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Fifteen, awards storm 1

Early the next morning, the Second Regiment held a funeral for the martyrs who died in the battle outside the grove at the entrance of the village. Although the battle was a complete victory, after all, the Japanese had occupied all the favorable terrain, and the two regiments of the Second Regiment

In order to cover the retreat of the brothers of the special force, hundreds of soldiers from the battalion launched an attack on Niangzi Mountain, but nine soldiers were sacrificed.

The tombs of the nine martyrs are located next to the empty tombs of Yuesong and Camp Commander Leng. The tombs of the martyrs are very simple. They are a mound and a raft. Under the mound are the remains of the martyrs, and on the raft are the names of the martyrs.

. Throughout the Anti-Japanese War, countless Chinese heroic sons and daughters fell at the gunpoint of the enemy. Their lives were so small, but so glorious; their graves were so inconspicuous, but they were buried.

Thousands of people remember it in their hearts.

Brothers from the Second Regiment Guard Platoon, the Special Operations Team and the National Army Special Operations Team stood neatly in three rows and respectfully saluted their fallen comrades. The neat gunshots of the three rows echoed in the air for a long time. Dozens of pairs of soldiers condensed.

With focused eyes, he watched the heroic spirits of his comrades.

Dan Feng picked a few bouquets of wild flowers. The regiment leader and political commissar each took a bouquet, Yuesong and Battalion Commander Leng each took a bouquet. The four of them solemnly placed a bouquet of earthy flowers in front of the tombstone of each martyr.

Wild flowers. The soldiers standing in front of the martyrs' tombs took off their military caps and stood silently.

At this moment, as brothers from the National Army and the New Fourth Army, these good Chinese men and soldiers, were standing in awe of their comrades who sacrificed their lives fighting the Japanese aggressors, a group of people came from a distance. The guard reported that it was the National Army's third

The leader sent by the Fifth Theater Command was Dong Zhiguo, colonel and deputy chief of staff of the National Army's Fifth Theater Command.

Upon hearing this, Commander Song and Political Commissar He immediately stepped forward to greet him.

Battalion Commander Leng, with a white cloth tied on his arm, walked to Yuesong and said quietly to Yuesong: "Don't blame me for not warning you, brother, the people who came here are not good. There are people from the military command inside. You'd better learn to behave later."

You know, those people are not as protective of you as I am."

Yuesong looked at the group of people wearing national army uniforms approaching from a distance and said: "I am the one who is in charge of the ball. I will rush in front of whoever rushes in front to fight the Japanese."

While they were talking, Deputy Chief of Staff Dong and Commander Song had already walked over. Commander Song happily walked to the front of the team and said to everyone: "Let me introduce, this is Colonel Dong, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Fifth War Zone of the National Army.

Colonel, Colonel Dong is here this time because our New Fourth Army Special Operations Team and the National Army Special Operations Team have achieved major victories and completed many arduous and glorious tasks during this period of anti-Japanese struggle. Colonel Dong is representing the country.

The Fifth Theater Command of the Army has come to commend us, everyone is welcome!" The regiment leader said and took the lead in applauding, and the soldiers all applauded together.

Colonel Dong waved and everyone stopped applauding. Colonel Dong walked to the front of the team, saluted the military salute, and then said to everyone: "Brothers, this time the Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated, the National Army and the New Fourth Army fought together and achieved impressive results. Commander-in-Chief

I greatly appreciate the courageous spirit of all brothers, and I have been specially sent here to commend all warriors on behalf of the Fifth Theater Command."

The soldiers all applauded.

"Okay, now, on behalf of the Fifth Theater Command, I announce the commendation order.

Commendation order, the National Army's special operations team went deep into the Japanese hinterland and blew up the Japanese army's largest oil warehouse in central China, dealing a heavy blow to the Japanese mechanized troops and laying a solid foundation for our army to launch a counterattack against the Japanese army in the next step. To reward you all

For their heroic deeds, the warriors of the National Army's Special Operations Team will be awarded second-class merit, a Blue Sky and White Sun Medal, and a hundred silver dollars. Major Lengren, the leader of the special operations team, has outstanding military exploits and will be awarded first-class merit.

