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Sixteen, a new mission

Yuesong and his brothers braved the road for two or three days. Food was scarce on the road, so the brothers had to eat wild animals to satisfy their hunger.

After arriving at Mulan Mountain, Yuesong and Medicine King Lao Wan used the weird code word to connect with each other. Lao Wan took Yuesong and the others from the tunnel to Mulan Temple just like he picked up his third brother.

Under the leadership of Huineng, Yuesong took several brothers to meet with Third Brother and his party. Naturally, the brothers were extremely happy to see each other. But Yuesong could not be happy at all, and always felt like he was pressed.

Heavy boulders.

Yuesong looked at Tang Si who was lying on the bed.

After Tang Si's treatment by the King of Medicine and the conditioning by Master Jueyuan, the abbot, Tang Si's body has improved a lot. But after all, his muscles and bones were injured, and he fell from the cliff and suffered internal injuries. He may not be able to survive for a while.


Tang Si was extremely happy to see the captain, but when he thought of Ouyang's sacrifice, he felt a little bit more embarrassed.

Tang Si's sadness made Yuesong feel even more uncomfortable. Yuesong touched Tang Si's head and asked Tang Si to lie down and rest. He quietly hid aside to smoke.

Not long after the brothers settled down, Huineng brought a large barrel of rice and a large wooden basin of vegetarian dishes. The brothers of the special forces team, who had not had a full meal for several days, devoured them one by one.

Only Brother Chao understands the captain's thoughts best. Brother Chao found out that the captain did not come over to eat, so he quickly filled a large bowl, added some vegetables to the rice, and brought it to the captain.

Yuesong glanced at it and said, "You guys can eat, I'm not hungry!"

"Let's eat something at least. I haven't eaten anything for a few days. How can I not be hungry?" Brother Chao said.

"Brother Chao, I'll eat later. You sit here and eat while I chat with you." Yuesong said as he lit up another cigarette.

Brother Chao knew that he couldn't defeat the captain, so he didn't eat himself. He put his rice bowl and chopsticks aside, sat next to the captain, and said: "Captain, what do you have to say, I'm listening."

"Brother Chao, in this battle, from the old sniper attack on the Japs to the action of sniping the Japs officers this time, we have lost several brothers. Did Brother Chao see the reason?" Yuesong looked at it.

Said the branches of the old cypress trees in the distance.

"As far as our special team is concerned, our weapons are no worse than those of the Japs. Although the Japs are more numerous than us most of the time, we are in the dark and the Japs are in the open..."

Before Brother Chao finished speaking, Yuesong said: "We have an absolute advantage in numbers in fighting that old devil. We had several sniper rifles against one, but we sacrificed two brothers." Yuesong said and twitched fiercely.

A few puffs of cigarettes.

"Yes, so this is a matter of individual soldier quality and combat coordination." Brother Chao said.

"Individual soldier quality? Combat cooperation? Brother Chao, were you in the regular army before?" Yuesong asked sensitively.

"Well, I fought in the Battle of Nanjing, and I was a sniper at that time." Brother Chao said.

"It's quite hidden. Why did the National Army's snipers attack the New Fourth Army?" Yuesong asked.

"Oh, don't mention it. The national army was defeated again and again, retreated again and again, and in the blink of an eye they retreated to my hometown." Brother Chao said.

"Where is your hometown?" Yuesong asked tightly.

"Dawu is not far from Xiaohe Village where our Second Regiment is stationed." Brother Chao said.

"Then why didn't we see you go home and see you when we were at the regiment headquarters?" Yuesong asked.

"Look, who are you looking at? My father, mother, daughter-in-law, wife and son have all been killed by the Japanese. Who are you looking at?" Brother Chao looked at Yuesong and spoke quickly and in a strong tone, with a fierce look in his eyes and murderous intent.

"You became a deserter and joined the New Fourth Army?" Yuesong understood everything immediately.

"I just saw that the New Fourth Army was still fighting the Japanese, the National Army, the National Army had already fucking disappeared." Brother Chao said excitedly.

Yuesong stared at Brother Chao for a long time, and spoke slowly but firmly: "The Chinese army is also resisting Japan. Three to four hundred brothers from my third battalion all died on the battlefield."

Brother Chao looked at Yuesong and felt that his words were a bit excessive, so he did not argue with Yuesong.

For a moment, the two brothers were silent.

After dinner, Lao Wan came, as did Master Jue Yuan and Monk Huineng.

Huineng lit a green oil lamp on the table. Lao Wan, Master Jue Yuan, Yuesong and Brother Chao sat down around the small square table. The other brothers sat or squatted.

"Captain Luo, let's have a meeting to talk about the Japs here and the mission of the special forces team," Lao Wan said.

"Captain Luo, Lao Wan is the secretary of the Mulan Mountain Party branch, and Qian Seng and Huineng are both party members." Master Jue Yuan said.

"Hello Secretary Wan, hello Master, hello Master Huineng." Yuesong greeted them one by one.

Huineng saw the way the brothers in the special force looked at his master and himself, tilted his head and said, "What are you looking at? Monks can't join the party?"

"Hui Neng!" Master Jue Yuan called his disciple, and Hui Neng quickly shut up.

"Hey, well, let me chat for a few words first." Lao Wan cleared his throat and said, "Here's the thing. News came from the Wuhan Special Committee that there is a difficult task that our special team needs to complete."

"What task?" Yuesong immediately became excited when he heard that it was a difficult task.

"In the mountains in northwest Hubei, there is an important airport for the National Army, not far from Chongqing. The planes and pilots there are all American troops. The Japanese have always wanted to find the location of this secret airport and destroy it, but they have never been able to find it.

