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Four, tit for tat 26

Yuesong looked serious and full of confidence, as if a division commander was commanding his thousands of troops. He pointed at the map and said to the commanders and fighters of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army present: "We can fight this battle well, as long as the commanders and fighters grasp the

Okay, a few key points. Let me first tell you about the specific situation we detected.

"Luoxi is my home, and the surrounding terrain of my home is in my mind. After I led a team to personally conduct reconnaissance, and Captain Hu led a team to conduct reconnaissance of the Japanese army's deployment, the situation is as follows.

Ambushing in the east is the Cunxia Brigade. The brigade is headquartered at Guanyin Rock. Guanyin Rock is located to the east and north of Luoxi, five kilometers away from Luoxi. The Second Squadron is halfway up the hillside of Guanyin Rock, only four kilometers away from Luoxi.

Look like this. The first squadron is in Maozhuwan, located due northeast of Luoxi, 13 kilometers away. The third squadron is in Laosongpo, located due east of Luoxi, nine kilometers away from Luoxi. The three squadrons under the village are in an arc.

They were arranged tightly around Luoxi to form a semi-arc, with a distance of about ten kilometers from each other. Once a fight broke out, reinforcements could be provided in time.

Ambushing in the west is the Ono Brigade. The brigade is headquartered in Dujuan Ridge, which is directly west of Luoxi and ten kilometers away from Luoxi. The Third Squadron is on the hillside of Dujuan Ridge. The First and Second Squadrons of the Ono Brigade are arranged in parallel.

, the first squadron is in Laohugou, located due north of Luoxi, 20 kilometers away from Luoxi. The second squadron is ambushed in Mantou Mountain, located in the northwest corner of Luoxi, nearly 30 kilometers away from Luoxi. The first squadron and the second squadron are both in front.

, the two crab claws, like a crab, basically form a triangle with the group headquarters and the third squadron next to the group headquarters, but this triangle is not pointed outward, but has two crab claws stretched out, ready to be bitten by the two squadrons.

, the Third Squadron immediately provided support.

In addition, the distance between Ono's No. 1 Squadron and Murashita's No. 1 Squadron is fifteen kilometers, and the two can also echo each other. As for the Meichuan Battalion, it was clearly placed outside the south gate of Luoxi and lost a squadron.

, there are still two squadrons and the brigade headquarters. The mountain artillery was blown up by me, and the cavalry squad was almost wiped out by a few of our snipers. The three Japanese brigade currently have no heavy artillery, but there are a lot of small steel cannons. Every day

All squadrons have them. There are not many heavy machine guns, only one for each squadron. The Japanese also want to go into battle lightly, so they mainly use rifles and light machine guns. A special reminder, which cannot be ignored, is that the Japanese have equipped each brigade this time.

A cavalry squad, don't underestimate a cavalry squad of more than 20 people. In mountain combat, a cavalry squad can easily kill a company." Yuesong breathed a sigh of relief and explained the deployment of the Japanese army in much more detail than the chief of staff, division commander.

The political commissars all listened attentively, and the leaders and political commissars of the main force groups also listened attentively.

After Yuesong finished talking about the deployment of Japanese troops, he took out a cigarette from his body, lit it, and continued waving his baton: "Now let's talk about how to fight. It should be said that the Japanese devils are very careful in deploying their troops.

It's very unique, and the opening we can take advantage of is also very small. But what the Japanese devils don't know is that they brought their troops to my door. The terrain at my door is very familiar to me, and the people at my door are

The position of the enemy cannot be clearer. We can now know the distribution of the Japanese troops very accurately. No matter how good the dog is, when the dog arrives at the door, we will definitely find a way to beat the dog and kill the Japanese dog."

Yuesong felt that his emotions were a little excited, so he stopped for a while, took two puffs of cigarette, and continued:

"To fight this battle successfully, I think there are several keys. One is to make full use of the gaps in the deployment of the Japanese army, divide and encircle them, and devour them point by point. This is also the general combat guideline. The second is to take advantage of our army's ability to fight at night.

Enter the position secretly, and launch a sudden siege in the early morning. The third is to be quick and precise, and let go if the gun is not fired. Once the gun is fired, the battle must be ended within an hour or so, and the battlefield must be quickly withdrawn without entanglement.

Focus on eliminating the effective forces of the Japanese and hit and run. Fourth, the division of labor is clear. The combat tasks of each unit must be clearly defined down to the regiment, battalion, company, and even the squad. Our army is a well-disciplined army. I believe that every unit must have a clear division of labor.

All units can complete their tasks in strict accordance with the instructions of the division headquarters. Fifth, we must give full play to the role of the special operations team. Every member of our special operations team has participated in the reconnaissance mission, and is familiar with the terrain and the distribution of the Japanese troops.

, are very familiar with each other, but this time, the special operations teams are not fighting together, but are assigned to their respective units to fight together." Yuesong said, and his heart slowly calmed down. Yuesong raised his hand and even

After taking a few puffs, he threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out with his foot, looked at the division commander, and said, "Division Commander, can I tell you the specific combat missions of each unit?"

"Speak, you said it very well, say it boldly!" the teacher said very sincerely.

Yuematsu was no longer polite. He stood in front of the map and began to assign combat tasks to each unit: "This time we challenge three Japanese brigades with one division. The Murakata brigades are relatively conservative and adopt a semi-arc formation.

The depth of hitting him is relatively large, so we ignore it and just cut him off from the communication with the Murakami Brigade. This task will be completed by the New Regiment. The New Regiment must quickly occupy Maozhu when other troops are intersecting and surrounding the Ono Brigade.

