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10. Bloody Twins 30

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Yuesong gathered the brothers together and finally assigned the task.

"Brothers, I won't go into details about the difficulty of this mission. More importantly, if we can't succeed this time, it will be impossible to do it again. The explosion time agreed upon by the two captains and I,

It's two o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. I thought about it carefully just now, and there is still a loophole that needs to be filled, that is, after killing the Japs on the Winding Mountain Highway, someone must wear the Japs' yellow skins and stand guard in their place. Otherwise, it will be very difficult.

It's easy to be spotted by searchlights. Biaozi, after we pass by, you arrange for four brothers to stand guard on the winding mountain road. The Japs' yellow skins must be put on in advance. Is everyone clear?" Yuesong said.

"Clear!" the brothers replied in unison.

"Captain Leng, do you have anything else to explain?" Yuesong asked Fox again.

"Brothers, please be mentally prepared to overcome all kinds of difficulties." Battalion Commander Leng said.

"Yeah." Everyone nodded.

"Okay, Tang Si, Deng Minghe will reconnoiter and move forward. Adjutant Li will lead a few national army brothers to break up the rear. Commander Leng and I will lead the brothers who entered the cave with us to follow Tang Si. The other brothers, led by Captain Hu, will follow.

Let's keep a distance of about twenty meters from each other behind us and let's go!" Yuesong gave an order, Tang Si and Deng Minghe set off first, and the others followed in sequence.

It was late at night and the birds were fast asleep. In the quiet spring night in the mountains and forests, one could only occasionally hear the faint footsteps of these anti-Japanese heroes.

In less than half an hour, Yuesong and his brothers reached the hillside where they often observed the movements of the Japanese. It was dark all around, and the moon seemed to have sensed that the devils in Niangzi Mountain were doomed. They had been hiding in the clouds tonight.

He never showed his face. The Japanese searchlights were constantly shooting around. On the winding mountain road not far away, there would usually be two Japanese soldiers carrying rifles at the corner. If you turn a corner and walk up and down for more than thirty meters, there will be two Japanese soldiers each.

A Japanese soldier was guarding the place. But it was strange today. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything. He didn't find a single Japanese sentry. Yuesong used a sniper scope to look at the Japanese soldiers on the cliff. They were also dark.

Yes, I didn’t see anything. The Japs at the entrance of the Niangzi Cave could see clearly, but they were still hundreds of meters away. They couldn’t detect the small sounds at all, so there was no need to pay too much attention to them. Yuesong turned his head and looked at the fox next to him.

At first glance, the fox was wondering why he didn't see the Japanese sentry.

Yuesong raised his sniper rifle and continued to observe. Suddenly, there was a fleeting flash of light under a tree beside the winding mountain road. Yuesong stared at the flash of light until the Japanese searchlight shone there again.

Song finally saw clearly that there were Japanese soldiers ambushing him there.

Yuesong quickly put away his sniper rifle and whispered to Biaozi beside him: "Hidden, there is an ambush!"

Biaozi immediately passed on the words. Each of the brothers lowered their bodies and listened calmly to any movement in the forest. It was extremely quiet in the forest. At this time, if the birds sleeping peacefully on the trees would

Yawning can definitely be heard clearly.

Yuesong thought to himself, how could the Japanese set up an ambush by the road? The Japanese couldn't possibly know that we were coming to attack their chemical weapons laboratory? Besides, how could they know that we would go down the winding mountain road and then follow the cliff?

Swimming to the entrance of the underwater cave? Impossible, the Japanese couldn't possibly know this. But how could the Japanese suddenly set up an ambush here?

At this time, Yuesong wanted to smoke a cigarette. Yuesong reached out and touched the pack of Japanese cigarettes given to him by the regiment leader in his pocket. However, smoking at this time does not mean directly shouting to the Japanese: "Hey, Japanese, we are here."

." Helpless, Yuesong took out a cigarette and was about to put it in his mouth when the fox reached out and lightly slapped Yuesong's hand. Yuesong understood that the fox would not let him smoke. Yuesong whispered.

