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six, bloody twins 26

Yuesong was running, and when he was running up a hillside, he suddenly found someone in front of him running down the hillside. Yuesong quickly dodged and hid behind a pine tree, holding a pistol in both hands and pointing it at the incoming person. It was dark.

In the dark night, I couldn't see clearly who was running this way, but if it was a Japs, it probably wouldn't be alone. But if it wasn't a Japs, who would run to the Japs' den?

Yuesong was thinking that the person had already run in front of him. Yuesong did not shoot, but suddenly stretched out his legs from behind the tree, tripping the person. Yuesong took advantage of the situation and pressed the person down.

He lay on the ground, put a pistol to the person's head, and whispered: "Don't move, I'll beat you to death if you do!"

The visitor's head was pressed to the ground by Yuesong, and he could not speak. Yuesong suppressed the visitor severely with his legs, freed his hands, and picked up the pistol that the visitor had dropped on the ground. With the feel of his hand, Yuesong

Yuesong judged that it was the same type of pistol as the Browning in his hand. Yuesong was wondering when the person who came was humming "Hmm".

Yuesong put the pistol in his belt, freed his hand, grabbed the person's hair, and said: "Don't scream, I will kill you if you call me." After saying that, Yuesong asked the person to raise his head, and the person raised his head.

He lifted it up and shouted: "Toothpick!" Yuesong was about to press his head to the ground again, but when he thought about it, hey, it's a fox, he is the only one who calls me that. Yuesong hurriedly pulled the fox up and asked

Said: "Fox, is it you? Why did you come back?"

The fox sat on the ground and said angrily: "You bastard toothpick, I came back to help you, but you did a good job and pinned me to the ground."

"Help me? Who wants your help?" Yuesong said.

"It's not that you're stupid, but you were discovered by the Japanese. How could there be a Japanese who was holding a machine gun "Dudu" with all his strength? I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to escape, so I came to help you. You are so stupid. You are treating me like this!" Fox said

I was really angry.

Yuesong hurriedly helped the fox to dust off his body with a smile, and said: "Fox, oh no, Brother Ren, Hei Bu Liu Qiu, how did I know it was your brother? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Brother Ren, forgive one, forgive one."

, Brother Ren, Brother Ren!" Yuesong said with a playful smile.

The two of them were pulling together when they suddenly heard someone approaching not far away. The fox whispered: "There's someone, let's go!" After saying that, he pulled Yuesong's hand, and the two of them were like two alert gray rabbits.

Just slipped away.

After running around for more than half an hour, the two boys saw that there was no movement behind them, so they stopped by the river. Yuesong took out the last cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and handed it to the fox.

He took a sip and handed it to Yuesong. "Brother Toothpick, don't you claim to have experienced hundreds of battles? Why did you do such a poor job on just such a small amount of work? You even let the Japanese discover it, and so did the Japanese."

"Hey, why don't I put a big machine gun bullet in your ass?" said the fox.

"You're a naughty fox who doesn't care about your mother's heart. I had good intentions, but they were eaten by dogs." Yuesong took two puffs and handed it to the fox.

The fox took a sip, handed it to Yuesong, and said: "I am not a mother-in-law. As soon as I heard that you were firing machine guns, I rushed to you without even thinking. It would be better for you to push me to the ground.

Tell me, who doesn’t care about your mother’s heart?”

Yuesong took a sip and said: "Then tell me, why did the gun fire here? Who fired the gun first?"

"Those two gunshots were fired by you, right? As for that, you can't even sneak around, and you're the captain of the special forces team."

said the fox.

"You don't know how! Aren't I afraid that you won't be able to slip through, so I deliberately shoot to attract the attention of the Japanese?" Yuesong handed the cigarette to the fox, and the fox reached out to take it. Yuesong retracted his hand and said: "

You're so heartless, I won't smoke it for you." After saying that, he put it into his mouth again.

The fox said: "Who cares? If you don't smoke, I won't smoke. See if you can think of me. When I get back, I will get you some Hardmen."

"Haha, this sounds like human talk. Let's see if you can run back for me. When you get back, I will introduce you to a little nurse." Yuesong said with a smile.

