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Forty-six, echoing from afar

The commotion of Minghe and the others naturally exposed all traces of Yuesong and the others. When Minghe and the others caught up with Yuesong, Yuesong immediately questioned Minghe. When Minghe and the others explained the situation, Yuesong immediately realized

The traces are no longer hidden. It seems that we have to fight all the way back. I don't know if Brother Chao and the others have responded.

"Huineng, come here, where are we now?" Yuesong unfolded the map and asked Huineng.

Huineng looked at it for a while and said, "Here it is!"

"Well, there is at least more than thirty miles from here to Baizhang Cliff. There are Japs blocking the front and chasing behind. If we divide our troops, we will be weak. If we don't divide our troops, the Japs' attention will be all on us."

Yuesong looked at the map and simply lit a cigarette. While smoking, his head was working rapidly.

"Captain, let's go up to the mine first. There are only a few of us. We can go up within an hour. The Japanese will not be able to block the ones in front of us, and those behind us will be tired. When we go up, we will hit the ones behind first.

Then go down to the west..." Huineng said.

"What should we do if we are blocked by Japanese soldiers when we go down?" Lei Hang asked.

"It's not far from Baizhang Cliff when we go down. Maybe Brother Chao and the others will come over," Yuesong said.

"Yeah, what are you afraid of? If it doesn't work, just rush over!" Minghe said.

"Just keep fighting and charging. Your brain is not as good as Lei Hang's aura now, and Huineng's fighting style is smarter than yours." Yuesong said with all his face.

"Didn't we also kill the Japanese with their own hands?" Ming He was a little unconvinced.

"Is now the time to kill the Japanese? Tell me, what is our mission now? What is it?" Yuesong roared.

Seeing the captain getting angry, Minghe didn't dare to speak. He stood there with his gun in his arms and his head lowered.

"As Huineng said, keep the formation and set off!" Yuesong gave the order, Minghe, Xizi, and Huineng set off quickly.

Yuesong sat on the ground, took a few puffs of cigarette, put the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up, stepped on it, said to Rice: "Let's go, Mr. America!" and led the brothers up to the mine.


The fighting here was also heard by Kimura, who was rushing towards the east. With such loud gunfire, Kimura knew that Inoue and the others had encountered the enemy, and hurriedly rushed towards this direction.

Brother Chao originally followed Kimura closely, but now he saw Kimura and the others speeding up, so he thought about how he could support the captain and the others.

Just as he was thinking about it, Feiteng came over and said, "Captain Chang, there's a fight over there. Let's go quickly to support Third Brother and the others."

Brother Chao put the sniper rifle on his back and said: "No, our captain will not be surrounded by the Japanese so easily. We don't want to follow and join in the fun. Let's go to the top of the mountain over there, so that we can be condescending.

Help the captain and the others at critical moments."

"Over there? Where is there anyone over there? Who are you going to beat over there?" Feiteng said anxiously.

Brother Chao looked at the mountains in the distance, one peak after another, and said: "We only have this small amount of troops, and they have to be used on the right points. Otherwise, fighting hard will have no effect. Let's go and follow slowly."

Your third brother can learn from it." After Brother Chao finished speaking, he took the lead and headed towards a hill below the mine to the north.

Feiteng Feiyue glanced at each other and had no choice but to obey the order, so they had no choice but to quickly follow Captain Chang.

Tsukimatsu led the brothers and ran towards the mine without stopping, while Tojo led the team in pursuit. Inoue led the team to the west and came to a hillside. Inoue raised his telescope to observe the terrain.

, felt that this place near and far was the best terrain, so he took the team into hiding and waited for Yuesong and others to come over.

The brothers of the special operations team have been fighting in the wild for a long time and often crawling around in the mountains and forests. Not only are they accustomed to walking on mountain roads, but their physical fitness is also top-notch. Even Mengzi and Huineng are climbing and rolling in the mountains every day.

