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Twenty-three, the storm rises

The sudden attack kept the Japanese gendarmerie busy all night. The Japanese searched the city over and over again. They also searched the braised meat shop, but did not find any suspicious traces. After working all night, they did not smell anything.

One of the people who attacked the Imperial Army patrol seemed to have gone underground, and there was no trace at all.

Early the next morning, the military police captain Tojo went to the headquarters to report to Matsui.

Matsui did not reprimand Tojo, but just stood behind the table, playing with the short knife and thinking about something.

At this time, Inoue shouted a report outside.

Matsui responded and Inoue came in.

"Inoue-kun, in your opinion, who should have attacked the imperial patrol last night? Could it be related to the American Rice?" General Matsui asked.

"Judging from the weapons used by the attackers and the speed of evacuation, it should be someone from the military command. The military commander's two attempts to rescue people ended in miserably failed and suffered heavy losses. In my opinion, this should be a retaliatory action by the military commander."

Inoue analyzed.

"General, I agree with Inoue-kun's analysis. During this period, I will ask the military police to strengthen their alert. However, for the sake of safety, I think Rice should be interrogated in the prison and does not need to be escorted to the special high school." Tojo said.


"General, as long as we are more vigilant and have measures in place, I think the escort can proceed as usual. In this way, we can not only dampen the military commander's arrogance, but also effectively kill the military commander's effective strength." Inoue said immediately.

Matsui sat on a chair, took out a white cloth from the drawer, and wiped the short knife in his hand.

"General!" Tojo said in a pleading tone.

Matsui waved his hand and said, "You go ahead, everything will continue as usual."

"Hi!" Tojo and Inoue bowed in agreement and walked out of the general's office together.

After leaving the office, Tojo immediately said to Inoue: "Inoue-kun, since Rice was captured, there have been constant gunshots in the city!"

"Tojo-kun, the Shina people also like fishing. You have bait in your hand. It is very fragrant. This is a good opportunity to annihilate the enemy." Inoue said with a slight smile and walked towards his office.

Tojo looked at Inoue's back and said, "The Chinese say, 'Be careful when you play with fire and you will burn yourself.'" and got into his car.

After walking for a day, Brother Chao and the others finally arrived in Luoxi. After a great battle, Luoxi quickly came out of the life passage after the Japanese troops withdrew. The tenacious Luoxi people, under the leadership of Yuesong’s grandfather,

Next, under the organization of Yuesong's two brothers, the construction of the home began immediately.

By the time Brother Chao and the others arrived in Luoxi, the collapsed houses in Luoxi had been rebuilt, and the city walls destroyed by shells had also been repaired. Because Shihong and Xiaoyong had been to Luoxi, Brother Chao and the others were very successful.

Then we entered the village of Luoxi. Walking in the village, the war seemed to have happened in the last century.

As soon as Inoue returned to the office, a warrant officer came in and reported the situation.

"What? Did the police at Tong Ren Tang notice it? Let's go, bring the plainclothes team and follow me!" Inoue ordered hurriedly.

"Hi!" the warrant officer agreed and immediately went to summon the plainclothes team.

Inoue and his men rushed to Tong Ren Tang. The rose flowers in the window were removed and replaced with a pot of cloud bamboo.

"Baga, Captain Hu, go up immediately and control Boss Sun of Tongrentang. Remember, you are not in a hurry to bring people out. Please don't panic and continue selling medicine. After you control Boss Sun, you will ambush on the spot and wait for the arrival.

The gangsters in the joint. By the way, pay attention to the pot of cloud bamboo at the window. After entering, immediately replace it with the pot of red rose." Inoue said to Captain Hu of the plainclothes team.

"Hey, hey!" Captain Hu of the traitor's plainclothes team responded several times like a pug, and immediately led the men from the plainclothes team into Tongrentang and quickly surrounded Sun Lide, the boss of Tongrentang and a communist.

Sun Lide knew that he had been exposed, and he also knew that the clerk Huang Decai was a traitor, but Sun Lide had already sent a dangerous signal at the window, so he didn't rush to run away, and there was no way he could run away. Sun Lide sat firmly on the second floor

On the round chair, he took out his pistol, put the muzzle of the gun to his chin, and said with a sneer to the traitor Hu Ergou: "A traitor like a dog will be suppressed by the people sooner or later if he can't be arrogant for a few days!" After saying that, he looked up at the window.

Lan Tian firmly pulled the trigger, and with a muffled "bang", Comrade Sun Lide died.

"Stubborn communist!" Hu Ergou cursed when he saw that Sun Lide had committed suicide. He quickly ran over, replaced the cloud bamboos in the window with roses, and then asked the men of the plainclothes team to hide Sun Lide's body and make it safe.

After that, he led a plainclothes team to ambush him in the pharmacy.

Hearing a "bang" gunshot, Inoue knew that the boss of Tongrentang had committed suicide, and immediately cursed: "Stupid pig!" After cursing, he waved and asked the warrant officer to lead the gendarmerie to ambush nearby.

The gunshot happened to be heard by Lao Lu and Yuesong, who were walking on the road and were about to go to Tongrentang to meet Lao Sun and arrange to contact the military commander to write a note in English to Rice.

Yuesong subconsciously reached his hand to his waist and tightened his grip on the pistol. He pulled Lao Lu with his other hand and ducked to the side of the street.

"No, the gunfire seems to have come from Tongrentang. Could it be that something happened to Lao Sun?" Lao Lu reacted immediately.

"Grandson, do you have a one-way contact?" Yuesong asked.

