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Forty-four, the first confrontation

Brother Chao took his brothers to repair at Baizhang Cliff all night. Early the next morning, he took his brothers into the forest and headed due east.

Under Huineng's guidance, Yuesong and the others quickly got rid of Tojo's pursuit behind them and took a small road directly to Mulan Temple.

As soon as he entered the temple, Tang Si rushed out of the room, shouting and hugging his brothers when he saw them. The feeling of being separated from his brothers for a long time was all seen in Yuesong's eyes.

"Captain, look, I'm all healed and can join the battle!" Tang Si stood upright in front of Yuesong, beating his chest with his fist and saying.

Yuesong stepped forward, hugged Tang Si, patted his back, and whispered: "Welcome to return to the team, the escort mission will be more important later, we brothers will fight the Japanese together!"

"Yeah!" Tang Si said, hot tears couldn't help but flow from the corners of his eyes. Yuesong barely held back the tears, let go of Tang Si, and led his brothers into the back room.

Inoue led his team to lie in wait in the woods for another whole day, but still did not see the shadow of the special forces team, so he had to lead his team to start searching.

Inoue searched the woods all morning, and occasionally saw one or two houses. Everything was quiet, and the only sounds he could hear were the chirping of birds and the flowing of the river.

At Mulan Temple, Inoue led his team to the gate of Mulan Temple. He saw the words "Mulan Temple" carved on the rock next to him, and wanted to take people in to search.

A young monk who was sweeping the floor saw that the Japanese were already standing at the gate of the mountain, and continued to sweep the floor calmly. Inoue led the Japanese team into the mountain gate, and saw a young monk sweeping the floor. He took his time and pretended not to have seen him.

Just like the Imperial Army.

Inoue stepped forward and said to the young monk: "Little master, have you seen any strangers coming to the temple?"

The young monk put down his broom, clasped his hands, and said, "Amitabha, aren't you donors just strangers? Please come with me to offer incense, and come with me to ask for tea!"

Without saying anything, Inoue led the team and followed the young monk to the temple.

Another young monk who was collecting firewood at the top of the mountain saw the Japanese coming and immediately ran to report it to the abbot. The abbot immediately arranged for the brothers from the special team and Rice to go into the cave behind the temple.

After settling in, the abbot and Huineng stood in front of the Main Hall, waiting for the Japanese to appear.

Under the leadership of the young monk, Inoue arrived in front of the Main Hall. The abbot warmly welcomed Inoue, who sat down at a stone table under an ancient pine in front of the hall and drank the tea that Huineng poured.

Although he received a warm reception, while drinking tea, Inoue winked at a second lieutenant under his command. The second lieutenant immediately led a group of Japanese soldiers and searched the temple in front and back. Fortunately, there was no damage.

Things in the main hall.

The abbot sat calmly at the stone table and drank tea with Inoue. Huineng was full of anger, but without the abbot's signal, he could only pour tea patiently.

After the second lieutenant came to report, Inoue thanked the abbot for the tea and left the temple with the Japanese.

After the Japanese were gone, the abbot asked Huineng to take Yuesong and others out of the cave.

Yuesong and the abbot discussed how to take the next step in order to avoid the pursuit of the Japanese.

The abbot still asked Hui Neng to continue leading the special force. Hui Neng accepted the task happily, but Hui Neng hesitated, as if he wanted to say something.

"Huineng, how many years have you been following me?" the abbot asked.

"It's been more than twenty years. Thank you Master for your upbringing!" Huineng suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the abbot.

"Go ahead. The country is destroyed and the family is destroyed. Every man has the responsibility. As long as Captain Luo accepts you, you can let them go." The abbot waved his hand and said.

Huineng looked at Luo Yuesong longingly.

Only then did Yuesong understand that Huineng wanted to join the special force. In fact, Yuesong had known that Huineng had grown up in a temple since he was a child and had learned kung fu from the abbot. He wanted to recruit him to join the team, but he clearly saw

Huineng was the abbot's good helper, and he was too embarrassed to speak. Now when he heard what the abbot said and saw Huineng's sincere eyes, he immediately stepped forward and helped Huineng up.

"Captain Luo, please clarify!" the abbot said.

"Welcome, welcome, our special team warmly welcomes Master Huineng, right, brothers?" Yuesong said.

"Yes, welcome!" the brothers replied.

"Master, I will come back after beating the Japanese!" Huineng kowtowed to the abbot three times and said with tears.

The abbot took a step forward and signaled Hui Neng to get up. Hui Neng then stood up.

"When you get to the team, you must obey orders and observe discipline!" the abbot said.

"I understand, Master!" Huineng said.

"Master, since the Japs are clearing the way ahead, we might as well set off now and follow the Japs. What do you think?" Yuesong said to the abbot.

"Yes!" The abbot smiled and nodded.

"Then we won't disturb the master anymore, let's go first!" Yuesong saluted the abbot and set off with his brothers.

This chapter has been completed!
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