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Thirty-seven, tit for 9

Yuesong quickly climbed to the fourth pine tree. At the root of the pine tree, a hidden cave entrance appeared in front of Yuesong. In fact, Yuesong had never entered this hole. After all, he had never entered this hole before.

In the years since he was born and grown up, there has never been a crisis that caused Luo Xi to need to use this emergency passage. Yuesong broke off a pine branch, made a torch, lit the torch, and got into the hole to take a look.

It's not big, and can only accommodate one person to pass through. It seems that it takes a while to reach the other end of the cave.

Yuesong returned and tied one end of the rope to the main trunk of the pine tree. Then he called Xiaoyong below and asked him to climb up. Xiaoyong climbed up after hearing the captain's words, and the brothers also followed suit one by one.

They climbed up one after another. Yuesong took the torch and took the lead. After walking through the cave for five or six minutes, the cave became slightly wider, but it could only accommodate two people passing through at the same time. Everyone was in the cave.

After walking for another ten minutes, I finally saw the light at the entrance of the cave. However, the entrance of the cave was sealed by a solid iron fence. If you wanted to get out of the cave, you had to open the iron fence. Yuesong knew that Uncle San's family lived above the entrance of the cave, and they

The special task of generations of family members is to guard the entrance of this life passage.

Yuesong stood under the entrance of the cave, raising his head, and was about to call his third uncle when he heard two rifles sticking out from the gap in the iron fence above. The black muzzles were pointed at Yuesong, and a voice was pointed at Yuesong below the cave.

Song and the others shouted: "Who is it? Put your hands up and put them down."

When Yuesong heard the voice, it seemed to be the third uncle's voice, and he quickly replied loudly: "Third uncle, is it the third uncle? It's me, Yuesong."

"Yuesong? Really Yuesong? Then tell me, how many sons does the third uncle have?" the voice asked.

"There are four, the eldest, Brother Long, the second, Brother Teng, the third, Brother Hu, and the fourth, Yueyue. I'm right." Yuesong knows the third uncle's family very well, and the second, Luo Feiteng, is the same as Yue.

We have been close friends since childhood.

"Yuesong, it's really you. You haven't been home for so long, why are you thinking of coming back?" Another voice said happily.

"It must be Brother Teng. I'm back. Open the fence quickly. I'm starving to death." Yuesong said.

"Okay, I'll open it now!" The two rifles were retracted. Brother Teng stretched out his thick and powerful arms and grasped the iron bars of the iron fence with both hands. With a strong force, Brother Teng grabbed the iron fence and "dang" it.

He threw it aside with a sound. Immediately afterwards, Brother Teng put down a thick rope, and Yuesong grabbed the rope and climbed up.

As soon as Yuesong came up, Brother Teng hugged Yuesong and said, "Yuesong, Yuesong, they said you were dead, but you are finally back."

Yuesong hugged Brother Teng tightly and said, "I'm back, I'm back." Yuesong was so excited as he said that, two lines of hot tears ran down his cheeks. After all, home is always the place he cares about the most.

; Home is the harbor that I miss most forever.

"Song'er, for you, your old mother almost cried her eyes out, and for you, we in Luoxi were bombed to pieces by the Japanese. Hey, it will be good if you come back, it will be good if you come back.

"The third uncle said to Yuesong.

Yuesong let go of Brother Teng, stood in front of Third Uncle, called out: "Uncle Third", then took Third Uncle's hand and said, "I saw it, I saw it from a long way away, the devil's devil, dare to explode

No one was hurt in my home, right?"

The third uncle squatted on the ground, took out his dry cigarette and took a few puffs, and said: "How can we not hurt people? The seventh uncle's family was the worst, three were injured, two were killed, the house was destroyed by the bombing, it's terrible, we

Luo Xi, when did such a tragic thing happen?"

When Yuesong heard this, he threw away his hand and gave himself a slap in the face, scolding himself: "I am not a human being, it was all me who caused the harm."

When Brother Teng saw Yuesong beating him and scolding him, he quickly grabbed Yuesong's hand and said, "Yuesong, how can you say that? If your grandpa hadn't stopped him, we Luoxi's second-stringers would have gone out to fight.

The Japs are gone. You are a little Japs who are good enough to cause harm to people everywhere. Why shouldn’t you fight them? I heard that you are a hero who fights Japs. You have made face for our Luo Xi, why is it all your fault?"

Yuesong shook off Brother Teng's hand and said, "If I don't beat the Japs, the Japs won't come to beat Luo Xi. They are taking revenge, and it's not just because I hurt them."

"Uh-huh," the third uncle snorted and said, "Song'er, the devils deserve to be beaten. Don't take the burden on yourself. Just come back and come back. Come with us and teach those donkeys a lesson. Look,

Does he still dare to go wild in our Luoxi River?"

Yuesong was about to say something when he suddenly heard Lei Hang shouting from below: "Captain, captain!" Yuesong then remembered that he still had seven brothers in the cave. Yuesong grabbed the rope and was about to lower it down.

The third uncle suddenly asked: "Song'er, is there anyone else down there? Who is it? Don't bring anyone else into this cave. This cave has been used by Luoxi people for generations."

"Third uncle, don't worry. They are all good brothers who have fought with me through life and death. Brothers who have died, don't worry." Yuesong explained hurriedly.

"Oh, that's good, Teng'er, why don't you help lower the rope." Third Uncle said. Upon hearing this, Brother Teng helped Yuesong lower the rope and pulled Lei Hang and the others up.

Yuesong introduced his good brothers to his third uncle and brother Teng one by one. The third uncle said: "Well done, look, they are all lively and energetic second-hand men. Come on, Teng'er, you are here."

Watch, you guys follow me to see the clan leader."

As soon as Yuesong heard his third uncle mentioning his grandfather, he hurriedly pulled him and asked: "Third uncle, how is my grandpa? Where is my dad, and where is my mom? Are they all okay?"

"Haha, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, come with me. Your grandfather and your father are both in the ancestral hall. Come on, let's go right away."

Yuesong waved to the brothers beside him and said, "Let's go!" The brothers all followed Yuesong to the Luo family ancestral hall.

On the way to the ancestral hall, when many villagers in Luoxi saw Yuesong, they hurriedly stepped forward and took Yuesong's hand. The old ones called Song'er, and the young ones called Si Ge Si Di. It was obvious that Yuesong was

The family has a high status in Luoxi, and Yuesong is also a hero of the Luoxi people. After all, Luo Xi was built by Luo Qingyuan, the general in the late Ming Dynasty, together with his tribe and beloved generals. Yuesong can

He went to the military academy because Yuesong was the most outstanding young man in martial arts in the village. What's more, Yuesong's heroic deeds in fighting Japanese invaders have long been spread in Luoxi. Luoxi people have loved heroes, cherished them, and respected them for generations.

, Yuesong gave Luo Xi a face. Although Luo Xi was targeted by the Japanese because of this, Luo Xi not only did not blame Yuesong, but was proud of Yuesong. Luo Xi is a small member of the Chinese nation.

The epitome of Luoxi, the people of Luoxi have been twisted together since ancient times. Luoxi has no shortage of food, no shortage of workshops, and no shortage of strong-willed men.

This chapter has been completed!
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