A line of defense was built on the high ground between the Bay and Laohugou to prevent the village brigade from approaching Laohugou.

"The Ono Brigade placed two crab claws in front. The attack was obvious and arrogant. Damn, you are arrogant, I will kill you first. One regiment quickly surrounded the Ono Second Squadron in Mantou Mountain under the cover of night, and the second regiment surrounded Laohugou.

Ono's No. 1 Squadron and the special agent battalion raided Ono's brigade headquarters while preventing reinforcements from Ono's No. 3 Squadron. The First Regiment and the Second Regiment must use absolute strength superiority to completely annihilate the two Japanese squadrons within an hour.

Supplemented by the brigade headquarters, the main task is to block the connection between them.

"The third regiment must set off first, run a long distance, pass by the Ono brigade, penetrate directly to the south of Luoxi, and hide behind the Meichuan brigade. I will lead the other members of the special team to sneak back to Luoxi.

To stop the young people from Luoxi, at the same time as the battle between the first and second regiments started, Luoxi suddenly broke out and took the initiative to take the initiative, giving full play to the characteristics of the young people from Luoxi who have practiced martial arts for generations and are good at swords, guns, swords and halberds, and started a fight with the Meichuan Brigade.

Fighting at close range, at this time, the third regiment pounced from behind the Meichuan Battalion. They no longer needed guns, but bayonets. I wanted to use Chinese swords to kill all the Meichuan Battalion, and let the blood of Japanese dogs splatter.

, the dog’s head fell to the ground.

"Of course, the headquarters and the third squadron of the Murakata Brigade are still very close to the south of Luoxi. Although the attacks of the remaining two squadrons of our team Meichuan are mainly bayonets, the movement is still not small. In order to prevent Murakata from

For the support of the brigade, when we fight Meichuan Yi, the third regiment will immediately send a battalion to the southeast corner of Luoxi to rely on the cover of the pine forest to prevent the reinforcement of the village brigade. At that time, I will arrange for my second brother to lead Luoxi

The archery team is here to help you.

"The members of the special operations team, six snipers, I returned to Luoxi, three were assigned to the first regiment, mainly responsible for killing the Japs' machine gunners, and the other two stayed in the second regiment. The other three were assigned to the first regiment, second regiment, third regiment and

Each battalion of the New First Regiment is assigned a special force member, and one special force member is assigned to the special agent battalion. The main task is to lead the way. Captain Hu follows the actions of the New Regiment and must not let the village brigade go too far.

"Regarding the issue of attack time. After tonight's meeting, each unit quickly prepared and must start operations before 12 o'clock tonight. They must use the cover of night to secretly rush to the assembly point and do a good job of covert work. Especially the third regiment.

, because the distance is farther, it is necessary to act in advance. After dawn tomorrow, each unit will be hidden on the spot and must not be exposed. You must know that the Japanese aircraft reconnaissance is never interrupted, not to mention that the Japanese have deployed so many troops in the Luoxi area.

Wait until 12 o'clock tomorrow night, and the troops will begin to intersperse quickly. They must be in place before 1 a.m., and the battle will start at the same time at 1 a.m. Before 2 a.m., no matter what the attack situation is, the troops must cover each other and withdraw quickly.

We went out to fight and withdrew to the base overnight. During the overall retreat, the main task of the third regiment and the new regiment was to cover the retreat. Division commander, political commissar, I have finished my speech." After Yuesong finished speaking, he addressed the division commander, political commissar and the comrades present.

They saluted, put down their batons, walked to their seats and sat down.

Before the division commander and political commissar could speak, Commander Song spoke first: "Captain Luo, you said it very well, but you are not making a speech, you are just arranging combat tasks. Division commander and political commissar, you said so."

No?" Captain Song's words were actually for Yuesong's benefit, and Yuesong did go a bit too far. After all, he was young and energetic, and he didn't take into account that any officer present here had a higher position than himself.

However, in the New Fourth Army, in the Fifth Division led by the division commander and political commissar, when discussing operations, everyone is equal and has the right to express his or her own opinion.

"Comrade Luo Yuesong said it very well. It can be seen that Comrade Luo Yuesong is not only very familiar with the local terrain, but also has very accurate reconnaissance of the distribution of Japanese troops. He has also thought deeply and carefully, adopted reasonable tactics, and given full play to our capabilities.

We have taken into account the combat traditions and combat advantages of our army, and even the specific combat characteristics of each unit of our army, and even the specific combat characteristics of individuals. I think this battle can be fought in accordance with Luo Yuesong's opinions." The chief of staff first commented on Yuesong's opinions.

"Yes, Comrade Luo Yuesong has made obvious progress. I think if this battle is fought as planned, Comrade Luo Yuesong's application for party membership can be approved. How about it, Political Commissar He?" the division political commissar looked at Political Commissar He and said.

"Haha, that's a good thing, easy to say." Political Commissar He agreed hurriedly.

At this time, the division commander suddenly stood up, waved his hand and said: "I see, Captain Luo's opinions are clear and concrete, and extremely feasible. The battle situation is urgent. I won't say more. This battle will be carried out on a monthly basis."

Opinion, please remember the five key points mentioned by Comrade Yuesong, go back immediately to assign tasks and carry out actions."

"Yes!" All the commanders and fighters of each army stood up and replied loudly. The mighty division that has always been so majestic and high-spirited is about to go into battle.
This chapter has been completed!
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