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Twenty-eight, desperate sniper 2

The sky has just dawned, and the early birds are particularly excited and joyful in this beautiful spring day. It is the time for birds to court their mates, and two bamboo sparrows are playing among the branches and leaves, sometimes chirping and singing and dancing.

Sometimes he murmured in a low voice.

Biaozi was awakened by the chirping of birds. Biaozi opened his eyes, and Wuwa was lying next to him. The sniper rifle in his hand was warmly held by Wuwa. Biaozi rubbed his eyes and walked ten steps away.

, Shihong was still sleeping soundly with his rifle in his arms. Biaozi looked around, but he couldn't see Palin's figure.

"Wuba, where is Perin?" Biaozi asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, snipers, you can't see normal ones." Wu Wa said.

"Oh, that's right. Go wake up Shihong and inform each team to prepare for ten minutes. Then maintain the formation and continue the search." Biaozi said.

"Yes." Wuwa agreed softly, grabbed the sniper rifle, stood up and bent over to call Shihong.

Biaozi took out a large piece of cake from his arms, gnawing on the cake and looking around.

Takeo opened his eyes, immediately held the sniper rifle, and observed Onizuka and the female soldier through the sniper scope. Onizuka was lying in the grass, still snoring and sleeping like a pig. Where was the female soldier? Takeo

His nerves suddenly became tense and broken, and the female soldier disappeared. Jianxiong shook his sniper rifle, looking around in the grass and behind tree trunks, but still did not see the female soldier.

Takeo suddenly stood up, bent over, holding the sniper rifle, and ran towards Onizuka. Takeo ran to Onizuka, but Onizuka was completely unaware. Takeo was angry and annoyed, so he kicked him in the air.

On Onitsuka's butt.

"Ah, ah!" Onizuka stood up in panic, picked up the Hyakushi gun in his hand, pulled the bolt with a click and pointed it at Takeo.

The sniper rifle in Takeo's hand was like lightning, and the muzzle of the gun was pressed against Onizuka's head. "Baga!" Takeo said several times. Only then did Onizuka realize that the person standing in front of him was Takeo-kun, and he hurriedly put it away.

***, lowered his head and dared not say anything.

"Where are the female soldiers? The female soldiers ran away, you stupid pig!" Jianxiong shouted in a lowered voice.

"Take the gun away," Onizuka reached out and gently pushed Takeo's gun away, "I'm hiding the female soldier."

"Where?" Kenxiong asked.

"There." Onizuka pointed at the pile of dead leaves next to the Kuling tree.

Jianxiong shouldered his sniper rifle and walked over quickly, plucking away the dead leaves with a "swish", and the female soldier's head was exposed. The female soldier's head was covered with dead leaves and dead grass, and her face was muddy and dirty.

, his mouth was still gagged, and his hands were tied to the Kuling tree behind his back. Looking at the pitiful appearance of the female soldier, Jianxiong couldn't help but think of his Liangzi. He had been away from home for many years, and he didn't know whether Zhizi and Liangzi had been raped.

Bullying, alas, even if someone really bullies the mother and daughter, they are far away from each other and there is nothing they can do. No, whoever dares to bully my Edako Ryoko, I will kill him!

Jianxiong tidied the female soldier's hair with his hands, then took out a clean cloth and wiped the female soldier's face. Although the female soldier always looked at Jianxiong with frightened eyes, Jianxiong was like a loving father.

Slowly helping the female soldier clean up her beautiful face.

Onizuka sat in the grass, took out biscuits, ate them, and drank from a water bottle.

Jianxiong signaled the female soldier to be quiet, then took out the wet cloth from the female soldier's mouth, took out biscuits, broke them open, and fed them to the female soldier.

Dan Feng has not eaten much for two or three days. Ever since he was captured by the Japanese, Dan Feng has only thought of one word, that is, death. But he was watched closely by these two Japanese, and the only time he died was

The opportunity was also saved by the old devil in front of him. Dan Feng was most worried about being insulted by the Japanese, but the old devil appeared in time when what he was most worried about happened. Dan Feng could see that this old devil

The Japs have human nature and are different from other Japs. Dan Feng found that it was not easy to die, and also found that the old Japs were pretty good, so he decided to live first.

