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Forty-five, sniper Ono 1

After Brother Chao killed Aoki, he did not chase the Japanese convoy. The special force is now facing a great threat from the Japanese special team. Maybe not only the captain does not know about this situation, but also the other brothers. Ouyang has already died.

, Tang Si is also seriously injured now, and the other sniper teams are not as experienced as himself and the leader. The possibility of a Japs ambush is too high, what should I do, what should I do?

Brother Chao was thinking as he walked. No matter what, at this critical moment, I'm afraid I have to find the captain. Although Yuesong is young, he has a lot of clever ideas. He might be able to come up with some crooked ideas to deal with the Japanese and the special forces snipers.

The group's ambush.

The captain said he wanted to have a sniper competition with us. Judging from the way the captain spoke, that guy must have had his own ideas. By the way, when Brother Chao rang the call for each group to set off, the captain didn't seem to be in a hurry to go far. Could it be that the regiment headquarters

What else can be done on the back mountain?

Brother Chao's head hurt from thinking about it, but he still couldn't figure out why Captain Zi was so confident that he would definitely win the competition of sniping and killing Japanese officers? Brother Chao simply found a secluded place and sat down.

, take a rest and think again.

Brother Chao picked up the kettle and drank some water. It was almost noon, and the spring sun was quite strong at this time, making Brother Chao feel hot all over.

Regiment Headquarters, Xiaohe Village, Back Mountain, Sniper, these names were rolling around in Brother Chao's mind. Brother Chao seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

Yes, to be sure of victory in the competition of sniping and killing Japanese officers, I'm afraid it's a bit hard to say based on the number of sniping and killing Japanese officers. It's not that Brother Chao doesn't believe in the captain's marksmanship. The key is how many Japanese officers can be killed.

It depends on how many opportunities you can encounter. Even if you search in such a large area, you are guaranteed to find more than other sniper teams.

Well, yes, if you want to win, you have to find the high-ranking Japanese official. But there are so many Japanese troops, and there is no information on where the high-ranking official is. Who knows, how to find him. Regiment headquarters, Xiaohe Village, back mountain, sniper kill

.Oh, haha, arrogant Luo Yuesong, you kid, shouldn't you be waiting there for the Japanese high-ranking officials to go to Xiaohe Village? Go to our regiment headquarters.

When Brother Chao thought of this, he suddenly woke up, stood up, picked up the sniper rifle, and rushed towards Xiaohe Village.

"Dududududu" roared. Yuesong looked up and saw, wow, four or five Japanese motorcycles were clearing the way, followed closely by two large trucks. The trucks were crowded with Japanese soldiers with guns and live ammunition, and there were also some Japanese soldiers in the middle.

A fully armored Japs car. Haha, Yuesong's spirits immediately rose. Sure enough, the Japs' high-ranking officer wanted to come to the headquarters of the Second Regiment to have a look. Grandma is such a bear, thinking that it would be ok if the political commissar of the regiment leader evacuated.

You just casually come to my regiment headquarters for a walk. In this world of my country, you, your little devil, can only come and go.

Although Yuesong is happy in his heart, he doesn't dare to be careless. Looking at the enemy's formation, it is estimated that there is only one chance to shoot. He can't be too excited now. He has to wait calmly and wait for the moment when the Japanese official gets off the car.

If you get the chance, shoot him and run away. Yuesong thought of this, holding the sniper rifle in both hands, moving the muzzle, staring closely at the armored car in the middle of the Japanese that was armed like a bastard shell.

Brother Chao hurriedly hurriedly arrived at the river in Xiaohe Village. As soon as he arrived at the river, he heard the roar of the Japs' motorcycles and cars. It seemed that a high-ranking Japs official was coming, and maybe it was him just now.

The group of Japs who tried to sneak attack on the hilltop but failed.

Brother Chao was in the woods by the river, holding a sniper rifle and observing the Japanese carefully. The motorcycle had already entered the village, and the armored vehicle was slowly crawling into the village at the entrance. At this moment, Brother Chao discovered that another enemy appeared on the road.

Two motorcycles, look at the dust on the road. It seems that the Japs on these two motorcycles are in a hurry. Brother Chao suddenly discovered through the sniper scope that there was actually a Japs sitting on the motorcycle behind.

Lieutenant Colonel, that Japanese Lieutenant Colonel is also holding a sniper rifle in his hand. Look at the few Japanese soldiers around the Japanese Lieutenant Colonel. They are all wearing the same type of weapons. Could it be that this Japanese Lieutenant Colonel is Meikawa? Could he be dealing with our special forces?

The team is the special team led by Umekawa?

It turned out that after Meichuan learned that Aoki had been shot and killed by a sniper, he immediately understood that Luo Yuesong's special forces team would probably attack Ono, who was on his way to the headquarters of the Second Regiment of the New Fourth Army, and immediately led the group of people following him non-stop towards Xiahe Village.


