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Thirty-five, desperate sniper 9

On the Wuhan side, Matsui's large army has been assembled. For a while, the city gate was full of Japanese military vehicles, artillery, tanks, more than 20,000 Japanese infantry, and more than 3,000 Imperial Army soldiers. The mighty army was leaving the city.

The Japanese Air Force also received orders and was ready for combat. As soon as it received intelligence, it would immediately dispatch to bomb the advancing troops of the New Fourth Army.

Umekawa came to a secret arsenal in Wuhan City. The quartermaster showed various weapons of the Japanese army to Lieutenant Commander Umekawa. Umekawa picked up a Type 99 sniper rifle and thought to himself, those poor guys are using the weapons produced by our empire.

This time I will lead a special team and use the Type 99 sniper rifle in my hand to fight against you, Luo Yuesong. I swear not to return to Hokkaido until I eliminate you.

Meichuan held a sniper rifle in his hand and said to the quartermaster: "These are five rifles with 500 rounds of bullets."

"Hi!" replied the Quartermaster.

Meichuan looked around again, pointed at the Hundred-style gun and said to the quartermaster: "This, 10 pieces, five thousand rounds of ammunition."

"Hi!" replied the Quartermaster.

Meichuan asked for five more boxes of grenades, 30 steel helmets, and special warfare equipment used by dozens of people.

After getting the equipment, Meichuan asked the quartermaster to put them all on the military vehicle. He personally took a dozen soldiers and escorted the weapons and equipment back to the military camp where the special team secretly assembled.

At the headquarters of the Second Regiment, Commander Song is presiding over a military meeting.

Commander Song laid out in detail the position of the main force in blocking operations, the roundabout march route for the retreat, and the preparation and protection of the logistics for the retreat. He especially focused on how each company sent people to organize the retreat of the masses, and specially arranged an advance platoon to enter the mountain.

Find a location suitable for housing a large number of people without being bombed by Japanese aircraft.

After the tasks were assigned, each battalion company commander returned to their respective posts to make preparations.

But Captain Song still kept the special forces and Lan Danfeng in his mind. Captain Song held a pencil in his hand and tapped "dang", "dang" and "dang" on the command table, one after another, rhythmically.

Political Commissar He, who was looking at the battle map, turned around and said, "Why did you change it to knocking on the table again?"

"Hey, I'm talking about political commissar, do we have to leave a platoon to wait for the special force?" Commander Song's eyes lit up and he said to political commissar He.

Political Commissar He thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's a good idea. It won't work to send people to search rashly, and it won't be good to let the special forces come back and find the main force. I think this method is good."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Gangzi reported in and handed Captain Song a note. Captain Song looked at it, frowned, and blurted out: "Isn't this going to kill people? The special forces are killing people one by one."

The task, now the enemy is overwhelming, and the special forces are asked to do this, isn't this to bring the special forces to death..."

"What's the matter? Come, let me take a look." Political Commissar He said, taking the note from Commander Song's hand, taking a look at it, and said, "The division headquarters has the consideration of the division headquarters. I see it to the letter.

In execution, the special forces must play a special role, or else they must be equipped with elite soldiers and strong generals, and all the best light weapons in the division should be concentrated in their hands. Why!"

"I'm not saying that special forces shouldn't play a special role and make special contributions, but the soldiers of the special forces are also human beings, and they will get tired as humans, right? You should always let them take a breath. Besides, it's just two or three

Ten people, if they get into a crowd of Japs, will be outnumbered even if they have three heads and six arms. Not to mention anything else, just one ammunition supply will be a problem. Sniper rifle bullets are easy to say, they are the same as those of 38 rifles, so they are easier to find, so what?

M18, you can't turn it over even if you capture it. The Japanese have very little use of those hundreds of styles. Where can you find so many bullets? You can't just rush into the Japanese with a big knife and hack away at them when you run out of bullets." Song said.

The leader started talking a lot.

"Oh, yes, ammunition attack is indeed a problem, but Lao Song, aren't most of the ammunition of our New Fourth Army sent by the Japanese? Without the M18 and the Baishi ***, the special operations team is no longer a special operations group.