Once, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. After returning to the army, the headquarters would make other arrangements for work.

Commendation Order: The New Fourth Army Special Operations Team assisted the National Army Special Operations Team in completing a glorious and arduous mission. In order to commend the bravery of all warriors, the warriors of the New Fourth Army Special Operations Team are specially awarded with a second-class merit award and a Blue Sky and White Sun Medal.

, was issued twenty silver dollars. Major Luo Yuesong, the captain of the special operations team, had outstanding military exploits, was recorded with first-class merit once, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. After returning to the army, he served as the commander of the special service battalion of the fourth and fifth theater headquarters, responsible for establishing the special service battalion.

Select outstanding talents from the entire army and train them in special operations.

National Army Fifth Theater Headquarters. Let’s applaud all the warriors!”

The soldiers applauded. Then medals were awarded, and then silver coins were distributed to the members of the special operations team. After the distribution, Colonel Dong said: "Lieutenant Colonel Luo, please come out."

"Yes!" Yuesong replied loudly, walking out of the queue.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luo, you were originally a major battalion commander of the National Army. Because your unit was severely damaged on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War, and you yourself were separated from the main force, so you served as the captain of the special operations team in the New Fourth Army. The superior department took into account your special situation. In addition,

I fought the war alone and made great contributions, so I will let it go and I will also entrust you with a heavy responsibility. Please follow me back to the army immediately and take up your post as soon as possible." Colonel Dong said to Yuesong.

"Sir, although I am a major in the National Army, I have already died once. Now I am in the New Fourth Army's special force fighting Japanese troops, and I am very comfortable, so I want to continue to stay in the special force, please approve it!" Yuesong thought.

I didn’t want to, so I expressed my thoughts.

"Lieutenant Colonel Luo, don't forget that you are an officer with national military status and a military talent sent by the country to study abroad. How can you change your military status casually?" Colonel Dong said seriously.

"Sir, I will immediately write a written application to withdraw from the national army," Yuesong said.

"How presumptuous!" Colonel Dong yelled loudly, "Can you withdraw from the National Army at will? The senior management department treated you well. After you survived, not only did you not return to the army in time, but you served in the New Fourth Army. The senior management department ignored the blame and continued to serve.

You have been entrusted with an important task, so please pack your bags quickly, put on the uniform of a lieutenant colonel in the national army, and follow me back to the headquarters."

Colonel Dong's adjutant took out a brand new lieutenant colonel uniform from his backpack and handed it to Yuesong respectfully with both hands.

Yuesong glanced at it and said, "Sir, I am determined to stay in the special force. Please grant me your permission, sir!"

Colonel Dong was about to leave, but when he saw Yuesong still talking, he immediately turned around, pointed at Yuesong and said: "You don't know whether to live or die, I tell you, when I came, I still had

You don’t know whether you live or die with an order, so I’ll take it out and show it to you.” Colonel Dong said to the adjutant, “Take it out, take out the third order.”

The adjutant took out a piece of paper from the document bag and handed it to Colonel Dong. Colonel Dong took the order and said to Yuesong: "Come here, come and take a look!"

Yuesong walked over and Colonel Dong took the order in his hand. Yuesong turned sideways and looked at the order. The order read:

"The execution order is issued to Major Luo Yuesong of the National Army. During the Battle of Dabie Mountain, his improper command resulted in the death of all 300 warriors of the third battalion of his unit. After Luo Yuesong escaped by chance, he delayed returning to the army. Not only did he disregard his status as an officer of the National Army, he

He joined the New Fourth Army, held an important position in the New Fourth Army, and refused to accept the new assignment from the Chief Executive Department, which seriously violated military disciplines. The Special Military Court of the Fifth Theater District of the National Army ruled that he should be shot on the spot."