"Well!" Lao Lu said, "My traffic station is only connected to Lao Sun's Tongrentang traffic station."

"Besides Lao Sun, does Tongrentang have any other traffic officers?" Yuesong asked.

"Yes, it's Huang Decai, the clerk in the store." Lao Lu said.

"Does Huang Decai know you?" Yuesong asked.

"We know each other, I often go to their store to get medicine." Lao Lu said.

"Does he know you are a party member?" Yuesong asked.

"I don't necessarily know that. Lao Sun is very cautious, and our traffic station is only used at special times, so he probably doesn't know!" Lao Lu said.

"No matter what, we have to go over and do reconnaissance. You will follow me later. They must not know me. You keep a distance from me. If something happens, I will cover you and you can retreat immediately. Don't worry about me!

" Yuesong said.

"How can that be done?" Lao Lu said worriedly.

"Comrade Lao Lu, I was born in the war. A few Japanese soldiers can't do anything to me, but you are different. Don't worry!" Yuesong patted Lao Lu on the shoulder and said.

Lao Lu thought for a while, that's right. Let Captain Luo and the others enter the city just to save people by force. If the people of the special team don't take a moment, how can they save people? Besides, Captain Luo's remarkable statement, that was early.

Those who have heard it.

Lao Lu nodded, Yuesong smiled slightly and walked towards Tongrentang first.

Lao Lu quietly followed behind, deliberately keeping a certain distance from Captain Luo.

Near the Wanguo Hotel where Tongrentang is located, Yuesong felt a cold feeling on the back of his head. Years of fighting have given Yuesong a very keen sense of danger.

Yuesong hid on the street corner and observed carefully. The man repairing shoes at the door of Tongrentang was not thinking about repairing shoes. The man selling fruit at a stall a dozen meters away was not looking for customers, but paying attention to the pedestrians coming and going.

There were two guys drinking tea sitting at the tea stall table not far away. Yuesong could tell at a glance that they were Japanese. Although they were dozens of meters away, the smell of the little Japanese people made Yuesong follow the wind.

You can smell it. There are two people chatting on the west side of the street. The one from the traitor plainclothes team is on time. Look at his virtue, he is not a good guy.

Yuesong raised his head and looked at the window on the second floor of Tongrentang. A pot of bright red roses was blooming in full bloom facing the sun. Yuesong changed his position, pretending to buy an umbrella, and peeked behind the pharmacy counter.

Guy, that guy should be the Huang Decai that Lao Lu mentioned. Although the guy was still pretending to do business, his heart was unstable and his hands and feet were heavy. Yuesong knew at a glance that this guy was up to something.

After conducting some reconnaissance, Yuesong slowly walked out from another street intersection. When passing near Tongrentang, Yuesong clearly felt that many pairs of eyes were watching him.

Yuesong circled around and came behind Lao Lu. Yuesong patted Lao Lu's shoulder lightly, and Lao Lu was so frightened that he almost lost his soul.

Lao Lu turned around and saw Captain Luo, holding his chest with his hands and breathing heavily.

"Captain Luo, you scared me a lot. How was it? Did something happen?" Lao Lu asked.

"There are Japanese and traitor plainclothes teams near Tongrentang. The clerk was impatient. Either he knew that the pharmacy was exposed and he was surrounded, or he simply rebelled." Yuesong said.

"Oh, by the way, what kind of flowers are displayed in the second floor window?" Lao Lu asked.

"Rose!" Yuesong said with certainty.

"Yueji! That means nothing happened to Lao Sun! If something happened, Yunzhu would be the one to blame!" Lao Lu said.

"Lao Lu, the people in the Japanese Special High School are not that stupid. You have used this trick too much. You need to change it!" Yuesong said.

"That's right. You who fight every day all know about it. Why don't those who work underground know about the changes?" Lao Lu said, "Then what should we do now?"

"Let's go and talk about it when we get back," Yuesong said.

"What about the note with American characters?" Lao Lu asked.

"I'll buy a dictionary from the bookstore on the way later, and I'll edit it!" Yuesong said.

"Is that possible?" Lao Lu has never encountered this kind of situation before. In addition, Lao Lu's traffic station is easily deactivated. In fact, Lao Lu has not experienced much. At this moment, he is really unsteady.

"Let's go, no matter how big the obstacle is, we can get through it!" Yuesong said, pulling Lao Lu back.

As soon as they returned to the braised meat shop, Yuesong and Lao Lu immediately went to the darkroom to discuss how to deal with this sudden change.

Lao Lu sat at the table and began to worry about other comrades.

"Captain Luo, if that guy really rebels, wouldn't the comrades who are in contact with them be in danger?" Lao Lu said.

"I can't tell for sure. We're not very familiar with how to contact them. Do you know other transportation stations?" Yuesong asked.

"I don't know, I only contact Lao Sun." Lao Lu said.

"Let's do this, I'll send a few brothers out to investigate." Yuesong said, turning to Minghe and the others, "Minghe, you and Lei Hang are in a group, Third Brother is in a group with Cao Gen'er, Xizi and Murong are in a group.

You go out separately to investigate and see if there are any Japanese or plainclothes teams arresting anyone. If there are any, don't go to rescue them and come back immediately to report the situation."

"Yes!" Minghe agreed, grabbed the Baishi gun and prepared to go out.

"Come back and put the gun away. There are many people, so only bring short guns!" Yuesong ordered.

"Yes!" Third Brother and the others agreed, and began to go out in batches to inquire about the situation.

Yuesong and Lao Lu continued to discuss how to deal with this sudden change.

This chapter has been completed!
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