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Chapter 166

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Ye Feng immediately pinched the artery with his fingers to temporarily stop the blood from flowing out.

Ye Feng was so anxious that he shouted: "Quickly beat the demon 20." Ye Feng slapped his forehead, picked up Yang Yiying, and asked the people around him: "Where is the doctor?"

A man begging for help next to him said: "There will be one when we get back to Bian Yi." Ye Feng immediately hugged Yang Yiying and ran towards Bian Yi. The others covered Ye Feng's retreat.

During the retreat, several people were shot and wounded, but everyone else was safe.

The arrow just shot was shot by Yang Youji. If it were ordinary people, Ye Feng and Yang Yiying would have been shot to death by him.

Lu Kui and Yang Youji, who were chasing after them, saw that Ye Feng and the others had withdrawn to the territory of the Lu State, and were supported by Lu State soldiers, so they had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

Lu Kui, on the other hand, looked ashen, knowing that he would die if he protected the eldest son.

Ye Feng hugged Yang Yiying and ran to Bian Yi. Ye Feng actually ran much faster than the others with Yang Yiying in his arms. When he arrived at Bian Yi, Ye Feng didn't know where there was a doctor in Bian Yi, and the others didn't follow him.

Ye Feng could only ask people when he saw them, but fortunately there was a famous medical clinic here in Bian Yi, and he could tell by asking.

Ye Feng carried Yang Yiying and ran to the hospital. An old doctor in the hospital was diagnosing the pulse of an old man. Ye Feng couldn't care less and shouted: "Doctor, help."

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When the old doctor saw that Yang Yiying's upper body clothes were covered with blood, he knew it was an emergency. He immediately stepped forward and asked Ye Feng to put him on the couch next to him.

Ye Feng did not dare to let go of Yang Yiying's carotid artery and explained the situation to the old doctor. The old doctor immediately prepared a dark ointment and asked Ye Feng to let go and apply the ointment. As a result, the ointment was quickly washed away by the blood and could not be used.

Stop bleeding.

Ye Feng and the old doctor said: "Now we can only use suturing to stop the bleeding. Please prepare Bianstone needles and mulberry leaves for me."

"In addition, boil 1 jin of Datura flowers, nine beads each of Sangcaowu, Angelica dahurica, Angelica sinensis, Chuanxiong, and two beads of Aracenia."

"Mulberry leaves help me peel off the outer skin, select the thicker ribs on the inner layer, and tear it off. Then take the outer skin, rub the thin threads from beginning to end seven times, make the thin threads as smooth as silk, and fumigate them in boiling water steam

Just a spare."

When the old doctor heard about the suture technique, his eyes lit up and he wanted to say something, but he remembered that it was more important to save people, so he immediately went to arrange for his apprentices to divide the work and prepare things. mgonЪoΓg

Ye Feng rummaged around with his other hand and found a small gourd. He shook it and heard the sound of water inside, then put it aside.

This was left as a spare when Ye Feng taught Jiangchuan and his wife how to make alcohol in Yongcheng, but I didn't expect to use it on Jiangchuan's daughter today.

Soon the old doctor and his apprentice prepared what Ye Feng wanted.

Ye Feng first asked the old doctor to clean his hands with alcohol, and then helped pinch Yang Yiying's wound. Ye Feng used alcohol to clean his hands and the Bianstone needle, and then cleaned Yang Yiying's wound.

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Ye Feng used Datura flowers and other medicinal materials to boil imitation mafei powder to relieve Yang Yiying's pain.

The reason why it is said to be imitation is that in the era when Ye Feng was born, the original formula of Ma Fei Powder had been lost and was developed by later generations.

Ye Feng used a Bianstone needle and mulberry thread to suture Yang Yiying's wound to stop the bleeding. Then he applied the old doctor's ointment to the outside and bandaged it.

After finishing the work, he asked Yang Yiying to keep his neck as still as possible to avoid tearing the wound.

Ye Feng's medical practice shocked the old doctors. Although surgical skills had been available since the Shang Dynasty, anesthetics and sutures had not yet been seen at this time.

The old doctor was full of praise for Ye Feng's miraculous skills, and Ye Feng told the old doctor what he knew without any secret. He also admitted that he did not understand medical skills, but only knew these first aid methods.

The old doctor was very impressed by Ye Feng's frankness and generous advice. After the two parties talked, Ye Feng found out that the old doctor's name was Qin Yue, and his nickname was Wei Xi.

He once worked as a doctor, and later traveled around to practice medicine. He just happened to come to the state of Lu recently.

