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Chapter 171: Qiu's Er Er's Slander

During this period, only children from high-ranking families could study, because the cost of studying during this period was very high. Moreover, only the aristocratic class could enter the schools established by the state.

The main reason for this is that the cost of books is high. Before paper was invented, text was written on bamboo slips, silk and other valuable items, even luxury goods.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to study. Not to mention the hard labor and farming, which ordinary people cannot afford to support scholars. Even the cost of this book is worth several months of living expenses for ordinary people.

In addition, there were very few books in this period, so the ancients had the saying "Xue Fu Wu Cha". In fact, there were not many "Xue Fu Wu Cha" in this period, because the bamboo slips took up a lot of space, but there were only a few characters.

This is also the reason why the contents of many ancient books are very concise. During this period, a book with more than 10,000 words was considered a long masterpiece.

It was also because the cost of studying was high that most scholars in this period were from clans. This was because as long as there was good material for studying in the clan, the entire clan would support the scholar.

And when this scholar becomes an official, he will bring greater benefits to the clan. This is also the reason why the early government affairs were in the hands of the big clan.

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Even in troubled times, some clans would send their children to serve in different countries, so that no matter which country finally unified the Guwa Kingdom, they would be the beneficiaries.

At that time, clans were almost the main source of talents for a country.

Although history books will record some talents who came from common people or poor people, in fact, many of them have clans or families behind them.

Even if there are talents among pure ordinary civilians, it is only a minority or a very small number. Philosophically speaking, there are no absolutes in this world. What we are talking about here is universality.

It didn't take long for Qiu Laoer's private school to be established. On the first day of business, Ye Feng took Yang Yiying and a group of villagers to try out Qiu Laoer's class.

The general idea of ​​the course is what Qiu Laoer, Laozi and Yanzi learned. After his integration, it became what he called Qiu's thought.

Ye Feng felt sleepy after listening for a while. Yang Yiying saw Ye Feng supporting his head with one hand and secretly closing his eyes to sleep, so he secretly tickled Ye Feng with his own hair.

After a while, Ye Feng was woken up, while Yang Yiying looked at Ye Feng's embarrassment and snickered.

Ye Feng had no choice but to be a bad boy and took Yang Yiying to skip school. Ever since Bian's mother died, Yang Yiying had become depressed and worried that she would not live long.

Ye Feng tried every means to make her happy, taking her to watch the sunrise in the morning. Sometimes he took her shopping during the day, and in the evening he took her to the river to catch fireflies.

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But the fireflies Ye Feng finally caught were often secretly released by Yang Yiying.

Because she feels that life is short and all lives should be respected. In addition, she feels that it is pitiful to catch these fireflies and they cannot fly freely.

When Ye Feng took Yang Yiying on an outing, he discovered that there was iron sand in the river, so Ye Feng washed some iron sand and took it back, and set up a blast furnace to refine an iron pot and a kitchen knife.

In the previous battle at Bianzhuang, Ye Feng's copper sticks were all discounted, and there were gaps everywhere on the sticks cut by other weapons. Now this kitchen knife has become Ye Feng's new self-defense weapon.

With the iron pot, Ye Feng could make some stir-fry dishes for Yang Yiying to eat. You must know that during this period, only boiling and steaming were possible, and people at this time had never seen such a new thing as stir-fry dishes.

When the fragrance was fried, the Qiu family and Yang Yiying were attracted by the fragrance.

Faced with the tempting stir-fry dishes, Yang Yiying rarely ate more.

Although he had been taking the antidote prescribed by the Qinyue people during this period of time, Yang Yiying's health was getting worse and worse, and his appetite was also decreasing little by little.

Ye Feng looked at Yang Yiying who was getting thinner day by day, and felt extremely sad. However, he was not good at medical science, so although he was anxious, there was nothing he could do.

This sense of powerlessness made Ye Feng feel helpless, and he, who had always been optimistic, became a little pessimistic.