Yuesong didn't know these things, but Meichuan came in the dusty way behind the Japanese convoy. Yuesong saw it in his eyes and knew it in his heart. From the sniper rifle in the hands of Meichuan and the hundreds of Japanese weapons in the hands of his Japanese soldiers*

**, Yuesong understood why from last night to now, there have been Japanese soldiers who seem to be chasing our sniper team. It seems that it is Meichuan who is causing trouble again. "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will be invincible in a hundred battles" is not a fun saying.

, this damn thing Meichuan knows me too well. So, no matter whether I can kill the Japanese official in the bastard's shell today, the next job we have to do is to target Meichuan. Otherwise, we

Sooner or later, the special forces team will be destroyed in his hands.

Yuesong thought about it and decided to ignore the ghost for the time being and catch a ready-made one first. Yuesong turned his gun back and aimed at the bastard shell wholeheartedly.

Brother Chao is now almost certain that the captain is on the mountain behind Xiaohe Village. However, not only are the Japs in Xiaohe Village tightly guarded, but the Japs' special team has also come over. Even if the captain successfully shoots and kills the Japs high-ranking official, he may have to evacuate.

They will also encounter great difficulties. Brother Chao wants to help the captain, but if he runs directly towards the back mountain, he might expose the captain's position. From the back mountain to the village, it is only more than 300 meters.

distance, once the Japanese army is chasing towards the back mountain, it will be a big trouble to ask the Japanese to pursue. Besides, if the Japanese arrange a small team at the top of the mountain, it will be obvious enough for the captain, plus

The captain would really be unable to defend against such a secret stabbing.

Brother Chao decided to form an echelon formation with the captain, and rushed behind the captain himself. Once a Japanese enemy attacked,

If the captain is not in a good position, he can still strike first. Even if the Japanese don't stab him secretly, he can also provide cover for the captain when he retreats. Brother Chao got up and ran northwest along the river.

After the Japs convoy entered the village, the Japs on two trucks and four or five motorcycles all got off. Within a few minutes, the Japs put the entire Xiaohe Village under martial law. It was really secretive.

It smells like airtightness.

However, Yuesong didn't pay attention to the Japanese soldiers at all. Instead, he held a sniper rifle and waited for the Japanese high-ranking officer to get out of the car.

The door of the bastard shell opened, and two Japanese soldiers jumped out of the car, holding rifles and standing beside the car. Then another lieutenant got out. The lieutenant walked to the front door, opened the door, and covered it with his hands.

A Japanese commander bent over and was about to get out of the car.

Yuesong held his breath and touched the trigger with his right index finger. The Japanese lieutenant blocked the Japanese commander, and Yuesong waited.

The Japanese commander got out of the car, and the Japanese lieutenant stood aside. The Japanese commander stood by the car door, looking up at the regimental courtyard. Yuesong took a breath and prepared to pull the trigger.

With a "beep-" sound, a motorcycle suddenly rushed over. Meichuan jumped off the motorcycle, took three steps and two steps, and ran to the Japanese commander.

Meichuan's grandma was really smarter than a monkey. Meichuan didn't say anything more, but while protecting the colonel with his body, he invited the colonel into the courtyard of the regiment headquarters.

Yuesong held a sniper rifle and watched helplessly as Meichuan escorted the Japanese colonel in. He was so angry that he almost cursed. Yuesong really wanted to kill this dead Meichuan with one shot. After defeating Meichuan, I'm afraid he won't think about it again.

There is no chance for the Japanese colonel. After all, Meichuan works with my special team every day. After killing him, I will have many opportunities. Yuesong knows that the sniper must not lose his temper. He has to endure it and wait. When he went in, there was no chance.

There's a chance, maybe I'll have a chance when it comes out.

Brother Chao ran quickly in circles in the forest. Time is life. Brother Chao had to not expose himself, but also ensured that he got to the cover position before the captain opened fire. Brother Chao held the sniper rifle and quickened his pace, taking small steps.


Meichuan is Meichuan. The hateful thing about Meichuan is not only that he came when he shouldn't have come, but he stood there when he shouldn't have been standing next to the colonel. Meichuan protected the colonel and entered the small courtyard. The colonel looked around in the small courtyard.

, walked into the regiment headquarters, and while he was looking at the extremely poor New Fourth Army Corps-level headquarters, the boy Meichuan used another little trick, which made Yuesong hate him so much.

When Umekawa saw Colonel Ono walking into the headquarters of the Second Regiment of the New Fourth Army, he immediately waved and called Kanazawa who was following him over. He whispered a few words to Kanazawa. Kanazawa said "Hi" and ran out of the courtyard.

A Japanese lieutenant standing guard said a few words, and with a wave of his hand, the lieutenant led seven or eight Japanese soldiers towards the mountain behind Xiaohe Village.

This chapter has been completed!
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