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Fourteen, green and yellow do not pick up

Minghe picked up a hundred-style rifle, and found three magazines from a Japanese soldier. Then he found an old pine tree as thick as two hands, pulled out a big knife, and started digging a hole.

Xizi and Xiaoyong were busy packing guns and ammunition. Xiyong also changed to a Bai-style gun and took three magazines. Xizi picked up Meichuan's gun and inserted it into his belt, and put Meichuan's 99-style gun into his belt.

He put the sniper rifle on his back, picked up Kanazawa's sniper rifle, and carried it in his hand.

Xizi and Xiaoyong took the collected guns and ammunition to the old pine tree, and put them together with their own M18 into the pit dug by the Whooping Crane.

Minghe inserted the big knife on the ground, picked up his M18 with both hands, stared at it for a while, and pressed his forehead tightly against the M18. After a while, he put his beloved M18 into the pit. But Minghe changed his mind.

Thinking about it, he stood up and walked to a Japanese soldier. He took off his shirt three times, picked up the M18 carefully, and then put it into the pit.

Xizi and Xiaoyong quickly filled the pit with their hands, picked up some dead leaves, and sprinkled them on the newly filled pit.

Whooping Crane pulled out the big knife from the ground, walked a dozen steps, and slashed several trees hard, making a mark.

Just when Tiangong was still hesitating whether to go east or west, Kimura came over with his team.

"Tiangong-kun, why are you still here? Haven't you heard the fierce gunshots in the east?" Kimura just ran over and shouted to Tiangong.

"But, there are gunshots in the west too? Why did you come here?" Tiangong asked in confusion.

"Let's go to Umekawa-kun." Kimura said and quickly led his team towards the east.

Tian Gong looked at Kimura's back and muttered: "Wow, what are you doing!" He waved his hand and followed with his team.

At this time, the temporary division headquarters dozens of miles away was set up under an old willow tree. Captain Song of the Second Regiment rode his war horse and ran to the big willow tree. Captain Song turned over and dismounted, holding the reins with his backhand.

He handed it to Xiao Gangzi and hurried to the division commander's political commissar who was studying the map on a big rock. He straightened up and saluted the military salute and shouted loudly: "Report!"

Without even raising his head or looking at Captain Song, Master Li said, "I know you're here, why are you shouting?"

Political Commissar Ren returned the military salute and said, "What's going on?"

"Hello, political commissar!" Captain Song said to political commissar Ren.

"Okay!" Political Commissar Ren replied.

"If you have something to say, say it, if you have something to say, let it go!" Mr. Li's eyes were always fixed on the map.

"Commander, didn't you tell us that the Second Regiment and the First Regiment should work together to attack an ambush in the Japanese vanguard? Why did you stop fighting?" Commander Song said hurriedly.

"You didn't bring your troops, and you came here just to ask me this?" Commander Li looked up at Commander Song and said.

"Ah, just to ask this." Captain Song said with his mouth open.

"The task given to you is to cover the relocation of the villagers. What's wrong, the communications soldier didn't convey my order to you?" Commander Li put the pencil on the map, turned around and picked up the kettle hanging on the tree branch and took a few sips.

"Commander, we are the main combat group. Just move the masses and let the new group go..." Commander Song said.

Before Commander Song could finish his words, Commander Li immediately interrupted Commander Song and said: "Oh, by the way, the second regiment that is famous is the main combat regiment. You can't move the masses. That's okay. The first regiment is not

The main group, the new group is not the main force. Let them help you complete the mission. Let's do this. Your second group will go out today and bring me two trucks of weapons and ammunition. By the way, how about adding another box of aspirin?


"Yes!" Captain Song immediately stood at attention and accepted the order.

"What is it? Why don't you listen to what you are told? Is this what the teacher means?" Political Commissar Ren scolded sternly.

"This..." Captain Song scratched the back of his head and said.

"Captain Song, now the Japanese are eager to advance and find our main force for a decisive battle. The momentum is building. Should we avoid it?" Political Commissar Ren said to Commander Song.

"What are you afraid of when the momentum is strong? Give him a blow in the head and he will be stunned." Captain Song said proudly.

"Captain Song, haven't you noticed? It is precisely because the Japanese troops are advancing so quickly and our villagers are so slow to evacuate. When the Japanese troops may catch up with the villagers at any time, we cannot be willing to fight. We have protected the villagers.

Let's deal with the little Japs who are at the end of their fight, got it?" Political Commissar Ren explained patiently.

"Old Ren, don't talk nonsense to this fool. Do you think he doesn't understand these principles? That piece of shit just makes his hands itchy and his heart feels itchy after not fighting for a few days." Master Li said to the political commissar.

"Yes, yes, Commander Song is the old foundation of our Red Army, and he is also the military commander of the main force of our fifth division. Of course, his ideological consciousness and military literacy are beyond words, but Commander Song, the devil is

This sweep is different from previous ones, have you noticed?" Political Commissar Ren said.

"What's the difference? Burn them all, kill them all, and rob them all?" Captain Song replied.

"This has to do with the international situation. Japan failed in the battle with the US military in the Pacific and lost a lot of soldiers and horses. In addition, Japan is a small country with few people and is in short supply of troops. Now it is constantly drawing troops from the Chinese battlefield to provide support.

