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Twenty, Scouting the Enemy 2

"Haha, reward, reward. Later, the brothers of the special team will all settle here, safe, ah, haha!" Lao Lu's happy look showed his pride in his ancestors.

"Let's go up!" Yuesong and Lao Lu returned to the ground.

When Yuesong and Lao Lu came to the yard, all the brothers were already in the yard. Lao Gu was picking up manure in ladles.

Yuesong introduced the brothers and Lao Gu to Lao Lu. Because Lao Lu was a separate secret transportation station, even Lao Gu had never been there and did not know Lao Lu.

Lao Lu also introduced Xiaoliu and Uncle Yun to everyone.

Lao Lu's wife herself said to everyone: "It's great to have so many young men here at once. Just call me Sister-in-law Ying."

The brothers called Mrs. Ying one by one, and Mrs. Ying said happily: "Lao Lu, I didn't expect our team to be so big. Oh, I thought there were only a few old, weak, sick and disabled people in our hospital. OK, OK.

, you guys sit down, I’ll get you noodles to eat, authentic Xiangyang beef mixed noodles, steak noodles, just wait, come as soon as you want.”

Yuesong looked at Mrs. Ying's tears of joy and said to Lao Lu: "All those who fight the Japanese are one family. Just look at it, ah, just one word, 'Dear!', right?"

Lao Lu?"

"Of course, Lao Gu, stop working so hard. Come and take a break, eat a bowl of Xiangyang's authentic beef noodles, and drink a bowl of rice wine we brewed ourselves." Lao Lu said, looking at Lao Gu who was busy digging out manure.

"No, I'll leave as soon as I finish. You can go in and eat. It won't stink." Lao Gu said with a cigarette bag in his mouth and smoking.

"Lao Lu, Lao Gu is right, he can't stay here for a long time, otherwise he will become suspicious." Yuesong said and then turned to Lao Gu and said, "Lao Gu, you should leave as soon as you are done.

All the fresh air in the courtyard has been stinked by you. Let's do this. Come back in two days, and then I'll ask Sister Ying to prepare some noodles for you first."

"Okay, I'll come back in two days to try something new." Lao Gu didn't even raise his head, and just smoked while busy.

Seeing Lao Gu smoking, Yuesong said to Lao Lu: "Hey, Lao Lu, ask Liu Zi to buy me some packs of big cocks. Here, here is the money."

"Isn't it just a few packs of cigarettes? There's nothing to pay for it. Xiao Liu, go and buy a few packs for the captain." Lao Lu said and took the brothers into the main room. Everyone sat down and sat in front of Sister Ying.

Rice wine and rice wine are also served.

The brothers chatted while eating. Yuesong and Lao Lu sat together, and Lao Lu introduced the situation to Yuesong.

It turned out that the American was the deputy captain of the flying group with the rank of lieutenant colonel. When he was covering a reconnaissance plane, he was entangled by several Japanese fighter jets. After the plane was hit on the side, he had to parachute out, but was captured by the Japanese.

The Japanese knew that the National Army had a secret airport, but they could never find the specific location. So as soon as they caught Rice, they immediately sent him to Wuhan, where Lieutenant Colonel Fujima Inoue of the Special High School Division was in charge of interrogation. They wanted to get rid of Rice.

He knows the location of the secret airport from his mouth.

Inoue has already interrogated Rice twice, but did not get any valuable information. The military commander also organized two rescues, and once he went directly to the prison. Although he was dressed as a Japanese, he also obtained the interrogation documents, but he was arrested as soon as he entered.

After finding out, all the seven military agents who entered died heroically. One time, they robbed a prison car on the road, but the Japanese were not strong enough to escort them, and the patrols around them reacted very quickly. They were surrounded before they could be rescued.

Of the eight military agents who participated in the rescue, six died on the spot and two ran away.

In desperation, the military commander reported to the higher authority. After coordination from the higher authority, after all, it was during the period of cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and then he approached the underground party of the Communist Party of China and asked the underground party for help.

But despite the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, only a very small amount of our party's underground transportation stations are shared with the military command, and the rest are absolutely confidential. But for some unknown reason, the people at the Wuhan Station of the military command actually knew that in the Japanese Military Police

There are also excellent agents of our party lurking in the prison.

