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Chapter 1 The Battlefield of Anzazi Country

Time: 3040, Hunyuan Era.

Location: Xuanwusu Parallel Universe Panding Star Ansazi Kingdom battlefield.

Character: Ye Feng, a native of Pandingxingguwa.

Ye Feng was originally an amateur inventor and owned dozens of utility model and invention patents. However, he was not good at management and marketing, so most of the patents were not sold. Because too many patents required high annual fees, he was often forced to

Give up some patents. Coincidentally, as soon as he gives up, he will find similar products on the market. Therefore, Ye Feng often laughs at himself and calls himself an inexperienced inventor.

Later, Angsazi Kingdom launched a war against Guwa Kingdom. Due to the large increase in troops, age and other restrictions were relaxed, which gave Ye Feng, who did not meet the age requirements, the opportunity to join the army. After a series of training and selection, Ye Feng finally

Became an unmanned tank operator.

Why do inventors come to join the army? This starts from the great sea battle between Angshazi Kingdom and Guwa Kingdom a few years ago.

On September 18, 3030, the Ansa Kingdom mobilized other fleet aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and attack nuclear submarines to fill the Pacific Fleet. It formed a fleet consisting of 10 aircraft carriers, more than 5,000 aircraft, and 10 nuclear-powered cruisers.

A mixed fleet consisting of 28 attack nuclear submarines, more than 60 destroyers and 6 strategic missile nuclear submarines. As well as more than 200 civilian ships and transport ships are responsible for supply.

At the same time, the Angsa sub-state also united 7 countries including the Chrysanthemum Alliance and dispatched 4 aircraft carriers, 26 destroyers and frigates, 12 submarines, 30 other ships, and a combined fleet of more than 1,000 aircraft.

The eight countries of the Sazi Kingdom had a total strength of more than 800,000. They attacked the Nanyang Sea of ​​the Guwa Kingdom in a mighty manner.

However, the Guwa Kingdom had already prepared a huge ambush circle, waiting for the multinational coalition fleet to break in. The Guwa Kingdom navy first surrounded but did not attack, luring the multinational coalition fleet to its own ambush position. This ambush circle ambush the Guwa Kingdom electronic reconnaissance

ships and electronic warfare aircraft, as well as electronic warfare equipment and space satellites on nearby islands. These electronic warfare equipment also implemented a communication shield on the entire multinational joint fleet, causing the entire multinational joint fleet to lose all communications and satellite navigation signals.

When the multinational coalition fleet discovered that it was ambushed and wanted to escape, it was already too late. Guwa State used the weather control device again, causing storms and huge waves at the location of the multinational coalition fleet. After losing satellite positioning, storms and waves surged again

, in the end the multinational coalition fleet completely lost its way.

After the combined fleets of Angsa and other countries fell into a trap, Angsa tried various methods but could not contact the fleet. In the end, Angsa could only convey its request to withdraw the fleet to Guwa. Guwa

I didn't want to start a war, thinking that the Angsa Kingdom had learned a lesson and would retreat in the face of difficulties, so I agreed to the request.

However, they did not expect that as soon as Angsazi State contacted the Pacific Fleet after Guwa State unblocked the signal, it immediately ordered the Pacific Fleet to launch a raid, severely damaging Guwa State's Nanyang Fleet, and at the same time launched a large number of missiles to raid Guwa State.

Electronic warfare and radar equipment were blown up on the islands surrounding Nanyang Sea in Wa State.

In this way, the two sides fought fiercely in the waters of Nanyang, Guwa State, and began a protracted naval battle. The two sides fought this naval battle for several years. At first, the multinational fleets had the advantage in strength, and most of the ancient Wa State fleet could only stay on its own shore.

The base air force operates within the combat radius. Fortunately, both sides have a tacit understanding and have not used nuclear weapons. Otherwise, the entire world may have ceased to exist.

Small and medium-sized naval battles broke out continuously between the two sides, which continued to consume the warships, aircraft and other weapons and equipment of both sides. Due to poor manufacturing capabilities, the Angsa Kingdom was slow to build new warships, and even had no time to repair the severely damaged warships, so there were fewer and fewer warships.

The ancient Wa country had strong manufacturing capabilities, and its warships were launched into the water as fast as dumplings.

The warships and aircraft of the Guwa Kingdom gradually began to overtake the multinational joint fleet in number. The commander of the multinational joint fleet once said helplessly: "The speed at which the Guwa Kingdom updates warships is comparable to the app update speed."

Later, the Guwa Kingdom took advantage of its space equipment advantages and deployed a large number of lasers, electromagnetic guns, hypersonic missiles and other weapons in space. It used these weapons to destroy and capture a large number of satellites of the Angsazi Kingdom and the Five Chrysanthemum Kingdoms. In a few years, Angwa Kingdom

SaZi's satellites in space were basically wiped out. At the same time, space weapons were used to attack the ground and sea nuclear weapons launch platforms of the SaZi and Juhua countries. Most of the nuclear weapons and intercontinental missile launch platforms of these countries were destroyed.

