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Chapter 88 The lingering pursuer

At dawn the next day, the person in charge of the sentry woke up Lu Chong and Ye Feng. He discovered that there were figures in the distance in front and behind. When Ye Feng walked out of the tent, the guards of Lu Ren's caravan were also called out by their sentry.

Everyone looked into the distance. When the sun rose higher and higher, the sky became brighter and brighter, and the people in the distance got closer and closer, everyone recognized the person who came. It was the Loulan soldiers led by Zhamuhe.

The interceptors in front were cavalry, and the pursuers behind were infantry. There were interceptors in front and pursuers in the rear. At this time, Shen Xi and Lu Ren were called by their respective guards. Everyone got together to discuss countermeasures.

Lu Chong said: "There are fourteen of us. Excluding Master Shen and Gu Li, we have eleven people who can fight. Master Lu's caravan has nineteen people. Excluding Master Lu, there are eighteen people who can fight." There are twenty-nine people in total.”

"But the opponent seems to have nearly a hundred people, and they are all elite soldiers. It is difficult for us to fight head-on."

Mr. Lu volunteered and said, "There are thirty. Although my family is a businessman, we have practiced martial arts for generations. Although I am not talented, I can still make a mistake against a Loulan soldier."

Ye Feng said: "Then we still have three times the gap, so we'd better consider avoiding its edge. Do any of you know the nearby routes? Where are we going south and north?"

A strong man from Lu Ren's caravan said: "I don't know how to go south. I only know that the farther you go, the higher the terrain becomes. And the farther you go, the harder it becomes to breathe, and it is easy to die. No one can walk there, and it is deserted, so no one knows .”

Then he pointed to the north and continued: "Going past the Hengsha River to the north, passing through the territory of the Qiang people, and then to the east is the territory of the Yiqu Kingdom."

The strong man pointed in the direction from north to southeast and continued: "Then passing through this undulating Gobi, we can take a detour to the southeast and enter Daqin in seven or eight days. However, this road often encounters Yiqu State troops, which is extremely dangerous. .”

Shen Xi said: "We can't go south. Then we can only go north and take a detour into Yiqu Kingdom."

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this is what Zhamuhe planned."

Lu Chong said: "You mean Zhamuhe just wants to force us to go north?"

The strong man from Lu Ren's caravan said: "It's possible because the Loulan Kingdom and the Yiqu Kingdom have a close relationship. The Yiqu Kingdom doesn't treat any of its vassal states as human beings, but only the Loulan Kingdom is good to them, so among all the vassal states, the Loulan Kingdom is the most loyalty."

Lu Chong said fiercely: "Then let's rush forward before they encircle us."

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "No, the other party will definitely not fight us head-on. Once we get entangled, the other party's reinforcements will arrive soon. We will definitely lose if attacked from two sides."

Lu Chong said bitterly: "Then what should I do? It doesn't work in all four directions, can I just wait here to die?"

Shen ridiculed: "How about we take the risk and go north?" Lu Ren and others also nodded and felt that this was the only way.

Ye Feng lowered his head and thought deeply. He remembered something and said with a smile, "We can have an escape version of going east and west."

Lu Chong and others saw Ye Feng's expression and knew what he was thinking, but they couldn't understand what he was saying at all. Everyone looked at Ye Feng blankly.

Ye Feng felt everyone's gaze and couldn't help but look up and explained to them: "We will cross the river and go north first, but we will not continue to go north. We will enter the Gobi and use the Gobi to hide first or take a detour to the west."

"Zhamuhe will think that we are going north, so we will definitely chase towards Yiqu Kingdom, and then we will circle back here and continue eastward into Xirong."

Lu Chong patted his thigh and said: "Wonderful. Brother Ye, I have you. If you are a general, you can definitely kill everyone. Assisting the king of one country can achieve the hegemony of another country."

Ye Feng said: "Look, you praise me again."

Gu Li looked at Ye Feng from the side, her eyes shining brightly. The little maid looked at Gu Li and pursed her lips and snickered.

Shen Xi said: "Then let's set off quickly. We are seeing them getting closer and closer to us."

Everyone hurriedly packed up their things and laid some stones in the shallows of the river to facilitate the passage of carriages. Everyone hurriedly crossed the river and entered the Gobi. Ye Feng and Lu Chong stood behind and used hay to clean up the wheel marks.

The group went around several hills, then made a large circle to the west and south, and finally returned to the starting point in half a day.

Because they left in a hurry in the morning, they didn't even eat the morning meal, so everyone took a break and ate some dry food, and then hurried eastward.

After resting for one night on the way, we entered Xirong at noon the next day.

While taking a break in the middle of the journey, the people who were on sentry duty discovered the traces of Zhamuhe again. It turned out that Zhamuhe had led the cavalry in pursuit for most of the day without seeing anyone. When he realized something was wrong, he immediately returned to pursue him.

Fortunately, Zhamuhe had been chasing them, and they were already exhausted and were not going very fast, but Ye Feng and the others had no choice but to continue on their way.

Ye Feng thought for a while and found Shen Xi and said to him: "Brother Shen, if this continues we will be overtaken again soon. How about you take Gu Li and Lu Chong with them and follow Mr. Lu's caravan to the south and return to Chu State via Bashu? .The rest of the caravan and I took the carriage and led Zhamuhe towards the Didao City of Qin State."

Didao City is located at the intersection of the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with the Tao River, the largest tributary of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, passing through the city.

