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Chapter 36 Flying on the Grass

Ye Feng got up and wanted to help after washing up. But Wang Meng's family refused to let him go, so he had no choice but to find something to do by himself. Thinking of the spy he met last time, he beat himself terribly. Ye Feng felt that he still needed to exercise.

. Wang Meng was here last time, otherwise he might have lost his life. But people must rely on themselves, so Ye Feng made up his mind to go for a run tomorrow morning.

Ye Feng spent half a day making a little gadget for running. In fact, this thing is not really helpful for running. Ye Feng made this thing because he used to run in the park in Hui City. He ran ten kilometers but was often beaten for three kilometers.

Or exceeding five kilometers, he felt very uncomfortable. So he thought about making a hat with a screen on it, and the screen would display synchronized information about his running kilometers in real time.

On the morning of the fifth day after arriving at Wang Meng's house, tomorrow's morning run finally became today's morning run. Wang Meng's family was afraid that Ye Feng would get lost, so they tied two shepherd dogs to him. Ye Feng wore his homemade hat and ran towards Kunshan.

He went there. But after he ran ten kilometers, he realized that there was no one living here, so the hat he made was completely meaningless.

But what he didn't know was that his hat was noticed by a person on a hilltop in front of him. A man on the hilltop was observing him with a telescope, and this person turned out to be Sang Kun.

It turned out that it took Sanjie and Sang Kun a few days to purchase mountaineering equipment after receiving the mission from the Rooster Club. Yesterday they just drove into the mountain and arrived at the foot of Kunshan Mountain. In the evening they chose the gentle slope behind the mountain as their camp.

, we set up camp here and rested for the night. For safety reasons, we took turns to go to the top of the hillside to keep watch.

It was Sang Kun's turn at this time. Sang Kun was slacking off. He felt that it was not bright yet in the early morning and there would be no people or animals, so he relaxed. Inadvertently, he saw a luminous object from a distance, pointing towards him.

It swayed in this direction. This luminous object was the screen fixed on Ye Feng's hat. Sang Kun picked up the telescope and saw that it was Ye Feng. That was when his enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

Sang Kun immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to notify the others, and the others quickly ran up, but at this time Ye Feng had already ran back. When everyone heard that it was Ye Feng, they decided to follow Ye Feng first to see where he was staying, and then think about how to take revenge.

In order to avoid being discovered, they first asked Sang Kun to drive Tata down the mountain, and then let the fast runner Sangjie run behind to follow Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was running back helplessly, boasting and talking to the two shepherd dogs: "I have no opponents in running. Look, there is no one in front or behind me."

The two shepherd dogs seemed to be very humane and barked in response. Then the two shepherd dogs looked at each other and accelerated, pulling Ye Feng back. Ye Feng was pulled forward and ran forward. At first, he could barely keep up. Later, he ran forward.

He couldn't keep up with the speed of the two shepherd dogs and was finally dragged on the grass. Fortunately, the grass was soft and slippery enough and he was not seriously injured.

But the speed was very fast. Sanjay was chasing after him but the distance was getting farther and farther. In the end, Sanjay lay on the ground exhausted and vomited and foamed. After being picked up, he was scolded by everyone. Especially Taya, the thought of following him

After losing Ye Feng, it was difficult to find him again to take revenge, so hatred surged up.

Taya said, "What about the sports students from the province? They can't even outrun an ordinary person."

Sanjie said weakly: "It's not that we are incompetent, it's because that kid is too fast. He can fly close to the ground." Sanjie was far away and did not see the sheepdog. He only saw the luminous screen on Ye Feng's head.

From a distance, when Ye Feng is being dragged, it looks like he is flying close to the ground.

Taya said contemptuously: "Why don't you say he can go to the sky? He can also fly close to the ground, Superman?"

Tata said naively: "Brother Jie, if you can't catch up, you can't catch up. How can you lie to others?"

Sang Kun smoothed things over and said: "Although we are in the business of deceiving people, we can't deceive our own people. I think you have been watching too many playboys recently, and your body is weak.

I'll put those books away for you later." Those books were full of shabby little things, and Sang Kun had long wanted to attract the attention of Sanjie's playboys.