: "Don't move, I'll smell it, don't smoke!" After saying that, he put the cigarette in front of his nose, smelling the smoke, and wondering what was going on.

First of all, there is no reason for the Japanese to know our actions, let alone know that we are going down here; secondly, if the Japanese really want to set up an ambush, they will not use searchlights to shine on the Japanese ambushing behind the trees; thirdly, if

The Japs want to ambush us, and I'm afraid there are more than just a few Japs ambush. In conclusion, the Japs may have been sneak-attacked twice on open sentinels, and now they have been changed to covert sentries. Well, this conclusion should be established.

However, the Japs have changed their secret sentry, and the night is so dark. It is impossible to directly observe how many secret sentries the Japs have. If you go directly to touch the sentry, it will be difficult to remove all the nearby secret sentries. The possibility of being exposed will be very high. Once exposed, the Japs will be affected.

The machine guns fired together, not only were the brothers inevitably injured, but more importantly, it was impossible to reach the lake from here.

Yuesong put the cigarette in front of his nose, took a deep breath, and continued to think.

In the case of how many hidden whistles there are, we cannot directly touch the whistles. To solve the problem of hidden whistles, we must first find out how many hidden whistles there are. To find out how many hidden whistles there are, if observation does not work, the only way is to let the Japanese hidden whistles expose themselves. But

, how can the secret whistle be exposed?

Yuesong asked the fox softly: "What time is it?"

The fox raised his wrist, looked at the luminous watch on his wrist, and said, "It's past twelve o'clock."

Time, time is of the essence. It will take nearly an hour for a person to go down to the cave. It will take at least ten or twenty minutes to widen the entrance of the cave. It will take at least ten or twenty minutes to install explosives. There is only less than two hours left. In case of an emergency,

If the explosion cannot be carried out on time, the four battalions of troops will attack the Japanese together. Not only will the lives of hundreds of soldiers be threatened, but the mission may also fail.

Yuesong took another deep breath. At this moment, Yuesong really wanted to light a cigarette, but the mission was ruined immediately. Damn, when did I become so stupid? They were just a few secret whistles. Could it be that I

Can't break it? If you mess with the ball, I'll just rush over and kill it.

Yuesong held the cigarette in his mouth and held his head with both hands, trying to calm down. However, time waits for no one. Yuesong suddenly felt that he was a little anxious, so he clenched his fists and hit his forehead hard.

He smashed it hard a few times, then closed his eyes, lay on the ground, put his face against the new grass buds, and inhaled deeply. The tender green smell of the grass buds entered Yuesong's nostrils, and Yuesong felt a sudden

It was fresh and cool. Yuesong just lay on the ground, smelling the green air of the new shoots, calming down and continuing to think.

To find out how many hidden sentries there are, we must alert the hidden sentry. But alerting the hidden sentry is equivalent to being exposed. It is a contradiction and a headache. We have to alert but cannot alert. What should we do? Is there no solution?

Alert and expose. Can't we alert him without exposing him? Yes, alert him without exposing him. That's it. Yuesong handed the sniper rifle to Biaozi and whispered: "Get ready for action."

Biaozi took the sniper rifle and sent a message to the back. The four brothers behind him quickly changed into the yellow skins of the Japanese soldiers and got ready.

He said to the fox: "We both put on the yellow skins of the Japanese. Let's go down first. Pay attention. Follow me and speak Japanese."

Fox nodded. Yuesong and Fox put on the Japs' yellow skins, and each took a 38-meter cap. Yuesong said to Lei Hang and Tang Si again, you two are following me and Camp Commander Leng to ambush.

In the grass, after we take action, if you see any other Japs, use your crossbow and your poison needle to kill them immediately.

Yuesong turned to the four brothers behind him who had changed their skins and said: "As soon as the secret sentry is eliminated, you will immediately ambush on the roadside, in groups of two, thirty meters apart, pretending to be the Japanese secret sentry. If we are exposed,

Just retreat and leave us alone."