Fighting, this kind of physical fitness is not a problem at all. Running up the mountain is just a matter of catching your breath. Rice can't stand it. Although US military pilots also pay attention to physical training, Rice is all about it when fighting.

Sitting on the plane, a "buzz" sound passed over the heads of the infantry. At that speed, even if a machine gun was fired at the top of the head, it would be difficult for a bullet to hit the high-speed aircraft. But now it is so

The running method, let alone running up the mountain, even running up and down in the forest is unbearable, not to mention that I have just recovered from my injury, and the food I eat is simply incomparable to what I eat in the flying brigade. Oops, this is really hard.

Mr. Rice.

But a field battle is a field battle. The secret of the New Fourth Army in fighting the Japs is to run in the mountains and forests so that the Japs won't even agree to call them daddy. If one person is holding him back, and a gentleman who needs everyone's protection is holding him back, it will simply cost the whole country.

The fate of the team.

Yuesong couldn't care so much, so he pulled Rice and ran. But every ten minutes of running, Rice would lie on the ground unable to get up. Yuesong could only give Rice a minute's rest, and then pulled him away again.

When Tsukimatsu got tired, he let Lei Hang pull him, and when Lei Hang got tired, he let Cao Gen'er pull him. He kept running, stopping and running, for more than an hour, and the kid Tojo behind him was pretty tired.

As soon as Yuesong and others arrived at the top of the mountain, they immediately ordered their brothers to prepare for battle.

After more than ten minutes, I saw Tojo holding a sword in one hand and pointing forward with the other, using Japanese to order his soldiers to move forward. Looking at their team again, they almost lost their formation.

Yuesong knew that there was a very high possibility of being intercepted by the Japanese when he went down the mountain, so he had to clean up the Japanese behind him now.

When Tojo and the others were still dozens of meters away from the top of the mountain, Yuematsu said to the brothers: "Keep your sights on the target and kill as many Japanese as possible. We have to eliminate our worries now."

The words were passed on one by one. Yuesong held a sniper rifle and aimed at a Japanese soldier in front of him. With a "bang" shot, the Japanese soldier fell to the ground.

The sound of gunshots was an order. The brothers immediately opened fire with various weapons, beating Tojo until he was lying on the ground without daring to move. Even Rice couldn't help but hold the pistol and fired two "bang bang" shots, but he fired again.

By the third shot, there were no more bullets.

"Hey, Rice, I asked you not to shoot casually. Well, you just wasted these two bullets. Did you hit a single Japanese?" Yuesong said.

"It's a little far away..." Rice said.

"You still shoot when you know you're far away?" Yuesong said, turning around and shouting to his brothers, "Lei Hang, Minghe, and third brother, each throw a grenade. The others, follow me, down the mountain!"

As soon as Yuesong finished shouting, Lei Hang and the others prepared grenades. Yuesong led the brothers to retreat down the mountain. Lei Hang and the others threw the grenades out, and there were three "boom, boom, boom" explosions, and several more Japanese were killed and injured.

In addition to the previous surprise attack, there were only six or seven people in Tojo's team who could fight. Now Tojo had a taste of the power of Tubal Road. He took the remaining Japanese and lay down on the ground.

He didn't dare to move at all.

Inoue heard a sudden fighting on the mountain, and the fighting was still fierce. He immediately asked his soldiers to focus all their attention on the path down the mountain. He squatted next to the machine gunner, holding up his binoculars to carefully observe the movements on the hillside.


The Heavenly Palace is too far away. Even though we are driving our soldiers here, there is still more than ten miles away.

However, Kimura came over after hearing the noise, and happened to be behind Inoue. After communicating, Kimura and Inoue met. Inoue was full of confidence and deployed all his troops on the hillside.

When Yuesong and others reached the mountainside, Xizi found a Japanese enemy on the opposite hillside and immediately reported it to the captain.

Yuesong ran to the front, holding a sniper rifle and observing the location of the Japs and the terrain going down the mountain. He suddenly became anxious, thinking, this Japs leader is still guarding a choke point. Yuesong held the rifle again.

