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Two, people are excited

Luo Yuesong didn't sleep well that night. He kept thinking about how to ask the regiment leader to help him speak for him. How should he speak to the regiment leader? If he spoke, would the regiment leader agree to help him? If the regiment leader helped him, what about the division commander?

Not that I will agree.

I was half asleep and half awake all night, and before I knew it, it was already dawn. I heard a knock on the door outside.

"Captain, captain."

It was Lei Hang's voice, "Coming, coming." Yuesong responded twice, got up from the bed, picked up some clothes, and opened the door.

"Captain, the commander ordered us to go to the division headquarters with the commander for a meeting. The horses are ready. Hurry up." Lei Hang urged Yuesong while fetching water for him to wash up.

"What kind of meeting are you going to have so early?" Yuesong asked while getting dressed.

"I don't know. It seems to be very important. Commander Song, Political Commissar He, and Deputy Commander Hu are all going, as well as several battalion commanders." Lei Hang filled a jar of water and handed it to Yuesong.

"It's so mysterious." Yuesong complained, but he thought in his heart that he had been thinking about it all night and finally stayed up until dawn. He probably didn't have the chance to tell the leader about his affairs.

After washing and washing, Yuesong was neatly dressed, picked up the sniper rifle and was ready to go out.

"The regiment leader told you not to bring a rifle, just a pistol," Lei Hang said.

Yuesong looked back at Lei Hang and said, "I'm used to it. Why don't you go to the meeting? Here, wipe my baby clean."

"Yes, Captain!" Lei Hang took the sniper rifle and carried it on his back.

At this time, I only heard the sound of racing horses outside the door.

"Yuesong, Yuesong!" It was the voice of Captain Song, "Come out quickly!"

"Arrived!" Yuesong promised loudly and ran out quickly.

"What the hell are you doing? You have to ask the head of the group to invite you and pick him up when you have a meeting!" Political Commissar He asked in a haughty tone.

"I'm sorry, political commissar, leader!" Yuesong quickly saluted the leader and political commissar.

"Hurry up and get on your horse!" the regiment leader said.

"Yes!" Yuesong took the reins of the horse from Xiao Gangzi and got on the horse.

"You kid, are you dreaming about marrying a wife and can't bear to get out of bed?" Biaozi looked at Yuesong and said with a smile.

"Fuck you!" Yuesong cursed, feeling happy in his heart.

"Let's go!" Commander Song waved his hand and was the first to let his horse gallop, leading a group of people to ride towards the division headquarters.

As soon as we arrived at the division headquarters, it was so lively, like going to a market or celebrating the New Year. The cadres and soldiers of the New Fourth Army were all neatly dressed, and the common people were also neatly dressed, with smiles on their faces.


When they arrived near the venue, Captain Song and a group of people handed the horses to Xiao Gangzi and tied them to the tree, and then said to everyone: "You guys go to the venue, and the political commissar and I will report to the division headquarters."

"Yes!" Everyone agreed and walked towards the venue.

When Yuesong heard that the regiment leader told him to go to the division headquarters, he quickly grabbed the regiment leader and said, "Captain, I want to ask you a favor."

"What's the matter? We'll talk about it later. The division commander is waiting for me and the political commissar to report. Look at this, the conference is about to start." Captain Song said.

"No, it's an emergency, it's really an emergency." Yuesong said, pulling the leader's sleeve.

"How urgent it is. Let's go back to the regiment headquarters." The regiment leader waved his hand and said.

"Captain Luo, can you have some discipline?" Political Commissar He turned back to Yuesong and said.

"This... okay." Yuesong turned around helplessly.

"Hey, it's such an urgent matter. You're not in a hurry to marry Dan Feng." It was Biaozi who was making trouble again.

"Hahaha." Several battalion commanders laughed together.

Yuesong raised his foot and kicked Biaozi, saying, "You kid, do whatever you do to make trouble. I won't kick you to death!"