Ye Feng was surprised to hear the old doctor's introduction and asked: "Are you Bian Que?"

"Zhao Shijia" says that the Zhongyan family has "the body of a bird and the words of a human being". Therefore, people in Zhao respect birds and love magpies, and respectfully call people in Qin and Yue "Bian Que".

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The old doctor's expression changed slightly and he said, "I don't dare to take it seriously. Mr. Ye, just call me."

Ye Feng thought that at this time, I was not famous yet, so I didn't have the title Bian Que yet, so he didn't care.

The Qin Yue people saw that Yang Yiying seemed to be having trouble breathing. He looked carefully and Yang Yiying frowned slightly. He reached out to take a pulse and his expression became serious.

Ye Feng didn't dare to disturb and closed his mouth, watching nervously from the side.

After a while, the Qin Yue man let go of his hand, stroked his beard and said in a deep voice: "The pulse is disordered, with pauses and lulls, breathing is not smooth, the limbs are cold, and the internal qi is weak, showing signs of poisoning. It is large and soft, press the pulse

The hollow space in the middle is a swollen vein, and there is excessive blood loss."

After hearing this, Ye Feng was shocked and said to himself: "The organs are failing?" Ye Feng immediately felt for Yang Yiying's pulse.

Ye Feng found that Yang Yiying's pulse beat five or six times and stopped twice, and the pulse beat frequency was different. When he pressed the pulse again, he felt that there was no pulse in the middle but pulses on both sides.

Intermittent pulse means that the organs are weak and the vitality is insufficient, causing the pulse and qi to fail to connect.

The veins are floating, large, soft and hollow, which is a state of reduced blood volume, insufficient filling and low tension in the vessels.

This phenomenon is more common in heavy bleeding, which should be caused by excessive blood loss.

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The latter is not harmful, but in the former, disordered pulse and weak organs are signs of poisoning. In addition, difficulty breathing is also a sign of poisoning. Cold limbs may be caused by excessive blood loss or poisoning.

Ye Feng didn't know what to do for a moment, so he asked Qin Yue: "What should I do? Please save my niece, doctor. No matter how much it costs, I can give it to you as long as you ask."

Qin Yueren patted Ye Feng, comforted him and said, "I will do my best, but I don't know what kind of poison she was poisoned yet. I can only give it a try."

The old doctor first asked his apprentice to prepare a bowl of mung bean soup for Yang Yiying to drink. Mung beans have a detoxifying effect, and mung beans are a food ingredient with relatively few side effects.

The Qinyue people prescribed another prescription, which contained licorice, cohosh, honeysuckle and a small amount of blueberry.

Ye Feng recognized these medicinal materials. These were recorded in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" of the Han Dynasty as having detoxification effects.

Finally, the Qinyue people added some Centella asiatica powder that was dried and ground into the hemostatic medicine. Centella Asiatica has the effects of reducing swelling, analgesically, stopping bleeding, and being antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

After a series of diagnoses and treatments, Yang Yiying's condition improved somewhat and her breathing became easier.

After taking her pulse, the Qin Yue people said: "Most of the poison in her body has been eliminated, and there are still some remaining poisons. I can only do my best. However, if the remaining poisons cannot be removed, she can live for three to six months at most."

Ye Feng asked: "Is there no way to remove them all? Is there a lack of medicinal materials?"

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Qin Yueren said sadly: "There are some things that cannot be helped. She experienced great joy and sorrow before being poisoned, as well as long-term worry and despair, which made her consume multiple gods."

"Because her body is too weak, the medicine stone needs the cooperation of the body to exert its maximum effect."

"Now that she is weak, she can only recover slowly, but the poison will penetrate deep into the body as time goes by, and it will be difficult to completely remove it."

Ye Feng didn't know what to do for a while, but Bian Zhuangzi next to him said: "Brother Ye, why don't you come to my house to stay for a while."

"On the one hand, let your niece take care of herself first, and on the other hand, it will be convenient for Dr. Qin to come over and treat her."

Ye Feng thought that this was all he could do for the time being, so he carefully carried Yang Yiying and followed Bian Zhuangzi to his house. Before leaving, the Qin Yue people also prescribed some medicine for nourishing blood and qi to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng wanted to pay the consultation fee, but the Qin Yue people did not accept it. He said that he had benefited a lot from learning Ye Feng's treatment methods and he owed Ye Feng more so he could not charge the consultation fee.

Ye Feng had no choice but to give up. On the way to Bian Zhuangzi's house, Ye Feng asked Bian Zhuangzi to help find out the whereabouts of the master and apprentice of Yue Maiying.

