can't help but be curious and want to see it."

When Ye Feng heard that it was Lu Ban, he secretly thought: "It's the famous Lu Ban. I like to play him in the middle the most."

Thinking that he was not trying to be someone else's customer anyway, there was no harm in showing it to him, so he handed the wooden mechanical addition and subtraction calculator to Lu Ban.

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Lu Ban carefully took over the wooden mechanical addition and subtraction calculator, looked at the structure carefully, and then tried to do some addition and subtraction operations.

Lu Ban couldn't help but praise: "It's wonderful, it's simply a work of art. I wonder if I can teach you~, eh, forget it, thank you, brother."

Lu Ban respectfully returned the wooden mechanical addition and subtraction calculator to Ye Feng. In fact, he wanted to learn how to use this machine from Ye Feng.

But during this period, many technologies were stuck in their own ways and would not be easily taught to others, so I gave up thinking about them.

Ye Feng saw what he was thinking, so he called him aside, disassembled each accessory for him, and explained them one by one.

Lu Ban was extremely grateful to Ye Feng and respected him very much.

Because Ye Feng's disassembly of accessories delayed the submission of his work, Ye Feng's qualification was canceled again. Hearing this news, Ye Feng's smile gradually faded, and he thought that he would be kicked out again later. This person was really humiliated.

Fortunately, Lu Ban, Zi Shen, and Zi Wei jointly recommended Ye Feng, which gave Ye Feng the opportunity to enter the hall.

The main hall is a banquet hall. There are many tables on the floor. Many tables have already been occupied by people. They all came in first after completing the "preliminary test".

Ye Feng saw from a distance that Qiu Laoer was following a short man who looked quite young and kept saying something. Ye Feng asked Lu Ban, Zi Shen, and Zi Wei who that person was.

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Zishen and Ziwei served as officials in Lu and Song respectively. It is clear that they are the core figures of power in each country.

Zi Shen first said: "This person is Yan Zi, the Prime Minister of Qi."

Ye Feng said: "Oh~, it's that smart little old man."

The three of them were not surprised that Ye Feng knew about Yan Zi, but they were a little strange about Ye Feng calling Yan Zi. However, the three of them had been famous for a long time and had experienced all kinds of situations, so they laughed it off.

In fact, the three of them are not here to be hangers-on, but the Wanxian Conference held by Qi State is very large, and they are here to see if they can meet any strange people.

Soon, the waiter in charge of the banquet ran to the three people and asked them to take their seats. The three people wanted to drag Ye Feng there with them, but Ye Feng simply said that he was here to save people this time, and he just came to watch the excitement.

The three of them also knew that strangers like Ye Feng would generally not take the initiative to become other people's clients. People would naturally invite such talented strangers, so they did not force Ye Feng to be allowed to mingle among the crowd.

During the banquet, the State of Qi invited many people like Lu Ban, Zi Shen, and Zi Wei to join in the banquet. After the banquet, there would be some debates, where talents from each family would promote their own ideas.

Some will also argue with each other, pointing out each other's issues and debating them, etc.

Some warriors will also compete with each other to show off their abilities.

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Of course, there are many hermit masters who don't like to join in this kind of fun, and many of them can't be invited.

For example, Ye Feng's master is hiding in his master's wife's gentle home, and even masters such as Yue Virgin will not easily participate in such activities.

The host, King Qi, also brought a group of ministers and two sons to the banquet.

At the banquet, we ate meat soup and some fruits, and drank sweet wine similar to lees.

The banquet was just a matter of drinking, exchanging business information, etc.

After a while, a waiter came to Ye Feng and said that it was King Qi who invited him. This made everyone around him envious, and most people cast envious glances.

Ye Feng was confused and thought to himself: "I just came here to get some food, why did you call me? The key is that I haven't found a chance to eat until I'm full. We can wait until I finish secretly drinking the generous meat soup."

Am I not good?"

When visiting someone else's house, it's not easy to go without the host's invitation. Ye Feng had to follow the waiter, turning back step by step, and walked to the table.

This area was full of dignitaries or well-known people. When Ye Feng arrived, he realized that it was Lu Ban and Zi Shen. Ziwei was just talking about Ye Feng and was overheard by Yan Zi, so Yan Zi reported it to the King of Qi, who asked someone to invite Ye Feng.

When King Qi saw Ye Feng, he didn't expect Ye Feng to be so young.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download, the latest chapter content is free without ads. The website no longer updates the latest chapter content, and the latest chapter content has been updated on the Xingxing app.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free and ad-free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed beside the bed, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern Pet Breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star App to provide you with the shabby inventors of great masters and shabby inventors.

Beast Master?

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