"Little nurse, haha, I like it, but I don't want anything else. I just want Nurse Lan." The fox said deliberately.

"You are looking for a fight." Yuesong said and started to press the fox's head. The fox ducked his head and hid aside, laughing "haha".

After finishing their cigarettes, the two rested for a while, then chatted and chatted while walking back.

In the second half of the night, it began to rain lightly. Until the next morning, the light rain was still falling lightly. At eight or nine o'clock in the morning, the division commander led the guard platoon to the second regiment. The commander of the second idiot regiment and the political commissar,

Run to the village entrance to meet you.

Arriving at the regiment headquarters, Staff Officer Zhang of the division announced the appointment of Comrade Hu Biao on behalf of the division. After the appointment, the division commander explained a few words to Biaozi and gave some more instructions. He turned around and asked the regiment leader Erluzi: "Song

Captain, where is Nurse Lan? Take me to see him."

Before Commander Song opened his mouth, Biaozi reported loudly: "Report to the division commander, Comrade Lan Danfeng is in the woods by the river."

The teacher looked at Biaozi and said, "What? You haven't calmed down yet?"

"Sir, nurse Lan is very strong and has been relieved for a long time." Biaozi replied.

"Then what are you doing in the woods by the river?" the division commander asked strangely.

"Report to the division commander, Nurse Lan and the brothers from the special operations team, as well as the brothers from the National Army's special operations team, to make graves for Captain Luo and Battalion Commander Leng in the woods." Biaozi lowered his head as he spoke.

"Oh, come on, let's take a look." The teacher said and walked out. Biaozi immediately ran to the front to lead the way.

When the teacher led a group of people to the grove, two graves had been erected, and two tombstones were made in front of the graves, with the names of Luo Yuesong and Leng Renren written on them. Nurse Lan knelt in front of Luo Yuesong's grave.

Staring blankly at the tombstone in front of the grave, the brothers from the special operations team lined up behind Nurse Lan. Adjutant Li knelt on one leg in front of Lengren's grave and was pouring wine on the ground. The brothers from the National Army's special operations team stood in formation.

Behind Adjutant Li.

The division commander, Commander Song, and political commissar He came over with the security platoon. The division commander said nothing and walked to Luo Yuesong's grave. Biaozi handed the bottle to the division commander. The division commander poured a glass of wine and sprinkled it in front of Luo Yuesong's grave.

The division commander went to Leng Renren's grave again and poured wine. Commander Song and Political Commissar He also went to the graves of the two heroes and poured wine.

The division commander glanced at Commander Song, who whispered to Biaozi: "Everyone line up and fire a gun to see him off!"

Biaozi nodded, ordered the guards to line up behind the special forces and the national army brothers, and then shouted loudly: "All of you, salute!" Everyone present raised their right hands vigorously in salute to the two heroes.

A military salute was given. At this time, the lined-up special forces members, guards platoon soldiers and brothers from the National Army Special Operations Team raised their guns in their hands, pointed at the sky, and fired to see off the two heroes.

"Bang", "bang", "bang" and "dah-dah", after a burst of gunfire, Biaozi shouted loudly: "Take off your hats!" Everyone took off their hats and observed three minutes of silence.

When the farewell gunfire sounded, Yuesong and Fox were walking to the regiment headquarters while talking nonsense. They happened to walk to the other side of the river when they suddenly heard a burst of gunfire. Yuesong and Fox quickly hid themselves, took out their pistols, and opened

Insurance. I looked around and saw nothing, and after a burst of gunfire, there was no sound.

"Fox, what's going on?" Yuesong asked while thinking and observing.

"It doesn't look like a war. The gunshots are so uniform and disappear as soon as they are fired. It's like a funeral." The fox looked around and said.

"You crow's mouth, why are you hiding something? I'll give it to you." Yuesong said.

"Oh yes, let me see, I must be attending your funeral. Maybe the little nurse is crying on your grave with snot and tears." said the fox.

Yuesong stepped forward and kicked the fox, saying: "Let's go over and have a look!"

The fox touched the mud on his butt and followed Yuesong towards the place where the gunshot was fired.