Yuesong then said to Fox and Lieutenant Li: "Once we are exposed, the Japanese's light and heavy machine guns will shoot at us. You are not allowed to go out to rescue us. Just lie in ambush here. If the Japanese come with reinforcements, you can hit us a few times."

If you win, withdraw immediately. Remember, don't worry about our life or death. Remember, don't be too eager to fight. After a few hits, withdraw immediately."

Biaozi and Adjutant Li nodded.

Yuesong then said to the brothers who were preparing to go down to the cave with him to complete the mission: "No matter whether you are exposed or not, whether the Japanese machine guns fire or not, as long as Battalion Commander Leng and I move forward, you will follow us across the road, and then

If you follow us closely, even if you die, you will blow up the bloody chemical weapons."

The brothers all nodded firmly.

After Yuesong finished speaking, he was about to go down when Biaozi took Yuesong's hand and said, "Captain, be careful!"

Yuesong nodded and said, "Remember my words."

Biaozi nodded.

Yuesong and several brothers quietly touched down. When they were only ten meters away from the road, Yuesong pressed his palms on the brothers behind him, and the brothers lay on the ground knowingly. Yuesong glanced at Lei again

Hang and Tang Si, these two young men had already prepared their crossbows and bamboo flutes. Yuesong patted the fox lightly, and the fox patted Yuesong.

Tsukimatsu grabbed the rifle, stood up, and said in Japanese: "Yamazaki-kun, it's spring, but it's still so cold."

The fox also stood up and replied in Japanese: "The cherry blossoms are blooming in Hokkaido right now."

The two of them were walking towards the highway as they talked. At this time, a Japs shouted in the darkness: "Stop, who are you?"

Tsukimatsu already knew that the two Japanese were behind the tree, so he walked towards them and said in Japanese: "Is it Sasaki? I am Ichiro." The fox followed closely behind Tsukimatsu.

"What Sasaki? Who are you? Stop!" The two Japanese behind the tree stood up and raised their rifles.

Yuesong held the rifle in his left hand and two throwing knives in his right hand. He continued to walk towards the two Japanese soldiers and said, "Isn't it Sasaki? Wasn't it Sasaki's sentry last night?"

"Stop, if you go further I'll shoot!" a Japanese soldier shouted.

Yuesong suddenly stumbled forward, turned to the fox behind him and said, "Yamazaki, why did you push me?"

The fox understood and replied in Japanese: "Did I push you? You are stumbling on the stone yourself."

Yuesong suddenly jumped up, and the two flying knives flew toward the two Japanese soldiers holding rifles. The two Japanese soldiers fell to the ground immediately.

Lei Hang and Tang Si were always paying close attention to their surroundings. The captain had already killed two Japs, but they never saw any Japs appearing elsewhere.

Yuesong and Yuesong walked over and stabbed each of the two Japanese with bayonets, but the two Japanese did not move. Yuesong and Fox were about to pull the corpses of the two Japanese into the grass, when suddenly there were Japanese from higher up.

Ask: "Hey, what's up?"

Tsukimatsu immediately replied in Japanese: "It's okay, Yamazaki fell."

"Don't talk, stay hidden." The Japanese said.

"Hi!" Yuesong replied loudly. Yuesong and Fox immediately dragged the corpses of the two Japanese soldiers into the grass, and then they lay down on the Japanese sentry posts.

At this time, the Japanese searchlight came over again. With the light of the Japanese searchlight, Yuesong and Fox carefully observed their surroundings. Within thirty meters, they were indeed the only two Japanese with secret sentries. There were probably others on the hillside thirty meters away.

Two, if you continue to use this method, it may be difficult to kill those two Japs without being discovered by other Japs. What should you do? Should you take your brothers over there quickly, or should you kill the two Japs who have already discovered their location?

Woolen cloth?

This chapter has been completed!
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