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Seven, meet the devil squad

The Japanese suffered heavy losses in their rear, and of course they would not give up. So they sent a search team to search for and eliminate a small group of Chinese troops in the area of ​​the destroyed artillery position. This Japanese group was led by Major Kameda and consisted of thirty

It is composed of veterans and non-commissioned officers with rich combat experience and strong individual combat capabilities. In fact, Kameda did not know that Luo Yuesong was the only one who destroyed the artillery position. He only knew that this small group of Chinese troops was small in number and was very good at hiding, so

Kameda ordered his Imperial Army soldiers to focus on dense woods and bushes when searching.

Nowadays, the autumn wind is getting cooler day by day, all kinds of leaves are falling one after another, and it is difficult to hide in the bushes. Yuesong studied abroad in the Japanese military academy for three years, and has a better understanding of the characteristics of the Japanese army's combat, and his own combat experience tells him that,

There will definitely be Japanese troops to deal with you, so how to hide yourself as much as possible is the key to further attacking the enemy.

About ten days later, Kameda and his search team were running around, exhausted in the Dabie Mountains, but they never found a small group of Chinese troops, which inevitably affected the morale of the search team.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon that day, Yuesong was hiding in a tall ancient locust tree. Looking from a distance, through the dense branches, Yuesong saw a small group of Japanese troops searching and advancing more than 300 meters away.

This group of Japanese troops was spread out relatively widely, with two people in groups, about ten meters apart from each other, and every time they found a slightly larger bush, they would conduct a very detailed search.

Yuesong knew that most of the Japanese troops were coming for him. Yuesong couldn't help but feel secretly happy, thinking that he had come at the right time, and that the preparations he had done these days would come in handy.

Yuesong quickly slipped down from the big locust tree, ducked behind the thick trunk of the locust tree, opened the bolt of the rifle, loaded the bullet, closed his eyes, and listened quietly to the movement in the distance.

About ten minutes later, there was finally a subtle sound of footsteps stepping on the leaves. The sound was very soft, and the person was walking very slowly, stopping and going. Listening to the sound, Yuesong judged that there were two people.

He was alone, and the distance from him was estimated to be about sixty or seventy meters. Yuesong began to adjust his breathing and try to keep his mood calm.

After about three or four minutes, Yuesong heard more subtle sounds of leaves being trampled. Judging from the sounds, there were two people to the west, about thirty meters away from him, and two people to the southwest.

About fifty meters away from him, there were two people in the northwest direction, about sixty meters away from him. Yuesong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated involuntarily. Yuesong knew that there would be more Japanese approaching him, and he had to

Adjust your shooting status to ensure a hit, otherwise, once you are entangled by the enemy closest to you, you are likely to be surrounded by the enemy.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, Yuesong heard two footsteps getting closer and closer, probably less than thirty meters away.

Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds, Yuesong calmed down and took a deep breath.

Seven seconds, eight seconds, Yuesong suddenly opened his eyes, stepped out from behind the trunk of the locust tree, raised his gun, aimed, and fired. With a "pop" sound, a Japanese soldier more than 20 meters away was shot in the chest, blood spattered, and fell to the ground.

On the dead leaves.

After shooting a Japs, Yuesong dodged behind the trunk of a locust tree, and immediately one of them rolled on the spot, half-crouched on the ground, raised his gun, aimed, and shot. The other found Yuesong and was about to raise his gun when there was a "pop" sound.

, before the gun was raised, the Japanese man was shot in the left eye and fell to the ground on his back.

At this time, Yuesong heard the sound of rapid footsteps. Yuesong knew that the Japanese from the northwest and southwest must be outflanking him. Yuesong did not think much and ran away. Yuesong circled the dense tree trunks, his head

No, keep running to the northeast.

As he ran all the way, he could only hear the sound of bullets hitting tree trunks and branches behind him. But Yuesong knew that as long as he always used the tree trunk as cover and ran in a curve, it would be difficult for the Japanese to hit him.

