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Twenty-one, tit for 43

Although all Luoxi people were brave and good at fighting, there were only less than a hundred people who rushed into the enemy pile. After ten minutes, they were surrounded by hundreds of enemy soldiers. Almost all the second-guessers of the spear team dismounted.

At this moment, there was no room for the war horses to attack, and naturally there was no advantage from being superior. By this time, six or seven Luo Xi Erzhi, who were wielding spears, had died heroically.

The brothers of the Long Sword Team were often fighting several at a time, and gradually they became able to parry and no longer had the strength to fight back. Yuehai also swung his sword into battle in his eagerness. Although Yuehai was highly skilled in martial arts and had long

The sword in his hand was simply miraculous. The Luo family's White Wolf sword technique was so elusive that within four or five minutes, seven or eight Japs had already been splattered with blood. But in the face of so many Japs, one more person and one more sword.

, and there is no way to save it.

Yuesong's dagger was flying, his body was jumping, he was fighting from east to west, from south to north, sometimes he was shooting to save this brother, and sometimes he was wielding his sword to help that brother out of trouble, but Yuesong was worried, what happened to the Third Regiment?

They haven't fought yet? If they keep fighting like this, Luo Xi may not be able to defeat almost two squadrons of Japanese even if all his two weapons are used up.

Lei Hang's arm had been stabbed by a Japanese knife, and Tiedan Dunhou's body had been injured in many places. Shihong was jumping around and hiding, but he had been injured in several places. The brothers Dayong and Xiaoyong had their backs leaning against each other.

Fighting on the back, the blood on the uniforms could not be distinguished from the enemy's and from our own.

Meichuan used two heavy machine guns and three crooked guns to block the way forward for the attack by the two battalions of the third regiment. The commander of the third regiment saw this and was anxious in his heart. The grassroots and soldiers lay on the ground with bullets on their heads.

The beating made the lumps of earth fly around in random directions.

Zheng Hai moved sideways to Cao Gen'er and said, "Brother Gen, what should we do? If we don't rush over, the captain and the others may not be able to withstand it."

"Who says it's not? Well, just keep an eye on it and I'll discuss it with the second battalion commander," Cao Gen'er said.

"Well, hurry up!" Zheng Hai raised his head and looked at the flames sprayed out by the Japanese machine guns, and Ma Shan lowered his head under the pressure of the whizzing bullets.

Cao Gen'er crawled all the way and reached the side of the second battalion commander who was lying on the ground with difficulty.

"Batalion Commander, if the fight continues like this, our captain will definitely not be able to hold on." Cao Gen said loudly to the second battalion commander.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the Japanese to be so smart and react so quickly. The machine gun turned around and sealed our team." The second battalion commander said to Cao Gen'er with a sideways face.

"How about we do this? You order the soldiers from the two platoons of the second battalion to prepare two grenades each. When the Japanese light machine guns are almost full with one magazine, the soldiers from the two platoons throw the grenades together, and then the other soldiers charge at the same time.

"Cao Gen'er said.

"There is no way. Although this type of fighting method with high casualties and high consumption is not commonly used by our New Fourth Army, we don't care about that much at the moment, but I have to ask the regimental commander for instructions." The second battalion commander said.

"It's too late. Why should I ask for instructions after it's already gone? It's settled. I'll organize two platoons of soldiers to prepare to throw grenades. How about you order the other soldiers to prepare for a charge?" Cao Gen'er said anxiously.

The second battalion commander gritted his teeth and said, "Let's do it, bugler, come here!"

Seeing that the second battalion commander had made up his mind, Cao Gener hurriedly went to collect grenades.

Over at Dujuan Ridge, Battalion Commander Gu and Third Brother retreated with the spy battalion. Ono, the old devil, didn't have the intention to pursue them, so he quickly led the people straight to Mantou Mountain. When he arrived at Mantou Mountain, he saw that there were only Imperial warriors in the forest.

The corpses were those of the imperial warriors. The hateful poor New Fourth Army not only killed people, but also took away all the weapons. Not only did they take away the helmets, but also the belts, leather shoes, and even military coats. What kind of army is this?

Ah, they are simply bandits, rotten bandits who are so poor that they don't even have to wear pants, they don't play by common sense.

Ono looked at the corpses of the imperial warriors all over the ground, and immediately left a small team to sort out the remains of the warriors, and took the others straight to Laohugou.

Over at the New Regiment, Murakata led a squadron to attack Shuangshi Mountain in a lively manner. Unexpectedly, they were captured after just one round of shelling and two rounds of charges. When Murakata went up to the top of the mountain, he saw nothing but crooked

There was nothing left except a few ditches on the ground, and the New Fourth Army that blocked the attack was nowhere to be seen. The villagers had no intention of pursuing and searching, and rushed towards Laohugou without stopping.

Biaozi and the first battalion commander met another squadron from the village on the southern slope of Shuangshi Mountain. Biaozi and the others had a skirmish, but the mountains were densely forested and the moonlight was not too bright. The two sides were in a stalemate for less than half a day.

After a few hours, Biaozi and the others withdrew, with little loss on both sides.

When the first battalion of the third regiment rushed to the pine forest outside the east gate of Luoxi, the third squadron from the village was rushing here. The commander of the first battalion found that there was no good position for blocking the battle in the pine forest, so he ordered the soldiers to platoon.

They formed a unit, kept a distance of about fifty meters from each other, and laid an ambush on the spot, preparing to attack the enemy when the No. 3 Squadron from the village came over.

