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Thirty, Deadly Sniper 4

Takeo took Dan Feng and observed as he walked. Onizuka walked in front with a gun in his hand, his eyes as wide as a cow's. Not to mention, Onizuka, who was as stupid as a pig, discovered the New Fourth Army in advance.

of a search team.

Onizuka squatted down suddenly and raised his right hand.

Takeo hurriedly pulled Danfeng to squat down. Onizuka turned around and saw Takeo and the others squatting down. Like a poisonous snake, Onizuka slithered out and burrowed into the deep grass.

When Dan Feng saw his troops, he stared and tried to make some noise. Jianxiong was already on guard and dragged Dan Feng into the bushes. Jianxiong watched the search of the New Fourth Army thirty meters away.

The team held Dan Feng's head with one hand. Dan Feng's head was pinned to the ground by Jianxiong. He couldn't hum even if he wanted to. I remember that Dan Feng's heart was beating like a drum.

Takeo gently waved to Onizuka, hoping that Onizuka would come over and hold down the female soldier so that he could free his hands so that the sniper rifle would have a chance to shoot when the last resort came. But that stupid pig Onizuka was lying in the grass, like

He was as motionless as a dead snake. He didn't even dare to raise his head to observe the enemy's position. How could he even bother to see Takeo waving to him.

Takeo was depressed in his heart. For such a nobleman with no actual combat experience, Matsui-kun didn’t know what to do with me. If he wanted to exercise, he could just go to any field unit and follow him to the front line to see the excitement. He was also a judo master.

Is it useful here?

The search team of the New Fourth Army was getting closer and closer. Although no one spoke, and although the soldiers of the search team walked slowly and searched carefully, Dan Feng could still hear the subtle sound of the soldiers' feet stepping on the dead leaves.

Dan Feng knew that his comrades were approaching, but he just didn't know how to let them find him.

Jianxiong stared at the New Fourth Army search team more than ten meters away, breathing evenly and lightly.

With a "swish" sound, Dan Feng finally figured out a way to make some noise. Dan Feng kicked the small tree at his feet hard, and the leaves of the small tree made a "swish" sound.

Jianxiong immediately laid his whole body on Dan Feng, pressing Dan Feng so tightly that Dan Feng could not move and even had difficulty breathing.

A soldier heard a "squeak" sound and immediately raised his rifle alertly, aiming at the bushes. The other soldiers also stopped and walked towards this side with their guns in hand.

While holding down Dan Feng, Jianxiong took out his pistol and pulled the bolt. Jianxiong thought to himself that he had been lurking and sniping for so many years, and this might be the first time he had exposed himself. It seemed that an encounter was inevitable.

Onizuka also heard the sound of branches shaking. What made Onizuka's heart beat faster was that he heard the footsteps of the enemy walking towards here step by step. Onizuka lay in the grass and slowly, slowly pulled away.

The gun bolt.

Two New Fourth Army soldiers held rifles, aiming at the bushes, and walked over step by step. The other two soldiers held rifles and stood there, covering the two soldiers who walked past. The other soldiers took cover and paid attention to the perimeter.

The two New Fourth Army soldiers were getting closer and closer, only about seven or eight meters away.

With a "plop" sound, a pheasant with a long tail and a red neck spread its wings and flew up next to another bush about three meters away from the bush where Jianxiong was hiding.

Several New Fourth Army soldiers raised their guns and watched the pheasants fly away. When the leader of the search team saw the pheasants flying away, he waved to these soldiers. The soldiers who approached Jianxiong turned around and walked back. The search team

Under the leadership of the platoon leader, we continued to search north.

After the cunning Takeo waited for the search team to walk for about twenty minutes, he took Danfeng and Onizuka and followed the search team to the north.

Biaozi led the special forces to continue heading west. On the way, he met two search teams of the First Regiment and the Third Regiment. After asking, they found nothing. Biaozi thought that since the search teams had gone through it all, nothing was found in the west.

What, is it still necessary to go west?

Biaozi waved his hand and asked the special forces to stop and rest where they were, and asked Wuwa to call Brother Chao over and want to discuss it with Brother Chao again.

Brother Chao walked over slowly and said to Biaozi: "Are you impatient again?"

"Think about it, we have already met two search teams, one and three. They searched from the west and found nothing. Do we still need to go west?" Biaozi


"It seems that Deputy Commander Hu still doesn't know much about snipers. You can find traces of Japanese snipers just by walking around. I don't think that sniper will survive now." Brother Chao said, sitting on the ground with his back against

He leaned against a pine tree and began to close his eyes and meditate.

"Hey, you still have the time to stare for a while, are you going to the west or not?" Biaozi became anxious.

"Maybe, the search teams of the 1st and 3rd regiments all walked past the Japanese snipers, so they might not be able to detect them." Brother Chao said with his eyes closed.

"It passed by. How could it be possible? Even if it was hidden, Dan Feng should have made some noise. Could it be that Dan Feng has..." Biaozi scratched the back of his head and said.

"No, otherwise the body would have been discovered earlier. Besides, the Japanese snipers didn't come here for Dan Feng. Since they hijacked Dan Feng, they must have discovered Dan Feng's role. Otherwise..." Brother Chao said.

