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Chapter 21 The Sovereign Family

"Artillery technology lagged far behind the Far Western countries at the end of the Daguang Dynasty. The gunpowder from the Far Western countries was passed from us, but in the Liaoluo Bay naval battle with the Windmill Kingdom at the end of the Daguang Dynasty, we could only rely on

The Hongyi cannon made with the artillery-making technology learned from the Far West fought against it. Because at that time the artillery made by the Daguang Dynasty had a range of only three kilometers, while the Hongyi cannon made by learning from the Far Western Red-haired Ghost had a range of seven or eight kilometers.

At that time, the farthest range of the Far West Cannon could reach ten kilometers."

"You may have never heard of the Red Yi Cannon. The Red Yi Cannon was later renamed the Red Cannon by the Manchu people, because the Chinese barbarians refer to foreigners, including the Manchu people. At the time of the Battle of Luowan, hundreds of Chinese warships and tens of thousands of people were engaged in the attack.

The opponent's fleet consisted of several warships and hundreds of men, but the result was a "miserable victory."

"The real reason for Guwa's backwardness stems from the Duzun family's ideology. In order to make himself the emperor, Zhu Chongba accepted Zhu Xi as his ancestor, so he began to appoint the Duzun family. The biggest problem of the Duzun family is to confine their thoughts and at the same time, they are the only family.

We also look down on people who are witch doctors, musicians, and craftsmen. You must know that people who are skilled in many trades are the foundation of science and technology. These people are not welcome, and under the exclusive family mentality, they are inferior in everything but good at reading. This makes many educated and intelligent people

All the smart people in the world went to read the books of sages. As you can imagine, no one developed science and technology, and no one was willing to pass it on. Science and technology began to slowly fall behind, and Guwa gradually fell behind."

Yu Xuan nodded and said, "So that's the reason."

Wang Meng said with a proud look on his face: "We, Mr. Ye, know a lot. It will be good for you to learn more from him when you have time."

Ye Feng immediately received the message: "Old Wang, don't always praise me like this, I only understand a little bit."

Just as Wang Meng was about to say something, Yu Xuan immediately interrupted: "Isn't this exclusive family very particular about etiquette? Isn't it very good? How can it be used to govern the country and cause it to become more and more backward?"

"Governing the country is not something that only the Zun family is good at. Zhong Laoer's governance of the Lu State is the best example. In fact, the contention of a hundred schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods was actually the actual practice of governance by a hundred schools of thought. In the end, the Legalists won, and the others were defeated.


Wang Meng continued: "We now all talk about the rule of law in society."

Ye Feng continued: "In fact, the biggest problem with solemnizing the family is the confinement of thoughts. Just like what is written in the introduction to "Introduction to Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties", "From Emperor Wu onwards, in the field of thought and culture, the Han Dynasty implemented the practice of "deposing hundreds of schools of thought, solemnizing and humiliating the arts"

" policy completed a complete system of ideological rule. On the good side, this made the Han Dynasty more unified and stronger; on the bad side, these activities also caused many sacrifices and bloodshed to the people of Li, and wasted people and money.

The suffering; the free and lively and lively situation in the early Han Dynasty was completely eliminated ideologically, causing people's minds to gradually be imprisoned in the rule of the ideological dogma of exclusive family."

Wang Meng asked: "Where did this Duzun family come from?"

"Let me tell you something first. It's a bit funny to say it. It's that some tyrants look down on witch doctors. Zhong Laoer said: "I and history, the witches came to the same place but ended up in different places." Shi is the person in charge of history, and witches are

Regarding witchcraft, Zhong Laoer said that he had the same origin as the historians and wizards, but different affiliations. However, people from the Duzun family looked down upon this brother who had the same roots as himself."

"The Duzun family comes from the warlocks. Warlocks were priests who were responsible for presiding over crowning, wedding, funeral and sacrifice ceremonies before and during the Yin and Shang Dynasties. In ancient times, the four rituals of crowning, wedding, funeral and sacrifice ran through a person.

The life of a person is very important to a person's life, and therefore it was valued very much by the ancients. Since it is a very important ritual, it must be in charge and responsible for people who are proficient in local customs, culture and etiquette habits. This responsible person

The person is the master of ceremonies or priest, also called a magician."

"These people used to be scholars, and even though it was hereditary, their ancestors had been supported by the court for generations, and they lived a very good life. But then the Zhou royal family declined and could not afford to support these idle people, so these people were laid off. They were laid off

They force some people to hold crownings, weddings, funerals, sacrifices and other ceremonies to make money."

"This is why the Duzun family keeps shouting "retro gift", because that's what they do. Another meaning is that the Duzun family needs to be "supported" again, and to be respected, they need to be looked down upon. So.