After running like this for about three hundred meters, Yuesong suddenly stopped and hid behind a large exposed rock. He raised his gun and aimed at the direction the Japs were chasing, breathing heavily while waiting for the Japs to appear.

Sure enough, less than twenty seconds later, two Japs appeared fifty or sixty meters away from him. Probably because they didn't hear Yuesong's escaping footsteps, the two Japs slowed down and covered each other in small steps.


After waiting for about another twenty seconds, the two Japs were about forty meters away from him, and several more Japs appeared on the left and right of them. After Yuesong adjusted his breathing, he carefully raised the button of his rifle.

With a ruler, he raised his gun and aimed at a small neem tree in front of the Japanese. There was a "bang" sound, and the trunk of the neem tree was broken by the bullet. The dead leaves on the ground suddenly made a rapid "swishy" sound. The dead leaves seemed to be damaged by something.

Pulling them, they rushed towards the two devils. The two devils raised their guns and aimed at the dead leaves rushing towards them on the ground, but could not see any figures. They were wondering when suddenly there was a "boom" and a tree fell from the tree beside them.

The next wooden raft hit the two Japanese soldiers who were caught off guard. The sharpened sticks on the wooden raft penetrated deeply into the bodies of the two Japanese soldiers. The two Japanese soldiers were suddenly bloody and turned around.

He immediately returned to Tokyo to pay homage to their sharp-mouthed and monkey-cheeked emperor.

Yuesong saw it in his eyes and felt happy in his heart. But before he had time to be happy, two Japanese soldiers came running to the left and right of the two Japanese soldiers who were hit by the raft. Two were on guard with their rifles, and the other two put down their rifles and wanted to

Move the raft to save people.

Yuesong immediately raised his gun, aimed at a Japs who were carrying a raft, and shot the Japs in the back. As soon as the gunshot rang out, the two alert Japs immediately spotted Yuesong behind the stone and opened fire.

Shooting at Yuesong, he is truly a veteran of the Japs. Yuesong had just finished firing, and before he could lower his head, the Japs' bullets flew over. Yuesong only heard a "swish" sound, and the Japs military cap on his head suddenly disappeared.

He was beaten away.

Yuesong shrank and hid behind a big rock, stretched out his hand and touched his forehead. Hey, it was so dangerous. Fortunately, he hit the brim of his hat. If he went a little further down, he would probably have weighed more than 100 kilograms on this rock. This time

Yuesong didn't dare to show his head, what should he do? The situation was urgent, and the other three Japs could rush over within ten seconds. What was even worse was that there were more than twenty Japs outflanking him.

Yuesong came to his senses in a hurry. He leaned against the big rock, grabbed a stone on the ground, and threw it to the Japanese behind him. Yuesong heard the stone hit the ground with a "bang" and immediately turned around and raised his gun to shoot. One of them was hit by the stone.

The Japanese who attracted attention fell to the ground.

Yuesong didn't care to see if the Japanese was dead or not, and ran away. He only heard the sound of bullets hitting big rocks behind him. Yuesong ran for more than 20 meters, but he didn't dare to

He ran away again. The Japs' marksmanship was too accurate, but he was not confident about hiding by tree trunks. He had to fight back to stop the Japs from quickly approaching him.

Yuesong suddenly stopped running, turned around and leaned on the trunk of a metasequoia tree, raised his gun and fired twice, but the bullets all hit the trunk, leaving the other Japanese unscathed. At this time, Yuesong's rifle was hit

After running out of bullets, he had to change his ammunition quickly. Yuesong did not dare to turn around and run immediately, so he had to lie on the ground and use the cover of the metasequoia trunk to peek out and observe the Japanese.

"Hehehe" Yuesong suddenly covered his mouth and laughed. It turned out that Yuesong had already set a trap on the road where the Japanese were chasing him, that is, by the big exposed rock, and the trap was covered with a thick layer of

The trap was filled with dead leaves and small wooden sticks with sharp edges. As soon as the Japs chasing him stepped on the trap, he fell headlong in. It is estimated that this time his blood was splashed everywhere and he died with his life.