But just when the first battalion commander was quietly waiting for the Japanese to appear, he discovered that the regiment commander did not seem to go as planned. He quickly pressed up from behind Meichuan and kicked Meichuan's butt, and the team leader led by Captain Luo Yuesong

The Luoxi armed forces formed a pincer attack from the front and rear. The first battalion was the most powerful battalion of the three regiments. The first battalion had the most machine guns. Not only that, the only captured small steel cannon in the regiment was also in the first battalion. At this moment

The first battalion commander regretted that he had not thought of leaving the small steel cannon to the regiment commander, and was worried that he could not solve the regiment commander's problems in time. The first battalion commander, who was born in the Red Army, knew that he could not leave the pine forest at this moment and could not be impatient.

He would lose his blocking position, otherwise it would lead to a big mistake. The first battalion commander was anxious, but what could he do?

Just as a battalion commander was holding a pistol against the brim of his hat, he suddenly heard a violent explosion from the regimental commander's side.

The grassroots quickly organized dozens of grenades, led two platoons of soldiers, and smashed dozens of grenades at Meichuan's machine gun position. They only heard a "bang" and "bang" explosion, and the Japanese machine guns

The sound of shooting immediately became thinner, and thick smoke billowed in front of the position.

Seeing this, the second battalion commander stood up, raised his pistol, and shouted: "Comrades, charge!"

The trumpeter's trumpet also sounded "ta da da da da da", and the soldiers held their guns and "charge--" and rushed toward Meichuan like a vigorous and vigorous tiger.

The commander of the third regiment had not yet figured out what was going on. Seeing this situation, he did not care to find out what was going on. He pointed his pistol in the sky and shouted, leading the soldiers of the third battalion to charge forward.

There were not many Japs around Meichuan, only a few dozen. If it weren't for the strong firepower, they would have been wiped out by the Second Battalion. When Meichuan saw that the formation was not right, the first two squadrons had not captured Luoxi yet. Here,

The New Fourth Army all rushed forward. They originally planned to capture Luoxi and occupy the city wall of Luoxi, so that they would not be afraid of the New Fourth Army battalions and regiments. But now they were really attacked from both sides.

Meichuan raised his sword, wanting to shout and lead the remaining Japs to fight, but when he looked around him, half of the Japs around Meichuan had been killed in the round of grenade attacks. Meichuan now felt a little flustered.

, shouted at Hao Er, "Retreat, retreat!" After saying that, he got on his horse and led a dozen Japanese soldiers around him to run eastward.

Hao Er ran forward in a panic. He wanted to give the order and then retreat, but when he saw that the New Fourth Army behind him was so dark, he didn't know how many people were pressing over him. He saw that the soldiers in front had already become a mess with the Luoxi people.

, so he simply turned around and followed Meichuan's retreat to the east, fleeing for his life.

Luo Xi's second-stringers were already a little exhausted in the fight, but they heard the loud killing sounds of the New Fourth Army not far away and rushed over. So under the leadership of the three brothers Luo Yuesong, the blood all over their bodies began to boil again, and their bodies changed again.

Now that I have become more flexible, Luo Xi's spear dances like the wind, and Luo Xi's long sword is clear and the sword is roaring.

At the grassroots level, Zheng Hai and the second battalion commander took the lead in leading the soldiers to rush into the enemy pile. Although less than one-third of the New Fourth Army soldiers had bayonets on their rifles, the momentum was at its peak and the number of soldiers was increasing.

The more soldiers there were, the more the Japanese became frightened, and their hands and feet became less obedient. A soldier held his rifle tightly with both hands, straightened his bayonet and stabbed. The bayonet pierced the stomach of a Japanese soldier. The soldier did not feel like relieving his hatred, so he used his bayonet to kill the Japanese soldier.

His stomach was churning again and again, and the Japanese screamed in pain. Still not feeling relieved, he used his bayonet to pick out the Japanese's intestines, then flicked them violently and threw them far away. It was a pity that this

No wild dogs dared to come over now, but even if a wild dog came over, I'm afraid it would be too disgusting with the Japanese's smell, so it would probably smell it and then walk away.

By the time the third regiment leader led the soldiers of the third battalion to rush over, the Japanese had been chopped to pieces and very few were left. The third regiment leader led the soldiers of the third battalion to rush forward and helped Luo Xi like they were cutting watermelons.

The rest of the Japanese were cut into pieces.

Although this battle encountered some minor setbacks, it was still a good one; although thirty or forty Luoxi soldiers were sacrificed, and almost everyone who remained was injured, the blood of the Japanese was sprinkled on the ground in front of the south gate of Luoxi.

It is an open space for all the wild beasts who dare to wield knives and guns in front of the Luoxi gate to remember it. If you want to come back in the future, you can also ask us about the spears in the hands of Luoxi people and the long swords on their backs.

Seeing that the Japanese had been wiped out, the Third Regiment Commander immediately ordered the battlefield to be swept quickly and to be ready to retreat at any time.

The three Yuesong brothers were also exhausted, the Luoxi people were exhausted, and the special forces members Yuesong brought back were all scarred, but seeing the third regiment commander coming over, Yuesong hurriedly saluted the third regiment commander

, and introduced his two brothers, Feilong Feihu and other Luo Xi brothers to the third regiment leader.

The third regiment leader held the hands of these heroes and said excitedly: "Well done, you are well done, Luo Xi is well done, blame me for being late."

"Third regiment commander, thank you to the New Fourth Army for saving our Luo Xi. It's too late to thank you. Why talk about 'weirdness'!" As the eldest brother, Luo Yuehai hurriedly said to the third regiment commander.

"Report, commander, the battlefield has been cleaned. Two heavy machine guns, six small steel cannons, and eight light machine guns have been seized. The rifles and ammunition have not yet been counted." Just as he was talking, a staff officer ran over and reported to the third regiment commander.

This chapter has been completed!
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