The strength of both sides changed, and the offensive and defensive momentum also changed. After the Guwa Kingdom defeated the multinational coalition fleet, the Guwa Kingdom formed a coalition of 8 countries including the Grand Duchy of Sha, the Carpet Kingdom, and the Oriba Kingdom. In 3038 of the Hunyuan Era,

It began to land on the west coast of the country in 2001.

Due to the large-scale expansion of the army in Guwa State, Ye Feng realized his dream of joining the army.

After training and selection, Ye Feng was finally incorporated into the 375th Column, 4th Brigade, 33rd Squadron, 5th Squadron of the 155th Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Corps of the Guwa State on Panding Star, and served as the team leader. His current task is to remotely pilot an unmanned aerial vehicle

Tanks, together with mecha infantry, cleared buildings one after another, searching for potential enemies.

The vehicle Ye Feng is responsible for remote control driving is a 155mm tracked vehicle with a fixed turret and a howitzer. It is called an unmanned remote control tank. The gun on it can shoot directly or in a curve, and there is an automatic loading device at the back. The muzzle can be tilted to fire and cannot rotate left or right.


This is similar to the assault gun during the Second Axis War. When you need to shoot in the left and right directions, you can use the left and right tracks to move in reverse and change the direction of the tank to aim at the target. This design is to facilitate one person's control. Another

On the one hand, the artillery shell is an AI-guided artillery shell. It only needs to be fired in a general direction. The artillery shell will adjust the direction through navigation and adjust the tail fin to hit the target.

There is a three-barreled 13mm Gatling high-level dual-purpose machine gun on the turret. The reason why the 13mm caliber is used is because the 13mm can be backward compatible with 12.7mm caliber bullets, while the 12.7mm gun cannot use 13mm caliber bullets. This is true on the battlefield.

The big advantage is that the enemy cannot use your ammunition, but you can use the enemy's.

There is a two-unit 120mm caliber multi-purpose rocket launcher on each side of the coaxial machine gun. The aiming direction of the machine gun tracks and rotates according to the direction of the helmet. The launch buttons for artillery, machine guns and missiles are on both sides of the two track joysticks.

There are accelerator, brake and clutch under the foot, and there is also a hydraulic system. It is a seesaw designed to adjust the pitch angle of the muzzle. When you step on the forefoot, you can determine the speed of raising the muzzle according to the strength. If you want to stop, you only need to maintain the balance of the pedal without exerting force.

That’s it. If you exert force with your heel, the muzzle of the cannon will move downwards. Likewise, if you stop using your heel and don’t exert force, the muzzle of the cannon will be fixed.

The two joysticks control the direction and speed of the left and right tracks respectively. The middle position is neutral and the previous push is forward. There are five gears for forward and reverse gear for backward. There are also five gears. The joysticks are forward and one.

Then you can control the unmanned tank to turn on the spot, forward faster and slower, or forward and neutral, to change the direction of the unmanned tank.

This operation can also be done when traveling backwards, and the unmanned tank is the same at the front and rear. The operator switches the rear camera and rotates the turret to drive normally backwards.

The tank is driven by a motor, which is integrated on each road wheel. The track is made of carbon fiber, which is like rubber as a whole, but is stronger and more wear-resistant than steel, and is not easy to be broken.

There are also some optical instruments integrated with remote sensing technology on the turret, such as microwave radiometers, visible and infrared radiometers, very high resolution radiometers, high resolution infrared radiation detectors, imaging spectrometers and other all-in-one optical equipment and search capabilities.

, tracking, fire control, guidance, air height and speed measurement, synthetic aperture, phased array, L-band side view, meter wave, millimeter wave and other functions of multi-band multi-function radar equipment, etc. Ancient ten years ago

Wa State has already developed equipment that highly integrates these functions.

There are eight wide-angle cameras around the turret with 200x zoom and night vision and infrared functions. The outside of the cameras is protected by a bulletproof carbon fiber protective film. The camera protective film can directly withstand close range shooting by 12.7mm caliber anti-material weapons. Carbon fiber is currently only available in Guwa Kingdom.

Only then can we have the ability to mass-produce. This camera is the operator's monitoring interface, and the operator can display various information through the semi-ring display.

This kind of tank can be driven remotely or directly. The cab is under the turret and can be entered through the hatch. The operation is the same as the remote control console. One person can drive and control the weapon. This function is mainly retained to prevent enemy electromagnetic pulse weapons.

After the attack, the electronic equipment is paralyzed and cannot be controlled remotely.

A marine team has an unmanned tank as the core, eight mecha robots and four drones as auxiliary cooperation. The unmanned tank is not only the core of combat, but also a communication and electronic warfare platform. Because electronic warfare depends on the power of the equipment,

Unmanned tanks can carry larger power equipment.

This chapter has been completed!
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