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Forty-three, tit for 15

Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa, who was awakened by the sound of gunfire, hurriedly got up from the cot, rushed out of the tent with a sword in hand, and asked in a whisper where to shoot. Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa, who was stunned by the series of explosions, woke up as if from a dream, and hurriedly rode on

The war horses led dozens of Japanese soldiers to rush onto Xingqiao, towards the blazing artillery position.

Seeing that all the mountain cannons had been blown up, Yuesong hurriedly ordered his brothers: "Retreat!" As soon as the brothers heard the order, they immediately fired and retreated to the west along the field ridge.

Meichuan led his men across Xingqiao and rushed to the artillery position. He saw that the artillery squad leader was still lying on the ground with his soldiers in shock. When Meichuan saw that he was on fire, he shouted loudly: "Baga, get up and pursue us!"


The artillery squad leader got up from the ground, and the other Japanese soldiers also got up from the ground, holding rifles, and rushed towards the wheat field.

By the time the artillery squad leader and his men chased him into the wheat field, Yuesong had already run more than a hundred meters with his brothers. The artillery squad leader took his poor **** and "bang bang" pretended to be toward him.

Several shots were fired randomly toward the west, and the Japanese soldiers around him were also standing and half-crouching, firing toward the west.

As the saying goes, one wave after another rises again. Meichuan was still observing the mountain cannons one by one. He screamed angrily again and again, but he heard the sound of killing by the Black Dragon Pond to the west. Meichuan was confused.

Like a mouse that got into the bellows, it bumped into the other end, and then the other end, and before this end was settled, there was smoke again at the other end. Meichuan let out a ghostly cry of "Ah--", got on his horse, and

He then rushed up to Xingqiao with the Japanese around him and rushed back to the command post.

When the Japs by the Black Dragon Pond were awakened by gunshots, the Japs Squadron Leader commanded his Japs to stand up and pick up their guns. When the explosions near Xingqiao Bridge came one after another, the Japs Squadron Leader and his men

The Japanese were all standing by the Black Dragon Pond, staring into the distance with their mouths open, confused as to whether to go to support or wait where they were.

It was at this time that Luo Chenghai waved his hand, and each of Luo Xi's two-pole men with special skills pulled out the Luo Xi long sword that shone in the moonlight from their backs, and quietly walked out of the apricot forest, like

A group of ferocious tigers rushed towards a group of vicious wolves.

A Japanese soldier who was looking at the firelight by the river in the distance suddenly heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw a group of people running towards us quickly under the moonlight. He shouted and hurriedly raised the rifle in his hand, "Bang!"

A shot was fired at the rushing crowd.

Seeing that the Japs had discovered it, Luo Chenghai hurriedly shouted: "Throw the grenades!" The two men running behind threw seven or eight grenades at the Japs by the fire with a "boom".

There were several explosions, and thick black smoke quickly rose.

When the Japanese squadron leader realized that he had also been attacked and ordered his soldiers to shoot at the incoming people, the smoke from the grenades had already made the soldiers invisible. But before the smoke dissipated, a group of hand-held soldiers suddenly rushed out of the smoke.

The man with the sword.

Luo Chenghai led Luo Xi's two men. The Luo Xi swords in each hand were like bloodthirsty silver snakes. The silver snakes spat out silver letters and ran straight towards the necks of the Japanese. When the Japanese saw that the enemy was already in front of them,

They were busy holding their rifles and facing the battle with their bayonets. However, all of Luo Xi's second poles had practiced martial arts since childhood, and the Luo family's silver snake sword was a handy weapon that Luo Xi's second poles played with every day.

A Japanese who has mastered a few bayonet skills is no match for Luo Xi's men.

Look, Luo Chenghai rushed to the front. Chenghai jumped up high from the slope and kicked a Japs with his left and right legs so that they flew far away. Chenghai couldn't even look at the two Japs.