?You have to believe in our soldiers. As long as you have the belief to defeat the Japanese, I believe that the young men of the special force will be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and successfully complete the mission." Political Commissar He said.

"Okay, just stand and talk so that your back doesn't hurt. I will absolutely carry out your orders, but we have to help them with something." Captain Song said.

"How to help? In addition to leaving a platoon to convey orders to them, I'm afraid they have to rely on themselves for the rest." Political Commissar He said.

"Oh, let's forget about this battle. It's all in vain," Commander Song waved his hand and shouted toward the door, "Xiao Gangzi, call me Platoon Commander Qin!"

"Yes!" Xiao Gangzi outside the door agreed.

Brother Chao quickly crossed the line and suddenly found the Japanese sniper running quickly in the woods in front of him. Brother Chao was a very calm sniper. He did not chase after him eagerly, but followed quietly, carefully, and tried not to

Expose yourself.

Yuesong's sniper rifle has been aimed at the Japanese who is holding Dan Feng. Yuesong, who was originally in a relatively calm mood, is now a little shaken. You know, the Japanese in front of you is moving. Although

The speed was not fast, but there was Dan Feng beside him who was also moving. The distance between the two was terrifying, and the mountain road was uneven. The Japs and Dan Feng walked together, rising and falling. This shot fired,

It was difficult to control the advance of the bullet. Yuesong felt that his palms were getting a little sweaty and his heart started to beat fast.

Takeo ran and finally saw Onitsuka and the female soldier walking in front, and they had just left the forest. The sensitive Takeo listened to the running, leaned against a pine tree, holding a sniper rifle, and first observed what was happening outside the forest.

The situation. Takeo observed the situation for a while and seemed to find no ambush, so he picked up the sniper rifle and ran toward Onizuka and the others in small steps.

There was a "bang" gunshot, and Yuesong tried to calm down his mood, mustered up the courage, and shot the bullet in the barrel of the gun.

Poor Onizuka, although he heard a gunshot, he didn't know where it came from or who shot him, so he was shot in the head and fell to the ground dead.

Dan Feng was startled by the gunshots, and saw the Japanese beside him falling to the ground. Then he realized that his comrades must have shot and saved him, so he ran towards the mountain.

"Dan Feng!" Yuesong saw that the Japs fell to the ground and Dan Feng was running towards this side. He immediately stood up from behind the rose bushes, holding a sniper rifle, and ran towards Dan Feng while shouting Dan Feng's name.

Dan Feng looked up and saw that it was Yuesong. He was surprised and happy. Although his mouth was blocked, he still tried his best to make a "wuwuwu" sound and ran toward Yuesong in a swaying manner.

Takeo, who was running towards Onizuka and the female soldier, heard a gunshot and instinctively lay on the ground, holding a sniper rifle and looking through the sniper scope. Takeo found that Onizuka had fallen to the ground and the female soldier was whining.

Shouting and running up the mountainside. Behind the flowers on the mountainside, a soldier wearing a New Fourth Army uniform was also shouting and running towards the female soldier.

Jianxiong saw the soldier holding a sniper rifle in his hand, and his appearance seemed very familiar. He quickly took out Luo Yuesong's photo and saw that it was him.

After much effort, Jianxiong quickly raised his sniper rifle and aimed at Luo Yuesong, who was running down the mountainside.

But what Jianxiong never expected was that there is an old saying in China, the mantis stalks the cicada but the oriole is behind. Just when Jianxiong was preparing to shoot, Brother Chao had already found Jianxiong lying on the ground, although Brother Chao felt that the shooting angle was not right.

Okay, I was originally planning to adjust my position and shoot again, but when I heard Yuesong’s shout, Brother Chao knew that Kenxiong was about to shoot Yuesong. So Brother Chao quickly shot first.

With a "bang" gunshot, Jianxiong felt a stinging pain in his back. Jianxiong immediately endured the severe pain and rolled on the spot, rolling into a pit. Jianxiong thought to himself, this time he was in trouble. He was attacked from both sides, and the pursuers were also behind him.