After Yuesong read the order, Colonel Dong hurriedly leaned into Yuesong's ear and said to Yuesong: "Lieutenant Colonel Luo, the national army attaches great importance to talents, and now is the time to recruit people. Lieutenant Colonel Luo is a rare and special talent for the national army.

It is precisely with this in mind that the superior department not only does not pursue your disciplinary violations, but also entrusts you with important responsibilities. You have to take care of yourself."

Yuesong opened his mouth and said: "What kind of special talent? I didn't fight the Japanese in the New Fourth Army, so why do I have to return to the National Army? To put it bluntly, the commander-in-chief is afraid that I will stay in the New Fourth Army and drive away the Japanese in the future."

If you defeat your opponent, you should think that I am not a clear-minded person."

"You are so impudent, why are you talking to your superior?" Colonel Dong immediately scolded Yuesong with a straight face.

"Isn't it? Did I say something wrong? If you go back, you will be entrusted with important responsibilities, and if you don't go back, you will be shot on the spot. You are so cruel. Have you considered the interests of millions of Chinese people? The Japanese are coming, you

It is not the National Army but the New Fourth Army that is only focused on retreating and retreating, stabbing the devils in their hearts. Here, they can fight the devils with real swords and guns at all times. Here, they can help the people anytime and anywhere, and prevent them from letting the enemy down.

Bai was bullied by the Japs, what are you going to do when you go back? Do you want to go back and follow you to retreat, retreat, retreat?" Yuesong began to get angry and said a lot of words in succession.

Camp Commander Leng saw that Yuesong was starting to lose control of his emotions. He hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Yuesong and said, "Yuesong, please stop saying a few words."

Yuesong threw away Battalion Commander Leng, pointed his finger at Colonel Dong and said, "I won't go back. I won't go back and work for you senior officers. Let me see what you do to me!"

"Rebellion, rebellion, let me ask you one last time, will you return to the Chinese army?" Colonel Dong's face turned green with anger, and he pointed angrily at the tip of Yuesong's nose.

Yuesong slapped Colonel Dong's hand away and said, "I really won't go back. If you want to kill me or chop me into pieces, I only have more than a hundred kilograms. Whatever!"

"Come here, execute the order and arrest this kid!" Colonel Dong stepped back and ordered loudly.

"Yes!" An officer who came with Colonel Dong took out his pistol and came up with several soldiers carrying guns to capture Yuesong.

Commander Leng saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly stepped forward to intercede with Colonel Dong.

Colonel Dong didn't listen to Battalion Commander Leng at all. He pointed at Yuesong and said: "You have no military discipline and no commander. This is not bad. Take it!"

Several soldiers came forward to catch Yuesong. Yuesong raised his leg and kicked him. One soldier was kicked to the ground by Yuesong. Several other soldiers came up together. Yuesong punched him to the left and kicked him again.

Those who were not Yuesong's opponents were knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye.

At this time, only a gunshot was heard. Yuesong dodged and the bullet flew past Yuesong's neck. Yuesong felt a little pain in his neck. He stretched out his hand and touched it. There was blood on his hand. Yuesong's wildness

It broke out immediately. As Yuesong drew his gun, he turned around and saw that it was the major who came with Colonel Dong. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and fired three times. "Bah, bah, bah". After the gunshot, the major fell.

In a pool of blood, Yuesong beat the major to death and cursed: "You bastards of the military commander. You are the scum of the national army. If you dare to kill me, I will let you go first into the coffin." Yuesong

He cursed and spit on the ground.

The people present were confused by Yuesong's move. Colonel Dong looked at the major lying on the ground and was convinced that he was dead. He immediately said to the adjutant next to him: "What are you waiting for? Shoot the murderer indiscriminately."

!" Upon hearing this, the adjutant took out his pistol and said to the soldier holding a gun next to him: "Shoot! Shoot!"

This chapter has been completed!
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