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Thirteen, Sniper Major General

With a big wolf dog leading the way for the Japs, it was impossible for Yuesong to escape the Japs' search under the cover of grass or dead leaves. In desperation, Yuesong had no choice but to duck back and retreat as soon as possible. But he didn't take a few steps.

, a bigger crisis has emerged. More than 300 meters away in the northwest, more than 20 Japanese soldiers are lined up and are on guard outside the woods. If they continue to retreat, they will definitely collide with the Japanese soldiers on outer guard. This is

Yuesong, who thought he could eat some fat and kill two senior Japanese officers in one fell swoop, realized that he had just stepped out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den.

Yuesong's eyes rolled around and he looked around busily. The Japanese patrol team and the big wolf dog with fierce eyes and a sensitive nose were constantly approaching him.

If he were on his own territory, he would have been prepared to deal with various special situations, but now that he rushed in here hastily, Yuesong was really helpless. Yuesong crouched and moved quietly while observing.

The Japanese patrol team was looking for a place to hide from the wolves and dogs.

Two or three minutes passed, and Yuesong felt that two or three years had passed. The Japs patrol team was only more than eighty meters away from him, and he was only more than two hundred meters away from the Japs outside the woods. Yuesong simply did not dare to hide in place.

Instead, he kept crouching and quietly moving his position.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof", the big wolf dog suddenly started barking. Maybe the dog's legs had discovered him. Big beads of sweat slid down Yuesong's cheeks. Yuesong stopped, lay on the ground, picked up the sniper rifle and observed

Looking at the big wolf dog, the Japanese barked several times in the air, then started to run forward with his nose down and sniffing.

The wolf-dog was only more than sixty meters away from him, and he could no longer lie here. Yuesong stood up gently, ducked and retreated. He was only more than a hundred meters away from the devil outside the woods, and it had only been a minute or two.

Time, but Yuesong felt that at this moment, the days seemed like years.

In the midst of a crisis, it can be said that auspicious people have their own destiny, and Yuesong is this auspicious person. Yuesong, who was in a dilemma, accidentally discovered a puddle more than ten meters away. Because the puddle was located high in the forest, the water source was not available.

It was sufficient, and it was late autumn, so the puddles were almost full of mud. Year-old leaves and branches were rotting in the mud. Although the stench could not be said to be overwhelming, it was enough for Yuesong to avoid the nose of the wolf dog.

Yuesong moved quickly, and when he came to the puddle, he pulled a few handfuls of dead grass, picked up some dead leaves, sprinkled a thick layer of dead leaves on the wet mud beside the puddle, and then stepped on the bitter leaves and got in.

He rolled in the mud a few more times, then put his hands on his face and hair with a thick layer of mud, hid his whole body in the deep mud, and finally covered his head with withered grass.

, only two eyes were left to observe the movements of the Japanese through the withered grass, and two nostrils were left to breathe gently through the withered grass.

More than a minute later, Yuesong heard the footsteps of the Japanese and the breathing of the big wolf dog.

More than a minute later, Yuesong saw the Japanese patrol team ten meters northeast of him. Suddenly, the wolf dog stopped and barked "woof, woof, woof, woof" towards the puddle.

Yelling. Yuesong was startled. People say that dogs have good noses, and they are really well-deserved. Could it be that if I hid like this, the dog's nose would still smell it? Stay calm. At this time, what matters is patience and confidence. Don't be impulsive.

You must stay steady. Yuesong kept warning himself in his heart.

When the lieutenant saw the wolf dog barking at the puddle, he led the wolf dog and a few Japanese soldiers towards the puddle with guns in hand.

Yuesong lay lying in the deep mud, holding the shell gun in his right hand, looking through the withered grass with his eyes calmly at the big wolf dog and the Japanese, holding his breath and observing quietly.

The lieutenant led the wolfdog around the puddle and stared at the dead grass in the puddle for a while. Then he pretended to shout into the puddle: "Who? Come out. If you don't come out again, you'll shoot!"

Ke Yuesong held the shell gun tightly in his right hand, stared calmly at the wolfdog and the Japanese with his eyes, held his breath, and remained motionless, as steady as a mountain.

The wolfdog sniffed at the puddle for a while, barked at the puddle a few more times, and then waggled its tail and walked forward. Seeing that there was no movement, the lieutenant led the Japanese soldiers and walked out of the woods.

Yuesong stayed quietly in the mud, and the time passed minute by minute. Although he was already shivering a little from the cold, he must not go out at this time, otherwise, he would definitely be discovered by the Japanese.

After Yuesong shivered with cold in the mud for more than ten minutes, the Japanese patrol team and the big wolfdog finally passed by more than ten meters away. After waiting for another four or five minutes, Yuesong saw the Japanese patrolling the little devils and the big wolfdog.

The distance was more than 200 meters before I crawled out of the mud with difficulty.

Yuesong rolled around in the grass, wiping off some wet mud and letting himself warm up while rolling. After ten minutes, Yuesong felt that his limbs were slowly regaining consciousness from the stiffness.

Yuesong was still thinking about the two senior Japanese officers. As soon as he felt his body became more flexible, he quickly wiped his sniper rifle with dry grass, tore off a piece of cloth from his underwear, and wiped the sniper rifle carefully.

He checked the gun bolt, chamber, and muzzle carefully, and after adjusting everything, he quietly moved towards the big rock in the grass that he had previously avoided.