Taya glared at Sang Kun, who trembled in fright and immediately changed his words: "Tata will confiscate it."

Sangzhuo said angrily: "How can you be so immoral? This time I let that kid run away again, I'm so angry. I don't care, I must find that kid to take revenge this time."

Taya said: "I would not be willing to give up this opportunity that is so close to me and can kill my enemy with my own hands."

Sang Zhuo said worriedly: "But we couldn't find the boy's residence today. If we delay further and affect the mission, we will be held accountable. It will even affect our future income and rewards."

For Taya, she paid more attention to her future income, so she began to hesitate. After all, Ye Feng only exposed her deception and told her to go to the airport. Compared with having money to buy bags, these things were nothing.

Sang Zhuo's hatred for Ye Feng and the others was obviously not something that money could affect. Sang Zhuo insisted on staying and continuing to look for Ye Feng.

In the end, everyone decided to stay for two days and continue to perform the mission the day after tomorrow, regardless of whether they could get revenge or not.

On the other side, Ye Feng was dragged back to Wang Meng's house by two shepherd dogs. Wang Meng had just gotten up and was washing outside. He saw two shepherd dogs dragging something back from a distance, but did not see Ye Feng. He was worried that something might happen to Ye Feng and hurried out to greet him.

After walking closer and seeing Ye Feng lying on the ground, Wang Meng laughed loudly and said: "Brother Feng, when other people are lazy when running, they just hang their mobile phones on their dogs. Your way of running and laziness is really unique, hanging yourself on your dogs. You

My two dogs can't stand running like this. Look how tired they are. What kind of training are you doing?" Wang Meng said while touching the two shepherd dogs that were now very well-behaved.

Ye Feng slowly got up and said feebly: "Grass, grass, fly on the grass. I'm practicing flying on the grass." As he spoke, he rubbed his bruised knees, and then said a few more oohs and aahs.

Wang Meng looked at Ye Feng's leg and found that it was not injured. It was just a small cut and bruised. Wang Meng turned around and called to the little girl in the room to bring some potion.

He turned around and teased: "Your flying posture is wrong. I watched all the gods on TV flying standing up. How could you fly lying down like this?"

Ye Feng retorted: "Didn't I go to the Angsa Country some time ago? You see, their heroes all fly on their stomachs. Let's also learn from foreign experience. You can't be complacent, but you should be open-minded and learn from others."

Wang Meng joked: "Then which master did you learn from with your bruised nose and face?"

Ye Feng thought for a while: "Hulk."

Wang Meng laughed and said, "You are purple."

Ye Feng pretended not to hear and continued to check his injuries. Wang Yue quickly ran out with the potion, helped Ye Feng clean the wounds, put a few band-aids on several bruised areas, and Ye Feng wiped some of the bruises himself.

Knead the medicated oil.

Wang Meng looked at it and asked, "How about it? Do you want to learn horse riding with me today?"

When Ye Feng heard the horse riding, he immediately became energetic again and said: "I have to go, I can still run and jump." After saying that, he stood up and gave Wang Meng a few jumps to see.

Wang Meng said: "Okay, okay, don't knock your old arms and legs anymore. Come on, go inside to eat, and then we'll set off."

After dinner, Ye Feng and Wang Meng Wang rode their horses onto the grassland together. The blue sky, white clouds, and green grassland here are almost not polluted by human modern industry. The fresh air and pleasant scenery make people feel indescribably relaxed and happy.

Ye Feng could basically ride on the horse without falling off. At this time, he was riding on the horse, closing his eyes and greedily breathing the air with the fragrance of green grass. The horse was strolling leisurely under his crotch, and suddenly the horse's butt hurt.

, screamed, and rushed out with Ye Feng on his back.

It turned out that Wang Meng gave Ye Feng a whip behind his horse and made the horse run. Wang Meng rode behind and shouted: "Old Ye, hold on tight. After riding a horse for a while, you will be able to ride a horse."

At this time, Ye Feng, who was hugging the horse's neck tightly in the distance, shouted: "You idiot, you haven't taught me how to stop or turn."

When Wang Meng heard this, he patted his forehead and said, "It took him a few days to learn how to ride a horse. I forgot to teach him this."

This chapter has been completed!
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