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Nine, the knife chops Meichuan

Akai was still waiting patiently for his teammates from the New Fourth Army who were shot by him to rescue him, so that he could take the opportunity to shoot again. But after Akai waited for a long time, he saw that Kimura and his people had arrived under the big tree and were checking the ones he shot.

New Fourth Army sniper.

Kimura turned Zheng Hai over and put his hand under Zheng Hai's nose to try. He was already dead. Kimura picked up the sniper rifle on the ground, which was a Type 97 sniper rifle made by the empire. Kimura muttered to himself: "Poor Chinese people

, how can we fight against the empire if we can’t even make decent weapons?”

Kimura threw the sniper rifle to a soldier, then waved his hand and led the soldiers towards the west.

Akai saw that Kimura went west and found no New Fourth Army snipers, so he put away his sniper rifle, stood up and waved to the team members who were ambushing beside him, preparing to lead them to the west as well.

Just in time, Brother Chao, who had been looking for the place where the Japanese sniper was hiding but couldn't find it, discovered Akai's location the moment Akai stood up. Brother Chao was about to take aim, but he found four people with 100-style rifles appearing near Akai.

The Japs also got up. Brother Chao turned his gun again and looked to his right, but he didn't find the Japs coming yet. Brother Chao held his sniper rifle and aimed at the Japs' snipers.

Akai walked out of the grass nest and directed the team members around him to search westward.

Brother Chao aimed at Akai's chest and said in his heart, die, little devil, I have to avenge Zheng Ye.

Brother Chao calmed down a little, stabilized his sniper rifle, estimated the distance, grabbed a handful of dust, tested the wind speed, estimated the approximate angle of the bullet's deviation, and decided to aim at the upper left side of the Japanese sniper's chest.


After Brother Chao took aim, he found that the Japanese sniper was walking towards us with a sniper rifle, unprepared. However, the ground in the forest was uneven, and the Japanese sniper was about to walk up a small slope.

Brother Chao was going to shoot when the Japanese sniper walked up the hill. So Brother Chao raised the muzzle of the gun slightly, then aimed at that position, waiting for the Japanese sniper to walk up the hill.

One step, two steps, three steps, Brother Chao counted the Japanese steps in his mind, four steps, uphill, Brother Chao decisively fired, and with a bang, the bullet went right into the heart of the Japanese sniper. The Japanese sniper stepped back.

He took a step forward and fell behind the hill.

The four Japanese soldiers holding Hundred-style rifles didn't know where the bullets came from. They just saw Second Lieutenant Akai falling to the ground, so they all found cover and hid.

Kimura heard the gunfire, which came from the west, so he raised his command knife and ordered the soldiers around him: "Pursue!" The Japanese jumped one by one and ran towards Brother Chao.

Brother Chao hid behind a tree trunk, pushed a bullet, turned around and ran towards the grass roots.

When Cao Gen'er saw Brother Chao running over, he quickly asked: "Did you hit it?"

"Let's go, the Japs are coming." Brother Chao said and continued to retreat to the west.

Cao Gen'er followed and asked again: "Did you hit it?"

"What do you think?" Brother Chao asked as he ran.

"Captain Chang said that, he must have killed that Japanese sniper. Zheng Hai, Brother Chao has avenged you. You can rest in peace." Cao Gen'er said and continued to run westward with Brother Chao.

Meichuan had already appeared in Yuesong's sight, but when he heard the gunshot, Meichuan stopped.

The sound of gunfire came from the west, and the distance was estimated to be more than two kilometers. Meichuan began to wonder whether continuing to the north would be able to form a pincer attack on Luo Yuesong's sniper team. Meichuan stood there, holding a sword in his hand, thinking in his mind whether he should

Changed the direction of pursuit.

Now Yuesong was anxious and set up a trap, hoping to wait for Umekawa to catch up, but the sound of gunshots made Umekawa seem to be changing direction. Yuesong was also hesitating in his heart, should he shoot Umekawa now?

Or should we wait for Meichuan to enter the trap and then kill Meichuan and the other Japs in one fell swoop?

This chapter has been completed!
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