. But just last month, while the US military colonel pilot Rice was on a mission, his plane was damaged by a Japanese aircraft. Rice parachuted and landed in our Mulan Mountain, but he was captured by the Japanese." Lao Wan said.

"Where are you now?" Yuesong asked.

"In the prison of the Japanese in Wuhan," Lao Wan said.

"Don't the party-state have some kind of military command? Doesn't it take our special forces to save a Yankee?" Ming He said.

"Yes." Yuesong looked at Lao Wan and said.

"The military commander went to rescue him, but after planning two operations, more than a dozen people were killed and injured, but they still couldn't be rescued. Besides, even if they were rescued, they would have to be sent back to the Fifth Theater Command, and the national army had no troops in this area.

, I’m afraid it will be difficult for people who rely solely on military commanders without experience in mountain warfare to complete the mission." Lao Wan said.

"Well, it's true that a Yankee can't hide in the city, and it's hard to get through the checkpoints outside the city." Yuesong analyzed.

"What's even more terrible is that the senior officials of the National Army were afraid that the Americans would not be able to handle it, so they recruited the location of the secret airport of the National Army, so they were howling in panic," said Lao Wan.

"Okay, we've accepted this mission. When will we enter the city?" Yuesong readily agreed.

"When the special forces are ready, they can enter the city." Lao Wan said.

"Hey, why are you fixing things? You can fix them when you're full, right, brothers?" Xizi said.

"That's right, do we need to repair our special team?" Shihong also agreed.

Yuesong glanced at them, and the two guys immediately shut up and talked.

"The National Army has also sent a small team to rush to the New Fourth Army base to pick up the Yankees. I am afraid they have already set off in the past few days," Lao Wan said.

"That means we only need to bring the Yankees back to the base and that's it." Yuesong said.

"That's right. As for the more detailed matters, they will become clear when you go to the city and meet Lao Lu." Lao Wan said.

"How to contact Lao Lu?" Yuesong asked.

"After entering the city, we stopped at Shouyi Street. There was an old street going east. There was a Lao Lu Braised Meat Restaurant on the old street, and the shopkeeper was Lao Lu." Lao Wan said.

"What's the password for the connection?" Yuesong asked.

Lao Wan took out the medicine hoe from the bamboo basket, unscrewed the handle of the medicine hoe, took out a small piece of paper, handed it to Yuesong, and said: "Captain Luo, keep it in your head and burn it."

"Understood!" Yuesong took the note, memorized it several times, then put the note on a clear oil lamp and burned it.

"After the people are rescued, Huineng will take people to meet you at the bottom of the mountain. You bring the people here first and stay for a few days. When the news is not so tight, you can go back to the base area." Lao Wan said.

"Yeah, it's okay." Yuesong said.

"Okay, that's it for today. You can rest. We will set off early the day after tomorrow. Huineng will take you to the foot of the mountain." Lao Wan said.

After Yuesong and Brother Chao sent Lao Wan, Master Jueyuan and Master Huineng away, Yuesong said to the brothers: "That's it, Brother Chao will take Xiaoyong and Shihong back to the base first, and Tang Si will stay here."

Continue to recuperate, and the other brothers will follow me into the city to rescue the Yankees. How do you think, brothers?"

"Captain, why are you letting me go back at this critical moment?" Brother Chao, who has always been calm, couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Captain, we are not going back." Xiaoyong and Shihong also said.

"Brother Chao, your task is still heavy. You don't need too many people to go into the city to save people. If there are too many people, it will be inconvenient to go in and out of the city. The key is to rescue them. At such a long distance, the devils are chasing and intercepting them. You have to go back and rescue them."

I brought my brothers from the special operations team to help us. Otherwise, if we were rescued in the woods and intercepted by the Japanese, it would be a loss of face for our New Fourth Army, don’t you think?" Yuesong explained hurriedly.


Brother Chao thought about it and said, yes, he is the vice-captain, so he has to do this job by himself.

"What about us?" Shihong asked.

"We also buried some guns and ammunition in the woods. They are all good guns. There is a lot of humidity in the woods. If we don't get them back quickly, they will rust in a few days. Without decent weapons, how can our special forces complete the special task?

Where’s the mission?”

"Oh!" Xiaoyong said still somewhat reluctantly.

"Brother Chao, we have something to tell you. On the way back to the base this time, you guys should visit my home in Luoxi. Firstly, you want to give my mother a message, saying that we are fine. Secondly,

Bring me two brothers, Luo Feiteng and Luo Feiyue, and let them join our special team, just say they are the ones I asked for." Yuesong said to Brother Chao again.

"Well, it's okay, I promise to complete the task." Brother Chao said.

"Xiaoyong, you have been to my house, you lead the way." Yuesong said to Xiaoyong.

"Okay!" Xiaoyong happily accepted the order.

"Okay, let's take a deep sleep tonight, wake up tomorrow and eat him again. The day after tomorrow, we'll set off together. How about it, brothers?" Yuesong said.


"Okay, go to sleep." The brothers all went to bed happily.

After a while, these tired young workers began to snore one after another.

But Yuesong still didn't fall asleep, so Yuesong secretly got up and sat outside the door smoking alone. The special forces sacrificed several key soldiers, which not only made Yuesong feel heartbroken and hurt, but also made Yuesong understand that the brothers of the special forces were

Our individual soldier skills and ability to cooperate in combat must be improved. Otherwise, if the fight continues like this, more brothers will die.

This chapter has been completed!
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