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Chapter 43 The Robot Watches the News Broadcast

The upper limit to which repair cells can ultimately improve the host's ability is determined by the host's own potential and self-cultivation. It can even make the host invulnerable and immortal, or it can enhance the host's mental power, take objects from across the air, and control life forms and time.

Even traveling through the universe at will, etc.

Radical therapy is the complete replacement of all cells, and the agreement is to clone a clone. Of course, the replacement process is also cell infiltration, and then complete cell replacement one-to-one. After radical therapy is completed, the host directly has all superpowers. But there are two problems. First,

There is a certain chance that the host's memory information will be partially or completely lost. Secondly, the ability has an upper limit, cannot live forever, and cannot be enhanced through subsequent practice, etc.

The repair cells have completed the repair or replacement of Ye Feng's damaged cells, and Ye Feng has restored his vital signs. His chest has begun to rise and fall, he is breathing, and his face has gained color.

The medical cabin used some medicine and injected it into Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng quickly opened his eyes. But he didn't seem to have recovered from the state of falling off the cliff. He suddenly sat up with an "ah" sound, and hit the transparent cover again.


The robot yelled angrily: "What is this? This is upgraded? Can I return this stupid product?"

The robot muttered and turned around to leave. "I shouldn't have saved this idiot. This idiot lowered the IQ of the entire base."

"I should go find my kitten. My kitten is much smarter than him."

"Who would bang their head against the medical bay while being treated?"

"He was a complete idiot even if he was saved."

"It's preventing me from watching Xinwen Lianbo. I'm going to watch Xinwen Lianbo." The robot muttered to itself and left.

The medical cabin continued to automatically treat Ye Feng's head that had just been smashed. After repairing it, a set of clothes was printed directly on Ye Feng. The clothes were exactly the same as the clothes Ye Feng was wearing when he came. He also took away the clothes Ye Feng had taken away when he cleaned up Ye Feng.

My belongings were also placed on the tray next to me.

Maybe it was because Ye Feng had just hit the hatch cover, but this time the medical cabin was smarter. It opened the hatch cover first, and then injected a small amount of sedative into Ye Feng before waking up Ye Feng.

Ye Feng woke up faintly and asked, "Where is this?" After a while, Ye Feng slowly sat up.

At this time, a computer voice was heard saying: "Welcome to the Quewusu Parallel Universe Panding Star, at the Xuanwusu Parallel Universe Panding Star Teleportation Base."

Ye Feng said with a look of astonishment: "What? Parallel universe?"

At this time, the medical cabin conducted another scan on Ye Feng. The screen next to it showed the words "The body is normal, the brain cells have not yet completed evolution, and he is in a mentally retarded state" with the words "Pan Dingxing" in the Quewusu Parallel Universe.

At this time, the computer voice sounded again: "To put it simply, we come from Panding Star in another parallel universe. There are countless parallel universes in the universe, and the time in all parallel universes runs in the same direction. That is to say, your future will

The time period is a certain time period in the past of our parallel universe."

"The end of time in each parallel universe is a singularity. When you experience the reincarnation of the singularity, our parallel universe reaches the maximum expansion of the universe. It is like two balloons. Your balloon shrinks to release space for our balloon. And vice versa.

The same is true. The expansion period of your parallel universe is also the contraction period of our parallel universe."

"The end of the singularity is energy converted from mass, so it will not produce a huge attraction that will cause imbalance when the expansion of our parallel universe approaches. When the energy reaches the extreme, it will naturally be released, and the released energy will not disappear but gradually."

Condensation" into matter."

"These substances gather through gravity. When the aggregation reaches a certain level, high temperature and high pressure will be generated. The high temperature and high pressure will cause the substances to form new substances, and ultimately achieve material diversity. At the same time, due to different amounts and degrees of aggregation, different celestial bodies will eventually be formed. As the energy gradually

Reducing, most of the energy is materialized, and the expansion ability of this parallel universe will gradually weaken. The relationship between energy and matter is a trade-off. When the energy decreases to a certain level and the mass increases to a certain level, this parallel universe will expand again.

The contraction begins due to gravity.”

"And similar planets in each parallel universe seem to have some kind of internal relationship. One is prosperous and the other is destructive. Therefore, some advanced creatures on evil planets will try to destroy other planets when they are strong. At the same time, similar planets will also

Traveling across parallel universes to assist planets that are closely related to us. We arrived here two billion years ago, and we rotated several groups of guardians to protect your Panding star." This "computer" seems to have not chatted with anyone for a long time.