What they have always done is to find a way to return to the court. They have tried their best to please the ruler, just to seek support. There is also the Hei family, which is similar to the Duzun family. The Hei family is a low-level military attaché who was "laid off" during the same period.

The Duzun family looked down upon these low-level military officers, so the relationship between the Hei family and the Duzun family was not harmonious."

"According to "Huainanzi. Synopsis", "Heizi studied Confucianism and received the skills of Zhonglaoer. He thought the etiquette was disturbing and did not talk about it.

Use Xia Zheng in a thoughtful manner."

In addition, "Heizi. Non-Confucianism" "Confucianism is enough to destroy the world, and there are four political affairs." The Hei family believes that only the family does not believe in ghosts and gods, and believes in destiny. Wealth, misfortune, and peace and order are all determined by fate, which makes officials lazy in politics.

, The common people are lazy in production, which is enough to ruin the world. The Duzun family does not believe in ghosts and gods but pays attention to rich burials. Weeping for three years and not doing production is enough to ruin the world. If vocal music is a common practice, the number of people engaged in vocal music will be engaged in production.

There will be fewer people, which is enough to destroy the world."

"In fact, the etiquette of the Duzun family is more harmful to people's ideological confinement. What I agree with more is Lu Xun's view of the so-called etiquette of the Duzun family. For example, he described in the novel "Diary of a Madman" "Everything must be studied in order to be able to do it."

You will understand. Cannibalism has been common in ancient times, and I still remember it, but it is not clear. I looked up the history and found that there is no chronology in the history. The words "benevolence, justice and morality" are written on the crooked pages. I fell asleep horizontally.

No, I looked carefully for half the night, and then I saw the words between the words. There were two words written all over the book, which were "cannibalism"!"

Yu Xuanyi said angrily: "I and the Duzun family have no sworn relationship."

Wang pulled Yu Xuan back and said with a look of contempt: "Okay, you, you don't know a few Chinese characters. I only think of my family members and scold you in such a polite way that you can't even tell how they scold you."

Ye Feng smiled and continued, "In fact, enlightening the people's wisdom is the foundation of a prosperous era in any period. Just like the Angsa country deceiving the people through the media, the result is now a complete failure. They are similar to the Duzun family, which is a small number of scholars who control the country.

, the country of Ansa is controlled by elites, and they use strategies to fool the people, and the final result is that they will decline more and more."

"And the etiquette of the Duzun family is also fake. The Duzun family doesn't understand what etiquette is at all. The act of etiquette is only called etiquette when both parties are on an equal footing and respect each other. What the Duzun family calls rules is not as good as Legalism's

What about the law? For example, if a husband and wife treat each other as if they were guests, that’s called etiquette. If a woman is stipulated to have three obediences and four virtues, what is that called etiquette? That’s called rules. The Sovereign family has been shouting about etiquette for two thousand years, and a country of etiquette is established with just one mouth. In fact, etiquette and rules are both

I don’t understand, I don’t know what etiquette is. What is it called?” Ye Feng paused.

Wang Meng and Ye Feng said in unison: "That's called despicable and shameless."

Ye Feng continued: "I mistook the rules for etiquette and despised the Legalists who also made the rules. What is this called?" Ye Feng paused again.

At this time, Yu Xuan also joined Ye Feng and Wang Meng and said in unison: "That's called dirty and obscene."

Ye Feng continued; "Because of the Duzun family's diversion of attention, the Duzun family has been criticizing Qin Shihuang's burning of books and humiliating Confucians. In fact, it is to cover up the Duzun family's tampering with the contents of history books. The Duzun family has always claimed that the Duzun family's history books are fair and correct. In fact, the Duzun family has always claimed that the Duzun family's history books are fair and correct.

The Shang Duzun family often tampered with history at will according to their own needs. This caused great trouble to our archeology and history research, so much so that some were criticized by foreigners."

"And they dare to write randomly no matter how illogical they are, and they don't care about others knowing. The history written by the Duzun family is a random description based on the mood of the Duzun family. For example, "History of Daguang Dynasty" records that in the twelfth year of Daguang Zhengde,

The young prince of the Mongolian Tatar tribe led a Mongolian army of 50,000 people to invade the Central Plains. Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of Guang Dynasty, personally attacked the Central Plains. The Guang army took the initiative to attack. The two sides fought for more than ten hours. The Mongolian army retreated and did not dare to invade the border for decades. And what is recorded later

The content is unbelievable: 16 people were killed in the Mongolian army, 563 people were seriously injured in the Ming army, and 52 people died. Ming Wuzong even personally killed an enemy, and the king of Korea sent envoys to congratulate him."

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