"Hahahaha." Biaozi smiled and ran away.

When we arrived at the venue, many officers were sitting neatly on the benches, with a neat team behind them. Hundreds of New Fourth Army soldiers holding rifles in their arms were also sitting cross-legged on the ground, and behind them were the representatives of the masses.

The first stage of the venue was an opera stage, with a banner hanging on it that read "Analysis and Report Meeting on the New Situation of the Anti-Japanese War", with the New Fourth Army flags diagonally placed on both sides.

Seeing this serious formation, Yuesong and Biaozi quickly became serious. Under the guidance of a soldier, Yuesong and the others sat down on the bench and waited for the meeting to begin.

Not long after, Yuesong saw the regimental leader and political commissar also coming and sitting in the first row under the stage.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "Everyone stand up and salute!"

Yuesong and the others quickly stood up together with everyone else. When they saw the division commander's political commissar approaching, they all saluted to the division commander's political commissar. Looking at the division commander's mighty spirit, Yuesong suddenly felt a shiver in his body and thought, look for him.

If you want Danfeng, why don't you pull out the teeth from the tiger's mouth?

"Sit down!" came another command.

Yuesong quickly sat down and straightened his back, fearing that his teacher would see his laziness.

"Next, I announce that the analysis and report meeting on the new anti-Japanese situation has begun. Let us give warm applause to Mr. Li to give us a report. Welcome!" Political Commissar He said.


After a burst of warm applause, the division commander gently waved his hand, took the manuscript in his hand, and began to make a report.

"Comrades, it has been almost four years since the Battle of Wuhan. The Chinese army's war of resistance has gone from successive defeats to strategic stalemate and then to the Hundred Regiment War. Although we have not yet entered the stage of strategic counterattack, we have already achieved success.

After many battles, the Japanese army has become the last of its kind. Not to mention our fifth division alone, the team has grown a lot. From the few thousand people who were transferred from Dahong Mountain to the end of Dabie Mountain, there are now tens of thousands.

, the equipment has also been updated to a certain extent, and the soldiers have also received systematic training. Now we have small steel cannons, rifles, and some troops even use sniper rifles seized from the Japanese. Hi,

Don't underestimate this, we have Captain Luo, who can really be seen through the sniper scope and has killed high-ranking Japanese officials, right, Captain Song?" Commander Li looked at the man sitting in the first row.

Captain Song said.

"Yes!" Captain Song stood up and said with a smile.

Yuesong felt very happy when he heard Mr. Li mentioning him. He thought to himself, it seems that Mr. Li has a good impression of our buddy. He might be able to promise Danfeng to me when he is happy. By the way, I have to take the opportunity today.

Yes, if the regiment leader doesn't tell us, we'll go talk to the division commander ourselves.

"Okay, let's talk about the international situation. The desperate little devils attacked the American military base Pearl Harbor last year. This made the Americans angry. The Americans started fighting with the devils in the Pacific. I heard they were all sunk.

We have two aircraft carriers from Little Japan. I am a big boss. I have never seen any aircraft carriers. We are all big bosses. I don’t know what benefit Little Japan will bring to our fight against Japan by fighting with the Americans. I only know that recently, the Japanese have returned.

We carried out a large-scale raid on our base area, but the Japs didn't take any advantage. Then they withdrew in despair and transferred a large number of Japs. What did they do? They were transferred to the Pacific to follow.

The Americans have done it. Hahaha, in this way, the situation of our fight against the Japanese will become better. We have to find opportunities to take the initiative. Comrades and fellow villagers, do you think this is a good thing?" Li said.

The teacher waved his hand and asked everyone.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Everyone present shouted in unison.

"Down with Japanese imperialism!" Chief of Staff Wei stood up and shouted.

"Down with Japanese imperialism!" everyone shouted loudly.

"Drive the Japanese devils out of China!" Chief of Staff Wei shouted.

"Drive the Japanese devils out of China!" the crowd shouted in unison.