When Jianxiong brought the biscuits to Dan Feng's mouth, the smell of the biscuits made the timid Dan Feng overcome his fear. Dan Feng stared at the old devil and chewed the biscuits in his mouth quickly. Jianxiong smiled and gave Dan Feng half a piece.

Dan Feng eats and feeds Dan Feng some water from time to time.

Onizuka was eating, drinking, and watching, pouting, frowning, squinting his eyes, and crooking his nose, not understanding Takeo's every move.

After Jianxiong fed Dan Feng four or five biscuits in a row, he gave Dan Feng some water, then picked up the soaked piece of cloth on the grass and prepared to stuff it into Dan Feng's mouth, but after thinking about it,

He threw it away again, but after thinking about it again, he got a small piece of clean cloth from his backpack and stuffed it into Dan Feng's mouth.

Takeo saw Onizuka eating and drinking, so he said to Onizuka: "Hey, go and watch out!"

Onizuka glanced at Takeo, stood up reluctantly, and went on sentry duty.

Jianxiong sat next to Dan Feng, took out two biscuits, and put another one in. He quickly finished the biscuit, drank a few more sips of water, then cleaned up the traces on the ground, and suddenly found the piece he had discarded.

He quickly picked up the piece of cloth, pulled out his bayonet, dug a hole, buried it, and sprinkled some dead leaves on the new soil.

After everything was sorted, Takeo untied the rope tied to the tree trunk and asked Dan Feng to stand up. Takeo held Dan Feng in his arms and asked Onizuka to open the way and continue walking westward.

Yuesong woke up early. After a night's rest and worry and irritability last night, Yuesong felt that his mood was much more stable. Yuesong sat on the same spot, not moving, but looking around with his eyes alertly.

The mountain forest is quiet, only the birds are noising carefree. There are crystal dewdrops on the green grass tips. The pale yellow wild flowers are in the morning mist, just like the hermit in the ancient poem, leisurely and contented.

A field mouse that got up early, dragging its long tail, scurried around lightly in the grass, among the dead leaves, and beside the rotten branches, looking for food to satisfy its hunger.

Yuesong was convinced that there was no danger around him, so he put the short gun on his waist, picked up the sniper rifle, leaned down, and walked quietly towards a creek not far away.

Yuesong came to the stream, looked around, then put down the sniper rifle in his hand, picked up the clear water in the stream, drank a few sips, took out the kettle, filled it up, then held the stream water and washed it.

Wash your face.

Yuesong got into a cluster of bushes, took out a piece of cake, and ate it quickly. After eating the cake, Yuesong picked up the sniper rifle, removed several parts, took out a piece of dry cloth from his arms, and

After wiping the barrel of the gun, he quickly loaded the sniper rifle, pulled the bolt, raised the sniper rifle, and took aim in the distance.

Yuesong put the sniper rifle next to him, pulled out the short gun from his belt, pulled the bolt, looked at the chamber, checked the bullets, and then put it next to him.

Yuesong took out the cigarette box, took out a cigarette, put it in front of the tip of his nose and smelled it, but he still felt that it was not enough. He looked at it again and again, thought about it again, and couldn't help but light one.

Match, light the cigarette, and smoke happily.

After finishing his cigarette, Yuesong dug a small hole in the ground and buried the cigarette butt. He found a beautiful rose growing beside the hole. The rose was in full bloom at this time. A rose that was not very big, but...

There were more than a dozen pale red flowers. Yuesong picked a rose that was in bud, put it in front of the tip of his nose, smelled it, and put it in his pocket.

Yuesong untied his backpack, took off his shirt, took out a long piece of white cloth from the backpack, tied the Browning that Dan Feng gave him to his chest with the white cloth, then put on his shirt, picked up the backpack, and carried

Sniper rifle, continue walking slowly north.

This chapter has been completed!
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