, some chattering.

Ye Feng nodded with understanding and asked: "Then why don't you teach us all your skills directly?"

"All similar planets in parallel universes seem to have a total development rate. If one planet is over-developed, it will reduce the development ability of other similar planets, so we always have to maintain a balance."

Ye Feng seemed to have thought of something and said seriously: "Did you save me? I really don't know how to thank you."

The computer voice sounded again: "You're welcome! We haven't had guests here for a long time. Your arrival has also added a little vitality to our place."

"I still want to thank you. If you have anything useful, just ask me. I will try my best to help you complete it." Ye Feng said, and then asked a little embarrassedly: "Where is your body? You are a computer.

Or what?"

The computer voice replied: "According to you, I am an artificial intelligence, and my body is in the central control room. But I have a concrete individual that is a robot, and it is watching your satellite TV in the cave outside."

"Can I go out and take a look?" Ye Feng tried to ask.

"You leave the medical room, go through the hall and take the elevator to the top floor, and you can find it in the cave. But although we are symbiotic, its thinking mode is different from mine. It is closer to the way of thinking of a living body.

Because my function is to answer questions, solve problems, and assist in handling affairs. It is to accompany you as a companion." The computer voice replied.

Ye Feng stood up and said thank you. Then he moved his arms and legs, twisted his waist and neck, and found that his body was completely normal and there were no missing parts. He took his things on the tray and walked out of the room.

All the rooms and items here are mainly white. After leaving the medical room, there is a very spacious hall. There are room doors and corridors around the hall. I don’t know where it leads. Opposite there is a door that looks like an elevator. Ye Feng goes


Just as Ye Feng was about to take a step, he found that the ground could move. The ground would automatically send Ye Feng to where he wanted to go. After a while, Ye Feng was sent into the elevator with a surprised expression. He did not need to press the elevator button.

Automatically sent him to the cave on the top floor.

Ye Feng walked out of the elevator, and the elevator door closed behind him. When Ye Feng turned around, he saw that it looked exactly like a rock. If he didn't know there was an elevator, he wouldn't have been able to tell.

The entire cave felt like it was formed naturally, with no artificial traces at all. After walking a few steps, I found a strange-looking robot on the side of the cave, using a projection device to watch the news broadcast of the ancient Wa Kingdom. In fact, the robot was completely

It can directly connect the signal to receive and store it in its own storage device, but it thinks it is more interesting to live like a normal person. This robot seems to have completely forgotten that it is a robot. It is watching TV and shouting: "Judge him, sentence him."


The news network is broadcasting the trial of war criminals from the Republic of Angus in New York City, Washington. Not only the eight-nation coalition forces such as the Guwa Kingdom were present for the review, but also those who had been invaded by the Empire

We have visited more than 60 other countries, including oil countries, camel countries, imperial graveyard countries, Sahara Desert countries, Northern and Southern Alliance countries, cigar countries, etc. More than 20 of them invaded after the Second Axis War.

Countries, even countries that were living a good life, also sent delegations to try the war criminals of the Angsa country.

What is different from the past is that those on trial are not only military officials, but also officials from other government departments, and even heads of many companies, enterprises, laboratories, banks, and political powers. The charges are not limited to military war criminals.

It also includes war criminals such as financial warfare, biological and chemical warfare, and cyber warfare.

For example, in the past decades, the Anglican Republic has looted many countries' financial war criminals through financial crises. The five major grain merchants in the Anglican Republic have manipulated food prices and raised food prices by purchasing grain and hoarding it, causing tens of millions of people around the world to suffer from hunger.


They also secretly attacked the ancient Wa country's oil-extracting enterprises. During the Second Axis War, the five major grain merchants in the Angsa country began to secretly send people to sneak into the ancient Wa country to learn soybean planting techniques from the farmers of the ancient Wa country. Back to

After the Ansa Kingdom, the five major grain merchants used the advanced soybean planting technology learned in the ancient Wa Kingdom to promote planting in the Ansa Kingdom.

Later, genetically modified soybeans were developed and initially given to farmers of the ancient Wa country for free for planting. When the ancient Wa country began to plant them on a large scale, they began to use the ownership of the genetically modified soybean technology as an excuse to not allow oil companies in the ancient Wa country to use genetically modified soybeans. This caused a stir in the ancient Wa country.

There is a soybean shortage in oil-pressing enterprises in Wa country.

This chapter has been completed!
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