Ye Feng was worried whether the two of them had escaped, or if they didn't know that they had escaped, they would fight back to Qi.

On the Qi side, Lu Kui was executed by the King of Qi, but the Qiyi gang was also implicated for helping Ye Feng escape. The Qiyi couple were sent away by Song Qi'er and disappeared.

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It is said that Song Qier was injured while covering the departure of Qiyi and his wife, and finally disappeared without a trace. Qiu Laoer was arrested and imprisoned.

In an inconspicuous private house in Linzi, Qi State, King Qi, Chuan Jianguo and Obama walked out of the room.

When King Qi saw the injured Suna Ke sitting on the carriage, he frowned and asked, "How can this Yue Maiden's martial arts be so high? Aren't you all opponents?"

Chuan Jianguo said angrily: "Martial arts? No one knows martial arts better than me. If I hadn't been careless and injured first, those two women would not have been my opponents."

Obama glanced at Chuan Jianguo, turned around, and said to King Qi: "The Yue Maiden is so strong in martial arts that it's difficult to deal with her, but she should also be injured."

King Qi asked anxiously: "Is she seriously injured? If we send out killers, is there any chance to kill her?"

Obama was stumped by King Qi's question because they didn't know whether Yue's virginity was seriously injured.

At that time, all four of them were injured and felt that they were no match, so they just withdrew from the battle and did not dare to test the condition of Yue Mai's injuries.

The reason why they injured Yue Maiden was because they used a trick to force Yue Maiden to save Nie Yinniang, and they were forced to attack together with the four of them.

Su Na Ke and Yue Zi are about the same kung fu, and with the combined efforts of the other three, Yue Virgin should be seriously injured. But at the time, it seemed that Yue Virgin was fine.

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So for a while, Obama was not sure how badly Yue Mai was injured. If Yue Mai was only slightly injured, sending someone there would undoubtedly lead to death.

At this time, Chuan Jianguo rolled his eyes and said: "You don't need to take action in this matter. We will go back to the State of Lu this time and perform the trick before going to the State of Wu. Then we will do it ourselves."

After hearing this, King Qi nodded and said with some reluctance: "Then I will cooperate with you when I get back and let Qiu Laoer go. But you must fulfill your promise to me."

Chuan Jianguo said happily: "Don't worry, no one knows how to fulfill promises better than me. When the time comes, Wu will occupy the south of the Yangtze River, all the north will belong to Qi, and the west will belong to Jin, and then the world will be divided into three parts."

King Qi said calmly: "It would be best if you can fulfill your promise." After saying this, King Qi led the people and left the house.

Chuan Jianguo squinted his eyes and watched King Qi leave, thoughtfully. Then he led the others and drove the carriage out of Linzi and headed straight for the State of Lu.

The next day Qiu Laoer was taken to a room in the Linzi Yamen Office. In the room, King Qi was sitting in the upright position, and Yan Zi was sitting in the side seat.

Upon seeing this, Qiu Laoer immediately stepped forward to salute. At this time, saluting only required clasping fists and bowing, and did not require kneeling. The kneeling ceremony only started during the Daguang Dynasty and Manchu Dynasty.

At this time, Yan Zi said solemnly: "Qiu Laoer, what crime do you deserve for conspiring with Qin's spies to assassinate our eldest prince?"

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly stood up from the bed. Please,

He took a deep breath of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, confused, and all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu subconsciously looked around and became even more confused.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

And my own body...how could I not have any injuries at all?

With doubts, Shi Yu's eyes quickly swept across the room, and finally his eyes rested on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror showed his current appearance. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked very handsome.

But the problem is, this is not him!, Read the latest chapters for free without ads

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, no matter how you look, this appearance is that of a high school student...

This change left Shi Yu stunned for a long time.

Don't tell him that the operation was successful...

My body and appearance have all changed. This is not a matter of surgery or not, but magic.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be...that he traveled through time?

In addition to the mirror placed beside the bed, which was obviously not feng shui-friendly, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look. The title of the book instantly silenced him.

"Essential Animal Breeding Manual for Beginner Breeders"

"Postpartum Care of Pet Pets"

"Evaluation Guide for Interracial Beast-Eared Girls"

Shi Yu:???

The names of the first two books are pretty normal, but what happened to the last one?


Shi Yu looked solemnly and stretched out his hand, but his arm soon stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book and see what it was about, his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain, and a large number of memories came flooding back.

To provide you with the incompetent inventors of great masters and incompetent inventors.

This chapter has been completed!
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