He was kicked to the ground and couldn't find Bei Le. The long sword in his hand was like a dragon emerging from the sky, "swish, swish, swish" three swords in a row. The Japanese in front of him had his bayonet pointed out. His eyes were dizzy and he hadn't done anything yet.

Knowing exactly which part of his body the sword was going to stab, he suddenly felt something warm on the left side of his neck. He stretched out his hand and touched it. It was nothing else, but blood, his own blood. The devil wanted to scream, but he couldn't scream in his throat.

When he made a sound, the devil wanted to run, but his legs no longer obeyed him. The devil only felt that his legs were a little weak, and then he fell to the ground involuntarily with a "pop".

Two Japs saw blood on the blade of Chenghai's sword, so they looked at each other. They held their bayonets together, yelled "Yeah, yeah, yeah", kicked up their four bowed legs, and stabbed Chenghai in the chest.

Chenghai smiled slightly, flicked his wrist from left to right, and flicked the long sword in the air twice. Just when the Japanese's two bayonets were about to stab Chenghai's chest, Chenghai suddenly leaned back sharply with his upper body and knees.

Bend the ground and slide forward with both legs on the ground. Chenghai's body is almost close to the ground as he leans back. At the moment Chenghai slides between the two, the long sword in Chenghai's hand follows Chenghai's wrist.

The shaking caused two long bloody cuts on the thighs of the two Japanese soldiers.

The two Japs rushed forward and stabbed. Before they could restrain themselves, they suddenly felt a little pain on the outside of their thighs. So they looked down and saw that their military trousers had a tear, and blood began to seep out from the tear in the military trousers. The two Japs

Knowing that he was facing a master, he didn't dare to care about his own wounds. He quickly turned around and prepared to raise his bayonet to meet the enemy again. Haha, just as it happened, this was what Chenghai expected, just as the two Japanese soldiers turned around

At that time, Chenghai had already twisted his legs, pushed hard on the ground, and turned his body 360 degrees in the air. His long sword faced the turned heads of the two Japanese devils. With two swords, only two were visible.

Blood splattered on the necks and throats of the Japs, and the rifles in the hands of the two Japs fell to the ground. The bodies of the two Japs stood stiffly for a while, and then they fell down with two "booms".

on the ground.

Look, Brother Takako, who is just in his early twenties, Brother Dezi, who is full of energy and full of hatred, Brother Feihu, who walks like flying and jumps as fast as walking, these young and strong second-hand men of Luoxi, are in full swing at this time.

The veins all over his body were bulging, his eyes were wide open, his muscles were swollen, his blood was boiling, and his face was filled with murderous intent.

Takako is strong and agile, and it is not as troublesome for this guy to kill the Japanese as Chenghai. Takako dodges and moves among the Japanese, as fast as lightning, and the long sword in his hand disappears among the Japanese. With a "swish" sound, a Japanese left arm

A cut was made by Takako's long sword, and with a "swish" sound, another Japs left a scar on his calf. With a "swish" sound, blood spattered on the neck of another Japs, and with a "swish" sound,

Another Japanese soldier's belly burst open, and his intestines could not be contained and flowed out. Takako wandered around the crowd of Japanese soldiers for a while, and his long sword wandered around the crowd of Japanese soldiers for a while. Four or five Japanese soldiers were already injured.

Well, two or three Japanese were killed.

This was just cheap. Dezi was full of hatred. Dezi followed Takako, checking for leaks one after another. The devil whose intestines were leaking looked at his own intestines and screamed. Dezi stepped forward and said, "Ugh!"

"With the sword, the Japs stiffened and fell to the ground. The Japs' arms, which had a cut on their arms, were trembling. Tokuzi took the opportunity to fly up and kicked with both feet. The Japs fell to the ground, and Tokuko fell down.

He picked up the long sword, pressed it on the neck of the devil, pulled it to the right, and blood spurted out. The devil kicked his feet twice and whined. The devil with scars on his legs was limping and bow-legged, and he was running away.

