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Ten, tit for 32

The third brother lowered his hand, lowering it, signaling the soldiers to hide, hide. Behind him, Commander Gu of the special agent battalion was also gesturing to the soldiers. At the same time, he opened the bolt of Thomson's gun in his hand and stared at the approaching approaching soldiers.


This is no ordinary group of Japanese soldiers. Although there are not many in number, they all wear disguises, move quickly, and closely cover each other. It can be seen that they are probably scouts from the Ono Brigade. Although the leader is just a sergeant, he has a serious look on his face.

, alert and flexible, and at first glance he looks like a veteran who has experienced many battles.

Battalion Commander Gu observed the Japs' actions while thinking about ways to deal with the Japs.

Under the leadership of the sergeant, more than a dozen Japanese soldiers used the cover of trees and grass to dodge and scout forward. There was a Japanese soldier on each side of the sergeant, sometimes trotting, sometimes crouching, sometimes raising a gun to observe, sometimes standing sideways.

Behind the tree. The distance between the Japs in the middle is reasonable, and they respond to each other. Once there is an enemy situation, they can quickly support each other and ensure that the enemies who are not ambushed will be killed in one fell swoop. There are three Japs in the back, each from three different

direction, always keeping an eye on the team's flanks and behind.

Battalion Commander Gu, who had led the special agent battalion for many years, was also in a dilemma. With the troops in his hands, it would be easy to surround and eat a small team, but his position would be exposed, which would directly affect the entire division's combat plan. If he waits,

As the Japanese approached, they directly used bayonets to kill the Japanese squad. However, judging from the personnel distribution and combat quality of the Japanese squad, it was completely impossible to kill more than a dozen Japanese at the same time without letting the Japanese fire their guns.

The Japanese sergeant led the reconnaissance team, disappearing and reappearing, getting closer and closer.

Battalion Commander Gu stared intently at the Japs squad, his eyebrows furrowed, his face solemn, and he was helpless.

After a good sleep, Meichuan got up early. After getting dressed, Meichuan hung up his sword and walked out of the tent. Meichuan stood under a tree in front of the tent, raised his hands, stretched his waist leisurely, and looked up to see the branches.

A sparrow with its little head dripping with water suddenly felt that this quiet mountain forest and pleasant morning were quite pleasant. The war seemed to disappear in last night's dream, and the river flowed peacefully in front of me. I originally planned to give orders when I got up.

The mortar team shelled Luoxi, and Meichuan, who continued to put pressure on the Luoxi people and the New Fourth Army, decided to delay the shelling in order not to break the rare tranquility.

After washing up, the orderly had set up a small table under the tree outside the camp and served breakfast. Umekawa walked to the small table, sat down, lowered his head and smelled the sushi on the plate, and suddenly felt like he was getting the taste of Hokkaido.

"Hmm - Hokkaido sushi, move the Hokkaido sushi to the river in China to eat, haha, it's more delicious, well, it's more delicious." Meichuan said to himself. In fact, the arrogant Meichuan didn't know that this

This was the last time Umekawa ate sushi in his life; Umekawa didn't even know that eating sushi in Hokkaido was tantamount to peace and tranquility, while eating it by the river in Luoxi was tantamount to self-destruction.

When Yuejiang and Luo Xi's two men were on the city wall, paying close attention to the movements of the Japanese on the riverside, Yuesong was dreaming of Dan Feng's sweet smile;

Ba Dazui, in his deep sleep, was munching on the captain's large plate of white striped chicken; Lei Hang was also sleeping soundly, Minghe was holding a big knife in his arms, Xizi was sleeping peacefully, and Dezi half-opened his eyes as usual.

At the Fifth Division headquarters a hundred miles away, the division commander stayed up all night, standing by the map, studying and waiting.

Captain Song and his regiment lurked in the mountains and forests, waiting until dawn, and then continued to wait for darkness. Captain Huang, who was always so calm, did not stay at the regiment command post, but ambushed on the forefront of the hillside with a battalion commander.


"Buzzing" came the sound of airplanes in the sky. Biaozi raised his head alertly. Commander Lu of the new regiment immediately tensed up his nerves. Through the cracks in the trees, Biaozi clearly saw an airplane with the sun printed on it.

A flag-carrying Japanese aircraft is flying low over the trees.

"Hide!" Commander Lu ordered in a low voice.

You cunning little devil, must you have smelled something? Why did you send a plane to conduct reconnaissance this early in the morning? Biaozi was murmuring in his heart.

The enemy plane circled over the woods several times, not knowing whether it found anything or not, and then flew away with a "buzz".

Yuesong's mother got up very early. Last night, her son told him that he was going to make a big table of delicious food for his brothers. Well, these children, who live in and out of the mountains, are suffering. Yuesong's mother is not only distressed.

My third son also feels sorry for these hard-working children. Yuesong’s eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law have also gotten up and are helping her mother-in-law kill chickens and geese. Several women in the Luo family are very busy early in the morning

, I am so busy that I am so busy that I am filled with joy.

The Japs' reconnaissance team was getting closer and closer. The leading sergeant suddenly raised his right hand. All the Japs crouched down, their little eyes rolling around.

Damn it, have the Japanese discovered the spy camp? Battalion Commander Gu stared at the Japanese reconnaissance team and the Japanese sergeant who had a keen sense and was difficult to deal with.

The third brother could tell from the nervous look on Commander Gu's face that he was worried. The third brother, who was used to fighting in the mountains, suddenly came up with a plan. The third brother's body clung to the ground and slowly moved back.

Move. The third brother glanced at Camp Commander Gu, who climbed down the hillside with the third brother.

The third brother carefully took off his military uniform. Battalion Commander Gu was surprised that what he was wearing under the uniform was not the white coat issued by the army, but the black homespun coat commonly worn by ordinary people. The third brother smiled at Battalion Commander Gu and winked.

The strange eyes not only failed to solve the mystery in Commander Gu's mind, but actually made him even more confused.

The third brother put the military uniform he took off into the hands of the battalion commander Gu, and said softly to the commander: "You and your people continue to ambush here. I," the third brother pointed to the black homespun coat on his body, "Common people, go and lure the people."

Open the Japs’ reconnaissance team.”

"This..." Before Commander Gu could say anything, the third brother reached out to cover Commander Gu's mouth, shook his head at Commander Gu, turned around, held two handfuls of twenty ring, and slinked away.

Battalion Commander Gu put the third brother's uniform into the hands of the orderly, then climbed gently to the hillside and continued to observe the Japanese reconnaissance team.

Suddenly, just to the left of the Japs reconnaissance team, a black shadow flashed through the trees. Sure enough, the keen Japs Sergeant immediately stretched out his hand in the direction of the black shadow, and the two Japs beside the sergeant quickly moved towards the black shadow.

Shadow chased after him. The sergeant immediately followed him with his team.

The third brother turned around and saw that the Japs were already following him. He was not busy shooting, but deliberately jumped between the tree trunks to attract the Japs' attention.

The Japs were catching up, and the third brother thought it was almost time to escape, so he ran away. The Japs sergeant waved his hands to the left and right, and the Japs divided into three teams and outflanked the third brother.

This chapter has been completed!
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