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One day, Ye Feng was using Qigong to stimulate the brain and make it more active. Suddenly he thought of a few acupuncture points, and Ye Feng remembered that he had read some books before that recorded acupuncture detoxification methods.

Although I don’t know whether it will be effective for Yang Yiying, I can only treat it like a dead horse at this time.

There was very little silver during this period, so Ye Feng bought some silver nuggets at a high price. Ye Feng refined the silver nuggets into silver needles. Ye Feng also picked some wormwood.

Ye Feng took silver needles, alcohol and mugwort, went to Yang Yiying and said, "I have a set of acupuncture methods that can help you detoxify. Are you willing to give it a try?"

Yang Yiying smiled and asked: "What is acupuncture?"

Ye Feng took out the silver needles and explained: "To put it simply, acupuncture is the way I use these silver needles to stimulate acupuncture points on your body to help you detoxify."

Yang Yiying put her hands on her head and asked, "Did you personally give me acupuncture?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "Yes."

Yang Yiying said: "Come on then. Where do you want to stab?"

Ye Feng said: "I want to prick your Shenque point, Yuji point, Zhongfeng point, Taichong point, Sanyinjiao point and other points. They are here on your abdomen, here on your hands, here on your legs, here on your feet, and here on your legs." Ye Feng said.

While talking, he pointed it out to Yang Yiying.

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When Ye Feng pointed at her abdomen and feet, Yang Yiying's face turned red, and she stole a glance at Ye Feng.

These two positions are a bit sensitive for girls, but Yang Yiying still cooperated with Ye Feng, lying on the couch with a red face, taking off his clothes and taking off his shoes, revealing the acupuncture points.

Ye Feng sterilized silver needles, carefully found every acupuncture point, and applied every needle carefully, so sweat broke out on his forehead.

Yang Yiying closed his eyes in embarrassment at first. After a while, he opened his eyes slightly and peeked at Ye Feng. When he saw that he was sweating profusely, he picked up a silk handkerchief to help him wipe it.

Ye Feng stopped her from moving around and asked her to lie down safely.

What Ye Feng didn't expect was that this move made Yang Yiying angry, and Yang Yiying lay there with his mouth pouted.

It took Ye Feng two sticks of incense to complete the acupuncture. When Ye Feng put away the things, he found Yang Yiying still lying there with his mouth pouted.

Ye Feng couldn't help but smile, scratched Yang Yiying's nose with his finger, and said, "Wait a moment, I'll bring the donkey over."

Yang Yiying didn't want to talk to Ye Feng at first, but couldn't resist his curiosity and asked, "Why are you bringing the donkey here?"

Ye Feng suppressed a bad smile and said, "It's a pity that you don't tie up your head if you pout so high."

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Before Yang Yiying could react, Ye Feng had already run away and shouted: "You have a good rest, I'm going to find Qiu Laoer."

Yang Yiying said angrily: "You~" Seeing that Ye Feng had disappeared, he said angrily: "What a stupid donkey. I think I should tie you up, stupid donkey."

After saying this, I thought, "Tie up this stupid donkey of yours" and couldn't help but blush and smile again.

Then he lay down again and said angrily: "Ignore him."

Ye Feng went to Qiu Lao'er and asked him if there were any famous doctors in Lu State, but Qiu Lao'er couldn't tell him.

Qiu Laoer thought for a while and said, "I have recently accepted two apprentices who can help me find out. One is called Ji Sunsi and the other is Lu Zi."

Then Qiu Laoer said happily: "Recently, Ji Sunsi has recommended me to his father as a Sikou. It is said that I will be able to take office in a few days."

In this season, Sun Si's father was a powerful minister of the State of Lu. In recent years, he had assumed the throne and wielded power in both the government and the public.

Ye Feng asked in surprise: "In charge of criminal law? Aren't you majoring in Zhou Li?"

Qiu Laoer said: "There is no distinction between rituals and rituals. I am proficient in them all."