It was almost there, and it seemed that the only option was to fight to the death. Jianxiong endured the pain, turned over and lay on the edge of the pit, holding a sniper rifle, trying to aim at Luo Yuesong.

But when Luo Yuesong heard the gunshot, he knew that although the Japs holding the rifle had been killed by him, the Japs' snipers should be in the woods. Judging from the gunshots, this shot should have been fired by brothers from the special operations team.

, but I don’t know whether the Japanese sniper was hit, let alone whether the Japanese sniper was killed. Yuesong quickly took cover on the spot, and at the same time shouted to Dan Feng: "Dan Feng, get down!"

But Dan Feng, who had finally escaped from the Japs, saw Yuesong right in front. He was not only panicked but also surprised. He didn't hear what Yuesong was shouting and still ran towards the mountainside.

Xizi and the others heard the gunshots and were rushing here at full speed. Xiaoyong heard the gunshots and were running frantically, hoping to avenge the Japanese. Tang Si watched Xiaoyong running towards the Japanese sniper regardless.

He was worried that Xiaoyong would be plotted by the Japanese again, but he had no choice but to follow behind him to protect him. When Minghe heard the gunfire, all the energy he had pent up was exerted on his legs, and his legs seemed to be on springs.

Same, jumping straight towards the Japanese sniper.

Jianxiong suddenly couldn't find Luo Yuesong's location, and heard soldiers from the New Fourth Army in the woods approaching to outflank him. He knew that he didn't have much time, so in a hurry, he got wise. Jianxiong pointed his gun at the female soldier. Originally, Jianxiong aimed his gun at the female soldier.

He didn't want to hurt her, but at this time, there was no other way, so he aimed at the female soldier's leg and fired the bullet with a "pop" sound.

Dan Feng was running when he felt pain in his leg and fell to the ground. When Dan Feng saw that his leg was bleeding out, he cried out in fright.

Brother Chao heard the gunshot, and based on the location of the gunshot, he knew it was a Japanese sniper who fired. He quickly stood up and walked towards the Japanese sniper with a sniper rifle, but he only heard the Japanese sniper's shout.

But there were no Japanese snipers in sight.

Yuesong looked up and saw that Dan Feng had been shot and fell to the ground, but he heard her crying and guessed that there was no fatal injury, so he lay on the ground and shouted: "Dan Feng, lie down and don't move. Don't move. Don't be afraid.

..." Yuesong tried his best to talk to Dan Feng to keep Dan Feng calm.

When Jianxiong saw the female soldier lying on the ground, in order to let Luo Yuesong show up, he lay down in the pit and shouted in Chinese: "Luo Yuesong." Jianxiong originally wanted to continue shouting to Luo Yuesong in Chinese, but he panicked and couldn't remember.

Why did he speak Chinese, so he shouted to Luo Yuesong in Japanese: "You are a warrior, you have to stand up, otherwise, I will shoot your woman."

When Yuesong heard this, he thought to himself, you despicable little devil, there is no bastard that you can't do. Yuesong raised his head and looked at Dan Feng. Dan Feng was lying on the ground, but the girl raised her head high.

I am crying to myself. If the Japanese sniper shoots at Dan Feng, Dan Feng may not be able to escape. No, men have to step forward in times of crisis. What’s more, behind the Japanese sniper, there is us.

As for the snipers of the special forces, even if they are killed by the Japanese, as long as they can save their women, it will be worth it!

Yuesong thought of this and shouted into the forest in Japanese: "Don't shoot, don't shoot at women, I'll come out."

After Yuesong finished speaking, he raised his sniper rifle with one hand, stood up, and walked slowly down the mountainside.

Jianxiong looked up and saw that Luo Yuesong had indeed appeared on the mountainside. Jianxiong picked up the sniper rifle without hesitation and aimed at Luo Yuesong's head, but then he thought about it and shot in the heart just to be on the safe side. Jianxiong calmed down, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

, with a "pop" sound, the bullet flew out, and Luo Yuesong was shot in the chest. Luo Yuesong was knocked down by the impact of the bullet, and Luo Yuesong lay on his back halfway up the mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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