The atmosphere at the scene was high, but Yuesong was shouting, but he was still thinking about his own worries in his heart. As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot, no, we have lost our ambition today, and are willing to go all out. As soon as the meeting is over, we will ask the teacher for help.

People go.

"Okay," the division commander waved his hand, and everyone immediately became quiet, "Let's talk about our country. Last year, General Xue Yue of the National Army led the National Army to fight a battle to defend Changsha. Although Changsha was still occupied by the Japanese in the end, General Xue still

After a severe blow to the Japanese devils, the Chinese army organized an expeditionary force, led by the Fifth Army of the National Army's ace army. The expeditionary force was led by General Du Yuming and marched out of the country in a mighty manner. What did they do?

Went to fight the Japanese..."

The report of more than an hour passed quickly, but Yuesong's heart was beating wildly for more than an hour. Now that the meeting is over, Yuesong has to go find his teacher.

Yuesong watched the division commander walk off the platform, and walked towards the division headquarters under the escort of the guards. He immediately ran towards the division headquarters. But as soon as he took a step forward, he was grabbed by Biaozi.

"Where are you running?" Biaozi asked, holding Yuesong's arm.

"Come on, I have something to do with the teacher." Yuesong threw Biaozi away impatiently and ran forward.

"Hey, Luo Yuesong, what are you doing? You're so anxious." Captain Song shouted immediately when he saw Yuesong.

"Captain, please wait a moment, I have something to do with the division commander." Yuesong said the next word and ran away without looking back.

"What fun is there now?" Political Commissar He said, looking at Yuesong's back.

Yuesong trotted all the way, watched the division commander enter the division headquarters, and quickly slipped over.

"Hey, Captain Luo, what are you doing?" A guard stopped Yuesong.

"I'm looking for the teacher," Yuesong said.

"Wait a minute, I'll make an announcement," the guard said.

"I'm in a hurry, just..."

"It's Luo Yuesong, please let him in." Mr. Li heard Yuesong's voice.

Yuesong quickly ran in, stood at attention and saluted, "Sir!"

"What's the matter? It's so urgent!" Mr. Li picked up the teapot and took a sip.

"Teacher, I have something to ask you." Yuesong stood up straight and said.

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"This is about it..." Yuesong hesitated, looking at Political Commissar Ren and Chief of Staff Wei.

"Hey, it seems that Captain Luo wants to keep this matter a secret from us, haha." Seeing this, Political Commissar Ren looked at Chief of Staff Wei and said.

"Keep it secret, we brothers are going to drink tea in the courtyard. Let's go, political commissar Ren." Chief of Staff Wei said with a smile and pulled political commissar Ren, and the two of them carried the teapot and went out.

Yuesong looked at the two leaders sheepishly.

"You can talk now." The teacher took another sip of water.

"Yes!" Yuesong saluted again.

"Tell me, the one on the left is saluting one after another." The teacher looked at Yuesong and said.

"This...I..." Yuesong hesitated again.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, let it go. You are so rude!" The teacher pointed at Yuesong and said.

"I...I dare not say it!" Yuesong suddenly felt like a deflated ball.

"There are still things in the world that we, Luo Yuesong, dare not say or do?" The teacher sat on the bench and said, "I'm just wondering, what's the matter, just tell me freely.


"Yes!" Yuesong shouted loudly, plucked up his courage and said, "Commander, I... I still dare not say it." After saying that, Yuesong turned around and ran out of the division headquarters.

The division commander walked into the yard and said to Political Commissar Ren and Chief of Staff Wei: "What the hell is this kid doing today?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?" Chief of Staff Danger said with a smile.

"Maybe, just ask someone and they'll know." Political Commissar Ren said mysteriously.

"Ask who?" Teacher Li asked.

"Ask your precious niece." Political Commissar Ren said.

"Ah?" Mr. Li said in surprise, then said to himself, "Oh."

This chapter has been completed!
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