Yuesong hid behind a stone, picked up the sniper rifle and took a look. Haha, those two old devils were still playing Go. Yuesong grabbed a handful of fine soil and tested the wind speed. It was very good. There was almost no wind. And the warm sun was light.

The light was excellent. Yuesong picked up the rifle and observed the movements of the Japanese sentries through the sniper scope. Seeing that everything was as usual, he took aim at the Japanese major general who had his back to him. Based on his previous experience of long-distance sniping,

, aiming too accurately is actually not very credible, so Yuesong aimed at the rear of the major general, then raised the muzzle of the gun, then adjusted his breathing, stabilized his heartbeat, tightened the butt of the gun, and touched the trigger with his index finger.

I was about to shoot. But then I thought about it. There were Japanese soldiers in front of me and behind me. When the gun went off, where would I run? No, I couldn't act recklessly. I had to find a way out before shooting.

Thinking of this, Yuesong quickly put away his gun and ran lightly towards the north. After some reconnaissance, Yuesong found that there was actually a relatively steep hillside due to the north. Going up was the mountain, and the Japanese had no equipment there.

Sentinels, only the occasional patrol team went over for inspection. At this moment, Yuesong suddenly felt that he was too stupid. Why did he hide in the mud and freeze just now? It would be fine if he ran north. Yuesong knocked on his head

, still felt it was not interesting enough, so he slapped himself on the face again, but not very hard, but still felt that it was interesting enough, so he smiled slightly and ran towards the stone gently.

Yuesong lay down behind the stone, picked up the sniper rifle, and looked through the sniper scope. The major general was pointing his right hand at the colonel, laughing and saying something. It seemed that the game of Go had been finished, so he had to start quickly, or else

It was too late. Yuesong held his breath, stabilized his heartbeat, took aim, and pulled the trigger. The bullet shot out with a "pop". Yuesong did not check whether the major general had been shot, and immediately pulled the bolt of the gun and changed the bullet.

Aiming at the colonel's chest, shooting, and then looking through the sniper scope, he saw that the major general was lying on the huge stone, and the colonel fell to the ground on his back with his right hand covering his chest.

"Yeah!" Yuesong shouted softly, raised his fist with his right hand, happily picked up the sniper rifle, and celebrated by himself. After celebrating, he quietly ran towards the northern hillside.

After running for more than a hundred meters, Yuesong stopped, squatted on the ground, and looked around through the sniper scope. The Japs warning soldiers to the west had already surrounded the place where the gunshots were fired, and the Japs by the underwater stream in Southeast Pool

The sentry also ran towards the place where the gunshots were fired, and a Japanese patrol led a large wolfdog from the north and surrounded them.

Yuesong thought to himself, little devil, you are not stupid at all. It is not that easy to surround me? Yuesong crouched, weaving in and out of the woods, and ran quickly towards the north hillside.

After running for more than two hundred meters, Yue Songyou squatted down, picked up his sniper rifle and looked around. The Japanese patrol team in the north was about to cut off their retreat. The Japanese in the west had already joined the Japanese by the creek. Together,

Chasing towards the north. Yuesong aimed at the Japanese lieutenant who was leading the patrol team to the north, and fired a "bang" shot. He clearly saw the Japanese lieutenant falling to the ground. Yuesong ran quickly towards the north hillside with his rifle in hand, behind him

A dense barrage of guns rang out, and machine gun bullets hit the branches behind and to the side with a "boom" sound. Yuesong couldn't care so much and continued running towards the northern hillside.

After running for about another hundred meters, they finally climbed up the northern hillside. Yuesong stopped, found a pit, lay down beside the pit, picked up a sniper rifle, and patrolled the Japanese who were only sixty or seventy meters away from him.

The team took aim and found that the big wolf dog was running the fastest and happiest. Yuesong had already killed the big wolf dog. He immediately raised his gun and took aim. With a "pop" sound, the wolf dog rolled to the ground. It was possible to pass

Looking through the sniper scope, it seemed that what had been hit was the wolf dog's leg. Yuesong felt that he would not understand the hatred in his heart if he did not kill the big, nasty wolf dog, and he did not care about the Japanese who were chasing after him. He pulled the bolt of his gun and changed the bullet.

Aiming at the big wolf dog lying on the ground, he shot again, and then the big wolf dog followed the major general and the colonel back to see the emperor.

At this time, the Japs patrol team was only more than forty meters away from Yuesong, and the thirty Japs to the south were only more than a hundred meters away. Yuesong sniped and killed several Japs running in front, temporarily delaying the situation.

The Japanese were approaching him, so they ran up the mountain with their sniper rifles in hand.

Yuesong ran twenty or thirty meters when he suddenly heard more intensive gunfire from behind, and many of the gunshots should be m18***s. Yuesong thought to himself, it couldn't be brothers from the national army who came back to fight.

Thinking this, Yuesong turned around and lay on the ground, picked up the sniper rifle, and looked through the sniper scope. Haha, it turned out to be the National Army. Dozens of National Army soldiers were carrying m18 rifles and shooting at the Japanese.

Mixed with the sound of Czech light machine guns, Yuesong quickly helped his brothers and killed seven or eight Japanese soldiers in a row.

Ten minutes later, the national army brothers killed all the dozens of Japanese who were chasing Yuesong. Yuesong wiped the sweat from his face and lay on the ground leisurely recalling the joyful moment of sniping the Japanese major general and the Japanese colonel.

This kind of comfort and joy is really difficult to describe in words.

This chapter has been completed!
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