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In this way, Qiu Laoer became a Sikou of the State of Lu.

Of course, the private schools were not closed. On the contrary, the business of the private schools became better because Qiu Laoer became an official.

Therefore, Qiu Laoer also accepted many children from powerful and wealthy families, including Gong Zige, a famous wealthy businessman in Lu State.

After Qiu Laoer took office, he seemed to have a sworn feud with businessmen, and he began to target businessmen as soon as he took office.

They tried their best to find any evidence against the Lu businessmen, and dealt with them strictly if they found any. If they couldn't find any evidence, they slandered him or his family members.

During this period, the largest horse-breeding businessman in the State of Lu was called Guan Qian. He was an upright and charitable person, and there was no way to catch him.

His wife Jiang is a good housekeeper who often helps manage money and business.

During this period, there was no persecution by feudal ethics, and women could still show their faces and do business.

In fact, the most serious persecution of ethics began in the Ci Dynasty. This can be seen from the clothes of ancient women.

In the Shici Dynasty, women's clothing could still be exposed to the top of the chest. In the Daguang Dynasty, women's collars could only expose their necks, and in the Manchao Dynasty, their necks were tightly wrapped.

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And the shackles of thought is the beginning of regression. When Guwa State began to control thoughts, it was the beginning of the Renaissance in the Far Western countries. The decline of one and the other eventually led to the decline of Guwa State.

Because there is no way to catch a horse breeder who manages money, Qiu Laoer often slanders the horse dealer's wife for his inappropriate behavior.

Qiu Laoer told others everywhere that he often saw Mrs. Jiang and a certain businessman flirting with each other, etc.

During this period, adultery could be arrested and imprisoned, but Qiu Laoer had no evidence, so he did not arrest the person or bring him back for interrogation.

Qiu Laoer just went around saying that his wife Jiang, who was in charge of money, was cuckolding him.

At first no one believed it, but Qiu Laoer couldn't help but kept talking about this matter, and Qiu Laoer's words were vivid and vivid, making people feel like they were actually there.

Gradually, other people began to gossip and spread the lies concocted by Qiu Laoer privately.

In the end, he couldn't stand the criticism of others, so he divorced his wife Jiang and left the state of Lu. Jiang committed suicide out of hatred.

You must know that horses were a country's strategic resource during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

The most important horse trader of the Lu State left, which caused the decline of the Lu State's national strength and led to the Lu State's failure in the invasion of Lu State by Qi and Jin.

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It was so serious that Lu Gong couldn't get a few pure white horses for his trip. Some nobles used ox carts instead because they didn't have horses.

Of course, Confucius not only slandered this person everywhere, but also slandered sheep sellers and other businesses. As a result, these people were unable to do business in the State of Lu and left the State of Lu one after another.

This resulted in the rapid decline of Lu's industry and commerce, economic depression, great inconvenience to people's lives, and even soaring prices due to insufficient supply.

This has made the lives of civilian families who were not already wealthy even worse, and the poor have been in dire straits.

Because of Mrs. Qiu's mischief, people began to make up children's songs to scold him.

Ye Feng even dared not take the Qiu Lao'er family's carriage when traveling with Yang Yiying, because the Qiu Lao'er family's carriage was often hit by UFOs when traveling.

Sometimes it's a stone, sometimes it's a big stone. If you're lucky and you meet Qiu Laoer's hardcore fans, they will offer you freshly baked poop.

So every time Ye Feng took Yang Yiying out shopping, he would always sneak out quietly through the back door.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. If you want to see the latest chapter content, please download the Xingxing app, which has no ads and free latest chapter content. The website no longer updates the latest chapter content, and the Xingxing app has updated the latest chapter content.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him! Download the Star app, the latest chapter content is free and ad-free

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed beside the bed, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

Icefield City.

Pet animal breeding base.

Intern Pet Breeder. The website will be closed soon. Download the Star App to provide you with the shabby inventors of great masters and shabby inventors.

Beast Master?

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