Unhappy, now he was jumping like a fat-bellied frog. Dezi ran a few steps and caught up with the Japanese. Dezi held the long sword and drew it from the upper right to the lower left. The long sword shone in the moonlight.

There was a ray of light, and the Japanese soldier saw the light flashing by, leaving a long bloody gash on his face from his left eye to the right corner of his mouth. The Japanese soldier screamed, dropped his rifle, and covered his face with both hands.

Weeping bitterly, still howling like a ghost, Dezi didn't bother to care what the guy was shouting, and then stabbed the devil's heart with a long sword. The devil lowered his head and wanted to fall on Dezi. Dezi raised his head in disgust.

He kicked the devil to the ground.

Feihu doesn't like to use a sword. Although sword training is a compulsory course for every martial arts boy in Luoxi, Feihu's swordsmanship has reached a certain level, but Feihu prefers to use a spear, and Feihu's arms are thick and powerful, and his body

He is well-proportioned and well-proportioned, and the muscles on his body are all lined up after practicing martial arts for many years. Look at the flying tiger, an iron spear, dancing like the wind in his hand. The flying tiger makes a big "ah" sound

He shouted, holding the middle part of the spear tightly with both hands. The spear flashed in front of Feihu and behind him. The Japanese in front of him was holding a bayonet. He didn't know what Feihu was doing, but suddenly he saw the tip of the spear appearing on his chest.

, the Japs took a step back, but the tip of the spear was already inserted into his chest. The Japs lowered his head and saw that the tip of the spear had been pulled out again, and blood was pouring out from his heart. The Japs wanted to block it with his hands, but his body was no longer aware of it.

Unconsciously, he fell to the ground. Three Japanese soldiers came up together. The three Japanese soldiers raised their bayonets and attacked the spearman from three directions. Feihu didn't intend to defend at all, so he ran a few steps quickly and concentrated on facing the front.

The Japs attacked. Feihu touched the ground with the end of his spear, and with the support of the gun handle, he jumped up high and kicked the Japs on the head with one leg. Just as the Japs was kicked out, Feihu's body was

He flipped back in the air and transferred the spear from the ground to his hand. When Feihu was about to land from the air, the tip of the spear in his hand had already come down first. Feihu shouted, "Kill!" The spear pierced the person who was originally behind him.

The Japs, that Japs couldn't dodge, and the tip of the spear went straight into the Japs' eyes with a "pop" sound. The Japs fell to the ground without hesitation. Feihu fell from the air and stepped on the man who had just been hit by him with one leg.

He pulled out his long spear from the body of the Japanese who was stabbed to death, and at the same time, he stabbed back with the end of the gun handle. The other Japanese was stabbing Feihu. Who knew that Feihu seemed to have rear eyes, and he didn't wait for the other Japanese?

The bayonet was close to Feihu's body, and the handle of the spear was firmly stabbed into the Japanese's belly. The Japanese took a few steps back, clutching his stomach and screaming "Wow!" Feihu turned around fiercely and stood with his legs straight.

With a horse step, the spear swept across, and the tip of the spear passed through the neck of the Japs who was holding his stomach. Blood flowed from the Japs' neck. Poor Japs, the pain down there hadn't stopped yet, and blood splattered all over the top, and he fell to the ground.

On the ground, all the pain ended without saying a word. The Japanese who was kicked aside by Feihu was still unconvinced, and another person rushed from behind Feihu with a bayonet. Feihu looked sideways and saw that the Japanese was already approaching.

, suddenly raised the spear high, leaned back, and fell to the ground. The spear took advantage of the situation and stabbed upward. Just when the Japs bayonet was about to approach Fei Hu's body, the tip of Fei Hu's spear reached the Japs' throat first.

The throat was pierced by the tip of the spear. As soon as the Japs let go, the rifle and bayonet fell on Feihu's body lying on the ground. Feihu immediately rolled to the right, and the Japs' rifle bayonet stuck to the ground with a "plop".

This chapter has been completed!
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