In ancient times, it was inhabited by the Di people, so it was called Didao. According to records in "Historical Records" and "Book of the Later Han", it was built after Qin Mugong defeated the eight kingdoms of Xirong.

The difference between Dao and county is that "there are barbarians in the county and they call Dao" excerpted from "Hanshu. List of Hundred Officials and Officials".

Lu Chong said anxiously: "How can that be done? It's up to me to lure them away. How can we let Brother Ye take risks?"

Ye Feng said: "Their target is me, and after we lure them away, we abandon the carriage and switch to riding horses. This will be much faster. But this will cost Brother Shen money, and there is no way to take these goods back."

Shen said sarcastically: "Money is an external thing. If you lose it, you can make it back. It's just that Brother Ye's trip is too dangerous, so let Lu Chong accompany you."

Ye Feng shook his head and said: "I can rest assured that Lu Chong will stay to protect you. Moreover, it will be very dangerous if the other party splits up its forces to pursue you. Let Lu Chong follow you just in case."

After weighing the pros and cons, the two agreed to Ye Feng's suggestion. Shen Xi took Gu Li's master and servant, Lu Chong, and a small amount of valuable goods and set off southward with Lu Renxian.

After Shen Xi and the others left, Ye Feng climbed up and looked up. He saw Loulan's pursuers getting closer and closer and cursed: "Baga, Lu Smida, this Zhamuhe is really haunting."

Ye Feng only let everyone move forward when the other party could almost see his group.

The departure of Shen Xi and the others made Ye Feng feel a little empty, and he couldn't help but blow the xun with his hand. Swishing, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

But thinking about it, this song is too sad. Ye Feng remembered a story where Sun Bin used a happy song to make everyone run faster when he was running away.

Ye Feng then sang: "How many close friends there are in this world, how many friendships can last forever."

"Today we say goodbye and shake hands with you. Friendship will always be in our hearts."

"If we say goodbye for a while today, we will definitely be able to get together again."

"Even if we can't meet, we are still friends."

"It is said that there are thousands of miles of mountains that separate two places. You don't need to meet each other to know it in your heart."

"Friendship cannot be changed..."

In order to run faster along the way, Ye Feng distributed some of the goods in the car to poor people when he met them. In less than a day, Ye Feng distributed all the goods in several cars.

Everyone sat in the car and drove much faster, but they were still overtaken by the Loulan cavalry in the afternoon of the next day.

Ye Feng and the others untied the carriage, some of them had one horse per person, and most of them rode two horses on one horse and continued on their way. The two people and one horse took turns to alternate with the two people and one horse, so as to avoid the possibility of two people riding the same horse.

Too tired.

But even so, on the third day, Ye Feng and the others were almost overtaken by the Loulan cavalry.

At this time, the horses on both sides were exhausted, and sometimes the horses were so tired that they fell to the ground.

Ye Feng calculated it and found that there were ten of his own and twenty against him. Running for several days in a row would at least put him at least half a day to a day away from the Loulan infantry.

So Ye Feng decided to give it a try and have a decisive battle with the Loulan cavalry. If he defeated them, he could get rid of the pursuit completely.

Ye Feng told everyone to dismount and rest, preparing for a fight with the Loulan soldiers. Everyone dismounted to let the horses regain their strength. At the same time, his own personnel and horses drank water and took out their weapons to try out their skills.

Because the fight that will take place will definitely consume a lot of energy and cause you to sweat a lot.

Therefore, drinking some water beforehand can alleviate the problem of dehydration caused by sweating due to hard work and strenuous exercise.

At the same time, he was recovering his physical strength so that he could wait for work. Ye Feng also gave everyone his own salt and sugar candies, letting them dissolve them in water and drink them together to replenish their physical strength.

Ye Feng did not forget to boost morale and said: "Although the opponent has more people than us, their continuous pursuit consumes a lot of energy. We have the advantage by waiting for work."

Ye Feng looked at everyone firmly and continued: "In addition, if we deal with them, we don't need to continue to run away in fear. So let's take a chance and turn the bicycle into a motorcycle, bah, bah, bah."

Ye Feng thought to himself: "The jingle from later generations is harmful to people if it is said too much."

Ye Feng coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment, and continued: "So let's give it a try and solve the future problems and go home peacefully. If we win this battle, we can go home."

It has been nearly half a year since everyone followed Shen Xi's caravan out. Everyone is eager to go home. So everyone echoed: "Go home, go home, go home."

Soon I saw the Loulan cavalry rushing to a distance of a few arrows. In ancient wars, the distance of one arrow was often used as the confrontation distance between the enemy and ourselves.

Ye Feng and the others immediately mounted their horses. Because there were fewer horses and more men, those who used spears or halberds could only follow as infantry. Ye Feng rode on the horse and showed off what he called the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

When the opponent rushed within a stone's throw, Ye Feng and the others didn't say much and clapped their horses forward.

Both parties began to move forward slowly, and when they reached a suitable distance, they both began to accelerate in tacit understanding.

In the phalanx charge, the cavalry charge only needs to fight all the way forward. Those who have not killed anyone must not turn back to hit the enemy, because this will expose their front to the enemy rushing up from behind.

The same is true for the infantry phalanx with a large number of people rushing to kill, and you cannot look back to take care of those who missed the rush into your own phalanx. You must believe that the people behind you will deal with these people, and the people in front only need to be responsible for charging forward.


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