"Then continue to the west?" Biaozi asked.

"Yeah." Brother Chao nodded.

Biaozi was muttering to himself and waving for the team to move on.

When Yuesong was walking to the west, he also discovered his team, but Yuesong hid and did not show up. As a result, the search team passed by him and did not find him at all. This made Yuesong more determined to go west.

The confidence to go.

Along the way, Yuesong met several of his own teams, but Yuesong did not let them discover them. However, Yuesong did not find any traces of Japanese snipers, but Yuesong continued to go west.

Matsui has been very depressed these days. The fate of the empire makes Matsui feel a little worried. However, the orders of the military must be carried out. Currently, in the area under his jurisdiction, the Kuomintang army has not suffered any major losses and continues to maintain its relationship with

The imperial army is in a stalemate. But the New Fourth Army, the damn New Fourth Army, the New Fourth Army that is as difficult to deal with as a mouse, is constantly growing and growing.

If there is a mouse in a house, if it is not cleaned for a day, it will harass people everywhere. Yes, it will not make a big splash. It will just chew the table, steal some food, and make people sleep uneasy at night. But if

If you continue to ignore them, they will become a group, or even a large group, and one day it will cause an uproar and make people very troubled.

Matsui thought about it and felt that he had to take action. He had to carry out a large-scale and thorough sweep. Firstly, he would curb the development of the New Fourth Army. Secondly, he would stabilize the situation in the area under his jurisdiction. Thirdly, he would kill the prestige of the New Fourth Army and give them some color.

Let's take a look, maybe we can regain some face from this failure.

Matsui decided to hold a combat meeting and arrange a major operation, specifically targeting the New Fourth Army and those Chinese people who secretly supported the New Fourth Army, to conduct a retaliatory spring sweep.

Biaozi led the special forces team and continued walking west. A battle in which the enemy cannot be found for a long time is extremely easy to wear down people's patience. Of course, vigilance will gradually decrease. Biaozi knows this, and Biaozi is also there

He kept reminding the soldiers of the special force to stay vigilant and not to be careless. But to be honest, even I was getting impatient.

Shi Hong, who was leading the group, was rubbing his eyes as he walked. He was already a little tired. Wu Wa looked back at Deputy Commander Hu from time to time. He looked at Deputy Commander Hu's careless look and was a little worried for him.

Only Brother Chao, as always, maintained a high degree of vigilance. Brother Chao always kept a certain distance from the team, either moving forward quickly, or hiding on the spot. A mature sniper would never be exposed to the enemy waiting for a long time.

Under the gun.

Jianxiong followed the New Fourth Army's search team to the north for a while, then turned east. He couldn't wait any longer. Otherwise, if he continued to hide like this, he would be discovered sooner or later. Besides, if he kept hiding like this, he would be discovered sooner or later.

Not to mention dry food, even physical fitness is not enough, let alone completing the sniper mission.

Takeo took Dan Feng and was walking when a gust of wind blew over. Takeo took a few breaths and seemed to smell the enemy. Takeo quickly asked Onizuka to look at the female soldier and hid on the spot. He quietly looked for it.

Hidden in a place with a large rock behind and dense foliage.

Sure enough, more than ten minutes later, another group of New Fourth Army came over. Jianxiong observed carefully through the sniper scope. Jianxiong discovered that this group of New Fourth Army seemed different from the New Fourth Army he met earlier. Judging from the weapons in their hands, in addition to ordinary rifles,

, there are also several hundred-style rifles and m8 rifles. Speaking of these hundred-style rifles, Kenxiong knows that they are weapons produced by the empire. Even the imperial troops are not equipped with ordinary troops. Look.

Come on, this is probably the New Fourth Army special force that Matsui and Umekawa talked about so magically. Since Luo Yuesong is the captain of the New Fourth Army special force, he should be in this force.

Jianxiong took out two photos from his arms. These two photos were of no one else. One was a photo of Luo Yuesong when he was studying at the Japanese Army School, and the other was a photo of Commander Li of the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army. Jianxiong took the photo of Commander Li

He walked into his arms, holding Luo Yuesong's photo, and looked at Shihong, it was not the case. He also compared it to Biaozi, and it was not the same. While comparing, Jianxiong suddenly found a soldier holding a sniper rifle appearing in front of him.

After planting a paulownia tree, Jianxiong immediately lowered his head, lay on the ground, and aimed his sniper rifle at Wu Wa, who was walking slowly.

Jianxiong pulled the bolt of the gun, adjusted the scale, estimated the weather and humidity, held his breath, and focused on aiming at Wuwa.

But Wuwa's walking route is a bit strange. In addition to the regular curves of snipers, Wuwa also often uses the cover of trees, which makes Jianxiong feel that it is risky to kill this sniper rashly. The sniper has to deal with a group of enemies, of course.

It is the sniper who wants to kill the enemy first, but this guy is not old, but he is very clever.

Just as Jianxiong was thinking about how to deal with the snipers here, Jianxiong suddenly discovered that there was another sniper hiding in the grass, holding a sniper rifle and observing Jianxiong.

Putting away the sniper rifle, Jianxiong lowered his head and almost put his face on the ground. Jianxiong thought to himself that this special forces team might be difficult to deal with.

This chapter has been completed!
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