Seeing this, the remaining two Japs neither dared to chase after them nor go to the rescue. They hid behind the big rocks and looked for traces of Yuesong with guns in hand. Yuesong did not dare to load his bullets at this time and took the opportunity to attack Yuesong.

The ground rolled a dozen times, and the loess around him was blown into the sky by the Japanese bullets. Yuesong hid behind a big pine tree, grabbed a handful of dead leaves, and scattered them to the right side of the pine trunk. The Japanese bullets "whirr"

Huh! The ground shot over, and Yuesong took the opportunity to slip away from the left side of the pine tree trunk.

Yuesong ran nearly 400 meters in one breath. From time to time, the sound of bullets hitting tree trunks and branches could be heard behind him. Judging from the sound of chasing footsteps and the sound of rifle shots, the Japanese had already surrounded him.

Yuesong squatted behind a big rock, panting heavily, but Yuesong did not dare to rest for a long time. After gasping for a few breaths, he hurriedly ran forward, running for more than a hundred meters.

Finally I saw the cliff in front of me.

At this time, the Japanese who were chasing at the front were only 70 or 80 meters away from Yuesong. Yuesong ran to the edge of the cliff, hid behind a large flower tree with many branches, and quickly loaded five bullets into the rifle.

After loading the bullet, Yuesong looked up and saw that the Japs chasing him at the front were only sixty or seventy meters away from him. There were three groups of Japs to the west, two groups of Japs to the northwest and southwest, and there were still some Japs eighty to ninety meters away.

Approaching. But Yuesong was not worried. While the Japanese were still searching for traces of him, Yuesong took a good rest for an hour, adjusted his breathing, calmed down, and then raised his gun to aim at the one walking in the front.

The devil, he was still mumbling in his heart: "Damn you Xipi, what are you doing running around so fast? If you want to die early and be reincarnated early, I will make it happen for you!" After he finished mumbling, he held his breath and pulled the trigger at three o'clock and one line, "

With a gunshot, the Japanese who was rushing to be reincarnated was shot in the heart, and he got his wish.

As soon as the other Japanese soldiers heard the gunshots, they all fell to the ground, and then countless bullets were fired at Yuesong, and there was also the sound of crooked machine guns, which pitied the fragrant osmanthus.

The tree fell, and in a blink of an eye, a large piece of the branches and leaves of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree were knocked down, and they all fell on Yuesong. Lying on the slope, Yuesong picked up a hanging flower leaf, put it to his nose and smelled it.

It smells so good. I thought to myself, these Japanese pigs don’t need money for bullets. If you don’t need money, don’t take it out on the osmanthus trees in Dabie Mountain. Pigs are pigs, and Japanese pigs can’t change into Chinese mules. Haha, they just turned into Chinese mules.

He's also a bastard, haha, Yuesong couldn't help but laugh when he thought about it.

The Japanese fired for more than a minute. When they saw that the osmanthus branches were almost beaten and no one fired back, they stopped shooting. The leader, Major Kameda, shouted to Yuesong in broken Chinese: "Hey, Chinese people.

, you have no way out, you can't run away, come out and surrender, the imperial army will give preferential treatment to the prisoners."

Tsukimatsu was furious as he listened to Kameda's poor Chinese. He couldn't help shouting in fluent Japanese: "Grandma is such a bear. She can't even speak Chinese clearly. She just wants to come to China."

Sa Ye, let me teach you how to speak Japanese." After saying that, he stood up with the gun and was about to shoot at the leading Japanese soldier. "Click, click, click" a shuttle of bullets was fired at Yuesong. Fortunately, Yuesong dodge quickly.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. Seeing that he could no longer take advantage, Yuesong hid behind the slope and shouted: "Listen up, bow-legged friends, grandpa won't play with you anymore, but remember, I will come back and kill your bow-legged

Straight up, hahaha." Yuesong laughed three times after saying this, jumped off the cliff, and fell into the talc-filled lake with a "plop".

This chapter has been completed!
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