The Pacific War, so this time the enemy forces are more aggressive, and the army is advancing more aggressively. As the old saying goes, it's called 'the faster it comes, the faster it leaves'. To put it simply, the enemy force is almost gone, and we don't have it.

It is necessary to easily confront the Japanese at this time, what do you think, Commander Song?" Political Commissar Ren is indeed a good political commissar. Having said this, Commander Song felt a lot brighter.

Captain Song stretched out his hand and touched his head and said: "Yes, yes, yes, division commander, political commissar, you are busy, I am still busy transferring the folks over there, salute!" Captain Song said and saluted the two old leaders with a military salute.

He turned around, got on his horse, and galloped away.

"This idiot, his head spins pretty fast!" Commander Li looked at the back of Commander Song and said to Political Commissar Ren with a smile.

"Old Li, you should also pay attention to your methods. If you are straightforward, you may have to change it!" Political Commissar Ren advised.

"What should I change? What do I want you, a political commissar, to do after I've changed it? I'm hungry, Lao Ren, please get me a pancake." Teacher Li continued to study the map as he spoke.

"You old guy, I will be the cooking squad leader tomorrow." Lao Ren said with a smile and walked towards the cooking squad.

A hundred meters away was the earth stove dug by the cooking team. Political Commissar Ren walked over and opened the lid of the pot to see that a pot of weeds was cooking in the pot.

"Political commissar!" Seeing the political commissar coming, the cooking squad leader held a flour bag in one hand and raised his hand in salute.

"Old reminder, how much food do we have left?" Political Commissar Ren asked with concern.

"Reporting to the political commissar, in our cooking class, the rice has long been gone. There are only two bags of flour left, one bag of sweet potatoes, and half a bag of potatoes." Lao Cui said as he poured some flour into the pot where the wild vegetables were cooked.


"Oh, that's it. Do you still have the pancakes?" Political Commissar Ren asked.

"There are three or four left for the teacher and you," Lao Cui replied.

"Oh, I don't want it anymore. Go and get one for the division commander." Political Commissar Ren said.

"Okay." Lao Cui agreed, turned around, fished out a round pancake from the bamboo basket beside Lao Donkey, and handed it to the political commissar.

Political Commissar Ren looked at the pancake and thought for a while, then said to Lao Cui: "Old Cui, ask Xiao Huang to find Battalion Commander Xu and ask him to bring a few soldiers to get some game back. Just say it's my order."

"Haha, that's great, I'll go right away." Lao Cui said with a smile, wiped his hands on his apron, and ran off to find Battalion Commander Xu.

Political Commissar Ren held the pancake in his hand, shook his head, and walked toward the big willow tree with a frown.

Seeing that several boys had finished cleaning the battlefield, Yuesong threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up, stepped on the cigarette butt a few times with his feet, and shouted to Xiaoyong: "Xiaoyong, give Meichuan's ***

I'll take it."

"Yes, captain!" Xiaoyong agreed, ran over and picked up Meichuan's sword, inserted it into the scabbard and held it in his hand.

Murong, who was on sentry duty, suddenly saw through the sniper scope a Japanese man with a rifle appearing in the forest ahead. He immediately got up and ran towards the captain and the others.

Yuesong saw Murong running over and asked hurriedly: "What happened?"

"Captain, there are Japs coming, three hundred meters away." Murong said.

"Retreat!" Yuesong gave the order, and the brothers quietly retreated towards the north.

Kimura led his team to the place where Meichuan was chopped off. When he saw the blood stains on the ground and the corpses of several Japanese lying on the ground, Kimura shouted loudly: "Baga, China pig!"

A Japanese man ran over and said something to Kimura. Kimura quickly ran over and saw Lieutenant Commander Umekawa's head in the grass. Kimura half-knelt on the ground, carefully and reverently held Umekawa's head in his hands, stood up, and lowered his head.

Holding his head and bending his waist, he walked to Meichuan's body and put his head and body together.

The corpses of several other Japanese soldiers were also placed together. Kimura led a small group of Japanese soldiers to line up and bow to pay tribute to the dead Japanese soldiers.

Tiangong also came with his team. Looking at the corpses of Meichuan and several Japanese, he opened his eyes wide and waved to his soldiers. The soldiers of his team also lined up, bowed and paid tribute to the dead Japanese.

At this time, Kimura suddenly made an unexpected move. Looking at Tiangong who was bowing, Kimura suddenly rushed up, grabbed Tiangong's military uniform, and yelled in Japanese: "Tangong-kun, you are not worthy of paying tribute to the warriors!"

Tiangong grabbed Kimura's hand away and roared: "Why am I not worthy?"

Kimura stretched out his hands, pushed Tiangu back a few steps, and shouted: "If you weren't stupid, how could Lieutenant Colonel Umekawa die for his country?"

Tiangong reached out angrily and pulled out half of the sword, making babbling sounds.

Kimura also showed no signs of weakness and drew his sword, shouting loudly.

A warrant officer ran over, stopped between the two captains, and said a few words. Then the two Japanese captains glared at each other and inserted their swords into their scabbards.

In the face of failure, the dogs known as the Imperial Army also began to bite dogs until their hair flew everywhere.

This chapter has been completed!
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