I looked at the distance and thought, I can't go down the mountain. Judging from the terrain there, it's probably a mountain rush. I can only go that way. Slowly, it's better than diving directly into the enemy's trap.

Good for you.

Yuesong thought of this and said to Minghe: "Minghe, rush towards the mountain over there and rush down the mountain."

Whooping Crane looked at it and said, "There is no way!"

Yuesong pulled out the big knife from Whooping Crane and said: "There is no way, don't you know how to open a way!"

"Yes!" Whooping Crane took the sword and was the first to jump into the dense bushes. He raised the sword and looked at the thorns with a crackling sound to clear the way for the brothers.

"Let's go, follow!" Yuesong asked Lei Hang to follow, and he went down with Rice.

In fact, Brother Chao had already thought that the captain would not take advantage of the Japanese's trap. The hilltop that Brother Chao occupied first happened to be facing the mountain where Yuesong and the others were clearing the way down the mountain.

Inoue held up his telescope and noticed the sound of chopping trees on the hillside in the distance, but judging from the sound, it didn't seem to be coming this way. Inoue stood at a high place and found a mountain rush in the distance, and immediately understood his opponent's intention.


"Kimura-kun, you lead a dozen soldiers to guard here, and I will go over there to intercept them," Inoue said.

"Hey, Inoue-kun, don't worry!" Kimura agreed, and led a dozen of his soldiers to guard here, and then asked a sergeant to lead another dozen soldiers to follow Inoue.

Through the sniper scope, Brother Chao saw at least thirty or forty Japs coming towards us, and immediately said to the brothers in the special force: "Get ready to fight! No one is allowed to shoot without my order!"

"Yes!" the brothers agreed and got ready for battle.

Ten minutes later, Inoue led more than 50 Japanese soldiers to the bottom of the mountain where Brother Chao and the others were, and laid an ambush on the edge of the mountain forest, waiting for Yuesong and the others to appear in the mountain. Inoue also specifically told his soldiers that Huang

Americans with big hair and big noses should pay special attention and never shoot and hurt them.

Nearly half an hour later, Minghe and Xizi appeared on the river beach in Shanchong.

"Ready!" Inoue raised his sword, preparing to give the order to fire.

But before Inoue's order was given, he heard gunfire from behind. Inoue looked back and saw a group of soldiers wearing New Fourth Army uniforms suddenly appeared in the woods on the hillside, shooting and charging towards them.

While Inoue was hesitating, several soldiers had already been shot.

"Kitamura, lead your men to block the enemy behind you!" Inoue gave an order, and his subordinate Lieutenant Kitamura immediately turned around with more than 20 people to block the attack. In an instant, a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides. Chaoge and the others were condescending and occupied the

Due to the advantage of the terrain, six or seven Japanese were killed in just a few minutes.

As for Yuesong and the others, as soon as the Whooping Crane appeared, they heard the sound of gunfire, and then they realized that there were Japanese soldiers on the opposite side. The brothers immediately used the big rocks on the river beach as cover and hid.

Yuesong took a look with his sniper rifle and saw that the Japanese on the opposite side were shooting at this place, but judging from the sound of gunshots, those Japanese were still fighting with the enemies behind them. If he was not escorting Rice, Yuesong must be at this moment.

He led his brothers and rushed forward to make dumplings for the group of Japanese soldiers.

"Lei Hang will take the lead, and Grassroots will protect Rice. Let's retreat to the northwest first!" They were already going down the mountain, and there were more roads. Yuesong made the decision without even thinking about it.

Minghe, Xizi, and Third Brother blocked the attack for a while and then withdrew.

Brother Chao and his brothers from the special force were not in a hurry to attack the Japs, but just held them back. Brother Chao saw through the sniper scope that the captain and the others had withdrawn to the northwest and had gotten rid of the Japs, so he ordered the brothers to fight and retreat.

, also withdrew from the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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