As Lao Lu introduced, Yuesong couldn't help but interject and asked: "Our people are lurking in the prison of the Japanese Military Police?"

"Well, it is through him that we can now know more clearly about Rice's situation. Rice has been interrogated twice and has been sentenced. However, he still has superficial injuries for the time being. If the interrogation continues, we don't know what the U.S.

Can you bear it?" Lao Lu said.

"Why don't the military commanders use the usual tactics? If they can't be saved, they will silence them!" Yuesong said.

"Chiang Kai-shek wouldn't dare, let alone Mao Renfeng. That's a US Air Force special pilot, a lieutenant colonel." Lao Lu said.

"Oh, the people in the military command have all gone through rigorous training. Not only are their personnel highly qualified and comprehensive in skills, but their equipment is also top-notch. They can't help it. This is so difficult!" Yuesong subconsciously went to take out a cigarette, but he couldn't find it in his pocket.

It was empty. Just when I was anxious, Liuzi came back and gave Yuesong two packages of big cocks.

Yuesong's eyes lit up, he tore open a box, took out one, lit it, and smoked impatiently. He took several big puffs, and this time he remembered to say thank you to Xiaoliu, but Xiaoliu was already busy with his work.

Yuesong finished smoking a cigarette and said to Lao Lu: "I have to check on the spot, otherwise, this matter may be true."

"Okay, I'll let Xiaoliu go with you!" Lao Lu said.

"Okay, Murong, take the book box and come with me." Yuesong called to Murong.

Murong agreed and came over with the book box. Lao Lu and Xiao Liu also called over.

"Lei Hang, bring me the sniper scope on my sniper rifle! The other brothers, follow Lao Lu to the darkroom. You are not allowed to come out without my order. Get your weapons ready and be alert.

Be ready for action at any time!" Yuesong said.

"Yes!" the brothers agreed and followed Lao Lu.

Lei Hang handed the sniper scope to the captain, took out another twenty shots, and said: "Captain, take it!"

"The interrogation outside is very tight, so there's no need for this." Yuesong inserted the sniper scope into his back belt and prepared to leave with Murong and Xiaoliu.

"Captain, take me there. There are several people who can help!" Lei Hang said.

"How about bringing the entire special forces team with us?" Yuesong asked rhetorically.

"Oh, no, no, why don't I go?" Lei Hang heard something was wrong in his voice and hurriedly ran towards Lao Lu and the others.

Yuesong and Murong, under the guidance of Xiaoliu, went to the site for an inspection.

Go out from Shouyi Street and go two streets to the west, which is the Japanese Military Police. Next door to the Military Police is the Japanese Occupation Force Headquarters in Wuhan. That old Japanese soldier Matsui works there and is the highest officer there. Special Higher Education Course

It is located in the headquarters compound. The gendarmerie cell is more than a dozen blocks away from here. There are many twists and turns along the way. There are many routes to choose from. If you want to ambush, I really don’t know what the Japanese will do.

Choose which road to escort. Not only that, many sections of the road have enemy checkpoints. Each level has more than a dozen enemy handles and crooked machine guns.

Besides, the prison was really well guarded by his father. There were no puppet troops inside, and it was almost impossible to see the Chinese coming in and out. Not only that, Yuesong discovered that this prison was the same place where Yuesong led a special team to rescue the confidential secretary last year.

Son, but now that we have gone in, there are still several posts for interrogation, and there are four or five Japanese at each post. What makes Yuesong even more agitated is that the tower where Yuesong used it to ambush the sniper last time

, but they have set up a Japs sentry. As long as the Japs place a sniper rifle there, as long as these few members of our special force are exposed, I am afraid they will end up like those brave men from the military commander.

Yuesong walked back, feeling worried all the way. When he saw a cigarette vendor on the roadside, Yuesong said to Murong: "Murong, go and buy me four or five packs."

"Four or five packs?" Murong asked in surprise.

"No, let's buy ten packs first." Yuesong said decisively.

"Ten packs! Oh, I got it!" Murong said and quickly ran over to buy cigarettes.

This chapter has been completed!
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