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Thirty-four, invincible

The third brother, armed with a crooked machine gun, had just retreated to the meeting point agreed upon with Xizi and Murong. Xizi and Murong rushed over, but the Japanese also came over, and the two groups of Japanese became one.

Xizi squatted on the ground, leaning against the wall, holding a sniper rifle. With a "pop" sound, one of the Japs fell to the ground, but the other Japs were still rushing from the entrance to the alley like crazy.

"You two get out, I'm here!" said the third brother, overturning the wheelbarrow in front of a house to the ground, and put a crooked machine gun on the wheelbarrow, and "click, click, click" toward the entrance of the alley.

After a burst of shooting, the few Japanese who had just rushed into the alley were knocked to the ground by the third brother.

"Third brother, we'll cover you when we get to the other end of the alley!" Murong said, holding the sniper rifle and retreating first.

At this time, several Japanese soldiers brought a wooden table over and threw it at the entrance of the alley with a "bang" sound. "Bang bang bang" the Japanese soldiers fired several shots with their 38 guns. The Japanese soldiers used the cover of the wooden table and opened fire.

The gun suppressed the third brother, who couldn't lift his head for a while. Then, the Japanese's crooked machine gun was also set up, and it fired with a "click, click, click" sound, causing wood chips to fly from the wheelbarrow in front of the third brother.


Xizi, who was hiding aside, suddenly stepped out, picked up the sniper rifle, and shot at the Japanese machine gunner without hesitation. The bullet hit the Japanese machine gunner's head. Xizi did not push a bullet into the gun chamber, but

He took a cantaloupe grenade from his body, pulled the ring, knocked it on the wall, and threw it to the entrance of the alley. There was a "boom" and several Japanese soldiers were blown away along with the wooden table.

"Third brother, I'll withdraw first!" Xizi shouted, loaded a bullet into the sniper rifle, and ran away.

The third brother took the opportunity to lower his body, holding the crooked machine gun with both hands, aiming at the entrance of the alley.

Soon, the Japs got a coal stove made of an iron bucket from nowhere, and pushed it to the entrance of the alley with a bang. Several Japs lay down behind the coal stove and started shooting at the third brother again.

The third brother shouted: "What a bastard!" Before he could finish shouting, he shot at the Japs head. But the Japs were also very smart. When they heard the sound of the machine gun, they immediately lowered their heads.


The third brother saw that the Japanese lowered their heads and stopped shooting. He stared at the coal stove, waiting for the Japanese to show up before shooting.

After a few seconds, the Japanese did not show up, but the third brother saw two grenades flying out from behind the coal stove, flying straight towards him.

When the third brother saw that it was no longer possible, he immediately rolled over with the crooked handle and hid behind a hall.

After two loud "boom boom" noises, the Japanese began to shoot in this direction again, suppressing the third brother until he could not move.

At this time, Xizi and Murong had already retreated to the other end of the alley. Murong and Xizi were on both sides of the alley. Under the cover of the wall, and the distance was almost a hundred meters, the two sniper rifles killed the two Japs in a matter of seconds.

The Japs immediately lowered their heads again.

"Third brother, retreat quickly!" Murong shouted loudly to his third brother.

The third brother looked up and saw that the Japs had been suppressed by Murong and the others. He immediately walked out of the hall with his crooked hand in his arms, leaned against the wall and ran towards Xizi and the others.

The three people met at the end of the alley, and the third brother took the lead and immediately retreated towards Shouyi Street according to the planned route.

Yuesong took Minghe and the others on two motorcycles and rode around all the way around. Most of the time they were running in alleys and small streets. They didn't meet any Japanese. But next, they had to cross the street and enter the opposite side.

It's a small alley.

What Tsukimatsu didn't expect was that Tojo not only sent two motorcycle teams to surround the accident site, but the Japanese second lieutenants of the two motorcycle teams followed Tojo's orders and did not run directly towards the accident site at all.

He is running through the streets and alleys, looking for people who are desperate.

When Lei Hang drove his first motorcycle and appeared at the entrance of the alley, preparing to cross the street and enter the small alley on the opposite side, Yuesong saw four motorcycles rushing towards him on the street, and they happened to cross with him on the street.

Lei Hang suddenly braked, stopped the motorcycle at the entrance of the alley, and said to Yuesong: "Captain, what should I do if there are Japanese soldiers?"

Yuesong opened the safety of the crooked machine gun with a bang and said: "We can't let them check. Once we are surrounded, we will be in trouble. Charge!"

Lei Hang stepped on the accelerator and rode his motorcycle out of the alley with a buzzing sound.

When the devils from the motorcycle team saw a motorcycle suddenly rushing out of the alley, and the people on the car were wearing the uniforms of the imperial army, they immediately braked with a "Gah" sound and stopped the motorcycle.

Before the Japs on the motorcycle could speak, Yuesong suddenly opened fire with a crooked machine gun. With a burst of "ta-ta-da" fire, all the Japs on the first motorcycle were killed. The fuel tank of the motorcycle was filled with fire.

It exploded with a "bang" sound.

Lei Hang rushed to the opposite alley on his motorcycle, braked suddenly, and stopped aside. Yuesong shouted to the grassroots behind him: "Quick, rush over, I'll cover you!"

After Yuesong shouted, he held a crooked machine gun and continued to shoot at the Japanese motorcycles. The Japanese on the following motorcycles had already hid behind the motorcycles.

Upon seeing this, Cao Gen'er rushed over on his motorcycle. Ming He sat on the back of the motorcycle and fired at the Japs with a gun. Just two or three seconds later, Cao Gen'er and Ming He

Crane led the Yankee into the alley opposite.

"Captain, let me cover you!" Whooping Crane shouted.

"Evacuate, you go first!" Yuesong shouted loudly.

"Okay!" Cao Gen'er agreed, riding a motorcycle and rushing into the depths of the alley with Whooping Crane and Yankee.

The Japanese who came back to their senses took advantage of the cover of the motorcycle and started shooting at Yuesong. Yuesong couldn't dodge, and a bullet hit Yuesong's left arm. Yuesong swayed and almost fell off the motorcycle.


"Ta da da da" Yuesong fired at the Japs, making them unable to raise their heads. However, the bullets from the machine gun were quickly exhausted. Yuesong took a shot from Mengzi who was hiding behind the motorcycle.

He took the gun and fired while shouting: "Lei Hang, withdraw!"

Upon hearing this, Lei Hang pulled Mengzi into the car with one hand, slammed the accelerator, and the motorcycle rushed into the alley like an arrow.

Yuesong took two grenades from his body, pulled the ring, and threw the grenades at the wall at the entrance of the alley.

The motorcycle had only traveled more than ten meters when two explosions were heard, and a large piece of the wall at the entrance of the alley was blown down, blocking the entrance of the alley.

When the Japanese saw the enemy running into the alley, they stopped shooting and immediately drove their motorcycles to chase them into the alley. However, when they arrived at the entrance of the alley, they found that the entrance was blocked by collapsed masonry and the motorcycles could not drive in.

So everyone got out of the car and chased into the alley with rifles in hand.

But at this time, Cao Gen'er and Lei Hang both rode motorcycles into another alley.

The Japanese had no choice but to chase and look for him.

However, to Yuesong's surprise, another Japanese motorcycle team heard a fierce battle taking place here, and the gunshots were moving eastward. The commander of the team, the second lieutenant, immediately led his men to outflank them.

This chapter has been completed!
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