The two boys quickly rushed to the place where the gunshots were fired. Looking across the river, they saw that someone was really mourning. Yuesong took a closer look and saw that it seemed to be the division commander. "Hey, fox, our division commanders are all here. Who are we going to bury?"

So grand." Yuesong said.

"Here you go, aren't you the captain of the special operations team directly under the division headquarters?" Fox said, pointing at Nurse Lan and asked, "Look, is that female soldier your little nurse?"

Yuesong took a look and realized that it was true. Could it be that he was really buried? Yuesong pulled the fox and said, "Let's go over and have a look." After saying that, Yuesong ran towards the small stone bridge on the river.

He quickly ran into the woods, with the fox following closely behind Yuesong.

After the silence, Dan Feng stood in front of Yuesong's grave, unwilling to leave. The teacher said to Dan Feng: "Let's go, Lanzi."

Dan Feng turned to look at his teacher, his eyes were red, and said, "Uncle, I want to join the special force and fight the Japanese."

As soon as Dan Feng finished speaking, Yuesong suddenly shouted loudly: "How can that be done? The special forces team doesn't want women."

When Yuesong shouted, everyone turned around. When everyone looked back, everyone was shocked. Yuesong saw everyone looking at him and touching himself, but found nothing, and suddenly remembered it again

, he was still wearing the clothes of a Japanese soldier, so he hurriedly took off the Japanese soldier's yellow skin and threw it on the ground. The fox also quickly took off the Japanese soldier's yellow skin and threw it on the ground.

Dan Feng, who finally reacted, rushed towards Yuesong like crazy, threw himself into Yuesong's arms, and burst into tears. Yuesong held Danfeng in his arms, looked at everyone, his face was red,

He looked very embarrassed.

Battalion Commander Leng looked at this scene, escaped, and walked towards his brothers. Adjutant Li rushed over, hugged Battalion Commander Leng and said, "Batalion Commander, you are still alive." As he said this, he became excited.

I was speechless. Other brothers from the national army also rushed over. Together, they lifted up Battalion Commander Leng and threw him high. The brothers from the national army cheered.

Deng Minghe ran to the captain and shouted loudly: "Captain, you are not dead!"

Yuesong hugged Danfeng and said, "What? Why should I die?"

Dan Feng let go of Yuesong, beat Yuesong's chest with his fists, and said, "Why did you come back? I thought you were dead." He cried and laughed while crying.

Lei Hang ran over, hugged Yuesong, and said, "Captain, I thought you would never come back." He also cried like a child.

Yuesong hugged Lei Hang, patted Lei Hang's back, and said: "Okay, okay, your captain, I am a cat. I have nine lives, so I can't die."

Biaozi walked up to Yuesong, took off the sniper rifle from his body, handed it to Yuesong with both hands, and said: "Captain, your gun!"

Yuesong took the sniper rifle, pulled the bolt, touched the barrel of the gun with his hand, and said, "Biaozi, it's well maintained." After saying that, Yuesong ran to the division commander and raised his hand to salute several officers.

The report came: "Reporting to the division commander, the special team Luo Yuesong led the team to successfully complete the task of blowing up the Japanese oil depot. Now return to the team!"

The teacher returned the gift and said, "Well done, I'll be glad when you come back."

While talking, Battalion Commander Leng saw that Yuesong was reporting to their division commander, and he also ran over quickly. Seeing Leng Lengren coming, Yuesong hurriedly said: "Reporting to the division commander, this is Captain Lengrenren, the major battalion commander of the national army."

Leng Renren hurriedly saluted all the officers. The division commander returned the salute and praised: "Battle Commander Leng, well done, you are an anti-Japanese hero!"

Leng Renren smiled and said: "Thank you, we still have an emergency to report to the superior."

Commander Song hurriedly said: "If it's an emergency, let's go and talk to the regiment headquarters." After saying that, everyone walked to the regiment headquarters together.

Yuesong looked back at the brothers of the special team behind him and waved to them. The brothers all looked at the captain with a smile. Yuesong saw that Dan Feng was still standing there, and waved to Dan Feng again and said: "

Go back, go back!"

Fox gave Yuesong a hand and said, "We have business, let's go!" Yuesong followed Fox to the regiment headquarters.

This chapter has been completed!
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